Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 953: : The end of the exchange, limited items

In such a case, the maximum operating cost of the magic machinery, vehicles and equipment is the magic energy consumed every minute and every second.

This is one of the reasons why magic equipment is difficult to fully promote.

In addition to the requirements of the craft itself and the manufacturing cost, the magic drive is a luxury drive.

For most ordinary people, it is far less cost-effective than human and animal power.

Only a guy like Zong Shen who really has a mine at home doesn't care.

There are not too many magical energy vehicles and equipment in the current territory, and the [Magic Energy Crystal] collected can fully meet the consumption.

Even if the territory expands further in the future, he does not need to worry, after all, the potential of the Azshara mine is not exhausted, and there are still a large number of unexploited veins.

In addition, due to the invasion of blood-burning demons, the mine cave collapsed due to the outbreak of the Era War, burying some ancient mine caves and veins.

As long as Zongshen develops all the Azshara ore veins, it is enough to meet the construction consumption of the giant city level, and there are even surplus ore that can be used for trade.

It must be known that the reserves there can accommodate the huge city of Azshara with tens of thousands of miners to mine for hundreds or thousands of years.

Until the cataclysm and the war broke out, the mine was only developed for one or two hundred years.

And according to Zong Shen's knowledge, the reserves of Azshara's lode are indeed not small, but looking at the entire Endless Continent, there are many more large lodes than it.

Because the Endless Continent is simply too vast.

The land and resources are not enough to describe the resource potential of this super-giant continent.

Today, the aborigines of the human kingdom have their own large-scale mining areas, and many giant cities and state cities are built around such nodes as mining areas, inland shipping terminals, and coastal terminals.

Fortunately, for this reason, the Azshara mine has always existed in the mineral geography books of the aborigines, but no one has come to mine it.

The same is true for Baron Bezos, the master of Bosbon, who once went to the mines to explore when he was young, considering the cost of eradicating spider web monsters, kobold tribes, and other crypt races and undead living deep in the mines.

In the eyes of the aborigines, the development of the Azshara mines seems to be a very uneconomical thing, which is cheap.

In any case, these three magic paddle steamers should not be long before they can be used. Zong Shen has already made relevant plans, but the priority is not high.

His principles have always been more pragmatic.

After the defensive challenge is over, I already know what to do.

First and foremost, of course, is the new planning and adjustment of territory construction.

The second is the population acquisition plan, which plunders the indigenous population and development resources from the surrounding villages and the city of Saiakabang, and at the same time carries out the reform of the free people in mind, shapes the economic system that circulates in the territory, and promotes the enthusiasm of the residents.

Further down is a series of ruins exploration plans near the territory.

After the challenge is over, he can stay in the territory for ten days, and then he has to rush to the great city of Rentax to make an appointment with the bard Englum.

As for the giant city competition meeting and banquet, it will start fifteen days after the challenge ends.

In other words, he will arrive at the giant city ahead of schedule, and there will be four or five days before the start of the competition.

Only later is the plan to go to the giant city of Dagalisni to open up inland port shipping. He plans to hand over this matter to Hao Yin for the preliminary responsibility.

Hao Yin also proposed to form a territorial caravan before.

He simply let go and let him start with inland shipping and set up a caravan.

After the caravan is basically formed, he can be recalled to the territory.

This move can be regarded as inserting a nail in the giant city of Dagalisni in advance.

This giant city is also the closest to his territory besides Rentax, but the directions of the two giant cities are different.

The former is to the west of Zongshen, and the latter is to the east.

In addition, the caravan can also operate gradually, carry out material trade and procurement along the Longmian River, and at the same time expand its influence, radiating the caravan to all cities upstream and downstream.

They will become a blood transfusion belt for the territory, continuously sending resources to the territory, bringing back financial profits and news from all over the world.

You must know that although Zong Shen's strategy module knows the situation of the Endless Continent well, it is essentially an information base that needs to be searched for keywords.

It is not convenient to ask for information without basic knowledge of other cities.

After all, the Endless Continent is so vast, with state cities and giant cities in it, and there are countless forces and settlements, large and small. At this time, establishing a caravan can greatly help in the collection of information.

With Zong Shen providing funds and some lower-cost products under the lord's privilege, as long as the Haoyin dispatched is a little more attentive, it is not difficult to become bigger and stronger.

There are three paddle steamers today, and he may be able to have a large inland trade group in the future!

Zong Shen smiled silently, then left the cockpit and jumped off the paddle steamer.

His actions and plans are always far ahead of the lords of the same period.

When other lords began to try to raid villages and caravan settlements in groups, he was already fighting the idea of ​​​​national cities and giant cities.

Now it is even ready to plan and implement the plan to form a territorial caravan that was conceived before, which is a further tentacle to the outside world.

After putting the [V-order Universal Paddle Steamer (Orange)] in front of him into the storage compartment, Zong Shen stepped back to the place where the exchange interface was projected.

In the sub-options of [General Combat Class].

He has completed the exchange of [Magic Scroll], [Benefit Potion], [Magic Energy/Rune Alchemy Technology Consumables] and [Magic Energy Machinery].

There is still one last sub-option left, which is [One-time Summoning Type].

Zong Shen is not very interested in this type of props and items.

Because even with the summoning skills attached to the equipment, it is possible to summon a summoning army of nearly four or five squads.

This [one-time summoning] item is not very useful to him, but it can be exchanged for some hero-level talents who are handed over to the territory.

When necessary, these summoned warriors can act as cannon fodder or pioneer.

With this thought in mind, he opened this sub-option.

【One-time Summoning】

【First-Order Summoning Class】

[Limited exchange: ∞]

(Exchange Points: 35)

[Second-order summoning class]

[Limited exchange: ∞]

(Exchange points: 80)

【Tier 3 Summons】

[Limited exchange: 300]

(Exchange Points: 140)

【Tier 4 Summons】

[Limited exchange: 100]

(Exchange Points: 280)

[Level 5 Summoning Class]

[Limited exchange: 50]

(Exchange points: 400)

【Tier 6 Summoning Class】

[Limited exchange: 20]

(Exchange Points: 700)

Tier 1 and Tier 2 are unlimited, and there are different limits from Tier 3 to Tier 6. Of course, their exchange point prices are also different.

As we all know, the number of summoning props that can be summoned is generally 1 to 6 summoned warriors, but the existence time is very limited.

So the exchange rate here is not cheap at all.

Zong Shen opened the list and compared it carefully.

First spent 3500 points to exchange [First-Order Spotted Hyena Summoning Teeth (White) × 100], each Summoning Tooth can only be used once, after activation, 5 [First-Order Spotted Hyenas (Normal Level) can be summoned ], the attack comes with bleeding and corrosive toxins, with good mobility and a large number, suitable for use as vanguard cannon fodder.

For the second- and third-order summoning items, Zong Shen chose to exchange the [Second-Rank Wandering Crossbowman Summoning Seal (green) × 30] and [third-order Furbolg Warrior Summoning Skin (Blue) × 20], a total of Spent 5200 Challenge Points.

[Second-Order Wandering Crossbowman Summoning Seal (Green)] Each of them can summon three [Second-Order Wandering Crossbowmen (Elite)], they can provide a certain range of long-range attack support with light crossbows, which are suitable for facing large It is summoned to relieve attack pressure when a low-scale cluster of enemies is under siege.

[Tier 3 Furbolg Warrior Summoning Skin (Blue)] can summon four Tier 3 [Furbolg Warriors (Captain Level)] to help out. The overall attributes and abilities are the same as those of the Furbolg Zong Shen killed in the woods. Warriors are about the same.

It is suitable for the tasks of melee penetration and front row damage.

Immediately afterwards, Zong Shen found a good one among the fourth- and fifth-order summoning items.

After some selection and deliberation, he exchanged the fourth-order [Goblin Tank Summoning Order (Purple) × 30], the fourth-order [Grey-haired Werewolf Summoning Mane (purple) × 20], and the fifth-order [Tauren Totem Warrior Summoning] Volume (orange) × 20], cost Zong Shen 22000 challenge points in total.

[Order of Goblin Tank Summoning (Purple)] can summon two [Tier IV Goblin Tanks (Commander)] to assist in the battle. Each tank has four goblin drivers, who can launch the magic core engine to collide, Can also perform magic bombing.

It can complete tasks such as charging, opening roads, and fire support, and has extremely high practical value.

[Grey Werewolf Summoning Mane (Purple)] As the name suggests, it is used to summon Tier 4 [Grey Werewolf Warrior (Commander)]. The summoning item itself is a pinch of grey mane, which can be used to summon three [Grey Hair] Werewolf Warriors], these werewolves have good jumping ability and movement speed, and their instantaneous movement efficiency even exceeds that of rangers and scouts of the same level. Their strong feet can jump up to a height of 20 to 30 meters, which is equivalent to eight or nine floors. , the claws are strong and powerful, can clamp the enemy and tear the armor, and can also perform strong control skills such as wolf kiss.

It is suitable for caster and marksman heroes to take on the task of close guard.

Sometimes it can also perform raids or lure missions, and it can be regarded as a very cost-effective summon warrior.

Of course, each summoned item can only be used once and is considered a consumable item.

In the future [Tauren Totem Warrior Summoning Scroll (Orange)], each summoning scroll can summon two fifth-order [Tauren Totem Warriors (Overlord)], they and Zong Shen are in the Bloodhoof clan he saw. Those tauren warriors with huge totem poles are one type.

It can be said to be both offensive and defensive, and the huge totem pole can be offensive and defensive.

Behind the pestle is the totem shield wall, which can be used as a sweeping shock weapon when pulled up.

Just enough to give it to Vereesa, Luna, Mariel, Aishia, Tasia, Madeleine, Mapel and the others to use against their bodies.

In the end, Zong Shen also chose two of the sixth-order summoning items to exchange.

They are:

Tier 6 [Storm and Thunder Double-headed Eagle Summoning Feather (Gold) × 5]

Tier 6 [Summoned Scales of the Crimson Dragon Turtle War Beast (Gold) × 5]

He exchanged a total of ten copies of these two summoning items and spent 7,000 challenge points. The former can summon two [Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Giant Eagle (Epic Rank)]. As a giant eagle and beast of warcraft, its two heads can be separated Breathing wind blades and thunder, it can also fly with high maneuverability. Its two claws are like gold and iron, it can tear the beasts apart, and it can take people to fly quickly away from the battlefield when it is critical.

In terms of mobility alone, it even surpassed the dragon-veined griffins of the same rank, and it was regarded as a faster flying existence among the flying beasts.

The latter can summon two [Crimson Dragon Turtle War Beast (Epic Rank)], the scale skin of this dragon tortoise war beast is reddish-brown, and the carapace on the body has sharp spines.

The body is huge, the epic dragon turtle war beast can reach 25 meters in length, and the highest point of the tortoise shell on the back can reach 17 or 8 meters. When swimming in the sea, it is like a floating island reef.

It can continuously spray water arrows and water light chains to attack.

The spiked carapace has its own physical counter-injury effect, and its own defense ability is extremely high.

In the defensive stance of the shrinking shell, it has a double resistance of up to 260 points.

The speed of swimming in the water is not slow, the diving speed can reach 35 knots, and the floating speed is more than 26 knots. It can be summoned as a riding beast in the water, and can also be used as a meat shield.

These two summoning items can be distributed to confidant heroes to save their lives in an emergency.

So far, Zong Shen has ended the exchange of [one-time summoning] items. In this exchange option, he spent 37,700 challenge points.

The current remaining challenge points are [3278072] points.

He put away all the summoning items that appeared in front of him, and then controlled the exchange interface with his mind to return to the first-level interface.

[General Combat Class] has been exchanged, and then [Talent Recruitment Class], Zong Shen estimated that it should be all kinds of talent recruitment coupons.

It just so happened that he was recently setting up a research and manufacturing team in the territory, and he needed the support of a large number of talents in various fields.

At present, the machinery, equipment, and magic technology of the territory are all maintained by the dwarf uncle who is a senior blacksmith and the iron man of the senior goblin engineer.

Whether it is Uncle Dwarf or Tie Zi, relevant apprentices can be trained.

However, in the final analysis, apprentices can only start by fighting. If you want to grow, you need continuous learning. Zong Shen needs more senior talents to enrich the research team.

In the aboriginal system, senior craftsmen are respected as "masters", and special craftsmen are called "masters", which are already considered high-level talents.

Further up are the foreman, the master craftsman, and the so-called master craftsmen.

When you reach the level of a foreman, you can lead a giant city-level workshop.

As for the number of master craftsmen above, there are not many master craftsmen who can teach many apprentices, and their status is respected, and their own skills are close to the peak of the industry.

The last master craftsman is truly rare.

You must know that every master craftsman in the Endless Continent is also a famous existence.

For example, the maker of the [Wings of Aggregation (Purple)] that Zong Shen obtained before is a famous master craftsman, and he is a super craftsman who has obtained master certification in many fields.

Now that guy is incognito, has a longevity like an immortal species, and lives a secluded life in the city. If Zong Shen can recruit him, he will not have to worry about the future research and manufacturing of the territory.

The meaning of talent is beyond doubt.

The reason why the aborigines can manufacture various high-end equipment and standard equipment in batches is because there are a large number of craftsmen talents, together with major workshops, forming a relatively integrated production system.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen somewhat looked forward to it.

With a thought, he opened the exchange option for [Talent Recruitment].

As the interface refreshed, rows of sub-options also appeared in front of him.

[Senior title technical talent recruitment volume (limited)]

[Limited exchange: 8]

(Exchange points: 1500)

[Excellent Qualification Hero-level Talent Recruitment Volume (Limited)]

[Limited exchange: 4]

(Exchange points: 1800)

[Rare Qualification Hero Recruitment Volume (Limited)]

[Limited exchange: 2]

(Exchange points: 3200)

[Legendary Qualification Hero-level Talent Recruitment Volume (Limited)]

[Limited exchange: 1]

(Exchange points: 5800)

There aren't many options to choose from.

And each one is limited.

Those hero-level recruitment papers can only specify what kind of qualifications they have, but the recruitment has a certain degree of randomness. It is possible to recruit heroes in logistics and internal affairs, and it may also be affected by the type of battle. The specifics have to be recruited. Check the accompanying talents of hero-level talents, that is, [Heroic Skills] to get the conclusion.

There are also many hero-level talents in the territory.

Some of them were recruited from the aborigines, some were promoted by Zong Shen using the power of [Heroic Emblem (Orange)], and a large part was inherited from the unclaimed territory.

Most of the hero-level talents in the territory are logistics and internal affairs types.

The proportion of combat types is relatively small. Fortunately, the heroes promoted by Zong Shen using [Hero Emblem (Orange)] are also combat types, which makes up for this deficiency to a certain extent.

Therefore, Zongshen is more eager for the hero-level talents of the fighting type.

Especially in the future, it is necessary to lead troops to fight, and it is indispensable to have talents in this area.

As for the heroic talents of logistics and internal affairs, it is also very important, but an efficient administrative structure can greatly increase the efficiency of internal affairs. In Zong Shen's experience, the heroic talents found among the aborigines are mostly biased. In this regard, there are relatively few types of battles, and perhaps many can be found in the military system of the aborigines, but there are not many civilians anyway.

In any case, these talent recruitment rolls are not to be missed by him.

The first is the [Senior Title Technical Talent Recruitment Volume]. After opening the list, almost all kinds of technical classifications are also provided.

At present, Zongshen's territory has a senior blacksmith, an intermediate blacksmith, a senior pharmacist, a senior agronomist, and a senior goblin engineer.

After some thought, Zong Shen made the exchange choice.

They are:

【Advanced Dwarf Blacksmith Recruitment Scroll×1】

【Advanced Goblin Alchemist Recruitment Scroll×2】

【Senior Goblin Mechanical Engineer Recruitment Volume×1】

[Senior Human Race Magician Recruitment Volume × 2]

【Advanced Elf Enchanter Recruitment Scroll×1】

【Advanced Magic Materials Science Graduate Recruitment Volume×1】

Dwarf blacksmiths basically master part of the rune forging technology, but the skill level is lower than the forging technology they master.

After all, the rune forging technology of the dwarves of the Three Castles had a fault after the end of the era.

Although it has not been completely lost, the skill left behind has become a minor skill. If Zong Shen wants to study this, he needs to start with the skills that the dwarf blacksmith has mastered, and look for the products made by ancient books and ancient crafts. Step by step trace back to the peak level of restoration rune forging technology.

In the future, the [Advanced Goblin Alchemist] can be considered to make up for the talent gap in the territory. The potions and materials produced by the alchemy technology system are also supplements to the application of magic energy.

It goes hand in hand with rune forging technology, and its importance is self-evident.

In addition, Zong Shen also selected a [Senior Goblin Engineer]. Anyway, multiple [Mechanical Workshops] can be established in the territory. In the future, there will be two senior mechanical engineers in the territory, who can carry out dual-backup research and manufacturing tasks at the same time. .

The last two [Senior Human Magician], one [Senior Elf Enchanter], and one [Master of Magic Materials Science], all make up for the talent gap in the territory.

With the above-mentioned talents joining the territory, it is enough to construct a multi-field complementarity initially, and in the future, formal research can be carried out.

Many magical instruments and products can only be produced by combining technologies from multiple fields. Therefore, in many cases, only Iron Hand Barenque or Uncle Dwarf can be mechanically disassembled. Even if they know they are far away, they cannot be reproduced. There are many components that involve processes in other technical fields.

And the higher the level and the stronger the magic equipment and products, the more so.

The exchange of the eight talent recruitment volumes cost him 1,200 challenge points, but Zong Shen thinks the cost is worth it.

Then he exchanged the remaining hero-level talent recruitment volumes of various qualifications, and he had to wait until they were recruited to know what type of heroes they were.

At this point, the exchange of [Talent Recruitment] has ended in a hurry.

Zong Shen spent a total of 31,400 challenge points.

The remaining challenge points are [3246672] points.

Returning to the first-level exchange interface, the next category exchange option is [Commonly Used Materials]. Zong Shen glanced at it and found that it was mainly food, clothing, etc., but there was no need to exchange it.

Zong Shen still has a lot of dinars on hand, so he can ask the aborigines to buy it or plunder it directly. Anyway, he will attack the chaotic city of Saiakabang soon.

So he chose to ignore this redemption option.

So now there are only the last two exchange options left in front of him.

They are [Limited Exchange Class] and [Good Luck and Destiny Tickets], you can know their finale options just by looking at the names!

Zong Shen first opened the [Limited Exchange Class], but he wanted to see what good things were worth exchange here!

Obviously the limit here is not the same as the previous limit.

The previous limited exchange is more like a "current limit" behavior of the lord system.

Prevent some items from being exchanged too much at one time, which will affect the balance of the next development progress. After all, this is a large-scale collective exchange of lords.

A slight negligence will affect the subsequent overall development rhythm.

And the limited editions here are obviously some unique goodies.

Similar to Zong Shen's limited items after the end of the hot challenge.

However, the specifics have to be opened and viewed to be determined.

The exchange interface in front of you expands, and rows of options for exchange appear.

【Limited exchange category】

[The limited items/types/quantities that can be selected in this exchange category are determined by the lord’s comprehensive score. Each lord has an exclusive limited item. Some lords will have multiple exchangeable items, and some lords will encounter In the case of exchangeable items]

[Greed Lord's Cornucopia (Special)]

[Limited exchange: 1]

(Exchange points: 30000)

【Mirror of Vientiane (Gold)】

[Limited exchange: 1]

(Exchange points: 18500)

[Mind Vision Skill Book (Gold)]

[Limited exchange: 1]

(Exchange points: 20000)

【Wacky event simulator (special)】

[Limited exchange: 1]

(Exchange points: 40000)

【Lucky Maple Leaf (Unknown)】

[Limited exchange: 1]

(Exchange points: 66666)

Zong Shen understood the value of these items after just a cursory glance.

The limited exchange items here are all good ones, and they also mean "personal order".

Of course, the exchange points required for them are not low.

However, Zong Shen still gritted his teeth and chose all the rounds. He didn't stingy here. No matter what items the mysterious merchant Beta had that was worth redeeming, he couldn't miss these good things in front of him in order to save points!

A total of five limited exchange items appeared in the list, which cost Zong Shen 175,166 challenge points in total.

This caused his point balance to decrease significantly, becoming [3071506] points.

So far, he has spent more than three million points on Alpha!

With the deduction of the points, the five exchanged items were quickly manifested one by one and floated in front of him.

The different auras emanating from the surface of each object have already proved their extraordinaryness.

The first thing Zong Shen looked at was the large golden basin that was the size and shape of a washbasin.

The two sides of this basin are decorated with orbs and gems, and the whole body shines with golden light, which is particularly eye-catching.

This exaggerated basin is the [Greed Lord's Cornucopia (Special)].

Speaking of the greedy master, I have to mention the [Greed Master's Money Bag (Orange)] that Zong Shen had obtained before. That thing can be used for prostituting dinars for free, and it can save money for interest. It can be regarded as a kind of "Financial Tools".

And since the cornucopia in front of him is also related to the Lord of Greed, it must mean that it also has the ability to increase wealth.

The style of the greedy master is very suitable for Zong, a greedy handsome boy.

With anticipation, he stretched out his hands and took over this [Greed Lord's Cornucopia (Special)].

Since it dared to use the "cornucopia" as its name, it was related to the Lord of Greed, and it was an item of special quality, so Zong Shen had every reason to believe that it must have this function.

Otherwise, how can it be called a cornucopia?

Zong Shen, who was holding the cornucopia with both hands, looked at it curiously.

Just looking at the appearance, this thing does have a bit of exaggerated style. Those decorated orbs, gems, amber, agate, and turquoise are matched with golden color matching, and a breath of local upstarts blows.

Zong Shen thought about it, even if it is regarded as a handicraft, it would be a good choice to use it to wash with water every day.

There are four big characters engraved on the bottom of the treasure pot. It seems that the font is not the common language of the human race in the endless continent, nor is it the language of the ancient orcs, but it is somewhat like the ancient font of the earth's Chinese summer.

The four characters are arranged in a square and upright manner, and the strokes are horizontal and vertical, with a very regular and severe aura, but it is a pity that Zong Shen could not understand it.

Even the strategy module, which has always been responsive, did not give feedback immediately.

This made Zong Shen couldn't help asking in his heart.

"Please translate the meaning of these four words for me."

His idea request appeared, and the feedback from the strategy module appeared.

(The 17379 complete languages ​​and text systems included in the database are being quickly searched, please wait patiently)

"Good guy, can't you understand the strategy module?"

"It seems that the greedy master is quite famous!"

"Speaking of which, when I got the [Greed Lord's Money Bag (Orange)], the strategy module did not introduce the so-called 'Greed Lord' in too much detail, it seems that it should involve some very high-level characters and past."

Zong Shen squinted his eyes and pondered, and his intuition told him that the cornucopia in his hand was far from simple, and the greedy master behind it was even more difficult.

Recalling the purse I got before, thinking that as a legendary item, it actually has the active effects of [Equivalent Exchange] and [Wealth Surprise], and from an economic point of view, it can be regarded as unreasonable and unreasonable. [Interest] This passive effect!

Think about it carefully, the currency used by [Interest] is the Continental Universal Dinar.

The origin of this dinar is mysterious, and it is suspected to be a common currency issued by the mysterious system, so it proves that [Greed Lord's wallet (orange)], even if it is a legendary quality, it can still affect the lord system. Supreme rule.

Even if it only affects the dinar, it can be regarded as a shallow touch of the authority of the lord system~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From this point of view, whether it is the purse or the so-called cornucopia in front of me, it should only be the greedy lord once. used tools.

The greedy lord behind them is the truly remarkable existence!

Seeing Zong Shen holding the cornucopia, he was taken aback.

The mysterious businessman Alpha suddenly took a step closer and caught his attention.

It wasn't until Zong Shen raised his head to look at Alpha that the guy said with a look of reminiscence.

"Traveling in all worlds, the master of greed, the first radiance of wealth..."

"Lord of Greed!"

Alpha Barbara said a long list of names.

If the Myriad Realms Trader who started at the beginning was true, it would be full of gold.


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