Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 968: : Beta exchange, dedicated exchange

Chapter 970 Beta exchange, special exchange (seeking subscription)

At this moment, Zong is somewhat possessed by LSP.

In terms of appearance and figure, the mysterious businessman Beta in front of him is definitely a wonderful person. In addition, her origin and background are no less than that of Alpha, which makes Zong Shen faintly excited.

Gives a strange pleasure of conquest.

When Beta took off her clothes with Zong Shen on her back, the exciting part came.

She turned around slowly, lowering her head, revealing her flawless and delicate body.

This is an irresistible temptation for any opposite sex, and Zong Shen is no exception, admiring the graceful scenery in front of him with great interest.

Out of his final demeanor, he didn't say anything to tease her.

He just turned around with a smile without saying a word, forcibly restrained his attention, and concentrated his mind on the exchange light screen projected in front of him.

At the same time, in the mysterious realm above the dimension.

A huge crimson cube suddenly trembled.

The tyrannical majestic aura swept across the void, rippling out invisible ripples.

In this huge cube is an independent supergiant dimensional realm.

Hundreds of dimensional worlds surround a shining kingdom of God like a golden paradise in the middle like bubbles.

The owner of the Kingdom of God is the mysterious businessman Beta, and the so-called mysterious businessman is just an identity for her to perform her duties to the supreme regulator to earn remuneration.

In fact, she has already completely controlled the realm of hundreds of dimensional worlds.

In terms of strength alone, it is comparable to the peak of the powerful divine power in the legend of the Endless Continent, and the distance from becoming a **** is only short of obtaining the supreme divine power.

Such an incredible figure stands on the top of the Kingdom of God at this time, surrounded by thunder, and the golden beam of light shoots in all directions. The Kingdom of God trembles because of this, and the bubbly dimensional world shakes endlessly, causing the creatures living in it to panic and feel uneasy. .

At the moment, Zong Shen is providing **** services to one of her billionaire clones. From this perspective, Zong Shen is right to say that Beta is a worker.

It's just that Zong Shen didn't expect that the identity behind the beating worker was so tyrannical, beyond what he could imagine now.

Beta's body can process hundreds of millions of information at the same time, so he can naturally feel Zong Shen's insult and contempt for him.

Her anger also came from this, but it subsided after venting for a while.

This anger can be said to come and go quickly.

After all, she is a top lord who has lived for an unknown number of years. The things she has experienced and the experience she has are naturally incomparable to Zong Shen.

It's just that after possessing strength and status, that arrogance cannot be desecrated.

After a short period of calm, Beta's cold voice echoed in the Kingdom of God.

"What a bold lord."

"It is worthy of being called the favored person of the era by that guy Alpha!"

"Compared to this, the darling of the will of the world I have attracted is inferior to him in terms of courage and courage to break the rules..."

"We have to think of a way, otherwise that guy Alpha might really be able to seize the next round of divine power!"

Just as Beta was talking to herself, a condensed pale golden figure appeared outside the barrier of the Kingdom of God, and she noticed it almost instantly.


After whispering, she waved her hand and opened the Kingdom of God.

Then the pale golden figure appeared in a flash, and came in front of Beta's body.

"How about Beta, you should have met the one I wooed, right?"

The person who came was just a projection of the arrival of Alpha. He and Beta were not only competitors, but also old friends who had known each other for many years. They were not enemies, but they were definitely not friendly either.


Beta snorted coldly and didn't say much.

What happened in Beta's mysterious palace is absolutely secret, it's impossible for Alpha to know, let alone tell it.

But Alpha is a person with a sharp mind, and his body strength is a line higher than Beta, and it is almost instantly clear that the proud Beta must have been "educated" by Zong Shen.

He knows Beta's character very well. This guy has always been domineering. With the improvement of her strength, her domineering character has not weakened but intensified. It has to be said that strength often fuels her heart and nature!

And Zong Shen is not a master who is easy to bully.

It was precisely after he figured this out that he chose to treat each other with courtesy throughout the process.

And not just for the duty benefits of earning point commissions.

In fact, when the mysterious businessman Alpha served other lords, his attitude could only be regarded as neither humble nor overbearing.

Obviously, Beta doesn't have the patience to observe words and deeds. After all, the rise of the two is completely different, resulting in very different temperaments and habits.

According to Beta's personality, it's normal to encounter Zong Shen's bad luck.

After understanding the subtext of Beta's cold snort, Alpha didn't say much, nor did he question or laugh.

"Okay, no matter what, after this mission is completed, our divine power can be strengthened again. When the next round of theocracy is fought, with the help of a few favored sons of heaven, we should be able to grasp some divine power!"

"You and I have known each other for countless years. We don't talk about interests or friendship. We only talk about things that must happen in the future."

"You must know that the other few are not idle..."

Having said that, Alpha fell silent.

Beta's Kingdom of God has been thriving for years, and the four seasons have passed in an instant.

"You still look so hypocritical!"

"Go away, I don't want to see you now, wait until the theocracy opens!"

Then Beta impatiently waved away Alpha's projection.

Innumerable distances away, in another kingdom of God within a light golden cube, Alpha is standing in a spring garden with a shower in his hand, watering the flowers at a leisurely pace.

Butterflies fluttered around him, forming a peaceful picture of the garden.

After the projection was dispelled, Alpha stopped watering and smiled with deep eyes.

"Zong Shen..."

"I'm really looking forward to how you grow up."

Somewhere within the exclusive domain of the challenge.

Zong Shen is exchanging in the Beta Mystery Palace.

Standing next to her was a naked **** Beta, with her bowed head and her silver hair covering half of her delicate body.

Just standing there, not speaking, not moving, as if he had become a sculpture.

As for Zong Shen, he molested Beta more just to kill this guy's vigor, and the eye addiction of having passed LSP is secondary.

As a lord, he naturally has many stunning beauties around him.

From the light and vigorous Luna, to the holy and inviolable Aishia, and Tasiya who has the power of the dead to control the dead, they are all his women.

Not to mention that there are also a pair of heroic twin ranger sisters.

Even Mariel, who is as shy as a flower bone, has a deep friendship with Zong Shen in her heart.

And with the improvement of strength, the temperament and appearance of the women are also subtly improved. The appearance level of Endless Continent is not only related to the basic appearance, but also has a certain relationship with innate charm.

The acquired charm can only provide a very small bonus to appearance.

There is still a difference between the two.

Therefore, the higher the innate initial charm, the higher the foundation of appearance.

This point can be seen from the 30-point innate charm attribute of the ugly fifth princess of Avalon, Jenny Pendragon.

Under such circumstances, even though Beta's appearance is astonishing, Zong Shen will not sink into it completely, and it is common sense to see everything.

At this time, options were arranged on the projection light curtain in front of Zong Shen, which were indeed very different from the exchange options at the mysterious merchant Alpha.

However, Zong Shen did not rush to make a choice, but turned his head to look at Beta again.

"Conduct exchange screening for me."

"I don't need challenge buff items, as long as those items can bring out challenges."

"I heard from Alpha that the challenge buffs only account for 30% of the exchange items you provide here. I would like to see what are the good ones."

Zong Shen ordered in a calm tone.

Hearing his words, Beta slowly raised his head, his star-like eyes were actually indifferent, without the anger and humiliation that Zong Shen imagined,

At this time, she looked at Zong Shen as if she looked at a mayfly or an ant.

"The screening of exchange options has been completed."

After a simple answer, she lowered her head again.

Zong Shen curled his lips, too lazy to dwell on anything here, and looked at the exchange list in front of him again.

Now the interface for exchanging light curtains has become much cleaner.

Lines of options are listed above, waiting for Zong Shen's exchange.

【Excellent Equipment】

【Leading authority category】

【Powerful skills】

【Precious buildings】

【General Materials】

[Comprehensive categories of resources]

【Happy Lottery Box】

Just when Zong Shen was about to open the first option.

The mysterious businessman Beta standing next to him reluctantly raised his head again.

"I need to remind you...you..."

"The biggest difference between this exchange and the Alpha exchange is the exchange by a dedicated person."

"Even the items that different lords can exchange for are different."

Restricted by the [polite] service purchased by Zongshen, Beta must always address him as "you" instead of plain language, only honorific.

"I see."

Zong Shen was no longer in the mood to tease Beta, and simply responded.

Immediately after that, the first option was opened - [Peerless Equipment].

He wanted to see what exclusive goods were in this option.

After the option is enabled, new content will appear as the interface is refreshed.

【Excellent Equipment】

[Lord Zongshen 1999512 can exchange the superb equipment as follows]

[Space Shuttle Gate (low demigod level)]

[Quality: Low Demigod Level]

[Limited redemption: 1]

【Exchange points: 432000】

[Dragon Rider's Whip (Glory Level VII)]

[Quality: Dazzling Level VII]

[Limited redemption: 1]

【Exchange points: 245700】

[Heart of Quantum Furnace (Medium Demigod Level)]

[Quality: Median demigod level]

[Limited redemption: 1]

【Exchange points: 897900】

There are only three items available for exchange in this large option.

According to Beta, these are limited equipment items suitable for Zongshen's potential.

The lowest among them is also the starting point of the equipment of the Yaoguang level VII.

The highest even reached the middle demigod level!

No need to go into details, Zong Shen knows how powerful this level of equipment is!

Without any hesitation, he directly chose to exchange.

After deducting points, his balance becomes [5668897] points.

The balance of nearly two hundred points was reduced almost instantly.

The three pieces of precious equipment exchanged were also materialized, appearing in front of him.

The first is a small door carving that is only the size of a palm and has a pale gold in its entire body.

It is about the same size as his [thousand-kilometer-level portal (orange)], but it has a different charm. As a demigod-level equipment item, it is naturally not comparable to a mere legendary-level item.

Zong Shen raised his hand to put it away, put it in his eyes and began to observe.

The thing in his hand is like an exquisite carving, carving out an extremely beautiful gate, and you can feel the faint charm in it just by staring at it.

The power of spatial changes contained in it shows that it is a precious space transmission item prop.

Zong Shen didn't need to think about it to know that the demigod-level portal can have unparalleled teleportation power, and perhaps this item can replace the virtual channel and Hearthstone technology.

However, the specific effect has yet to be seen. Before that, he did not dare to make an assertion easily.

After all, virtual channel and Hearthstone technology belong to space teleportation technology that can be popularized and used by all people, and the portal equipment item in hand is still a single prop in the final analysis.

Thinking of this, he focused his eyes on the portal itself.

[Space Shuttle Gate (low demigod level)]

[Quality: Low Demigod Level]

[Effect: All attributes +90, space disorder immunity, space resistance +500]

[Active skill: space shuttle (you can select a direction for a space shuttle from 100 meters to 9999999 kilometers. Since the shuttle is a specified distance shuttle, the portal will automatically avoid the location that cannot be shuttled, and the final shuttle location may have Certain deviation, cooling time 24 hours)

Place shuttle beacons (up to 9999 space shuttle beacons can be placed in any area, the shuttle door can sense the beacon at any time and open the shuttle transmission, this skill has no cooldown ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ when the set beacon exceeds 9999 will replace the first beacon by default)

Open the space shuttle door (open a space shuttle door to connect to the shuttle beacon with a maximum distance of no more than 9999999 kilometers, and the length, width and height data of the shuttle door can be adjusted within a certain scale, and up to five portals connected to different beacons can be opened at the same time , each portal can exist for up to 15 minutes after opening, and can also be closed by mind control)

Shuttle invasion (it can invade any space teleportation array, teleportation channel, and shuttle channel within a radius of 100,000 kilometers around the shuttle door holder, and perform a teleportation according to this path, with a cooling time of 12 hours)]

[Passive effect: Disorder immunity (holding the space shuttle door can be exempted from the impact of space chaos on space transmission)]

(Demigod-level props specializing in space shuttle and teleportation

It can greatly improve your space teleportation ability

Before you get large-scale universal space teleportation props, it can replace ultra-long-distance teleportation to a certain extent)

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