Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 944: : The power magic set is collected

The characteristics of suit-level equipment make them valuable for long-term wear.

Such as the "Power Magic series" he is wearing now, and the "Timing" series, these characteristics are often not possessed by a single piece of equipment.

Zong Shen's power magic equipment is still not out of date.

The overall mix and characteristic skills are comparable to those epic gear.

Skills such as [Power Magic Status] and [Power Drain] are extremely practical, and they are also very obvious for their own strengthening.

Not to mention the additional attribute buffs that come with a set.

Now it seems that there is also a clear level difference in the set.

The entry-level model is the [red] grade that Zong Shen first came into contact with.

Upwards are the two new ranks of [Dark Red] and [Blood Rose].

At present, there are six missing [Limo suits] equipped by Zong Shen, and there is still one [Limo's Beheading Axe (red)] and a pair of [Limo Boots (red)] to complete a set.

He can try his luck in the [Red Suit Level Limited Equipment].

So Zong Shen opened this option with a thought.

The interface in front of it changes and refreshes, and a new list appears.

【Power Magic Set】

【Timing Set】

【Hangkong suit】

【Dharma Spirit Set】

【Shadow Demon Set】

【Dark Walker Set】

【Eagle Eye Blast Set】

【Red Knight suit】

【Savage Samurai Set】

Zong Shen made a rough count and found that there were forty or fifty red suits to choose from, including his power magic suit.

He can choose any of four parts in these suits.

This is somewhat embarrassing, but the suit itself is not lacking in a single piece of equipment with outstanding effects, such as the [Ring of Power Magic (red)] and [Magic Battle Armor (red)] in his hands, even if they are taken out separately, they are still good equipment.

Even if Zong Shen can't use it himself, he can choose some parts with unique abilities to keep as spares or reward them to his subordinates.

Of course, before that, he would choose to consume two redemption opportunities and collect his power magic suit first!

Thinking of this, Zong Shen first opened the classification option of [Power Magic Set].

There are all parts and equipment of the Lima series that can be exchanged here!

Among them, Zong Shen lacked the [Limo's Beheading Axe (red)], which also proved that the red suit-level equipment was not the only one out of print.

Think again, maybe some superpowers used suits as standard equipment!

After all, the connection characteristics of suit-level equipment are too obvious.

There is no doubt that this type of equipment was designed for this purpose from the time of forging. Zong Shen once found traces of the existence of the [Power Magic Set] in the mine, which is a faint proof of this.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to put it another way. These suits should be rarer and higher in quality than conventional standard equipment.

After all, it is like the [Power Extraction] attached to the [Power Magic Ring (Red)]. After deliberate training, it is enough to create an elite soldier.

In addition, there is the [Timing Pocket Watch (Red)], which is equipment that has initially involved the rules of time.

All of the above can illustrate the particularity of suit type equipment.

However, at this time, tracing the origin and advantages of suit-level equipment is no longer meaningful.

What Zong Shen valued more was their practical value.

He spent 25,000 points to exchange for [Limo's Beheading Axe (Red)], and the remaining balance of challenge points became [4691672].

Alpha was not surprised when he saw that Zong Shen exchanged for the Power Magic series. He could see that the equipment Zong Shen was wearing was the Power Magic suit!

After the exchange was completed, a long-handled double-edged axe about two meters long and a pair of red boots appeared.

He turned his attention to the battle axe first.

I saw that the domineering axe body had curved sharp axe blades on both sides.

The surface has a red luster, and part of the middle part of the grip is the "flesh material" that is the signature of the Limo series, which is elastic and can enhance the grip.

He took two steps forward and grabbed the big axe, stretched out **** and rubbed the axe body and weighed the weight, feeling quite satisfied.

With the improvement of his own attributes, even without using a golden epic weapon, he can deal explosive damage.

So many times, this big axe is still useful.

He can use it as a regular weapon for regular-level combat.

When it comes time to need stronger force, he can just replace it with an epic-level weapon. The suit-level equipment itself is very applicable. Wearing a full set of [Power Magic Suit] can completely cope with those low-to-medium-level battles.

Zong Shen held the beheading giant axe, stared at the axe body with both eyes, and carefully checked its properties.

【Riki's Beheading Axe IV (Red)】

[Set Part IV, the effect of the currently activated set is 5/6, and the strength increases by an additional 30 points]

【Quality: Set】

【two hands/one hand】

【Damage of slashing: 101~117】

[Attack distance: 200]

[Attack Speed: -8%]

[Durability: 1000]

[Required Strength: 75]

[Demand Agility: 45]

[Active Skill: Force Magic Phantom LV35 (Summons a force magic phantom, the attack action made by itself can be synchronized to the phantom, extending the attack distance by 30 meters, the phantom will exist for 10 seconds, cannot be attacked, the cooling time is 2 hours )

Li Moba Axe Slash LV35 (strengthen the next blow, increase the basic slashing damage by 100 points, and make the attack gain impact bonus, when the target's strength value is less than or equal to one's own, the attack will not be able to be parried, the cooldown time is 30 minutes)

Power Magic Axe Storm LV35 (holding the decapitation giant axe to rotate and dash forward, the swinging axe blade will cause slashing damage once per second to enemies within a range of five meters, and each time it can cause 1.5 times the slashing damage, lasting 15 seconds, cooling time 3 hours)]

[Passive Skill: Beheading Giant Axe (If the attack successfully breaks the defense when it hits the enemy's neck, and the overflow damage exceeds 1000 points, it will cause a beheading effect, depending on the target's ethnicity, strength, etc., the upper limit of health is 5% to 100 % bonus decapitation damage)

Power of strong attack (greatly improves the enemy's ability to parry, and the attack comes with shock, the specific shock effect is based on the strength attribute of the equipment)

Strength Repair (Killing a monster of a common rank will restore 0.1 points of durability to the Beheading Axe. For each rank of the killed monster, the durability repair effect will increase by 5 times. The effect of this skill can be combined with strength. Extraction stacking)]

(The ultimate strength, blast everything)

This giant axe is not bad, the slash damage is similar to the second repaired [Dragon Slaying Epee (Gold)], that is, there is no [Charge Slash].

Although the overall is not as good as [Azzinoth Demon Slayer (Gold)], it is enough to keep up with the situation.

After the equipment, Zong Shen's strength attribute increased by 6 points again, reaching 559 points, and his health value also increased by 30 points, which became 3317 points except for the equipment's maximum health value gain.

Zong Shen is on the road to becoming a humanoid boss and never returns.

One day, the dragon slayer finally became a dragon.

However, Zong Shen is confident that he is relatively self-disciplined, and should not do those low-level and uninteresting evil things for fun.

After getting the beheading giant axe, Zong Shen danced with a whistling wind.

It was then picked up.

In front of him was the same batch of [Power Magic Boots (Red)], which was the last [Power Magic Suit] that he lacked.

The boots Zong Shen is wearing now are still the [Wind Spirit's Extremely Sensitive Boots (Orange)] that he got out of the box before, and they are also a good pair of boots.

However, since he exchanged for [Power Magic Boots (Red)], Zong Shen naturally chose to change his outfit. After all, the orange legendary-level single-piece equipment did not have much advantage compared with the red suit-level parts.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to form a set!

The pair of [Power Magic Boots (Red)] in front of them belong to short boots.

It is paired with [Magic Greaves (Red)], which can perfectly protect Zong Shen's legs, so there is no need for a high shoe upper.

The color of the boots is also a more eye-catching red, which is one of the characteristics of the [Power Magic Suit]. The elastic material similar to flesh on the surface will occasionally wriggle, but when it is not moving, it looks like a layer of red. skinning.

It is also because of the existence of this special material that all the parts of the suit are not as easy to reflect light as the metal armor. Although it is bright red, it does not look high-profile as a whole.

Zong Shen took off the [Wind Spirit's Extremely Sensitive War Boots (Orange)] on his feet and put on the [Power Magic Boots (Red)]. Now he looks like a mighty red armor. Samurai, a chilling temperament naturally appeared all over his body.

He put on new boots and moved his feet a bit, feeling pretty good.

It's just that after changing clothes, it will not feel as flexible as [Wind Spirit's Extremely Sensitive Boots (Orange)]. After all, those boots also come with a passive skill [Wind Spirit Walker], which provides him with 12 points of agility and 3 points of running. gain.

After changing the boots, these buffs are gone.

His [Agility] has dropped to 368 points, and [Running] has become a pitiful 2 points. Fortunately, Zong Shen has never followed the agility route, so he doesn't find it unacceptable. .

This kind of feeling is particularly obvious shortly after changing clothes, and it will gradually disappear as time goes on. Anyway, he still has 368 points of agility, and the basic movement is not much worse.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looking down at his new boots.

The golden subtitles are on the stage, and the equipment attributes have nothing to hide!

[Power Magic Boots Ⅵ (red)]

[Set Part VI, the effect of the currently activated set is 6/6, and the strength increases by an additional 60 points]

【Quality: Set】

[Leg armor value: 55]

[Leg Magic Resistance: 50]

[Durability: 800]

[Active Skill: Stable Foot LV35 (Improve the toughness and standing stability of the wearer, and can have a stable effect on vibration, strong wind, impact, etc., to ensure self-stability, cooldown time 5 minutes, 30 seconds after activation, during the period will reduce base movement speed by 20%)

Trample LV35 (jumping forward, after falling, it will cause a violent impact near the landing point, and cause 300 points of bludgeoning damage to the enemy within the range, making it unstable, cooldown time 2 hours)

Power Magic Leap LV35 (Activate magic power, increase movement speed by 30% and basic jumping ability for 2 minutes, cooldown time 2 hours

By charging 1/3/5/7 seconds, you can get a jump distance increase of 5/7/9/12 meters, this effect has no cooling)]

[Passive Skill: Living Leather Craft (50% increase in resistance to ground traps)

Life transfer (boots can store up to 1000 points of life activity, which can be fed back to the wearer when necessary, recovering 1 point of life activity every minute when out of combat)

Repair by drinking blood (the durability of boots can be repaired by dripping blood, the specific repair effect depends on the quality of blood)]

(The ultimate strength, blast everything)

Zong Shen raised his head, and the golden subtitles dissipated automatically.

This pair of combat boots is not bad, at least it has almost all the effects that it should have as a combat boot equipment.

Such as toughness improvement, movement and jumping ability improvement and so on.

And after collecting the power magic parts, the strength attribute gain brought by the suit has also changed from 30 points to 60 points.

In other words, Zong Shen gained another 30 points of strength, and the collected power magic suit really implemented the principle of the ultimate power.

It's just a pity that neither [Limo's Beheading Axe (red)] nor [Limo's Helmet (red)] have boosting skills like [Power Extraction] and [Limo Status].

Obviously, there are only one or two core components in the suit.

Fortunately, the attributes and skills attached to the parts of the Lima suit are not low, at least generally much better than legendary equipment.

At this moment, Zong Shen's strength attribute became [589] points, and his health value also changed, and finally became [3467+1500 (Magic Lightning Heart Guard)+5000 (Kad Medical Gem)].

After various buffs and additions to the upper limit of health, Zong Shen's health has nearly exceeded 10,000, which was the upper limit of life at the BOSS level at the beginning.

As a lord, Zong Shen is already like a humanoid BOSS, not only has super attack power, but also has a good health value. After matching various state transformation skills, he can further his strength!

So far, Zong Shen's set of [Power Magic Suit] has been collected, and he intends to exchange some core components of other suits for the remaining two red suit-level equipment exchange opportunities.

This requires him to spend a certain amount of time comparing and viewing to complete.

Just when Zong Shen was in full swing to complete the exchange of Alpha merchants in the mysterious hall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the outside world was already in a special time stop.

His original redemption time had already ended, and the extra redemption time was being consumed, so the countdown to the challenge outside was reset.

The other lords are about to complete the challenge and enter a frozen state. After waiting for the end of the subsequent challenge here, it is time to enter a new stage of the return journey.

Due to Zong Shen's reopening, there was a time difference of six or seven hours between him and the other lords.

But for him, it didn't matter.

The role of the mysterious merchant itself is to exchange some of the rewards for the lord in advance.

As for other lords, when they are in a state of freezing waiting, there is no concept of time passing!


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