Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 973: : As expected of a precious building (Part 2)

Chapter 975 Worthy of Being a Precious Building (Part 2) 【Subscription】

Then Zong Shen's eyes skipped the [ancient altar (unknown)], and looked at the next building.

He was actually a little curious about this 【Ancient Altar (Unknown)】.

Moreover, the exchange points for this building only need 99,999 points. According to the strategy module, it is of the nature of chance.

In other words, as long as the face is not too dark, the value of the recruited heroes can basically exceed the 99999 exchange points, but it is uncertain how much it can exceed.

On the surface, the exchange is for the altar building, but in fact the value is reflected in the heroes recruited, so the choice of this building is different from the other types.

Considering that there are only two exchange places, Zong Shen is not sure whether the heroes recruited by the altar will have long-term development value for the territory, so no matter what aspect is considered, ignoring it is indeed the best choice.

His luck has always been good, even without all kinds of luck blessings, he is not much worse than his younger brother Zong Ze.

Now that I have 【Lucky Maple Leaf (Special)】 and 【Anna's Divination Coin (Unknown)】, my luck is definitely not bad.

But after thinking about it, he was still not ready to give it a go.

I don't even want to spend [Lucky 100%] on the altar.

A spectacle can protect the territory for a long time, and the benefits it brings are far-reaching and continuous. No matter how strong a hero is, he cannot take care of the entire territory.

The gap between the two is still obvious.

Of course Zong Shen wants a strong hero, but there is no shortage of opportunities in the future.

On the contrary, the territory has always made him worry about it. If the territory is not strong enough, he will not be able to go out for adventures and expand the territory with peace of mind in the future!

It was with this in mind that Zong Shen resolutely skipped [Ancient Altar (Unknown)], and the option that caught his eyes was [Precious Building IV: Field of Fire·Wonder (Low)].

Just looking at the names, there are many similarities between this "fire domain" and "thunder domain".

Perhaps it is closer to the [Thunder Field Wonders (Incomplete)] type of building than the Star Observatory, but the elemental magic power has changed from thunder to flames.

Of course, the above is just Zong Shen's speculation based on the name, and the details can only be drawn after checking the details.

Accompanied by the ups and downs of his thoughts, the golden subtitles quickly emerged without any muddling.

【Fireland·Wonder (Low)】

[Quality: Spectacle (Low)]

【Area: 18000 square meters】

【Height: 260 meters】

【Strong value: 150000】

[Building Armor: 350]

[Building magic resistance: 320]

[Magic energy reserve: 0/2000000]

[Active effect: Field of Fire (can be activated by consuming 250,000 points of mana, triggering the Field of Fire within a territory with a maximum radius of no more than 180 kilometers, depending on the position of the enemy, will eject up to 10,000 roads with a diameter of A three-meter pillar of fire, each pillar of fire can cause 1500 points of magic damage to the enemy hit and last for 5 seconds, 150 points of burning damage per second, and ignite related machinery and appliances at the same time, the flame domain can last at most 15 minutes or when the number of attacks is exhausted, the cooldown time is 4 hours)

Purgatory Fire (activate/deactivate, after activation, it will consume 2000 points of mana, and will automatically drop a purgatory fire within the territory with a radius of no more than 180 kilometers, causing 2000 points of burning to enemies within a radius of 15 meters. Burning damage and lasting 8 seconds, 200 points of burning damage per second, during which the target who dies from the fire of purgatory will be transformed into a purgatory fire spirit of the same level and level, which lasts for 10 minutes)

Fire circle (consume 150,000 points of mana, build a circle around the territory within the territory, with a width of 800 meters, and a flame circle with a maximum burning height of 15 meters, which lasts for 15 minutes. During the period, the fire in the circle is burning. Causes 200 points of burning damage per second to targets passing through the circle of fire, and slows down the speed of targets on the ground at the same time, cooling time is 3 hours)

Fire Seed of Pain (Consume 10000 points of mana, plant a fire seed of pain on the designated target within the selected range, the fire will explode when the target's HP is lower than 50%, causing 500 points of burning damage per second and additional drama Pain effect, which lasts for 30 seconds. If the target is killed during the duration of the fire burst, it will be transformed into a pain fire spirit of the same level and level to fight for the territory. It lasts for 15 minutes, and only one pain can be condensed every 10 minutes. tinder)

Flame Absorption (After activating this effect, all fire spells lower than the seventh rank within the range will lose 80% of their power, which will be converted into mana to supplement the fire field and wonders. For the seventh and eighth ranks of fire Magic has a 50% and 20% absorption effect respectively, and cannot absorb the ninth-level fire magic. This effect is also effective for natural flames, and the cooling time is 35 minutes)

Flame shock wave (consume 8000 points of magic energy, cast a flame shock wave with a killing radius of 30 meters on the designated area within the range, cause 1200 points of burning damage and violent impact to the targets within the range, cooldown time 50 seconds)

Melting Beam (Consume 350~5000 points of mana, launch a melting beam with a range of up to 50 kilometers for long-distance precision strikes, the beam of light can penetrate up to 20 targets, and cause 3500~50000 points of single Body burn damage, when the number of ray hits exceeds 20, it will dissipate, cooldown time is 10 minutes)]

[Passive effect: Mana absorption (Fire Field and Spectacle can absorb 10 points of mana per second, and the efficiency of passively absorbing mana can be improved by gathering fire element mana by placing fire magic gems, magic circles, etc. around it)

Flame recovery (When the fire field and wonder are hit by fire magic, not only will it not be damaged, but it can restore the firmness value, and the effect is the same for the enemy and the enemy)

Mana Divergence (During wartime, 50,000 points of stored mana will be extracted every 10 minutes for magic divergence, which will be converted into mana at a ratio of 1:1, and will be replenished on average to 100 spellcasters within the range)

Incarnation of Fire Giant (when the solidity value of Fireland and Spectacle drops below 30%, the spectacle will rise from the ground and transform into an elemental fire giant, with initial magic damage of 1500 points and equal to the remaining solidity value + The life value of the remaining magic energy lasts for 20 minutes, and this effect can only be activated three times every ten thousand years)]

(In favor of the fire spectacle of attack specialization, most of the active effects are attack type and passive counterattack type

When the enemy dares to step into your territory, the deadly flame will make them understand the pain)

As expected, this [Fire Field·Wonder (low level)] does not belong to [Galileo Observatory·Wonder (low level)] at all, it just lacks some auxiliary effects and has a few more attack effects.

Seeing this [Fire Field Wonders (Low Position)], Zong Shen seemed to see the repaired appearance of [Thunder Field Wonders (Incomplete)]!

Normally, a complete spectacle of this level can definitely restrain legendary powerhouses.

Tens of thousands of points of damage at every turn, even those legendary powerhouses with hundreds of thousands or millions of points of health cannot ignore it!

Under successive blows, there is still the possibility of death.

After all, the attack of the wonder building is always a part of the defensive building.

It didn't prevent Zong Shen from taking action himself.

Thinking about the scene of [Fire Domain·Wonder (Low Position)] showing its power, and the flames burning in the territory, Zong Shen felt a little bit excited.

Moreover, part of the attack effect of this spectacle can also transform the killed enemies into fire spirits to assist in the battle. He did not ask about the attributes of the fire spirits such as the strategy module and beta. It's only half a chapter long, so the water content is too high, so it's not too late to check it out after seeing it with my own eyes!

In addition to various attack effects, the spectacle itself can also absorb fire magic, and perform [magic power divergence]. Even when the spectacle suffers a serious blow, it can also [incarnate the fire giant] and use another more active form Fight back.

In terms of exchange price, [Fireland·Wonders (low order)] is also 30,000 to 40,000 points cheaper than [Galileo Star Observatory·Wonders (low order)].

However, Zong Shen still couldn't make up his mind, and had to look at the remaining two buildings.

He chose to keep it and skip it for the time being, as long as he has an idea in mind, and then compare them uniformly at that time, and it will be clear at a glance how to choose.

The next candidate target is [Precious Building Ⅴ: Drilling Barrier Wonder (Low Position)]. It is not difficult to see that this is a defensive spectacle just by looking at the name of the building.

At present, the territory has [Pillar of the Red Gold Barrier (Golden)], and the solid value of 10 million points is still reliable. As long as it is combined with continuous replenishment of mana to restore the solid value, it can resist for a long time even in the face of an army of 200,000 to 300,000.

In a short period of time, Zongshen actually did not have an urgent need to replace this type of building.

However, based on the principle that he would rather see more than let it go, he still checked it patiently. After all, he had never seen a purely defensive spectacle.

Even gaining knowledge is not bad.

Thinking of this, he stared intently at the option, and the golden subtitle information appeared immediately.

【Drill Barrier · Spectacle (Low)】

[Quality: Spectacle (Low)]

【Occupation: 12.56 square meters】

【Height: 900 meters】

[Sturdy value: 150,000 points]

[Magic energy reserve: 0/6500000]

[Maximum coverage: 180 km/radius]

[Each point of mana can be converted into 12 points of solid value of Diamond Barrier]

[Barrier Armor: 395]

[Barrier magic resistance: 370]

[There is only one core pillar of the hard drill barrier, please stand it in a suitable position in the territory]

[Active effect: Hard Drill Barrier (activate/deactivate, after activation, it can center on the core pillar to support a giant barrier shield with a maximum coverage radius of 180 kilometers, which can go 100 meters deep underground for protection)

Barrier shielding (after enabling this effect, it can shield the peeping of the outside world, and cannot be penetrated by detection magic lower than the eighth level. The skill effect can last up to 6 hours, and the cooling time is 8 hours)

Explosive Barrier (After activation, the remaining mana and barrier solidity value will be consumed instantly, and the drill barrier will spread and explode towards the periphery, and the surrounding enemies will share the damage equivalent to the remaining solid value of the barrier. This effect will be activated every time It will permanently damage the spectacle itself, thereby reducing some attribute effects, please use with caution)

Climate regulation (you can actively choose barriers to isolate the climate state, including wind, rain, snow, fog, thunder, heat, etc.)]

[Passive effect: Elemental weakening (elemental magic damage suffered by the barrier will be fixed and weakened by 25%)

Piercing weakening (the long-range/short-range piercing damage suffered by the barrier will be fixed and weakened by 25%)

Shield breaking feedback (when the barrier is subject to partial defense breaking and targeted penetration effects, it will release damage equal to the loss of firmness value for concussion detonation)

Efficient charging (when the caster manually recharges with his own mana, the energy conversion ratio increases to 1:1.2; when using magic crystals and related energy supply devices, the conversion ratio increases to 1:1.5)

Silent energy saving (when the barrier is in standby after activation, it only consumes 35 solidity points per second)

Intelligent control (the barrier can independently judge the passage authority of the citizens, and at the same time, it can also set the neutral passing state, allowing neutral targets to pass the barrier)]

【The hard drill barrier only isolates external attacks, not internal attacks】

(Large defensive spectacle, nothing special, just hard enough

6,500,000 points of reserved mana can be converted into 78,000,000 points of strength, plus the nearly 400 points of double resistance, nothing can get in

Compared with the red gold barrier in the territory, the gap between the two is quite obvious

Of course, the current red gold barrier can still make do with it

Whether you want to exchange it or not depends on your personal decision.

This guide thinks that this thing belongs to the one that is sure to pay off, so it is recommended as one of the alternatives)

Zong Shen fell silent.

He had a certain understanding of this purely defensive spectacle.

With a solid value of 70 to 80 million points, it is like an iron tortoise shell.

And it comes with the damage reduction effect of piercing and elemental magic, and the feedback ability for breaking defense skills.

Even in extreme cases, you can also choose to activate [Explode the Barrier], so that the remaining solid value of the barrier becomes a total damage, which is evenly distributed to the surrounding enemies.

No matter from any point of view, 【Drilling Barrier·Wonder (Low)】is many times stronger than 【Pillar of Red Gold Barrier (Golden)】, and as a spectacle building specialized in defense, it can basically defend against Zong Shen All needs for passive protection of territories.

It's just that he didn't have a strong intention to exchange in his heart.

In other words, this [Strong Diamond Barrier·Spectacle (Low Position)] is not attractive enough to him,

Zong still prefers the kind of spectacle buildings that are biased toward attack or comprehensive types. It is also a good choice to replace defense with offense!

As long as the territory is armed as a hedgehog ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ any enemy will have to shed a layer of skin.

This is Zong Shen's consistent tendency and style.

Use offense instead of defense, use war instead of talk.

Those who dare to covet the territory are not enemies but have malicious intentions. It is recommended to kill them directly.

Of course, he is relatively flexible in his policy on the aborigines.

Those who can fool and make friends will never be hostile.

Therefore, Zong Shen had already ruled out 【Strong Drilling Barrier·Wonder (Low Position)】in his mind.

After all, the five months after the end of the defensive challenge will be an unprecedented development period for the first batch of lords.

After a month of difficult challenges, it is normal to cultivate and rest for a while.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this wave of harvest is large in quantity and high in quality.

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