After advancing to the realm of the fourth order.

Lu Cang felt that some changes had also taken place in his body.

Physical fitness, it seems to have been greatly enhanced.

[You have acquired new abilities: Flesh and Blood Change, Flesh Enhancement, Spirit Enhancement].

[Flesh and Blood Changes: You can manipulate the flesh and blood of your body at will, change into different forms, and enjoy all the genetic bonuses].

[Flesh and Blood Enhancement: Your physical base strength is equivalent to the fifth-order mythical level brute force type creature].

[Spiritual Strengthening: Your spiritual basic strength is equivalent to that of a fifth-order mythical level spiritual creature


After the evolution of the nest.

Lu Cang also gained all-round enhancement in an instant.

Lu Cang’s mind moved.

The right hand becomes the style of a sickle.

The blade of the sickle is the bone, and above the bone, there is a series of muscle junctions.

“You can change the form at will, which is really good.”

As a result, the battle is much more flexible.

[The Root Flesh and Blood Nest has received a new effect – Flesh and Blood Blessings].

[Flesh and Blood Blessing: You can designate a unit per class to make it the supreme unit of that class, and this blessing can only be used once a day. 】

[The Supreme Unit can only have one class per class.] 】

[This supreme unit will gain more powerful evolution and accommodate more class genes.] 】

Flesh and Blood Slavery – A unit that surrenders to you, enjoys a flesh and blood bonus, and at the same time, you will be fully alive with control of it, and you can always explore its inner thoughts. 】

[Pick up pieces of flesh – All your flesh and blood classes can restore all aspects of their state by devouring flesh and blood (not only to restore injuries), and the level of evolution obtained by devouring corpses is greatly improved. 】

Lu Cang looked at the three newly acquired abilities.

Flesh and blood slavery.

At first glance, it was used to subdue other races.

As for picking up pieces of meat.

That should be used for recovery purposes.

If you can get special genes that improve recovery ability in the future, there seems to be some overlap?

However, as long as you have the ability to do this, it is not a bad thing.

Moreover, this can also speed up the speed of evolution, why not?

Of course, the most important ability.

Or the blessing of flesh and blood.

The blessed unit can become the supreme of this class.

After the nest has completed its progression.

The troops under Lu Cang’s command also woke up.

The fleshworms began to carry flesh and blood.

[You have obtained new buildings – Flesh Tentacles, Meat Tubes, Blood Pools


[Flesh Tentacles: When enemy units appear nearby, they are automatically activated to attack nearby enemy units. 】

[Meat Tube: Can transport flesh and blood units over long distances, this building can be built underground, and your class can escape into the meat tube of the earth. 】

[Blood pool: Can be used to restore injuries to injured units and heal all their negative states.] 】

[Evolutionary Gene Analysis Sac Has Evolved – New Effect: Genetic Integrity].

[Genetic integrity: Resolving genes no longer requires all corpses, only a part of the tissue. 】

[Description: Every tissue contains a complete set of genes. 】

Lu Cang looked at these new buildings.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

To the high-level lair, or perverted.

This new building is so overbearing effect.

That tentacle Lu Cang did not evaluate.

After all: fortifications, not built, do not know the specific strength.

But something else.

Meat tubes for transporting classes over long distances.

Lu Cang could think of if he could build this thing on a large scale.

Own class can reach any place extremely quickly.

Hit the enemy from the ground by surprise.

The most terrifying thing is that it allows the class to hide underground.

In the battle just now, the creepers were mimicking on the ground and suddenly attacking.

That unexpected attack was almost an instant victory.

If it is a future attack, all of them can be launched directly from the ground….

What a horrible raid that was?

Imagine that the enemy will be heavily defended in the center of the legion.

But suddenly, a creeper burst out in an instant, directly from which the Ten Thousand Armies took its first rank as a general.

How is this not terrible?

In the Lord’s World, it is not that there are no classes that can operate underground.

There are very few such branches of the military.

Moreover, most have very strict restrictions.

And he can let all the troops go underground…

Now only the creeper is fine.

Just imagine, in the future, if you have a super mythical level of Saint Order troops.

This class appears directly through the meat tube inside the enemy city.

How horrible is that?

As for that pool of blood.

Recover from all injuries and relieve all abnormalities.

It can only be said that the angel’s holy spring pool is not so bad.

How dare anyone say that all abnormal states can be restored?

But Lu Cang’s description of this building dared to say so.


“Unfortunately, this upgrade still did not get a new class.”

However, the improvement of this upgrade is indeed very large.

It is mainly reflected in the new architecture and effects.

The nerve capacity has been increased to ten thousand.

Neurons, on the other hand, are raised to 250.

More buildings can be made.

Compared to the previous order, it is a five-fold improvement.

“My current maximum number of classes is already comparable to that of a fifth-order lord.”

The average fifth-order lord, that is, the number of 10,000 troops.

Especially the lord’s rise from the fourth order to the fifth order was still a qualitative leap.

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