Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 972: : As expected of a precious building (Part 1)

Chapter 974 Worthy of Being a Precious Building (Part 1) 【Subscription】

Thinking of this, Zong Shen's eyes returned to the top of the exchange interface again.

First locked [Precious Building Ⅰ: Galileo Observatory·Wonder (Low)]

Then with a thought, he used the strategy module to call up the complete architectural drawings and information.

【Galileo Observatory·Spectacle (Low)】

[Quality: Spectacle (Low)]

[First floor area: 126,500 square meters]

【Number of layers: 12】

【Story height: 50 meters】

【Strong value: 120000】

[Building Armor: 380]

[Building magic resistance: 360]

[Magic energy reserve: 0/2200000]

[Star Power Reserve: 0/450000]

[Active effect: stargazing and divination (every 72 hours, activate this effect at midnight, perform a stargazing and divination, so as to roughly predict a fuzzy event line related to the fortuneteller in the next 24 hours, and obtain relevant clues, due to the event The line is in a changeable state, the result of divination cannot be 100% consistent with the development of the event line, it is for reference only)

Darkest Star Field (can be activated by consuming 150,000 points of mana and 30,000 points of star energy. It can be lured to the Dark Star Field within a territory with a maximum radius of no more than 180 kilometers, and 900 Galileo stars will be condensed to attack hostile targets within the range. When a strike is launched, each Galileo star can emit up to twelve falling star lights, causing 500+1350 points of magic damage to the target, and the darkest star field can last for up to 30 minutes. The group effect of the seventh-level blinding technique, the cooling time is 4 hours)

Falling Stars (activate/deactivate, after activation, it will consume 1500 points of mana and 350 points of star energy, and automatically drop a falling star within the territory of a radius of no more than 180 kilometers to bombard the ground, with a radius of 60 meters Enemies within the killing range cause 2500 points of blunt damage and 500 points of burning magic damage. At the same time, it causes a knock-up effect and 1000 points of blunt damage to enemies within a radius of 60 meters to 100 meters. Cooldown time is 45 seconds, meteor damage There is no distinction between enemy and friend, but they will independently choose a suitable location for bombardment)

Star Field Blocking Net (Consume 100,000 points of mana, 36,000 points of star power, light up 126,000 phantom star points, build a star field blocking net, can block and restrain a total of no more than 126,000 single targets, and the effect can last at most 120 minutes to take effect passively or the number of blocking times is exhausted in advance, the blocking time ranges from 3 seconds to 180 seconds, and the skill cooldown time is 12 hours)

Stargazing equipment (consume 5000 points of mana, activate the stargazing equipment, you can observe the starry sky, and at the same time, you can peep into the star field outside the dimensional barrier. In addition, it can also be used for head-up observation, space observation, magic power observation, up to Can look directly at a distance of 120 kilometers to 1000 kilometers, depending on the environment, weather, and orientation. During space observation, you can see hidden space trajectories and space fluctuations after transmission. Each observation can last up to 10 minutes. Wait for the equipment to rest for 4 hours)

Concentrating star ray (consumes 500~15000 points of star energy, launches a long-distance precise directional strike with a maximum range of 180 kilometers, causing 5000~150000 points of single-target penetration damage to no more than 12 targets, when the ray After the number of hits exceeds 12, it will dissipate, and the cooling time is 10 minutes)

Starlight healing (on/off, after turning on, it will automatically heal all friendly targets within a radius of no more than 180 kilometers, consume 100 points of star power, restore the target's 500 points of health and the corresponding injuries of non-severed limb damage, The same target can only receive a healing effect every ten minutes, and the cooling time is 25 seconds)]

[Passive effect: star energy absorption (15 points of star energy can be absorbed per second at night, and 7 points of star energy can be absorbed per second during the day, and the status of wartime does not affect the absorption of star energy)

Mana conversion (the reserved mana can be converted into star energy at a ratio of 5:1, the conversion operation cannot be performed during wartime, and the Star Observatory cannot absorb mana on its own, and needs to be actively recharged with mana crystals or spellcasters)

Star energy recovery (the accumulated star energy can quickly restore the building's firmness value according to the ratio of 1:1, this effect will not take effect during battle)

Star Energy Barrier (When the enemy is less than 10 kilometers away from the Star Observatory, the Star Energy Barrier will be activated automatically to create a spherical shield with a radius of 10 kilometers. It needs to consume 100,000 mana points and 50,000 star energy points, the shield barrier has 2,000,000 firmness points and 200 double resistance points, which can last up to 100 minutes or the shield is defeated, and this effect can only take effect once every 720 hours)]

(Although a complete wonder building is low-level, it is far more powerful than an epic-level building, and it is worthy of the name of a wonder

A low-level wonder building can protect a radius of one or two hundred kilometers, even if the territory becomes a super giant city in the future, it can still meet the needs

As a complete wonder building, the Star Observatory is not in a broken state like the Thunderfield Wonder, and you don't need to repair it

Of course, if the Thunderfield Wonders are repaired, the comprehensive attributes and abilities will not be inferior to those of the Star Observatory, after all, the incomplete wonders can’t exert the full state effect at all)

"There's something!"

"This Star Observation Building is an enhanced version of the incomplete Thunder Field Wonders in every way."

"Taking into account the effects of attack, auxiliary treatment, control, defense, auxiliary observation, etc., after the exchange, it can exist side by side with [Thunder Field Wonders (Incomplete)], forming a star mine defense system, and bringing the comprehensive defense level of the territory to a higher level! "

Zong Shen thought in his heart.

This star observatory is really good, which makes him very excited.

The attached several attack effects are very powerful, which can satisfy the reactionary counterattack ability in a large range.

After matching the defensive arrow towers and other defensive buildings in the territory, the density of defensive attacks can be greatly increased, which can be regarded as directly improving the compression level of the territory.

From the point of view of characteristics, this [Galileo Observatory·Spectacle (Low)] is basically similar to [Thunderfield Wonder (Incomplete)], except that there are a few more auxiliary abilities, including healing and observation, defensive counterattack and control in a large area. It has some similar characteristics to the active attack!

However, although this building is very powerful, it requires a lot of challenge points, reaching 360,000 points, which is about to catch up with a low-level demigod-level equipment item.

To be honest, there are absolutely no shortage of rare buildings in this [precious building category].

There are still several special and marvelous buildings waiting for his inspection in the future.

However, this option is limited to two types of exchanges. This is a six-choice question.

How to make a decision requires Zong Shen to check carefully!

So he suppressed the urge in his heart to exchange immediately.

He first remembered the characteristics of [Galileo's Star Observatory·Spectacle (Low Position)] in his heart, turned his eyes, and looked at the next treasure building.

Without his intention, the golden subtitle of the strategy module automatically appeared.

【Gift Therapy (Special)】

[Quality: Special]

[Unreal Holy Shadow, does not take up any space]

[Phantom Form: Sacred Heart Hall·Healing House]

[The building is in a phantom state and will not cause any physical obstacles to the main material world]

[Strength value: ∞ (will not receive any attack damage from the main material world)]

[Building Armor: ∞ (same as above)]

[Building magic resistance: ∞ (same as above +1)]

[Active effect: gift healing (can only be used once every 72 hours, can completely heal all injuries and recover body damage of a single target whose level does not exceed the median demigod level, and the healing effect on super-level targets will decrease)

Grace priest transfer (it can change the job of Holy Light spellcaster to grace priest, the basic intelligence attribute is required to be ≥ 550 points, this effect can only transfer 12 gift priests, after that, only after the death of the job transferee can the job transfer quota be vacated, After the job transfer is successful, all skills will be forgotten, but at the same time, the relevant skills of the gifted priest will be mastered. The current number of job transfers: 0/12)

Gift Blessing (you can choose a target with a radius of 100 kilometers for gift blessing every 24 hours, passively restore 100 points of health and equivalent injuries every second, the recovery time of severed limb injuries and open wounds will be extended, and the blessing lasts for 4 Hours, when blessing creatures such as enemies, me, neutral undead, purgatory, hell, demons, abyss, etc., the target will be eroded by 200 points of life ignoring armor per second, which also lasts for 4 hours)]

[Passive effect: Illusory Holy Shadow (can be placed anywhere within the territory, can overlap with buildings, does not occupy real space, and can only move three times after the location is selected)

The Twelve Gift Ceremony (After completing the job transfer of the twelve gift priests, you can pass the gift ceremony ceremony, so that the [Gift Healing Center (Special)] can be expanded and advanced)]

(The illusory holy shadow building can be understood as a sacred projection

At the same time, this [Gift Therapy Center (Special)] is also an original part of the Sacred Heart Hall, but it only appears as a projection in the Endless Continent, which does not affect its function, and there is no need to worry about the building being destroyed

As a powerful auxiliary healing building, its value is still very high. Let alone the strong healing effects of single-body [Gift Healing] and [Gift Blessing], the effect that can transfer twelve Grace Priests is the value Highest

Every priest of Grace can be compared to the eighth-rank Holy Master Priest and the ninth-rank Holy Bishop in the Temple of Holy Light. According to the current military standards in the territory, they are considered super nurses, and each of them can take care of at least five brigades. )

Zong Shen seemed to think of something when he saw this 【Gift Therapy Center (Special)】.

The so-called Unreal Holy Shadow should be another building with a special form of existence. Of course, its function is also very powerful.

The first is [Gift Healing], which can perfectly heal those whose strength level does not exceed the median demigod level. The demigod level is an existence above the legend. Every demigod has weak divine power, and can even change the continent. environment and form.

For example, legend has it that the centaurs are the foul offspring of Zaetar, son of the wild **** Cenarius.

This Zalta is a demigod powerhouse!

If you want to perfectly heal a demigod-level powerhouse in the middle, the energy consumed and the corresponding skill specifications are definitely at the demigod-level level. The key is that this [Gift Healing] does not have any consumption or additional conditions. It can be activated once every day, which can be called a quite heaven-defying single-target healing skill.

In the future [Gift Priest Transfer], although the strategy module highly respects it, in a short period of time, there will be no Holy Light spellcasters with basic intelligence attributes greater than or equal to 550 points. Spellcasters with this attribute, themselves It is the seventh level or even higher level. Unless the skills mastered by the gift priest are unique, otherwise this job transfer may not be very cost-effective.

For the time being, Zong Shen has reservations about the statement in the notes of the strategy module that the gifted priest is comparable to the eighth-level holy master priest and the ninth-level holy bishop.

He waited until he found a way to find a Holy Light spellcaster who met the attribute requirements before trying to change his job. Seeing is believing, but hearing is believing.

It is up to Zong Shen to decide whether the ability of the Priest of Enci is strong or not, after all, he is the lord!

If Priest Grace's ability is strong, then Zong Shen would have to find a way to get twelve of them even if he was selling everything, looting and robbing people. By the way, he would hold the Grace Ceremony and complete the expansion of [Gift Healing Center (Special)].

As for the last active skill [Gift and Blessing], it also belongs to a powerful single-body buff healing effect, which lasts for up to 4 hours and can recover 100 points of health per second, which is equivalent to recovering 6000 points per minute. Adding it to Zong Shen can completely make him a legendary high-ranking powerhouse!

Maybe the full BUFF can deal with demigod-level powerhouses once it is activated.

It's just that he has never been in contact with demigod-level powerhouses, and he has no idea, so he doesn't dare to jump to conclusions for the time being.

Regarding this [Gift and Blessing], it can not only bless your own side, but also add it to specific enemies, such as the undead. After adding it, you have to suffer 200 points of life erosion damage per second, and the erosion that lasts for four hours will cause Two to three million points of damage.

It can definitely be regarded as a slow killing move against specific ethnic enemies!

Needless to say, passive effects, these three active effects alone are enough to make the building value of [Gift Healing House (Special)] comparable to a low-level wonder.

In the future, whether it is Zong Shen or the other fighters under his command, even if they have only one breath left, after returning to the territory, they can be saved by receiving [gift treatment].

"How can I choose this!"

"I want them all!"

Zong Shen suddenly went crazy!

Whether it's [Galileo Observatory·Wonder (low)] or [Gift Healing House (special)] after checking the details of the building, a strong desire to possess emerges in his heart!

If you can't have both~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it will be worse than beating him to death!

The key is that there are three alternative buildings recommended by the strategy module, and he estimates that those three buildings will never be worse than the Star Observation Building and Healing!

Such a difficult multiple-choice question is enough to drive Zong Shen extremely crazy.


"I hate this kind of exchange option where money is not allowed to be spent, and points are not allowed to be used!"

Zong Shen turned his head and said bitterly to Beta.

But he saw Beta squinting his eyes and tilting his head to the side.

She seems to have accepted the reality and no longer hides her attractive body.

But Zong Shen was not in the mood to appreciate it.

Seeing that Beta ignored him, he put his attention away for a while, and was going to continue to check the other three buildings, and wait until all the inspections were completed before making a final choice!

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