Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 979: : the lucky ones and the lucky ones

Chapter 981 The Lucky and the Blessed 【Seeking Subscription】【Seeking Monthly Pass】

Zong Shen was looking forward to this in his heart, and by the way, he opened the [Lord Rank Ranking] and the [Legion Comprehensive Index Ranking] to check it out.

Just to gauge the strength of other lords in terms of level and legion development.

【Lord Rank Ranking】

【Phase 1 Ranking】

[149 days, 11 hours and 54 minutes]

[First place: Zong Shen 199514 (Level: LV55)]

[Second place: Mika Jonas 1988728 (level: LV37)]

[Third place: Solchev Kailovski 19921121 (level: LV36)]

[Ninth place: Chen Rui 1994613 (grade: 34)]

[Tenth place: Ruan Jingjing 1997107 (level: 34)]

[267th place: Zongze 2000612 (level: 33)]

In the [Lord Rank Ranking], Chen Rui ranked ninth, A Ze ranked over two hundredth, and after the second place, many lords on the list after Zong Shen did not recognize him.

But this is not important, as long as the rewards are rich enough.

[Third Place Reward: Golden Treasure Chest x 8, Experience Beads (Golden) x 6]

[Rewards for the second place: Gold Treasure Chest x 10, Platinum Treasure Chest x 2, Experience Orbs (Glory) x 6]

[Rewards for the first place: Gold Treasure Chest x 12, Platinum Treasure Chest x 4, Experience Beads (Half-God) x 6, Full Experience Reward + 15,000 Points]

The rewards of various treasure chests have not shrunk in the slightest, which makes this ranking have corresponding rewards.

The top ten have corresponding rewards, the higher the ranking, the better the rewards will be!

The differences in the ranks of the lords are also normal. Normally, in addition to killing monsters one by one, there are many adventures and incidents that can greatly increase the lord's level.

Therefore, the difference in lord level does not completely represent the difference in strength.

In other words, the [Lord Level Ranking] is far less valuable than the [Challenge Score Ranking], or even the [Territory Level Ranking]. It is just for reference.

The entire list discloses the information of the top 1,000 lords, and the lords after 1,000 can also see their ranking information individually.

The higher the level, the more difficult it is, so even though the second place Micah Jonas is only 18 levels away from him, the experience required is huge.

Zong Shen was able to level up so quickly by killing an army of millions of dark orcs.

Under normal conditions, if other lords want to surpass him in level, it will take at least ten years of hard work!

So Zong Shen is not worried about the level ranking. Even if he does not fight or level up at all from now on, it is impossible for him to be overtaken within 149 days.

After reading the [Lord Rank Ranking], he turned his attention to the [Legion Comprehensive Index Ranking], trying to see what the general development level of the legion has reached.

[Legion Comprehensive Index Ranking List]

【Phase 1 Ranking】

[149 days, 11 hours and 52 minutes]

[First place: Guide Legion (composite index: 97 points)]

[Second place: The Legion of the Never-Successful Heart of Victory (Comprehensive Index: 39 points)]

[Third place: God said that there must be an army of light (comprehensive index: 38 points)]

[Fourth place: Namo Amitabha Legion (comprehensive index: 38 points)]

[Ninth place: God of War Legion (comprehensive index: 37 points)]

[Tenth place: Legion of the Power of Love (comprehensive index: 37 points)]

[No. 100: Bravely Climbing the Peak Legion (Comprehensive Index: 35 points)]

This [Legion Comprehensive Index Ranking] only provides the top 100 legions for query.

It can be seen that the lords put some thought into naming the legion.

There are all kinds of fancy legion names emerging one after another.

He can understand the names of the first few legions, but it is too much to say that "Namo Amitabha" is true.

I don't know if the founder of the legion is a Buddhist, or he deliberately put it here for jokes!

Naturally, there are rewards for ranking in the [Legion Comprehensive Index Leaderboard].

Moreover, it is still a reward that can benefit the entire army, and the individual prizes are extremely rich.

[Third place rewards: All legion members can get golden treasure chest x 2, platinum treasure chest x 1, development resource box (gold) x 2, development material box (gold) x 2, lucky small purse (gold) x 1, reward box It cannot be traded or transferred by itself, the army leader can get 3 times the reward, the deputy army leader can get 2 times, and the rest of the army officers can get 1.5 times, and there are other subdivision rules to check]

[Rewards for the second place: All members of the legion can get golden treasure box x3, platinum treasure box x1, territory equipment box (gold) x1, development resource box (gold) x3, development material box (gold) x3, lucky coins Bag (golden) × 2, the reward chest itself cannot be traded and transferred...]

[Rewards for the first place: All legion members can get golden treasure chest x 4, platinum treasure chest x 2, hard diamond treasure chest x 1, territory equipment box (Yaoguang I to Tier III) x 1, development resource box (golden) x 4, Development material box (gold) x 4, lucky purse (gold) x 3, the reward box itself cannot be traded or transferred...]

This reward specification is much higher than [Lord Level Ranking] and [Territory Level Ranking]!

You must know that the legion will develop for a few more months, and I am afraid that there will be a large legion with a level of LV3/4/5/6 and tens of thousands of people!

At that time, rewards will be distributed according to the number of people, and the total amount will reach an astonishing level.

You can also get more rewards as legion chief, deputy legion chief and legion cadre.

Among the three rankings, the most worth fighting for is this [Legion Comprehensive Index Ranking], which also makes Zong Shen will continue to pay attention to the development of the Legion in the days to come.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to deduce that the purpose of the lord system to set the leaderboard rewards in this way is obviously to encourage everyone to develop the legion, so that the lord can unite under certain order constraints.

This makes the situation transition from decentralized lords to small-scale grouping of lords.

In more common terms, it is to enhance the competitiveness of the lords against the aborigines, accelerate the growth of the lords, and cultivate regional overlords at the same time!

All lords can cooperate through the organizational platform [Legion].

As Zong Shen had thought before, as long as there are enough lords in a team, they can even try to challenge the aboriginal state city at this stage.

This is the true meaning of [Legion].

Not all lords have the strength to be alone, and it is not so easy to be a lone wolf, so group cooperation has become an effective shortcut.

After reading the leaderboard, Zong Shen basically had a certain understanding of the general development level of the current lords.

What can be assured is that for a long time to come, his dominant position will not be shaken, whether it is Chen Rui or his younger brother Zong Ze.

With a thought, he turned off the subtitle information of the leaderboard.

He chose to sleep with his eyes closed.

Tonight was definitely a carnival for other lords, but Zong Shen didn't have much surprise.

Of course he knew that he was stronger than other lords.

The difference is only in how much stronger it is.

So there is almost no suspense for him on tonight's ranking list, what kind of tricks can he play with the certainty?

Moreover, his reward settlement was delayed for 12 hours, and the result would not be available until noon tomorrow.

That's nothing to get excited about.

Other lords can receive and check the rewards, but he can only stare blankly, he might as well sleep with his head covered and welcome tomorrow!

While Zong Shen was sleeping leisurely.

Zong Ze, who was far away in the mountains of the Rhodok Kingdom, was looking at the leaderboard in amazement.

At the same time, he also received the corresponding rewards from the settlement of defensive challenge points.

Got a lot of precious and useful items and equipment, as well as a lot of treasure chests.

In addition, he obtained a special settlement title called [Lucky One]. Since there is no strategy module, he can only see the information provided by the simple lord system on this title.

【lucky person】

[Effect: Luck is always with you]

【Smile often, luck comes naturally】

According to Zong Ze's analysis, this should be a lucky title.

His luck has always been good, and it should be even better after he has this title.

In addition to various rewards, in his harem, the water mage wife who followed him first is also pregnant, and she is also a guy who wants to be a father.

Through the leaderboard, Zong Ze saw his brother's performance.

I finally realized the gap between him and Big Brother in my heart!

The facts are far more cruel than imagined. Originally, he still had a little bit of luck for surpassing his elder brother Zong Shen, but now that little bit of luck is gone.

The number one in the three rankings, how strong does this have to be?

He has already considered the follow-up development. In addition to further expanding the territory and building forts in the mountains, he has to take the initiative to set up checkpoints in narrow areas that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, so as to build a safe and reliable mountain territory. .

As for the population, he plans to start with the giant city of Beruda two thousand kilometers away, as well as the nearby villages and state cities. He reckons that his current strength should be enough to plunder an entire village quickly with the force of thunder.

Even if he can't compare to his elder brother, Zongze is absolutely unwilling to become a weak person lying flat, and he will definitely have a place in the Rhodok Kingdom from now on!

On the other side, in the Kujit Kingdom.

Chen Rui didn't take a break. He was supervising the excavation work at a ruin site dozens of kilometers away from the territory.

This relic is related to the giant city of the orc empire thousands of years ago.

If it can be fully excavated and received, the harvest inside is enough for him to develop steadily to the giant city level!

This is also a relic that he has been following up before.

In the previous life, this relic was originally owned by several other lords.

Those lords have also become the well-deserved regional overlords!

Now this harvest fell into the hands of Chen Rui.

As a reborn, his experience and experience are far less powerful and comprehensive than the strategy module, but he can still know the ruins around the territory like the back of his hand.

Moreover, they have a deep understanding of the changes in the situation of the aborigines in the future and the progress of the lords, so they can grasp a certain advantage in the general situation.

This is also the reason why he can sit firmly as the second child of ten thousand years.

Relying on the advantages of being reborn, he may not be able to compete with a sudden rise like Zong, but it is still very easy to beat other lords.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on a 20-30 meter high natural boulder next to the ruins. Garona and a red-haired mountain beast hunting woman stood behind him.

Both women are members of his harem, and they are almost inseparable.

Especially Garona, who is especially favored by him.

The status is equivalent to that of Luna in Zongshen's territory.

The orc female warrior has a unique physique and can withstand tossing. During this period of time, Chen Rui basically played all the tricks that could be played, and this kid did not enjoy the blessing of being equal to others.

He sat on the boulder, checking announcements and leaderboards.

My heart also became more and more suspicious.

To be precise, he became more curious about Zong Shen.

He desperately wanted to meet Zong Shen and see what kind of support this guy had.

Is it also a rebirth?

Or do you have a "nanny system" that gives you big gifts when you eat, drink, and shit?

Or some fancy 100-fold reward?

Of course, the above are all his guesses when he was bored. After all, he himself has been reborn, and his thinking has become much bolder.

Could it be that he is allowed to be reborn in this world, and other people are not allowed to obtain the so-called "system" and "golden finger"?

He had to admit that his guess was already close to the truth at this time.

After a long time, Chen Rui finally accepted the reward.

He exhaled heavily.

In the reward settlement just now, he also got a special title.

【Lucky to be born】

[Effect: recalling previous memories]

【Lucky to be born, why not be afraid of wind and rain】

This title is somewhat intriguing.

If we say that the title of "Lucky One" perfectly fits the characteristics of Zongze's good luck.

So what's going on with this [Born to be lucky]?

Does the lord system know that he is a reborn?

But his rebirth can be said to have completely reversed the timeline for him. This is a blatant cheating behavior, which fundamentally violates the "relatively fair" style and expectations of the lord system.

As for the effect of [Recalling Previous Memories], he just tried it with great care, and found that he could recall more memories of his previous life!

But speaking of it, he seems to remember that there was no exclusive title reward after the defensive challenge in the previous life?

Could it be that this is exclusive to the top ten ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and everyone chose to keep it secret?

As for his identity as a reborn being suspected to be discovered by the lord system, he is not worried. After all, he has not been punished or obliterated, which shows that his rebirth has a history!

The reason why it was seen by the lord system should be that there is some kind of passive monitoring mechanism.

This mechanism exists from the beginning to the end, and the corresponding title is given according to the comprehensive performance and more detailed data of the lord during the settlement.

His mentality is good, holding the idea that what comes is safe.

If there are any omissions and you have to bear the punishment of the lord system, then come on, you can't resist anyway!

This kind of thinking is somewhat like the feeling that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, but it is quite suitable for the current situation!

Soon his attention was diverted, and he began to use the ability of [Previous Memory Recall] to dig out more detailed information in the subconscious, past life memory fragments!

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