
The Mysterious Monster of the Rainforest Mist Zone

“Three orders to fight five orders, weird battle! 》

In the community, several new posts appeared in the Lords section.

However, it did not attract much attention.

The Lord’s World is huge.

There are so many lords living in the world of lords.

Something that is not a top priority and generally doesn’t attract too much attention.

However, it is also because of the large number of people.

No matter how strange the post is, someone will always click in to see it.

Some curious babies saw this post and clicked in to see the contents.

However, it was found that it was a wild boar lord who was crying about his own suffering.

Tell me about myself in the fog area of the fifth order, inexplicably attacked.

But when the lords saw the post, they scoffed.

“In the fog area of the fifth order, isn’t it normal for third-order monsters to appear?”

“Oh, the fifth-order lord, being hit by a third-order monster is also humiliating enough.”

“According to his description, these third-order monsters are still just ordinary?”

“It’s a shame.”

“Brother, if the basic skills are not solid, don’t come out to learn others to explore the mist area, and cultivate your troops!”

“Oh, I’m a fourth-order lord, and I can’t be destroyed by a third-order ordinary-level monster.”

“Brother, how many dishes do you have in that team?” A team of five thousand people, killed by hundreds of monsters? ”

“And those monsters are only three orders high?”

“If you say, the third-order mythical level monster will blow you up and I still believe, the third-order ordinary level…”

“Oh, the dish.”

The lord of the boar territory had intended to pour bitter water into the community.

As a result, this post was sent.

Most of them scolded him.

This is not to blame the boar lord.

Mainly, in the world of lords.

The rank and grade of a creature strictly stipulate the strength of a creature.

Generally speaking, ordinary-level monsters, no matter how powerful, are also the bottom of this world.

A hero-level third-order class is enough to fight ten ordinary third-order monsters.

And the hero level of the fourth order of the class, can even be said to be able to win hundreds of ordinary level of the third order.

This is the grade gap between organisms.

Their team has three fourth-order classes and one fifth-order class.

Logically, it was absolutely impossible to be threatened by a third-order monster.

But the truth is so absurd.

In just a few seconds, they were wiped out.

Even the visual recording (recording) function was too late to turn on.

“No picture of a dick.”

“Can’t even send a video, how many do you say?”

“You’re not going to tell us that these third-order monsters will kill you before you can react?”

The Boar Lord looked at these comments.

I held my breath in my heart, but I couldn’t vent it.

He couldn’t find a reason to look back.

He himself wondered.

What really happened then?

Why did he perish himself?

Everything was too fast, and he was still confused.

In a fit of rage, he closed the window of the community.

And at this very moment.

Suddenly, a message came into his mind.

[If a friendly soldier at the city gate requests to return, will the gate be opened?] 】

“Friendly soldiers?”

“Is there anyone alive?”

“Open the door!”

With his orders.

The gates open!

Several soldiers ran back into the territory in a panic.

The boar lord was overjoyed.

He could finally learn more details about the battle.

However, what he did not see was that.

Behind these soldiers, dense eyes opened.

These eyes looked around in all directions.

Then it closed tightly.

Everything, as if nothing had happened.


The Facehuggers controlled the corpses and returned to their nests.

Lu Cang looked at the huge Wild Boar Man

This wild boar man was two stories tall.

Man in front of him, not even knee high.

This wild boar man had to bend over in the cave.

Otherwise the head will surely reach the top of the cave.

“Well, this is the first time a fifth-order monster has been parsed.”

The flesh and blood of Lu Cang’s right hand regrouped and transformed into a long scythe.

With a swipe.

The right arm of the wild boar man was smoothed off.


The right arm fell to the ground and made a muffled sound.

After completing all this, Lu Cang did not feel the slightest effort.

“My physical strength is indeed a lot stronger.”

Of course, this is also because the other side has no resistance.

The Berserker Boar Man controlled by the Facehugger is already a flesh-and-blood creature.

It is completely possible to use the [Secret Steel Organization].

Tighten your muscles and make them as hard as a stone.

If that was the case, Lu Cang would never be able to cut off the other person’s arm.

The fifth-order mythical grade brute force type creatures still couldn’t cause any damage to the secret steel.

The Fifth Order and the Holy Order, after all, were still too far apart.

Lu Cang sent this arm into the [Analysis Capsule].

The current analytic sac can already be genetically resolved through some of the monster’s limbs.

And there is no need for a complete corpse.

However, because it was not the reason for the decomposition of the body, no genetic points were obtained.

[Analyzing Classes: Wild Boar Man].

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