The exchange of the above batches of [Magic Energy Machinery] cost Zong Shen 114,000 points.

Now his balance is further reduced to [3315772] points.

Zong Shen's attitude also changed from the original boldness to a careful calculation.

Indeed, as the saying goes:

'There is no money that cannot be spent, there are only people who will not lose money'

As the balance became less and less, Zong Shen could only exit the prodigal mode.

It's just that after he chopped his hands, the sudden convergence made him a little uncomfortable.

Zong Shen can only tell himself that he will not die if you exchange less money...

If there is a demand for [Magic Energy Machinery] in the future, you can find a way to manufacture it yourself or get some through the channels of the Endless Continent.

In fact, [Magic Energy Machinery] is also a typical combination of [Magic Energy Technology] + [Mechanical Engineering], and some of these machines also involve advanced magic materials and rune forging materials.

The ethnic groups of the Endless Continent have done quite a bit of research in this regard.

Goblins, humans, and dwarves are still the main force in this regard.

Affected by these three clans, the beast clan and the elves clan also have some products of [Magic Energy Machinery].

It's just that due to the influence of productivity and the situation on the mainland, these magic-powered machines and equipment are destined to be difficult to popularize on a large scale.

Become a productivity tool that ordinary people can also use.

In fact, it is not complicated to transform [Magic Energy Machine] into a farming power tool.

However, its cost is not low, and ordinary farmers cannot afford it.

As for the nobles, it is better to use natural magic to use [Magic Energy Machinery] for farming...

In this respect, steam engines, internal combustion engines, and electric motors on Earth are indeed much more grounded than [Magic Energy Core].

In the future, Zong Shen may consider replicating some of the inclusive technologies on the earth to improve basic productivity, but this path can be put aside for the time being.

After he redeemed the [Magic Energy Machine], the open space extending from the mysterious hall in front of him seemed to be a parking lot.

Twenty [Ark Land Vehicles (Orange)] and twenty [Tier V Magic Drilling Machines (Orange)] were neatly parked in four rows.

On the other side, three small ports with three [V-tier universal magic paddle steamers (orange)] moored are particularly eye-catching.

These big guys are parked together, and it is really interesting to see at a glance.

It reminded Zong Shen of the construction machinery parking lot before the arrival.

Originally, he was thinking about exchanging some flying machines, but unfortunately there was none here, so he could only give up because of this, and it was considered to be closed early, which indirectly saved a sum of points.

It's strange to say that the previous [Alchemy Weapons] and large magical energy equipment could not be directly stored in the storage compartment, but these [Magic Energy Vehicles] and [Magic Energy Mecha] can always use the portable storage compartment. Charge directly.

From the [Armed Container Mecha] and [Goblin Airship (Purple)] obtained in the early stage, to the later [Load Bearer Mecha (Blue)], [Tier 5 Earth Shaker Chariot (Orange)], [Tier IV] Magic Drilling Machine (Purple)] can be stored directly in the portable storage compartment.

Having said that, Zong Shen couldn't help but want to praise Kang's goblin businessman Boswell again, thanking him for his contribution to his magical energy enlightenment!

Since the previous [Magic Energy Vehicles] and [Magic Energy Mechas] can be stored in the storage compartment, the newly exchanged ones in front of them are no exception.

Zong Shen walked around and put away most of them, just left one as a sample for observation, and checked their performance parameters at the same time, in order to better understand this new batch of [Magic Energy Machinery], which will be able to be used in the future. They work to the fullest.

He walked to the side of the [Ark Land Vehicle (Orange)] first.

Only after close observation will you find out how big the gap is between the vehicle in front of you and the [Load Bearer Mecha (Blue)]!

If the [Bearer Mecha (Blue)], which is equivalent to a light truck, is placed next to the [Ark Land Vehicle (Orange)], it will be like an adult with a child.

The silver-gray vehicle body is not bright, but the surface is smooth and smooth, and the rough rivets and clips are hidden on the back.

The cockpit is located at the front, but it is inconspicuous. The height is about half a meter lower than the rear body, which reduces the sense of presence as much as possible.

The sides of the body have a certain angle of inclination towards the outside, so that it has a larger volume than the square.

The overall material is quite sturdy. Zong Shen tapped it with his knuckles, and only a dull sound came out. The materials and workmanship are very solid.

After taking a close look at the appearance and characteristics of the [Ark Land Vehicle (Orange)], Zong Shen took a few steps back, ready to check its attributes.

He had no idea of ​​a test drive, at least not here.

As his thoughts concentrated, rows of golden subtitles appeared.

[Ark Land Vehicle (Orange)]

【Legendary Magic Energy Vehicle】

[Bludge damage: 191~194]

[Sturdy value: 16500]

[Armor value: 130]

[Magic Resistance: 115]

【Maximum load: 120 tons】

[Maximum speed: 120 km/h]

[Maximum wading: 3.25 meters]

[Consumption of mana per second: 0.45~2.75]

[Magic Energy Reserve: 0/150000]

[Durability: 3500]

[Driving Device: Parallel Rare Magic Energy Core Power Matrix / 4th Stage Modified Load-bearing Tracked Chassis / 4th Stage Magical Armor Forging Process]

[Active Skill: Core Overclocking LV35 (Activate four rare-level magic cores, enter the overclocking state, increase 100% maximum speed, 100% durability and magic energy consumption, lasts 2 minutes, cooldown time 15 minutes)

Crash Crush LV30 (Initiate a 500-meter straight line Crush Crush, causing 3.0 times the bludgeoning damage to enemies along the way, and 3.5 times the bludgeoning damage to building units, the collision will lose a part of the durability, and make The mana consumption is increased to the maximum, please use it as appropriate, the cooling time is 2 hours)

Level III strength magic shield (consumes 10,000 points of magic energy to open a magic shield with level III strength, the shield is a rectangle 10 meters long and 5 meters wide, and it is fixed at five meters in front of the cockpit. position, cannot protect all vehicles, the shield has 8000 sturdiness points and 80 double resistance points, after activation, it can last up to 1 hour without attacking, and the cooldown time is 4 hours)

Cockpit Escape (After activating this effect, the Land Ark vehicle will unload the cockpit within five seconds, so that it is completely separated from the vehicle. Note that this skill is suitable for emergency escape, please activate it carefully, every activation will With 500 points of durability loss, the cooling time depends on the state of the cockpit)]

[Passive skills: Detachable body (the three-sided body of the Ark Land Vehicle can be detached and assembled, and there is a special riveting structure inside)

Eight-track drive (The Ark Land vehicle has a front and rear double track structure, with a total of eight sets of tracks. Damage to 1 to 4 sets will not completely paralyze the movement of the Land Ark, but it will reduce the movement speed)

Four-core drive (The Ark Land Vehicle has four magic energy cores, damage to 1 or 2 will not completely paralyze the movement of the Ark Land, but it will reduce the movement speed)]

(Auxiliary magical energy vehicles, although the technology used is not the top, but it is quite durable)

The Raiders module's comments on [Ark Land Vehicle (Orange)] are quite concise.

As Zong Shen said before, this thing is an advanced version of [Bearer Mecha (Blue)].

As a fifth-order vehicle, it is not as powerful as the [Earth Shaker Chariot (Orange)], and the craftsmanship has shrunk somewhat.

Zong Shen still remembers that the [Earth Shaker Chariot (Orange)] has a sturdiness value of 25,000 points. It uses a legendary magic core as power, and uses a tier V chassis and a tier 5 armor technology. , the difference is still obvious.

However, Zong Shen can understand this.

After all, [Earth Shaker Chariot (Orange)] is a combat vehicle, and [Ark Ark Vehicle (Orange)] is an auxiliary vehicle, so it is normal to have such a gap.

Moreover, the power output of four rare-level magic energy cores may not be inferior to that of one legendary-level magic energy core.

At least from the point of view of mass production, the manufacturing cost and difficulty of [Ark Land Vehicle (Orange)] must be much lower than [Earth Shaker Chariot (Orange)].

Different from the previous [Magic Bombs], the [Magic Machinery] here has a very obvious goblin style.

All in all, Zong Shen exchanged 20 [Land Xing Ark Vehicles (Orange)] horizontally and vertically, and it is not a loss, after all, their practical value is here.

After checking, Zong Shen put away the [Ark Land Vehicle (Orange)] in front of him. The stacking of twenty Ark Land Arks in his carry-on storage only took up one storage compartment.

These [Ark Land Vehicles (Orange)] are all brand-new items that have just been exchanged. There is neither damage nor difference. Naturally, they can be stacked and placed, which is also the convenience of the storage compartment.

Next, he walked to the side of the [V-Order Magic Energy Drilling Machine (Orange)], stroking the fuselage while turning around the drilling machine for a full circle.

In terms of appearance alone, there is not much difference between the fourth-order drilling rig and the fifth-order drilling rig, but the fifth-order drilling rig is slightly larger, but the difference is not too big.

The [V-Tier Magic Drilling Rig (Orange)] in front of it is also a crawler-type drive, and the triangle crawler on both sides is close to the shuttle-shaped drilling fuselage.

The cockpit is still in the old position, but there is no glass shield on it. Instead, it has become a more advanced and flexible translucent magic mask, which takes into account the protection and is not as easy to break as the glass shield. .

Zong Shen still remembered that when he was helping King Ragnar escape, he once drove the [IV-Tier Magic Drilling Machine (Purple)] to escape from the place by drilling into the ground. During this period, he was chased by epic mercenaries. The hood shattered, and when he emerged from the ground, the entire cockpit was filled with dirt, and he almost felt buried alive.

In contrast, the magic mask is not as fragile as glass.

Unless the body's magical energy is exhausted, or the related parts are damaged, it will continue to take effect, and even if it is broken, it can be repaired again.

The drill bits on the front end are still one big and two small.

The large drill bit is responsible for drilling out the channel, and the small drill bits on both sides are mainly to widen the channel and pile up reclaimed soil and gravel in the back, which mainly plays an auxiliary role.

When the drilling rig is not activated, the drill bit is retracted by about one meter, and it will be extended to start when it is activated.

In addition, Zong Shen also found robotic arms on both sides.

The right side is the clamp arm, and the left side is the shovel arm, which can be folded and retracted on both sides of the cabin to ensure that the overall shape remains in a shuttle state, so that it will be more efficient when excavating.

As for the robotic arm, it is an auxiliary device in a stagnant state, which requires a certain amount of development space, and can be useful in some cases.

Finally, there is the hidden jet device at the end. In order to prevent the entry of floating soil, the jet port is always closed, and it will only be opened when it is started.

The turbulent air flow will then pour out, and any floating soil will be blown away.

At the same time, the airflow will also give the drilling rig a certain instantaneous acceleration, which will increase the speed of tunneling in a short time. If Zong Shen had such a high-end drilling rig before, I am afraid that [Half-Armor Giant: Gurta] and [Black Blood] Scout: Lertai] It is estimated that he will not be able to catch up with someone in Zong.

Speaking of this, Zong Shen remembered that the two guys were still locked in the captive space, and now it seems that they are approaching the limit of the seven-day containment time.

"Anti-God Evil God"

It has to be dealt with separately until the challenge is over.

Zong Shen was a little confused about how to deal with these two guys before.

It's a pity to kill them directly. After all, both of them are standard epic powerhouses, and after a long period of fighting, their level has reached LV60 or above, and their combat experience is not bad.

In order to clean up these two guys, Zong Shen even used [Devil State] and many items and equipment.

Moreover, the mercenary group behind these two guys is not small, and they have close ties and cooperation with Queen Sandina.

You must know that the current Queen Sandina and the Trivassin family behind her control about one-third of the territory of the Nord Kingdom.

Since the assassination of the king was revealed, she has been torn apart.

These days, Zongshen occasionally pays attention to the situation in the Nord Kingdom.

King Ragnar Lordbrock has already taken action, but the war efficiency of the aborigines is not high, and it will take a certain amount of time to mobilize and mobilize the major cities from the assembly and deployment of legions.

The giant city has to issue a mobilization order for Bangcheng, which also takes a lot of time.

And the process of contemporary Kingdom Wars has been quite perfect.

The people of the Trevassin family first blocked the teleportation formations of the giant cities under their command, and at the same time turned on the space disorder jammer to prevent the enemy from driving straight in and teleporting directly to the giant city through space means.

Although the space movement method is easy to use, it is not difficult to prevent it.

Zong Shen is aware of this, so even if he has the [Wandering Feather (Gold)] and mastered the convenient space movement skills such as [Wandering Wander], he still prepares things like [Floating Technique] and [Wind Walk]. means.

Now, the [Empty Spirit Wings (Orange)] that he just exchanged not long ago can replace the space displacement method to a certain extent, and maintain his movement efficiency when there is magic interference or space disorder around.

At the same time, the anti-transportation methods of the giant city level are all spatial disorder.

Although both magical interference and spatial disorder can cause the transmission to fail, the former will not only affect the movement of space, but also affect the normal casting of spells in the giant city, while the latter has no hidden dangers in this regard.

So most of the giant cities have the existence of similar space jammers.

However, the giant city-level space jammer will only be activated during wartime.

Usually places such as barracks, garrison points, lord castles, cargo warehouses, and high-end manufacturing workshops will routinely turn on small space jammers.

In fact, many nobles and large business groups will also be prepared in this regard.

The lords are actually not smarter than the aborigines, but the cognition of the two sides is different, and the intervention of the lord system has caused a great impact.

In fact, this can be regarded as a kind of protection for the lords by the lord system.

When the lords are generally not a climate, the aborigines pick up the lords, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow, and all the lords are wiped out as illegal settlements in minutes, directly strangling them in the bud.

Therefore, one of the reasons why the lords can harvest the wool of the aboriginal people is because of the existence and interference of the lord system.

It would be foolish to underestimate the wisdom of Aboriginal people.

Zong Shen is also considering this issue.

If you can conquer [Half-Armored Giant: Guerta] and [Black Blood Scout: Letai], you may be able to reach the epic mercenary group behind them first through this line, so as to catch up with Queen Sandina's. Wire.

Zong Shen still holds the projection crystal of her cheating evidence in his hand, and he projected the unsightly contents in front of King Ragnar at the beginning.

But he did not hand over the crystal. Even now that Queen Sandina has broken with King Ragnar, the crystal still has its value.

I think Queen Sandina definitely doesn't want this projection of her **** with the captain of the guards spread out.

Even if everyone in the Nord Kingdom knew that she was a slutty woman who betrayed the king's husband, Queen Sandina herself would not want such private projection records to be circulated among the people.

The former is just a bad name, while the latter will expose her naked to everyone, including those lowly black street rats, despicable horse bandits, poor and dirty pariahs...

This is what Queen Sandina could not bear!

Even if she is indeed coquettish and affectionate, it is not something that those inferior pariahs can blaspheme.

Zong Shen thinks that with this one hand, Queen Sandina's weakness can be fully grasped. Of course, the specifics will be discussed later.

Originally, he was worried that his normal force was not enough to subdue [Half-Armored Giant: Gurta] and [Black Blood Scout: Letai], but now it is different, his normal attribute has reached the level of the legendary median level , the limit state can completely harden the powerhouse of the upper-level legend, and suppress the two epic-level mercenaries.

Even if it was Queen Sandina's Longtan Tiger Den, he dared to venture into it.

Strength is the best passport.

Zong Shen patted his forehead, and his thoughts drifted away unconsciously.

He retracted his attention and narrowed his eyes slightly to check the attribute data of the fifth-order drilling rig in front of him.

The dazzling golden subtitles quickly stopped his divergent thoughts.

【Magic Drilling Machine (Orange)】

[Legendary Magic Mecha/Vehicle]

[Sturdy value: 5500]

[Armor value: 80]

[Magic Resistance: 70]

[Puncture damage: 266~269]

[Bludge damage: 117~121]

【Maximum occupant: 2】

[Maximum load: 2.15 tons]

[Most Continental Speed: 65 km/h]

[Maximum penetration speed: 12 km/h]

[Consumption of mana per second: 0.95]

[Magic Energy Reserve: 0/110000]

[Durability: 3500]

[Active skill: Drilling rig overclocking LV30 (consumes 65 durability points, enters the overclocking state, increases the speed of drilling and land travel by 100%, lasts 2 minutes, cooldown time 15 minutes)

Jet Acceleration LV30 (Activate the jet acceleration device, instantly increase the burrowing speed and land speed by 300%, lasts for 12 seconds, consumes 1500 mana points, and has a cooldown of 1 hour)

Magic light curtain (generates a magic light curtain to protect the drilling machine, the light curtain is connected to the magic energy reserve, each time it takes 1 point of damage, it will consume 1.2 magic energy, and it will be in a state of overheating when it takes 12,000 points of damage in total, and it needs to be cooled down 30 minutes to restart)]

[Passive Skill: Mechanical Arm (You can activate the mechanical arm to assist in construction, and the mana consumption per second will increase by 0.1)

Light curtain cover (the cover constructed by the magic light curtain can quickly recover by consuming magic energy when attacked, and can withstand a single attack with no more than 1000 points of damage)

Searchlight system (equipped with panoramic searchlights, which can carry out all-round searchlights from front, back, up, down, left and right, the durability of the lighting system is independent of the body, and can be replaced, modified or repaired separately)]

(Tunnel warfare, hey, tunnel warfare...

I'm sorry, I went to the wrong studio. In short, this good thing for digging holes is very suitable for digging ruins like you, Xiao Zongzi, to explore the little prince)

This thing is an upgraded and enhanced version of Tier 4 [Magic Drilling Machine (Purple)].

Speaking of which, the previous drilling rigs were also obtained through the exchange of points.

No wonder these two drilling rigs are basically the same craft.

Compared with the parameters and functions of the fourth-order [Magic Drilling Machine (Purple)], the [V-Order Magic Drilling Machine (Orange)] has been significantly improved in terms of power, protection ability, and mining efficiency, and even more Auxiliary functions such as [Robot Arm], [Light Curtain Cover], and [Searchlight System].

This wave of replacement is not a loss at all, and Zong Shen can really use it.

Putting away the [Tier V Magic Drilling Machine (Orange)] in front of him, Zong Shen then walked to the small port next to him.

He has already put away two of the three paddle steamers, leaving only this one for observation.

Before that, he had obtained a [Medium Dhow (Purple)] by unpacking, which was a wooden-hulled sailing merchant ship with a length of only 24 meters.

This time, the exchange is for a more advanced magic paddle steamer.

Needless to say, the size parameters of the ship, when exchanged, Alpha introduced it in great detail. As a ship with a length of nearly 29 meters, it is not a big deal in a real ocean-going ship, but it still looks quite large in front of Zong Shen. of.

The 29-meter length is longer than three 9-meter-long minibuses standing together.

It is not a problem at all for transportation on inland rivers or for offshore navigation.

As for ocean voyages, it's a little less than that.

The vast ocean may encounter severe weather and natural disasters at any time.

But when it came time to sail the ocean, Zong Shen could use the [Chang'an Captain's Horn of Courage (Unknown)] to summon the 'Flying Henan Man'.

He has other uses for these paddle steamers. Ever since he visited the city of Wentrow on the border of the Nord Kingdom (the father of the adventurer Zuo Yin, the city in charge of the Earl of Mullen), he has become interested in inland sailing.

In fact, there are several super rivers in the Avalon Kingdom that stretch for hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and there are also many branches and trunks of various water networks.

However, there is no city with an inland port in the vicinity of Zongshen's territory.

On the other side, the giant city of Dagalisni is adjacent to a large inland shipping river called the Longmian River, which continues to the east until it enters the sea.

If a stronghold is established there, these paddle steamers can be of great use.

This intelligence and information Zong Shen has collected specially.

In fact, he has been paying close attention to the giant cities and state cities around the territory.

It can also be considered to be prepared for a rainy day and give full play to its own information advantages.

When he executes the plan, it is as easy as looking back at the lines.

Aboriginal power is an important node for obtaining population in the future, and it is also an excellent way to expand power in the future. Zong Shen has always been concerned about it.

He looked at the [V-Order Universal Magic Paddle Steamer (Orange)] in front of him, and had already thought of the time to start inland shipping in the future.

Since the paddle steamer is unladen, the draft is not deep.

This small port is more like a pond, which was created by Alpha for temporary placement of ships.

So Zong Shen jumped onto the deck himself after looking around.

The paddle wheels on both sides of the boat are particularly conspicuous. The center of the paddle steamer is flush with the lowest waterline of the hull. When driving with water, the upper guard can prevent the wheel paddle from splashing water, and can also protect the paddle wheel to a certain extent.

The tail rudder with the shaft is like a single wing, which is used to adjust the direction.

However, the adjustment angle is limited. If you want to make a 180° big turn, you need to decelerate and stop first, then start the paddle wheel on one side, close the paddle wheel on the other side, and then adjust the tail rudder to make a U-turn in place, which is quite flexible. generally.

Such a paddle steamer is a good thing for commercial transportation, but it is not suitable to be converted into a warship. Before it came, Zong Shen had seen a large steam paddle steamer in some film and television materials.

In addition to the side paddle wheels, there are front and rear paddle wheels.

No matter what kind of paddle steamer it is, the deflection and maneuvering are not flexible.

However, it is still quite stable to sail, with good reliability and comfort. It is not necessary to consider whether to change it into a warship for the time being. Anyway, it is absolutely reliable for commercial transportation.

Zong Shen stood on the deck for a while. The paddle wheel also had a ready sail mast, but it was not deployed. It existed as a related facility for auxiliary power. The single short mast was wrapped in white backfeeding, which looked like a A white chocolate bar.

After standing for a while, Zong Shen walked into the cab.

Since it is a magic-powered ship, the cab is not simple.

Inside, there are pipelines that transmit and connect magic power along the helm and the wall to the power room on the lower level.

In addition to the circular rudder, there are various power push rods, as well as simple pointer instruments, the main monitoring feedback is the output status of the magic energy core.

The driving principle is not difficult, but after all, this is a boat, and if you want to master it flexibly, you have to go through a period of control and running-in.

Standing in the cab, through the translucent light curtain in front of you, you can clearly see the viewing angle in the range of about 90 degrees.

However, when sailing normally, there is also the cooperation of the observer, so there is no need to worry about the problem of driving vision.

Zong Shen just stood there, looking at the attribute information of the paddle steamer on the spot with his expression unchanged.

【Order V Universal Magic Paddle Steamer (Orange)】

[Quality: Legendary Magic Power Ship]

[Sturdy value: 10500]

[Armor value: 100]

[Magic Resistance: 95]

【Maximum load: 82 tons】

[Maximum sailing speed: 24 knots]

[Maximum draft: 3.15 meters]

【Length: 29 meters】

【Width: 6.4 meters】

[Ship depth: 2.45 meters]

[Durability: 4500]

[Consumption of mana per second: 0.65]

[Magic Energy Reserve: 0/200000]

[Drive device: Rare magic energy core power × 2 / magic silver hull frame / V-order paddle wheel drive system / monsoon harbor armor forging process]

[Active Skill: None]

[Passive skills: sloop (can open the sloop, increase the speed of the downwind, assist the deceleration of the headwind)]

(The general-purpose magic paddle steamer is not suitable for changing into a battleship, and there is no space for the weapon system to be reserved. Due to the influence of the overall craftsmanship and materials, the carrying capacity is limited to a certain extent, and it cannot be used with the iron-hulled transport ships in the earth. compared to

Magic power saves time and effort. The disadvantage is that the cost of magic power consumption is slightly higher than the combined cost of manpower and sail power.

It is suitable for forming a paddle steamer to transport caravans to form a shipping matrix)

Compared with the [Medium Dhow (Purple)], the magic paddle steamer has obvious advantages in all aspects.

Whether it is the carrying capacity, the speed, or the size and reliability, the paddle steamer is dominant, and it is extremely labor-saving, and there is no need to arrange a large number of sailors.

The only obvious downside is the cost of mana consumption.

Don't look at Zong Shen when he consumes [Magic Energy Crystal], he puts in one by one to recharge, and he doesn't feel distressed at all.

But in fact Crystal] is a precious resource, and its status is almost equal to the crude oil on the earth as Zong Shen thought before.

Although through some modifications, the caster can use his own mana to recharge, but it is far less convenient than throwing [Magic Crystal].

Moreover, there are many kinds of magic equipment and machinery, so it is impossible to keep a large group of spellcasters as "charging treasures". Even if there are really aboriginal forces like Zong Shen doing this - specifically letting some spellcasters charge them, it is only applicable to Those fixed magic devices.

For the magic energy vehicle, it consumes every minute and every second when it is running, and when it stops, the efficiency of the caster's charging is too low, after all, the magic value of the caster is limited.

Moreover, the status and status of spellcasters are not low. The status of spellcasters of the same level is higher than that of knights. Those magic equipment and magical objects are also more expensive than casting knight armor.

To sum up, [Magic Energy Crystal] This high-energy associated ore has become a precious resource with a wide range of uses. If you buy it from the aborigines, the price is not cheap!


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