Chapter 971 Quantum Melting Furnace Core 【Subscription】

The strategy module's evaluation of [Space Shuttle Gate (lower demigod level)] is very simple, just as simple and straightforward as its function.

Just as Zong Shen expected before, this is an equipment item with very clear functions. It has mastered three active skills and one passive skill.

The main skill among them is [Space Shuttle], which has a cooling time of up to 24 hours, but it can complete a space teleportation at a specified distance and direction.

The maximum distance reached an astonishing 9999999 kilometers!

In addition, it can also leave a maximum of 9999 shuttle beacons, with the beacon as the destination, as long as the distance does not exceed 9999999 kilometers, a space shuttle door can be opened.

Up to five shuttle doors connected to different beacons can be opened at the same time, and the size of the shuttle door can also be adjusted according to the actual situation, so as to pass as many targets as possible before the shuttle door expires.

And unlike the [thousand-kilometer-level portal (orange)] he got before, this time [space shuttle gate (low demigod level)] the number of times to open the shuttle gate is unlimited, and there is no clear limit.

The last is that it can invade the shuttle passage within a certain distance around the holder of the shuttle door, and at the same time it can be exempted from the impact of space disorder on teleportation.

If King Ragnar, who was ambushed by calculations at that time, possessed such a space demigod-level equipment item, he might be able to escape easily without Zong Shen's rescue.

It's just that Zong Shen didn't know whether the king didn't have the demigod-level item, or he didn't carry it because of the itinerary.

In short, after having this thing, that [thousand-kilometer-level portal (orange)] can retire with honor.

Zongshen is going to hand it over to Howie or Mariel to develop the territory's commerce and logistics. The distance limit of 9999 kilometers is enough to cover several giant cities in all directions around the territory, which is enough to meet related applications in the future need.

As for the [Space Shuttle Gate (lower demigod level)] Zong Shen naturally kept it close to him and used it for military expansion and exploration and development.

Its [Space Shuttle] ability combined with the precise distance of the target location provided by the strategy module is almost a perfect one-way ticket for ultra-long-distance space shuttle.

And the return journey only needs to wait patiently for 24 hours.

It can be said that this function is tailor-made for Zong Shen. If it is replaced by other lords, using [Space Shuttle] is somewhat of a blind box nature. You can only select a rough destination distance for the shuttle, and the accuracy of the data alone The level cannot be compared with the strategy module at all.

Zong Shen put away the [Space Shuttle Gate (low demigod level)], even if the equipment was completed by default.

Not only did his overall attributes increase by 90 points, but he also gained a gain of 500 points for his own [Space Disorder Immunity] and [Space Resistance].

This means that Zong Shen can deal with some space-killing spells more calmly in the future, and at the same time bear less damage.

At this time, his attributes changed again.

The relevant attribute values ​​​​become:

【Power: 1440】

【Agility: 495】

【Intelligence: 484】

【Charm: 523】

[Health value: 7922+1500 (Magic Lightning Heart Mirror) +5000) Card Medical Gem]

[Universal control value: 832]

The attributes have been improved again.

Although Zong Shen has become a little numb to the changes in his own attributes after the alpha exchange, the changes brought about by increasing all attributes by 90 points this time are still obvious, and it also makes him move closer to his goal of becoming the strongest lord.

After clarifying the changes in his own attributes, Zong Shen dismissed the attribute list with a thought, and raised his hand to pick up the second item.

It turned out to be a long whip shining with colorful light.

Of course, its rank is the lowest among the three exchange items provided by [Peerless Equipment].

But it has also reached the level of the Ⅶ level of the dazzling light level.

Holding a long whip in his hand, Zong Shen waved it lightly, and the whip was pulled out nimbly.

I saw a cloud of detonation exploded at the end of the whip, and then there was a sharp whistling sound, and even the space where it hit was broken, with ripples faintly rippling, but it was quickly repaired by the mysterious palace itself up.

The total length of the long whip reached an astonishing five meters, Zong Shen felt a little difficult to swing it, and the whole was roughly divided into three parts.

They are the brown handle with a length of about 30 centimeters, the ancient runic nodules with a length of one meter, and the main body that is flexible and connected like a spine with a length of 3.67 meters.

The colors of each piece are different, ranging from red, blue, green, white, and black, to gold, silver, bronze, and emerald. They are matched and combined to form this whip body.

However, apart from the colorful light emitted by the whip itself, there is nothing special about it.

What interested Zong Shen was the name of this whip—

—[Dragon Rider's Whip (Glory Level VII)]

Moreover, he could also keenly perceive the coercion of a real dragon exuding from this long whip, a similar feeling he had felt from Xiao Heizi before.

It's just that the coercion on this long whip is much stronger.

Even without waving it, the whip body was still suppressing the air around it autonomously, making a "buzzing" sound like a buzzing.

"Something famous."

"Let me see what this whip has to do with the Dragon Rider!"

Zong Shen was pondering in his heart, holding the whip behind his back and narrowing his eyes, entering the stage of detailed viewing of attribute information.

The list of subtitles automatically appeared, attracting his attention.

[Dragon Rider's Whip (Glory Level VII)]

[Quality: Dazzling Level VII]

[Effect: All attributes +35 points, additional armor penetration +90]

[Puncture damage: 597~692]

[Active skill: Touch of Dragon Soul LV55 (The Whip of the Dragon Rider is made of the unique vertebrae of various giant dragons. After launching Touch of Dragon Soul, one of the dragon souls can be activated randomly, and the attack of the specified dragon can be strengthened. The specific effect depends on the selected dragon soul, the cooling time is 4 hours)

Thirty-Six Dragons' Whiplash LV60 (Use the power of Thirty-Six Dragons to extend the attack distance of the next attack to 150 meters, and increase the base piercing damage by 6500 points, cooldown time is 12 hours)

Dragon Armament LV50 (you can choose red dragon, blue dragon, green dragon, white dragon, black dragon, golden dragon, silver dragon, bronze dragon, emerald dragon and other dragons to carry out dragon energy arming once, and get the corresponding talent of this type of dragon ability, and increase a part of the damage and armor value, the specific effect depends on the choice, the gain effect lasts up to 10 minutes, and the cooling time is 48 hours)

Split Whip LV55 (After the skill is activated, the Whip of the Dragon Rider can be divided into nine parts, and the attack distance is extended by 150 meters at the same time. The nine whips can attack different targets within the range according to the owner's idea, and simultaneously pierce the damage Unaffected by reduction, lasts up to 5 minutes, cooldown 12 hours)

Dragon Whip Coil LV50 (Wave the whip of the Dragon Rider to launch a dragon whip entanglement on a target within 1000 meters. If the target's strength attribute is lower than the owner's, it will not be able to break free from the entanglement, and the duration is determined by the owner. Cooldown Time 2 hours)]

[Passive effect: the power of the dragon rider (this long whip has a certain suppressive effect on dragons below the legendary median level)

Dragon Rider's Vengeance (Whip holders will be hated by true dragons that are not their own, which may affect domestication and communication. Please store it properly and use it with caution)

The joint mark of Bahamut and Tiamat (because the long whip is made of the soul of the giant dragon and the fine vertebral bone, it is marked by the joint cooperation of the metal dragon **** and the five-color dragon mother, when the long whip appears in the endless continent In the realm of the world, you will have a reaction with them, please use it with caution)

Recognized by the Dragon Rider (the long whip has been recognized by the ancient Dragon Rider, and has the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of related relics)]

(The top-level shining equipment of the ancient Dragon Rider, in fact, your [Dragon Rider Saddle] is also related to the Dragon Rider, but there is no such long whip to pull hatred

After all, the raw materials for this long whip are all epic-level dragons and legendary mid-level/low-level dragon souls and essence bones

In fact, this long whip is one of the three tokens to open the relics of the dragon riders in the Endless Continent, and there is indeed a chance to open up a relic

You must know that the ancient dragon riders are as famous as the tree shepherds. The giant dragons that once ruled the material world even trained a special dragon combat team.

But here I need to remind you that the dragon rider is jointly hated by the metal dragon **** Bahamut and the five-color dragon mother Tiamat, and the entanglement of grievances and grievances needs to be handled by you yourself)

Zong Shen is no stranger to "Dragon Rider".

After he tamed Xiao Heizi, he had obtained relevant titles, as well as [Dragon Riding Saddle (Orange)], an auxiliary beast riding item.

Zong Shen had thought about the origin of the dragon rider, but he didn't expect that there would be such a story of entanglement!

The power of this long whip cannot be underestimated, but it must be used with caution, otherwise it may attract the hostility of the giant dragon and the attention of the two dragon gods!

Although theoretically the Endless Continent has a special status in the entire dimensional realm to which it belongs, the gods seem not to dare to descend easily or interfere in a large scale, but judging from the feedback from the Raven God of Calamity and other gods who can issue oracles and sacrifices, the gods can still have some impact. It has a limited impact on the endless continent.

So Zong Shen didn't plan to use this long whip unless it was some urgent moment. Of course, if his strength reached the point of ignoring the gods, naturally he didn't need to worry about it!

He put away the long whip. Since he didn't have the equipment, he couldn't enjoy the attribute gain attached to this long whip. It is a weapon in itself, so the specific equipment judgment is completely different from [Gate of Space Shuttle (low demigod level)] .

After carefully putting away the long whip, Zong Shen stretched out his hand to fetch the last item, which was also the highest-ranked item in the [Peerless Equipment category].

That is the so-called [Quantum Furnace Heart (Medium Demigod Level)].

Its quality level surpassed the low-level demigod level, and reached a higher level of the middle-level demigod level. It is definitely a treasure that Zong Shen has never seen before!

Moreover, it has a strange shape, the size of a volleyball, with a transparent outer shell, and inside are blue, green, purple, and black hexagonal crystal columns.

The specific material of each crystal pillar is unknown, they touch and connect with each other, exuding a faint light.

It has become an absolute balance of some kind of energy faintly, brewing unimaginable mighty power.

Combined with the word "heart" appended to its name, some guesses arose in Zong Shen's mind.

Previously, through the skill system of the lord system, he successively swallowed and combined [Devil's Heart], [Chaos Core], and [Holy Spirit's Heart], and mastered the Devil's Heart, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the two The combined power of light and darkness.

So what is so special about this peculiar [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)]?

In fact, the word quantum reminds Zong Shen of a popular phrase on the Internet before the advent: "Quantum Mechanics does not make a decision".

There is also a brief introduction to the concept of "quantum entanglement" that I have seen on the popular science media, as well as some superficial interpretations.

As for the furnace, he couldn't help but think of nuclear energy reactions, including various forms of nuclear fusion/fission.

"Hey guy, why is this a bit sci-fi?"

"Is the lord system sure you didn't take the wrong inventory?"

Zong Shen was a little surprised.

Holding the so-called "melting furnace" with one hand, he looked it up with interest.

Ready to let the attribute data answer the doubts in his mind.

The relevant data list soon emerged, and Zong Shen's expression gradually became astonished and dazed.

[Heart of Quantum Furnace (Medium Demigod Level)]

[Quality: Median demigod level]

[Effect: All attributes increased by 300 points, heart of the furnace, infinite energy, universal power transformation, quantum entanglement]

[Active skill: Quantum Furnace implantation/removal (the Quantum Furnace can be implanted or removed, the host's power attribute needs to be ≥ 1500 points, and each implantation needs to wait for a 12-hour cold start time, only after the start-up is completed, the equipment is considered successful, Moving out also needs to wait for 12 hours of cold shutdown time, during which the host will fall into a coma, please choose a suitable time to complete the operation)

Furnace overclocking (overclocking the quantum furnace, allowing the host to gain a 3.0 times increase in all attributes, lasting for 15 minutes, with a cooling time of 365 days)

Energy absorption (the furnace can absorb all kinds of energy and condense its reserves into a pure energy core. This core can serve as a power source, and can also be used for self-healing and energy recovery of living bodies. There is no cooling for this skill)

Detonate the Furnace (this skill is temporarily unavailable and needs to be unblocked)]

[Passive skill: universal power transformation (after the quantum furnace is implanted and activated, it will become the powertrain of the host and continuously generate energy, which can be transformed into the strong self-healing power of the host, similar infinite energy effect)

Quantum entanglement (after being successfully implanted in the quantum furnace, the owner will be affected by quantum entanglement, avoiding any detection and induction effects, and there will be quantum random results)

Furnace Core (The Furnace Core has surging power, which can gather and be compatible with various forces, so that the host does not need to sleep, rest and eat)

Advanced Furnace (this skill is temporarily unavailable and needs to be unblocked)

Quantum Fusion Part III (this skill is temporarily unavailable and needs to be unlocked)]

Originally, I could have added more codes these days.

But why do allergic rhinitis attack in changing seasons.

My head is muddled, very uncomfortable

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