Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 943: : Demigod Equipment Item II

Magic is a complex and rigorous discipline.

The major mage towers have special theoretical study courses such as magic, spell modeling, magic history, and elemental science.

All recruited mages go through years of study.

This is already a systematic knowledge.

In addition to spellcasting itself, there are many branches of the discipline.

For example, potions, rune forging, monster materials, alchemy technology, space teleportation array technology, etc. all involve branches of magic.

Including the magic array disk that Zong Shen often comes into contact with, the equipment created by the rune forging technology, the alchemy potion, the teleportation array between giant cities...

The knowledge of magic has been implemented in all aspects of the endless continent.

Going back to its roots, countless magicians who study magic are also mastering the relevant rules, just like chemistry, mathematics, physics, and mechanical engineering in the earth. branch, and transform the results into all aspects.

It's just that magic has a high threshold after all, and it cannot affect ordinary people in the entire world like basic science.

Black Gloves can completely create an almighty archmage who is proficient in various spells, as long as the wearer is willing to put in enough energy and time to learn.

It can make the once unattainable magic fall into the mortal world and become a plaything in the hands of private stocks.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen concentrated some energy and looked at the list of options again.

Next to [The Fool's Black Gloves (Low-level Demigod)], the relevant attribute subtitles have finally been loaded.

Zong Shen is going to make a trade-off based on its attribute information to see which item to exchange.

[The Fool's Black Gloves (Lower Demigod)]

[Quality: Low Demigod Level]

[Hand armor value: 150]

[Hand Magic Resistance: 9999]

[Effect: All attributes +90, HP +1500]

[Active Skill: Magic Analysis (can conduct directional analysis of the magic that has not dissipated within a ten-kilometer radius), and condense a corresponding analysis structure drawing. The higher the magic level, the more difficult the result of a single analysis. Lake, you can complete the analysis blueprint through multiple analysis, the skill cooldown time is 1 hour)

Magic Engraving (This skill is only valid for the magic in the spell model construction, and can specify the engraving of the magic within a radius of ten kilometers around the body. There is a certain delay in the engraving of high-level magic, and it is impossible to reproduce magic scrolls and magical objects. , the magic effect of rune equipment, the cooldown is 12 hours)

Magic Construction (The magic construction effect can only be activated after mastering the spell model by learning the spell analysis blueprint, and using the black gloves to constrain and solidify the elemental magic to construct the corresponding spell model. After the construction is completed, the model can last for 12 hours, during which it will automatically take effect and absorb and dissociate. If the solidified spell model is subjected to multiple effects of the same level of dispel magic, it will dissipate. The skill has no cooling, but it takes different time to build the model itself)

Magic Destruction (Using the traction characteristics of the black gloves, it can destroy the magic in the construction stage of the spell model, and the range cannot exceed an area with a radius of one kilometer around the body. The higher the magic damage, the longer it takes, and the magic shrinkage may occur during the period. , the phenomenon that the magic is triggered in advance and the mana is oscillating. After mastering the magic analysis, you can quickly find the structural weaknesses of the spell model for precise destruction, and the skill cooldown is 10 minutes)]

[Passive ability: Magic Eye (can see the fluctuation of elemental magic power within the line of sight, and can directly see the shaping process of the spell model and the effect of the flow of elements by looking at it)

The Fool (wearing black gloves will become a member of the Fool, and his magical talent and potential will be suppressed)]

(The Fool, in a certain world, refers specifically to those who have no talent for spellcasting

Masters and masters are high above, are fools really stupid?

These black gloves are a powerful punch from the fools against the caster class

The unique material of black gloves has extremely high binding, control and resistance to various elemental magic, and it is almost impossible to copy now.

As a low-level demigod-level equipment, it has a very high potential in spellcasting.

When you decide to accept the black glove, you will become one of the fools, but to make the black glove work enough requires you to have an ascetic mental will, it is like a key, the opening is endless study ladder)

At the end of the black gloves, the tips given by the strategy module are quite serious and serious, and the fool is a kind of resistance to the inherent caster class.

As long as you wear these black gloves, you can directly touch the core of spell casting regardless of the elemental casting talent.

Zong Shen originally had a talent for magic, and it was a rare talent for thunder spellcasting. Although the quality of the talent was not high, he could also sense the thunder magic element in the free state, and build thunder magic through specific spellcasting and singing. .

small book booth

The difference between chanting and instant casting lies in the difference of each person's spiritual power and the degree of mastery of magic itself.

The higher the level of magic, the more complex it is. At this time, singing assistance has become an indispensable process for building a spell model.

In addition to this, there are also magical languages ​​like Dragon Language, which can also shorten the singing time and speed up the construction of models.

If Zong Shen chooses to exchange black gloves, he will become a fool.

Then he will lose his original thunder magic talent.

You can only start by collecting magic analysis blueprints and study step by step.

This difficulty is much more difficult than the practice of a normal mage.

But once he has learned something, his spellcasting ability is not comparable to that of a wizard of the same rank. After all, the black glove's spellcasting is semi-cured, not only can it automatically absorb mana replenishment, but also last for 12 hours.

Whether it is an attack type or an auxiliary type, it should not be underestimated after 12 hours of curing, which is equivalent to a mage with a squadron that continues to cast spells.

Moreover, the solidified magic is extremely difficult to disperse and dissolve.

It takes several times of the same level of dispel magic to dispel the solidified spell model.

For example, Zong Shen can construct a large number of low-level magics such as fireballs, holy light arrows, necromantic arrows, and wind blades on the front line, and continue to automatically attack the front.

It is comparable to a spell cannon that can last for 12 hours everywhere.

The price the enemy would have to pay to disperse it can be much higher than Zong Shen's black gloves to build a spell model.

Then use auxiliary magic to illustrate, such as Holy Light Healing. Once Zong Shen masters the re-engraving and builds a solidified model, he can set a healing point, which will continue to heal for 12 hours, and a single magic will become continuous. Magic, the corresponding spell cooldown is completely bypassed!

And the magic that black gloves can study is not limited by rank and type.

In theory, even super-level magic can be analyzed and learned, but the difficulty is different from low-level magic, and it takes a lot of time.

To sum up, Alpha's introduction to the black gloves is not exaggerated at all. In theory, he has mastered [The Fool's Black Gloves (Low-level Demigod)], coupled with a large amount of magic materials and long focused study, can indeed become a An almighty archmage.

Such a system is unimaginable for all spellcasters.

Zong Shen saw the potential of the black gloves.

But he was also caught in a tangle.

[Rong·Water Drop (Low-level Demigod)] and [The Fool's Black Gloves (Low-level Demigod)] have their own characteristics.

The former tends to attack, and by absorbing water and water elemental magic, the water drop itself becomes the carrier of a huge amount of water substance and elemental energy.

Turn these energies into destructive power by throwing them!

The upper limit of the destruction potential is also extremely high!

The latter tends to be comprehensive, and it can only solidify the spell model for 12 hours and its powerful analysis, re-engraving, and learning capabilities make it worthy of the name of the demigod.

Even if Zong Shen does not have time to study himself, he can choose a loyal subordinate, let him take charge of the black gloves, focus on research and study, and cultivate a powerful omniscient spellcaster.

With a little success, a black glove caster's strategy is no less than that of a full lineage of mages, and there is still no need for additional supplies, no marching burdens, and no worries about raids!

How to choose, this is the question!

Both pieces of demigod-level equipment have their own advantages and characteristics.

So now Zong Shen can only extend the time scale, weigh the most urgent requirements for future development, and make a comparison again.

Compared with water droplets, black gloves require a long waiting time to play a strategic role.

It takes five years to absorb water droplets to dry up a bay, and the accumulated power can destroy a giant city, and the analysis, cultivation, and learning of black gloves may take more than ten years of long years.

The Raiders module also mentioned that choosing the black gloves requires an ascetic spirit of learning, and the potential and effects of the two are compared on the scale of the timeline.

Zong Shen is more inclined to [Rong · Water Drop (Lower Demigod)].

Because of its quick effect and strong destructive power, it is suitable for territorial expansion and development in the next few years, including the opponent's conquest and defense.

Even when it comes to ocean exploration in the future, the many features that come with it will play a great role!

Black gloves need a longer waiting time to achieve the same strategic level of destructiveness. After so many years, Zong Shen himself may have grown up long ago. It is better to choose water droplets, which can come in handy soon!

In terms of future potential, black gloves are undoubtedly more practical.

But from a practical point of view, combined with the development plan in the next ten years, then [Rong·Water Drop] is more realistic.

Zong Shen needs such demigod-level items that can be quickly transformed into combat power and assistance, so as to accelerate the development of the territory and his personal growth.

The trade-off between the two is probably the difference between long-term investment and short-term investment.

After taking into account his own potential coefficient, Zong Shen still chose short-term harvesting!



"I choose to exchange [Rong·Water Drops]!"

Zong Shen said very seriously.

Immediately made a choice, the points entered the deduction link.

Mysterious businessman Alpha nodded, and he suddenly knew what to do.

Naturally, he clearly knew the difference between the characteristics of these two demigod-level equipment items.

The result of the selection also proved Zong Shen's development strategy.

There is no doubt that Zong Shen is a radical lord.

Such lords are often more confident in their own potential, and their development speed is much faster than that of the same period. Such a choice is normal.

After all, the training period of black gloves is too long, how can a super water droplet directly hit the face so happily!

"Wise choice."

"What suits you is the best."

Alpha smiled in greeting.

At this point, 597,000 challenge points have been deducted, and Zong Shen's point balance has changed to [4704172], which is a relatively obvious change.

The exchange interface changes, and a blue transparent water droplet appears.

It has a rounded, smooth head and a smoothly extending tail.

The standard droplet shape makes it look more like a handicraft.

Zong Shen waved his hand lightly, and the water droplets instantly became spiritual, and the surface was covered with a layer of blue aura, and they flew up and around his outstretched right palm, if the planets pulled by the stars were orbiting.

No matter whether Zong Shen clenched his fist or spread his palm, it can track the posture autonomously, which makes his right hand look like a elf with joy.

Looking at his right hand, Zong Shen could feel the will of the water drop.

Yes, this droplet has its own will.

It is sending out a longing, a longing for elemental energy, a watery substance, it is begging and calling.


"As expected of a demigod!"

The surrounding water droplets thus established a connection with Zong Shen.

Correspondingly, Zong Shen also enjoyed the attribute gain brought by the water droplets.

His all attributes have increased by a full 120 points!

The four major attributes have increased by 480 points in total, which makes Zong Shen's four basic attributes, which are not low, climb again!

"I feel the power!"

Zong Shen muttered to himself.

His list of properties has long since changed:

【Strength: 553】

[Agility: 380]

【Intelligence: 320】

【Charm: 355】

[HP: 3287+1500 (Magic Lightning Goggles)+5000 (Kad Medical Gem)]

[General Dominance Value: 672]

Zong Shen clenched his fists, the attribute jump brought by the demigod-level equipment items was quite obvious. In addition, [Water Blessing] gave him resistance to water elements and additional enhancements.

From then on ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Water Masters have to go around when they see someone in Zong.

With the passive skills of [Never Drowning] and [Water Control Dance], Zong Shen can move freely in the water, comparable to those aquatic races who are born to live in the water.

Now that the exchange has been completed, Zong Shen no longer has to worry about it.

Although black gloves are good, they can't have both and can only choose the one that best suits their needs. Zong Shen is still very satisfied with [Rong · Water Drops] himself.

After the [Low-level Demigod-level Limited Equipment] exchange is over, continue down to the [Red Suit-level Limited Equipment] option.

He is no stranger to the suit level. The overall attributes of the red suit are between the orange legendary level and the golden epic level equipment, and it is not bad after the complete set.

On top of that, suit levels tend to have different characteristics.

These features are the real advantages of the suit level!


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