Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 951: : The far-reaching significance of magic energy technology [with benefits] [Happy Nati

Obviously, Alpha's courtship of him is more like a potential investment.

In essence, this kindness is not due to Zong Shen's own charisma, but because his future potential has attracted Alpha's attention.

From this, Alpha thinks that Zongshen will reach a high level with him in the future.

It can be regarded as a kind of early friendship. To put it more commonly, it is to form a good relationship first.

Zong Shen is well aware of this, and he always maintains the principle of keeping a distance from Alpha's respectful to slightly flattering attitude.

Although Alpha did not show any combat effectiveness, even under the insight of Zong Shen's use of the strategy module, it was like a blank sheet of paper without any attributes.

But as a special existence that performs some powers for the lord system, he must have a detached status and significance, not to mention that he is the real number one lord, and he has no idea how much time he has spent.

Regarding Alpha's hint, Zong Shen actually had an idea in his heart.

Since they came to the Endless Continent, they have been given the identity of "Lords", and this identity itself represents the meaning of opening up fertile soil and becoming the lord of a lord.

In this way, conquest and development have become the main line that cannot be avoided.

Therefore, in Zong Shen's understanding, the strength of the lord is mainly determined by two aspects.

The first is personal force, and the second is comprehensive force composed of territories, subordinates, and soldiers.

Strictly speaking, the latter is even more important than the former.

Of course, the lord's personal force is also extremely important. It is a shortcut that can help the lord to better grasp the resources. Even if one day the territory is lost and the lord becomes a free citizen, he can get along well with a good force.

But from a long-term perspective, the real Xeon lord, in addition to climbing his own force to the limit, must also develop the territory under his rule to the extreme.

Magic energy technology, rune forging technology, alchemy technology, mechanical engineering...

These are all paths of power exploration. If you delve into a certain height and master it to a level comparable to the rules of the dimensional world, it will certainly be able to provide considerable help to the lord. From a certain point of view, the exploration of these technologies , itself a process of harnessing the power of the world!

The lord's own supreme force, combined with the dimensional world skills and combat power that has climbed to the peak, is equivalent to turning the resources of the entire dimensional world into his own assistance.

With the entire dimensional world as the backing, he can truly open up a wider territory. He must first touch the highest point that he can currently touch before trying to spy on the situation above the dome. This is the foundation of everything.

"Anti-God Evil God"

It is precisely because of this that it gave Zong Shen the driving force to conquer the mainland.

After a brief exchange, Zong Shen went straight to the set of [Tier VI Magic Energy Cluster Launcher (Gold)]. As a device-level magic energy weapon, the size of this thing is indeed a bit surprising.

The first thing that catches the eye is its base, which is a cuboid abutment ten meters long, six meters wide, and 1.5 meters thick.

The body of the launcher is on the top, mainly composed of three parts.

They are the magic energy clustering devices located at the front. There are three magic energy condensation base points. The extracted magic energy has to be condensed three times, and finally gathered on the arc mirror-like launch plate, which is launched in the form of beams to strike the enemy. .

The central position is the console. Zong Shen saw a joystick similar to the [Tearer Mecha] style. The operator controls the entire set of [VI-Order Magic Energy Cluster Launcher (Gold)] through here to complete the attack preparation, aim to launch the whole process.

The rear is the energy storage department, like a huge box backpack, which stores magic energy to supply the consumption of attacks.

Zong Shen circled around the metal pedestal and found that the pedestal was also famous.

Its overall shell adopts the casting method, which belongs to the one-piece casting method of the alchemy school, and a disc similar to a magic circle is embedded in each of the four sides.

Each piece is the size of a washbasin, like a "plug-in", which is tightly embedded on a metal base.

The overall shape of this thing already has some sci-fi feel.

It is not ruled out that this metal base has other hidden functions for the time being.

After all, its volume is so huge and heavy in human eyes, like a giant metal monument.

After all, it can be regarded as a light energy weapon, and it looks completely different from those giant crossbows, magic energy artillery and the like.

Seeing this, Zong Shen had to sigh about the magic of magic energy.

Compared with the known energy substances and energy in the original earth.

It is no exaggeration to say that magic energy is a kind of "universal" energy. It is extremely malleable and itself is a manifestation of element magic.

Zong Shen's right hand stroked the clean and cool metal base, his eyes were silent, and there seemed to be a flash of golden light in his eyes.

The golden subtitles appeared, fully showing the attributes of this set of war killers made by the combination of alchemy and magic technology in front of him.

【Tier VI Magic Energy Beam Launcher (Gold)】

[Quality: Epic offensive and defensive equipment]

[Range: 50 meters ~ 5000 meters]

[shooting height: 3500 meters]

[Cluster puncture damage: 379~621]

[Cluster burn damage: 492~1321]

【Beam diameter: 5cm~50cm】

[Attack interval: 6 seconds ~ 60 seconds]

[Durability: 8500]

[Sturdy value: 13500]

[Armor value: 120]

[Magic Resistance: 120]

[Attack consumes mana: 100 points to 1000 points]

【Requires operator: 1】

[Magic Energy Reserve: 0/250000]

[Extra mount emergency magic energy reserve: 0/80000]

[Active Skill: Magic Plug-in Defense VI (Activate the preset magic plug-in, activate the defense VI function, based on the magic energy reserve, turn on the light curtain defense, which can be turned on or off at any time. During the existence of the light curtain defense, the firmness value is equal to Magic energy reserve, double resistance is 150 points)

Magic Plug-in Powerful Floating Ⅵ (Activate the preset magic plug-in, activate the powerful floating Ⅵ function, the base will float off the ground, the maximum floating height is 10 meters (corresponding to the ground as a reference), the maximum floating speed is 30 km/h, after activation Consumes 600 mana reserves per minute, requires a five-minute waiting period when opening, and requires the base to be fully grounded when closing)

Magic Plug-in·Magic Desire Ⅵ (Activate the preset magic plug-in, activate the function of Magic Desire VI, consume 250 points of firmness, absorb the free element magic within a radius of 100 meters, and convert it into a magic energy reserve at a ratio of 1:0.8, The upper limit does not exceed 50,000 points, and the specific conversion amount depends on the density of free element magic within the range of the environment. The cooldown of the rune is 2 hours)

Magic Plug-in·Magic Detonation Ⅵ (Activate the preset magic plug-in, activate the magic energy detonation Ⅵ function, it takes 30 seconds of magic energy surge period, detonate the remaining stored magic energy of the launcher, and cause an explosion damage to a radius of 500 meters and Metal Fragment, while completely destroying the launcher, the exact damage depends on the remaining mana)

Cluster overclocking (100 points of durability loss, making the beam diameter of the next hit reach 3 meters, mana consumption increased by 20 times, damage increased by 15 times, the maximum range is increased to ten kilometers, every 30 minutes, only one cluster overclock can be performed )

Prism scattering (lack of necessary supporting components, not fully functional)

Continuous output (makes the beam output continuously for up to ten seconds, during which 500 mana points are consumed per second, and the cooldown is 1 hour)

[Passive skill: cluster adjustment (the diameter of the cluster can be adjusted to affect the shooting frequency, power and mana consumption)

Shooting loss (each shot will reduce the durability by 2~20 points, which can be repaired by replacing the matching magic energy cluster device and launch disk)

Waiting for charging (the charging speed of the main magic energy storage compartment is 100 points per second, and the charging speed of the emergency magic energy storage compartment is 50 points per second. The launcher needs to be stopped and cooled down for more than 10 minutes before the charging operation can be performed. )

High temperature clustering (magic energy clustering is a high-energy beam transformed by magic energy, which has high temperature characteristics. When launching, please ensure that there is no one within 8 meters near the launching mirror to avoid accidental burns)

Cluster Penetration (The highly condensed magic energy beam has extremely strong penetrability, and can penetrate up to 6 targets in a row. This data will be affected by the target's double resistance, physique, and obstacles along the way.)]

[Squad Skill: Chain Light Prisms (Twelve sets of the same type of launcher need to be deployed to trigger the squad skill. Through chain gathering energy, twelve chain light prisms are launched, and each light prism can perform chain reflection at the enemy target. 1 to 12 times, causing 2.0 times the corresponding damage, the beam damage will not be lost after reflection, but the maximum reflection distance cannot exceed 800 meters, and the cooling time is 2 hours)]

(Unexpectedly, there are similar 'laser' weapons in another world.

Magic energy itself is extremely malleable and transformative

Just like you've known for a long time that mages can use their mana to recharge some mana structures and instruments, mana and elemental mana are essentially the same thing

All casters need elemental magic

If the spell model is the 'skeleton', then the elemental magic is the 'flesh' that fills it in and gives the substantive effect of magic

It should be easy for you to understand

So magic technology is essentially an alternative manipulation and use of magic energy

As an extremely used weapon of war, this launcher can independently adjust the diameter of the beam, thereby adjusting the power of the beam, the firing interval and other parameters

When necessary, it can also perform cluster overclocking, send out an ultra-distance attack with an attack distance of ten kilometers and a basic damage of 10,000+, and can continue to emit beams, so that the magic beam becomes a sharp sword and swept out.

Coupled with the functions of four magic plug-ins, it has the characteristics of integrated attack and defense, and can also float and move, and even choose to self-destruct when it falls.

It's a pity that you came too late. Nine sets have already been redeemed by other lords. Maybe you will see the sounds of these alchemical weapons and magic weapons in the disputes between the lords in the future.

If not, this guide will recommend you to redeem at least six sets

Four of them are deployed, the remaining set is dismantled and researched, and the other set is carried with you, which can come in handy many times)

"It seems that magic energy technology still has great potential to be tapped!"

"In addition, there are potions, alchemy, mechanical engineering, and rune forging, all of which can be combined to form the technology system of the Endless Continent."

"If you invest your efforts in research and development to the limit, you can indeed achieve the power comparable to the rules of the dimensional world. It is a road with a high ceiling."

Zong Shen's face was as usual, but his thoughts were running at a high speed.

He already had some understanding of this set of [Tier VI Magic Energy Cluster Launcher (Gold)], and the strategy module also gave a high evaluation.

It embodies the potential of magic technology. Beams and magic bullets are just the tip of the iceberg for weaponization of magic technology. In theory, as long as magic technology is deeply digged, magic energy can be transformed into various elemental attacks.

After all, magic can do it.

Thinking of this, a very appropriate metaphor popped up in Zong Shen's mind.

Magic energy is like the crude oil resource on earth.

As we all know, crude oil can be converted into gasoline, diesel and other fuels through refining, and the by-products generated by the refining process can also be turned into branch products such as asphalt, plastics, chemical fiber materials, synthetic rubber, and benzene-based drugs.

Then the same is true of magic energy. It can be reversely converted into elemental magic power, and then subdivided into various elemental powers. It can also be used as pure energy filling to complete the spell model to complete the casting of various departments and levels of magic, including arcane energy. There is also a mysterious conversion relationship with magic energy.

It is ubiquitous, floating in every corner of space, as if relying on the shadow of the main material world, and it is difficult to directly analyze it with physical means.

The collection, application and research of magical energy are all derived from the talents of various races to sense the elements.

In essence, this knowledge can be said to be the tracing and study of the principles of spellcasting by the intelligent race. The relationship between magic and magic technology is like the relationship between animals, insects and mechanical bionics.

The start of magic energy technology draws on the principles of magic, including the principle of casting spells and the induction principle of elemental magic, as well as the construction principle of spell models.

Including the manufacture of magical wonders and rune forging technology are related to this aspect.

Under such a background, magic energy technology is like a treasure house with infinite potential. Its upper limit is extremely high. Once mastered, it can easily possess the power of natural disaster level and even dimension world rule level.

Of course, it is not easy to do this.

At least the last era of Endless Continent and the related technologies of this era have not achieved breakthroughs, but this path should be feasible.

Thinking of the future of magic energy technology, Zong Shen couldn't help licking his lips.

Combined with Alpha's previous hinting behavior, it is not difficult for him to guess that after digging in this direction, there should be some secrets hidden.

Now that he knows what to do, he will naturally make other arrangements.

Regarding the promotion and research of magic energy technology, a special project will be established, and the talents in this field will be collected immediately after the challenge is over.

He wants to bring together all the relevant talents in the endless continent.

In addition to magic technology, he will not let go of various derivative technologies.

Alpha, who was standing not far away, narrowed his eyes and looked at Zong Shen with a complicated expression.

It's no secret that magic technology can reverse the nature of elemental magic.

Most of the outstanding lords will make great efforts to study this as long as they can survive the third act. In theory, the upper limit of magic energy technology is the same as the upper limit of element magic.

But Alpha knew it wasn't that simple.

It's just that some things have to be seen with his own eyes. All he can do now is to guide him a little to see if Zong Shen can achieve the step he wants in advance...

At this time, Zong Shen suddenly turned around, and Alpha's expression changed instantly, from a calm and interested observation to a friendly and respectful gentle smile before.

"By the way, Alpha..."

Zong Shen spoke, and Alpha leaned slightly and made a gesture of listening.

"Can you make a target here?"

He made his request.


"You want to test the power of this launcher?"

Alpha quickly reacted, knowing that Zong Shen wanted to try the power of the beam launcher.

Zong Shen nodded, he was really itchy, and wanted to see how powerful the clustered magic energy could be.

Whether it is the crossbow loss of magic energy condensation or the magic energy bomb, there are some concepts in his mind.

At that time, the beam weapons were different. Before the arrival of the earth, the high-energy beam weapons were still in the budding state. They were mainly used for air defense. They had not yet been able to create a high-damage laser with actual combat value, let alone. There are beam weapons such as "dead light", "particle cannon", and "electromagnetic energy beam" in the concept of science fiction.

So he couldn't wait to try the power of the launcher, and experience the operation by the way. Anyway, there is still a lot of redemption time left, and there are not many redemption options, enough for him to take part of the time to study this problem.

I saw Alpha stretched out a finger.

"Please pay 200 challenge points..."

Zong Shen nodded and chose to pay without haggling.

After receiving the points, the mysterious merchant Alpha raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

The mysterious hall, which was originally dark, suddenly became brighter.

The space in front of Zong Shen was like a folded sheet of paper that was stretched out rapidly into the distance.

After a few seconds, it extended for several kilometers.

At this time, there was an extra crystal ball in Alpha's hand, he raised his hand and threw it to Zong Shen, and introduced it casually.

"Please hold the crystal ball, you have up to fifteen minutes."

"Through the crystal ball, you can visualize the imaginary enemy in your mind as a target."

"It can be manifested up to three times, and the number cannot exceed 10,000 at a time. The upper limit of individual strength cannot exceed the high-ranking legend."

Zong Shen took the crystal ball and immersed himself in it.

Soon, the area about three kilometers ahead began to refresh the target.

A total of exactly 10,000 crypt army appeared.

Among them are 【fang worm】, 【crypt zombie】, 【crypt bat】, 【stitch monster】, 【gargoyle】.

It's just that the strength is not high, and it is basically the same as the original crypt challenge. It belongs to the castrated and weakened version of the crypt monster.

These targets are alive and well, and there are hardly any flaws in their appearance.

However, as targets, they will not move, but have the attributes that Zong Shen imagined, mainly health and double resistance.

Zong Shen held the crystal ball and looked at the distant target with satisfaction.

As he thought, the mysterious businessman Alpha definitely had great authority in the mysterious palace, and this place seemed to be his small world.

After completing the realization of the target, Zong Shen jumped up and landed precisely on the console's foothold.

He first put the crystal ball aside, took out a piece of [Super Magic Crystal (Purple)] containing 100,000 magic energy from the storage compartment, and put it in the charging port to charge at a speed of 100 points per second. can operate.

After waiting for 100 seconds, the launcher's mana reserve reached 10,000 points, enough for him to test.

After all, Zong Shen didn't intend to activate the active skills of [Cluster Overclocking] and [Continuous Output], which would require hundreds of durability points.

After charging is complete, the launch button lights up red.

He pushed the main lever, and the semi-arc mirror and the magic energy collector in front began to rotate.

Just after a simple start, he basically mastered the operation of the transmitter.

A dark red focused light spot appeared in front of the console, which was the front sight of the beam launcher. Zong Shen aimed it at the target group of crypt monsters three kilometers away.

Immediately, the attack insurance was released, and the light emitted by the launch button changed from red to green.


His palm tapped down, and the button sank.

Three dark red rays of light suddenly appeared in front of them. These three rays of light quickly converged and grew stronger. They were condensed in only three seconds before and after, and then a beam of five centimeters in diameter flew out.

The surrounding space was instantly roasted, and Zong Shen even smelled a unique smell similar to ozone!

The length of the beam is indistinguishable, and the speed after shooting is so fast that it is difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Zong Shen only saw a dark red light disappearing in front of him.

Then there were twelve damage values ​​from the distant target.

A beam with a diameter of five centimeters is already the minimum specification beam for a cluster transmitter.

It only consumes 100 points of magic energy, which can cause more than 300 points of penetration damage and more than 400 points of magic energy burning damage to the target.

For the hypothetical target based on the monster challenged in the crypt at the beginning, it is an instant-kill effect.

Then, Zong Shen selected the maximum power output on the console.

The front-end mirror lights up again, and the three dark red light spots that appear this time are obviously much larger, and the gathering time is also a lot longer.

It took a full minute for the attack to complete.

I saw a beam with a diameter of fifty centimeters flying out.

The oncoming heat wave made Zong Shen feel a little hot.

The huge beam shot into the target group, causing twelve high damages, more than 600 points of puncture damage and more than 1,000 points of cluster burning damage!

At this point in the test, Zong Shen basically knew what he knew.

As for the more special effects of the magic beam, it is better to leave it to Tiezi to study after the challenge is over.

He put away the [Super Magic Crystal (Purple)] with 90,000 magic energy reserves left, and threw the crystal ball back into Alpha's hands.

He jumped down vigorously, and then waved to Alpha.

"Okay, I don't have to try anymore."

After he finished speaking, he took out the [Pascal Contract's Big Pocket (Gold)], opened the storage portal, and put the [Tier VI Magic Energy Cluster Launcher (Gold)] in front of him into the storage space.

The current balance of Zong Shen's challenge points is [3429572], which should be enough to support the next consumption.

He returned to his original place and controlled the exchange interface in front of him with his mind.

Now the three sub-options in the branch option of [Universal Combat Class] - [Magic Energy/Rune Alchemy Technology Consumption] have been checked and exchanged.

Due to being a step late, Zong Shen only swept away some leftovers here, which was considered a leftover meal to eat, but there was nothing he could do.

Choosing to challenge the reopening has won him 199% of the reward settlement benefits, but it also left some potential small hidden dangers, and overall it is not a big impact.

In the future, there will be the mysterious businessman Beta, and Zong Shen is not worried that his points will not be spent.

Go back to the [General Combat Class] option.

Next comes the exchange of [Magic Energy Machinery].

Zong Shen only hoped not to engage in limited mode anymore.

With a little trepidation, he expanded this option.

【Magic Energy Machine】

[Second-Order Magic Energy Machinery (Auxiliary Type)]

[Tier 3 Magic Energy Machinery (Auxiliary Type)]

[Fourth-Order Magic Energy Machinery (Auxiliary Type)]

[Fifth-Order Magic Energy Machinery (Auxiliary Type)]

There are a total of second-order to fifth-order auxiliary magical energy machines to choose and exchange.

It includes the two main types of magic mecha and magic vehicle.

There are no restrictions on purchases here, after all, they are all auxiliary types, and there is no such attack-type magical energy machinery.

However, there are not many to choose from.

Zong Shen had previously exchanged a batch of magic machinery during the Winter Challenge.

So after some selection, he still chose a batch of magic energy machines as the exchange target. After all, these things are all productive!

The first is the multiple advanced models of the [Heavy Bearer Mecha].

The fifth-order [Ark Land Vehicle (Orange)], this magic mecha also uses a crawler-type site and uses four [rare magic cores] as power.

It has far higher load capacity and passability than [Loader Mecha].

Even the maneuvering speed has been greatly improved.

The length of the body is 12 meters, the width of the chassis is 6.2 meters, and the width of the track is 1.5 meters on one side.

The front and rear double sets of tracks, even if there is partial damage, will not affect the drive, but the speed will be reduced.

The maximum load weight has reached 120 tons, and the height above the ground has reached three meters.

Such a load capacity has reached the level of the "hundred-ton king" truck on the earth.

It's more than enough for territorial construction.

Space storage props are naturally more efficient, but they are not readily available. The storage space of hero-level talents can only be stacked with a thousand resources. There is no problem in dealing with resource collection and construction in the early stage. However, in production and construction Now that the volume is getting bigger and bigger, these high-debt magic energy vehicles are still very useful.

The exchange price of this thing is not cheap. A single unit reaches 1500 points, which is comparable to a sixth-order magic bomb!

However, Zong Shen still gritted his teeth and exchanged 20 cars!

After all, bombs are only one-time use, and a good magic vehicle can be used for a long time after tinkering.

The [Bearer Mecha] and [Tier IV Magic Drilling Machine] in the current territory have been in service through multiple repairs.

Moreover, these [Ark Land Vehicles (Orange)] can not only be used as a vehicle, but also can be modified as a vehicle combat platform. In terms of the above loading space, it is absolutely no problem to place five or six magic cannons.

As long as it is redeemed, Zong Shen will not worry that these big guys can't come in handy.

Twenty [Ark Land Vehicles (Orange)] are neatly arranged in the open space in front of them. Just looking at their appearance, they are like small crawler-type minecarts, square and meticulous.

In fact, with his current points, he can completely exchange for more, but it is not necessary, because Zong Shen understands that the development of the territory is not static.

In the future, he can obtain this magical energy machine from the channel of Endless Continent.

It is necessary to conduct further dismantling research and try to master the core technology!

It would be even better if the finished drawings of the relevant parts of this kind of magic machinery could be obtained in the future. The lord's privilege has advantages that the aborigines cannot match in construction and manufacturing.

The overall efficiency has surpassed that of a conventional workshop, but it is not as efficient as a modern assembly line.

In addition to these [Ark Land Vehicles (Orange)], he also exchanged twenty fifth-order [Magic Drilling Machines (Orange)].

The performance parameters of the fifth-order drilling rigs are definitely much better than those of the fourth-order drilling rigs that Zong Shen has on hand.

In the future, it will be useful for the large-scale repair of the [Azshara Sewer Underground Fortress], as well as the exploration of [Azshara Mine], [Azshara Mountain Dark Fort] and [Bone Bunker], and can also be used to build underground fortifications .

Ideal for construction, exploration, mining, and more.

The exchange price is slightly more expensive than Lu Xing Ark by 300 points, and the exchange of 20 vehicles cost a total of 36,000 challenge points!

The third type of [Magic Energy Machine] he exchanged in the future will be more special.

Previously, all the machines that ran on land were exchanged. Now this one is swimming in water. The price is amazing and the size is not small, so Zong Shen only exchanged three machines—

—[V-tier universal magic paddle steamer (orange)]

The length is 29 meters, the belly width is 6.4 meters, the depth is 2.45 meters, the length-to-width ratio is about 5.37, and the width-to-depth ratio is about 2.20.

It's not a big ship, but it's magical power anyway.

There are paddle wheels driven by magic energy cores on both sides, which can be regarded as liberating manpower.

Can also be complemented with sails.

It is suitable for the navigation needs of offshore and inland rivers.

The keel frame of the hull is made of rune forged metal, but the order is not high.

Part of the main body is made of lightweight wood, which can be replaced and repaired at any time. The overall defense ability is very general, but the function of the magic shield is also installed, which is an additional supplement to the defense ability.

The exchange price of each [V-tier Universal Magic Paddle Steamer (Orange)] reached 16,000 points~www.wuxiaspot.com~ far exceeding the price of exchanging equipment and land vehicles of the same tier.

Those limited orange legendary equipment are only worth thousands of points.

Those three paddle steamers alone cost him 48,000 challenge points.

When his points were deducted, three boats appeared, and three small port docks suddenly appeared in the open space in front of them, the kind that really brought water.

Such a miraculous spatial change has a bit of a sense of creation.

He looked at Alpha, who just shrugged, indicating that it was nothing.

Except for these three kinds of [Magic Energy Machinery], the others are not very attractive to him.

Anyway, these things are not out of print, and there is really no need to exchange too much in one go!


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