Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 954: : The Cornucopia of the Lord of Greed, the Mirror of All Forms

"You know the Lord of Greed?"

Zong Shen asked tentatively.

As the de facto first lord, Alpha's learned mother is beyond doubt.

Moreover, being able to exist in such a special identity for such a long time is enough to prove that Alpha itself is not simple.

Come to think of it, he should know something about the Lord of Greed.

After all, these items related to the greedy lord all flowed into the hands of contemporary lords through the channels of the lord system!

It is absolutely impossible to say that the lord system is ignorant of the greedy master!

Zong Shen discovered very early on that the channels of the lord system often place some equipment and items left by the ancient powerhouses.

Including but not limited to treasure chests of all levels, announcement rewards, and challenge exchange.

It also proves that the powerhouses in the past are actually under the control of the lord system, and the legacy of the ancient powerhouses is more like an indirect inheritance.

In addition, the experience of the lords of the endless continent, the founding of the country, and the destruction.

Makes this land seem like a pot of hodgepodge.

There are countless relics and the legacy of the strong, they are like seeds, and no one knows what kind of fruit they can bear until the last moment.

Zong Shen didn't know why he thought of these things in cooking.

Obviously this series is like the process of Genesis.

That mysterious supreme being is adding materials to the cauldron of the Endless Continent.

A variety of delicious auxiliary materials are piled up, spices and seasonings emerge in an endless stream.

The lords of each batch are the fresh ingredients of the current period, but if they cannot withstand the test of cooking with fire, they will eventually become the bottom side dishes.

In the future, the supreme existence will continue to add main materials to it.

Until a certain batch of main dishes is amazing enough, then a good dish will be freshly cooked.

But with so many elements stacked together, who can know the final result?

Zong Shen was thoughtful, his eyebrows raised a little, thinking about it this way was a bit terrifying, people, still can't think too much.

Fortunately, Alpha's response pulled his thoughts back in time.

I saw Alpha nodded as a matter of course.


"The Lord of Greed is a big man."

"It is by accumulating wealth and pursuing a top-level powerhouse who is greedy and greedy to the extreme, and has touched the field of the relevant theocracy."

"Some small things such as pots and pans left by him should still be circulated in the endless continent, and they should be mastered by the supreme administrator."

Alpha shrugged and blinked again, indicating that he couldn't say much.

Zong Shen nodded, indicating that he understood.

What theocracy, laws, supreme, managers, these things that were not known to the lords, Zong Shen is even used to it now.

It seems to have become the supreme old fritters in the lord.

It seems that Alpha should recognize the cornucopia in his hand.

Just when Zong Shen was about to pick up the basin and asked him what those four words meant, the strategy module finally came to a conclusion.

(According to the query and combined translation of various text systems

The meaning of these four words: Greed for profit

Judging from the existing data, it used to be the motto that accompanied the rise of the greedy master, and it was also an interpretation of the nature of the greed master's power)

"Greed for profit..."

"It turns out that as long as you persistently pursue what you want and want, you can reach a height that is unattainable for ordinary people?"

"However, through the ages, countless epochs have changed, and countless dimensional worlds have been blooming. I don't know how many greedy and profit-seeking characters have been born. I am afraid that this is the only one who can reach the extreme."

Zong Shen pondered seriously in his heart.

In fact, all living beings have greed in their hearts.

This is true whether it is intelligent life, non-intelligent life, or even small cells.

Devouring, growing, and obtaining are all shadows of greed, and even the very existence of life is closely related to greed.

From the perspective of human nature, greed is not a bad quality.

Because life itself is inseparable from taking and plundering.

As an essence that depends on the existence of life and is closely related, greed is also difficult to say good or bad, at least in many aspects, greed is the driving force.

Of course, excessive greed will also completely swallow reason.

Zong Shen didn't understand this deeply, and he was just an ordinary person who was good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

There is no lofty heroic sentiment, nor a profound philosophical mission.

His goal has always been pure, and that is to live... live well.

The demands are not high, but it is extremely difficult to achieve in such a situation.

Shaking his head, Zong Shen focused his eyes on the cornucopia in front of him.

Now that he already knows the origin of the greedy master, he should give some expectations to the cornucopia in his opponent. After all, this is also the object that he spent the real money and silver challenge points to exchange.

As for the experience, legacy, and thoughts of the greedy Lord, it doesn't matter.

If there is fate, I will definitely come into contact with related things again in the future.

After thinking about this, Zong Shen only felt enlightened.

Pursuing the secrets of the past is the instinct of most people, but overindulging in it may not bring great gains. Some things should be kept in mind, and some things should be left to nature.

Seeing Zong Shen's eyes suddenly clear, Alpha's mouth evoked an indiscernible arc, and he became more and more optimistic about Zong Shen!

In his opinion, not only did Zong Shen's own strength and development speed reach a level that was untouchable by the lords of the same period, but his temperament, experience and open-mindedness were also first-class. Even if such a character was not the darling of the original world's will, It will definitely be able to ride the wind and waves to show great plans!

Zong Shen didn't know that his evaluation in the heart of the mysterious businessman Alpha had further improved a lot. In fact, his open-mindedness and his experience only came from the accumulation and understanding of information.

The more things you know, the greater the pressure on your shoulders, but at the same time, your mind will become more open-minded and your horizons will be broadened.

When the lord was still worried about self-protection at the same time, Zong Shen was already spying on the supreme secret, trying to find a way to break free from the shackles.

This is the difference, people are really different.

Different experiences, different insights, different breadth of information, and different life stages will bring about completely different xinxing and perceptions.

The strategy module brings only an informational advantage.

But the impact of information is not as simple as it seems.

It is not just the process from learning to obtaining, but for Zong Shen, it is also a way to quickly absorb information.

He finished thinking and spiritual construction, and stared at the cornucopia in front of him with narrowed eyes.

Gold subtitles appear along with the introduction of the system's item information.

[Greed Lord's Cornucopia (Special)]

【Quality: Special】

[Active effect: Wealth appreciation (loading in dinars or other materials of suitable volume, double the amount can be poured out, this effect can only be used once every 168 hours)

Treasure Surprise (You can get a Treasure Surprise every 720 hours, and randomly get 99999~999999 dinars or items from Excellent to Bright VII)

Turn stone into gold (you can put materials, equipment, and items of suitable size, and there is a 50% chance to make them obtain advanced quality. This effect can only be used once every 720 hours)

Wealth Traction (This effect can be activated once every 168 hours, and randomly pulls a treasure within a 100-kilometer radius into the cornucopia, including but not limited to dinars, equipment, accessories, magic items, and the volume cannot exceed the size of the cornucopia. Volume, cannot forcibly pull items bound by shields, magic circles, and closed terrain)]

[Passive effect: Accumulate wealth and treasure (every second of life with a cornucopia is arrogant, and every second you will get 1 dinar)

wealth is power The cost is also different)]

(The cornucopia of the greedy lord can help your wealth grow rapidly, and has a well-deserved function of gathering treasures and accumulating money

This pot and your money bag are things used by the greedy master back then, so they have related abilities and effects.

Compared with the money bag, the cornucopia is even more arrogant.

From the moment you own it, your wealth is continuously increasing every minute and every second)

Cornucopia is aptly named.

Simple, rude, and arrogant!

Not to mention other effects for the time being, just the passive effect called [Gathering Wealth and Gathering Treasures] is full of arrogant temperament.

Every second he gets 1 dinar.

That translates to 60 dinars per minute.

3600 dinars per hour.

86,400 dinars per day.

2592000 dinars per month.

31,104,000 dinars per year!

The ecstasy of whoring pensioners is more arrogant than the [interest] given by [Greed Lord's purse (orange)]!

Moreover, the wealth harvested through the effect of "Gathering Wealth and Gathering Treasures" can be put into the money bag to eat interest, and the descendants are endless.

As long as Zong Shen can endure loneliness, he can easily accumulate massive wealth!

As for the other effects, it is also quite arrogant.

[Wealth Increase] is equivalent to turning one pot of money into two pots. In addition to dinars, those precious materials can also take effect, provided that they cannot be larger than this pot.

[Treasures and Surprise] is also a prostitution-type effect, a random amount of dinars is drawn, and there is a chance to get items whose quality level does not exceed rank VII of Yaoguang rank.

[A touch of stone becomes gold] can make the item put into it have a 50% chance of getting a quality upgrade, and you can change your bike into a motorcycle, and its effect does not limit the original level of the item, provided that the volume of the item cannot Exceeds the volume of the cornucopia.

The last item in the active effect, the [Wealth Traction] is even more domineering. It is no exaggeration to say that this is no different from Ming robbing. It randomly pulls some dinars or treasures from an area within a 100-kilometer radius. , although this effect is also random, but the items that can be considered as treasures by the cornucopia must be of high rank.

There are only two accompanying passive effects. In addition to the extremely arrogant [Gathering Wealth and Treasures], the effect called [Wealth is Power] is not simple.

From the literal meaning, it is not difficult for Zong Shen to see that this is a skill of "destroying wealth and eliminating disasters". Cornucopia provides a channel to gain temporary combat power by dedicating wealth, and the gain ratio has increased from 1% to 999%.

In other words, as long as Zong Shen is willing, he can get nearly ten times the enhancement!

And the amount of devotion to wealth depends on his basic strength.

This is also normal. The higher the basic strength, the higher the income from the increase, and the greater the cost of wealth that needs to be dedicated!

From this point of view, although this effect cannot be prostituted for free, but at the juncture of some life and death crisis, it is bound to be able to play a miraculous effect!

"A mere tens of thousands of challenge points can be exchanged for such a good thing..."

"This business is really bloody!"

Zong Shen couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If nothing else, the effect of [Gaining Wealth and Treasures] alone has already made a lot of money!

Even from a long-term perspective, the value of this cornucopia is no less than those demigod-level items!

"So isn't the limited exchange items of other people also very precious?"

"No, I remember..."

Zong Shen thought about it, and suddenly remembered the system note that appeared when he opened the [Limited Exchange] list:

[The limited items/types/quantities that can be selected in this exchange category are determined by the lord's comprehensive score. Each lord has exclusive limited items. Some lords will have multiple exchangeable items, and some lords will meet Until there is no exchangeable item]

This remark highlights the particularity of Alpha's [Limited Exchange Class].

In other words, Zong Shen was able to exchange for the cornucopia because his own comprehensive score was high enough to exchange these items.

Secondly, it is not ruled out that it was because he had been in contact with items related to the Lord of Greed that led him to get the cornucopia.

In any case, this situation is a big good thing for Zong Shen.

He scattered the prompts and attribute list in front of him, and opened the personal storage compartment.

Both the lord and the recruited hero-level talents under his command have the privilege of carrying storage compartments, but there is still a big difference between the two.

The storage compartment of the former can not only be used for quick storage and storage, but also has the ability to charge dinars indefinitely. No matter how large the denomination of dinars is, it can be charged and converted into a series of balance numbers.

Moreover, the lords can extract dinars of different denominations and quantities at any time according to their thoughts, and hero-level talents can also quickly collect dinars and convert them into balances, but there is a certain upper limit.

These are all things Zong Shen knew before.

It is precisely because of this that he firmly believes that the emergence of a common currency such as dinars is definitely the work of the lord system!

At this moment, in his storage compartment, the balance of dinars is increasing bit by bit, slowly and firmly realizing wealth appreciation.

"It feels so good to make money even while sleeping!"

Zong Shen couldn't help but sigh!

With the backhand, he put away the [Greed Lord's Cornucopia (Special)].

The Temple of Alpha is special. You cannot use any recruiting items here, and you cannot even activate [Fortune Amplification] and [Treasure Surprise].

Prove that this should be a separate restricted area.

He can only get the other effects of the cornucopia after the exchange is over.

After putting away the cornucopia, Zong Shen looked at another item floating in front of him, an oval mirror about the size of a vanity mirror.

The movable frame of the frame can change the angle of the mirror.

The bottom comes with a base, which can be placed on the ground or desktop stably.

The mirror surface is smooth and clean, but it is dark gray, and it does not reflect human figures like ordinary mirrors.

Zong Shen stared at the mirror, but there was a deep feeling that he couldn't see through.

In addition, the upper and lower sides of the frame are decorated with a narrow eye.

Looking at it creates a feeling of being alive.

These two withered eyes are like real eyes, giving Zong Shen a vague sense of peeping.

As for other aspects, there are no characteristics, and there are no too complicated patterns.

At this time, the mysterious businessman Alpha still did not forget his responsibilities.

He began to speak for Zong Shen.

"This mirror has a pretty strong assistive ability."

Hearing Alpha's opening, Zong Shen also kept nodding and nodding pretending to be cooperative.

On the surface, he was listening to Alpha's introduction, but in fact he was pondering and researching on his own. He just listened to a few words, and the real detailed research had to rely on the strategy module.

But he was more of an introduction service purchased with points. Even if he did it, he couldn't be too reckless in front of Alpha.

Even though this mysterious businessman Alpha was polite and respectful on the surface, Zong Shen actually knew very well that Alpha's means and strength were not what he could covet.

Even if Alpha has the responsibility now and is restricted and assigned by the lord system, Zong Shen does not dare to take it lightly, so as not to get into unnecessary trouble.

Alpha was in his own mysterious hall, and he could only vaguely perceive Zong Shen's will and mood. He could perceive what Zong Shen was thinking about, but the specifics were unknown.

Here, Zong Shen is about to praise the lord system for protecting the privacy of personal thoughts and wills, according to what Alpha mentioned before.

There have been so many generations of lords who were completely in a state of mind monitoring, but the development progress of those generations was invisible and unable to reach a certain height. Since then, the lord system has stopped monitoring thinking.

Once any intelligent life loses the freedom of thinking, it is equivalent to stifling the potential and creativity of the future.

Seeing that Zong Shen had no reaction, Alpha then added.

"The function of the Mirror of All Phases is very simple."

"You can see some things through it."

"Includes people or things."

"Of course, it cannot effectively observe areas with strong interference and the protection and shielding of magic circles."

"But most places can use it for observation."

"The mirror will feed back in real time the situation of the place you want to see in the form of a live picture."

"As far as I know, its previous owner used its characteristics to peek at the privacy of many noble ladies..."


"Of course, I believe you will not be so dirty. Its strategic value and information acquisition value are far better than this little desire to snoop."

When the mysterious businessman Alpha said this, he seemed to remember something interesting, and suddenly laughed "hooahahah" for a while.

Zong Shen understood, this mirror is a powerful monitor.

Reminds him of the legendary magic mirror.

Through the mirror, you can explore the situation of the world without leaving home.

Of course, that kind of really heavily guarded place is definitely impossible to probe.

Places such as the royal palace and the castle manor of the great nobles are all equipped with special shielding magic value and space interference means to prevent spell snooping and illegal space movement.

But even so, this also means that most areas can be under Zong Shen's monitoring.

It's just that Zong Shen hasn't carefully checked its attribute effects.

It is not yet known how much the detection range of this mirror is, and what the detection conditions are. If it is a broad search insight, an efficient retrieval mechanism is indispensable.

These doubts can only be answered by the Raiders module.

Although Alpha is erudite and his introduction is basically correct, he can't be so detailed. Originally, the detailed usage and characteristics of the item need to be further explored by the lord, but Zong Shen has a strategy module, which is equivalent to mastering the detailed manual. Of course it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Seeing that Zong Shen was indifferent and disapproved, Alpha didn't say anything more, just smiled and remained silent.

At this time, Zong Shen had already held up the [Mirror of All Phases (Gold)], and looked at it carefully before his eyes.

Gold subtitles appear next to the mirror.

【Mirror of All Phases (Gold)】

[Quality: Epic]

[Active effect: Mirroring all phases (relevant locations can be retrieved through the mind, the mirror will display the situation of the location in real time for 20 minutes, can penetrate non-magic influences and buildings, but cannot penetrate magic shielding and magic For shields and strong interference areas, the maximum display range does not exceed 30,000 kilometers around the user. After each location is displayed, it needs to be used after a 24-hour interval. The depth of the underground exploration is no more than 150 meters. The depth of exploration is no more than 4500 meters at most, and the specific ground level of the exploration area is the standard)

Mark of the Universal Mirror (Up to 120 places or characters can be marked, and the marked places and characters have the right to explore within a distance of 100,000 kilometers. This skill has no cooling and unlimited restrictions. The exploration rules are basically the same as those of Mirror Mirror)

Mirror link (it can be linked with any mirror object, and after the link is completed, it will become a split mirror, and the main mirror and split mirror can be connected, communicated and viewed by displaying each other at any time. The maximum effective link distance is 300,000 km, the maximum number of mirrors that can be linked is 12, the link has no cooling, but each time a contact is initiated, it takes a few seconds)]

[Passive skill: Insight of Mirror (holding the Mirror of All Phases can quickly connect to any mirror surface within one kilometer around you, and display the live scene corresponding to the mirror surface. Second, it is also effective for stealth skills of no more than 7th rank) , but this effect is also affected by magic interference, shielding, and shielding)]

(If God has given you a pair of eyes that can see everything, don't just use it to peek at the bottom of your skirt—

—The great philosopher, so says your most reliable guide module

The effect of this mirror is very practical, not all places will have magic interference effects or special magic shielding devices.

It gives you a pair of eyes like flying birds, allowing you to see a wider world and pictures

The three active effects are quite practical, covering the effects of directional reconnaissance, universal reconnaissance, and link communication

That passive effect is also not simple, it is equivalent to having a large group of mirror scouts within three kilometers around the self.

Every mirror will be your eyes

And the concept of mirrors is not limited to mirrors

Smooth ground, water surface, even reflective armor, metal utensils, and even tableware such as spoons and forks may meet the link requirements of Mirror Insights and provide you with real-time feedback

With that said, you should be able to understand its value, right?

As for peeping or something, this guide doesn’t think it’s necessary, you might as well just use [The Prophet’s Sharp Eyes] to go up, of course, if you’re happy to peep, that’s up to you)

"so smart?"

"Isn't this the equivalent of a super-precision spy satellite with built-in penetration?"

"Although it can't penetrate the area of ​​magic interference and shielding, such a function is already very outrageous!"

"Not to mention the super useful small-area detection skill called [Mirror Insight]."

Zong Shen's eyes lit up, and it was obvious that he had a lot of interest in the [Mirror of All Phases (Gold)] in his hand.

Who wouldn't want to have the ability to see everything?

It's a pity that there are strong restrictions on the exploration of ruins.

For example, it can only probe a depth of 150 meters below the ground level of the area, and most of the remains are in deeper layers.

Even those shallow ruins have a high chance of magic interference.

Taking the ruins Zong Shen first explored, the temple and dungeon of the demon hunter, the entrance to the dungeon was blocked by a sarcophagus entirely made of high-quality [Magic Stone], and [Magic Stone] It belongs to a kind of magic material, which naturally has magic veins, and is often used for construction for the manufacture of magic items and buildings.

It can also play the role of magic interference. Although the interference of [Magic Pattern Stone] is not strong, it is enough to affect the insight of [Mirror of All Phases (Gold)].

So it is not difficult to prevent being seen by the [Mirror of All Phases (Gold)].

As long as you have the heart, most magic spying methods are difficult to achieve.

But even with these basic limitations, the function of [Mirror of All Phases (Gold)] is amazing enough for Zong Shen.

Speaking of magic snooping, Zong Shen remembered something very important.

That is, until now, no magic interference device has been installed in his territory.

This means that someone with a heart can spy on his territory and any privacy without fear!

[The Mirror of All Phases (Gold)] is not the only magic detection method and props. Similar methods of spying can be said to emerge in an endless stream, but its observation distance is exaggerated. In fact, there are indeed special detection spells. By.

There are also some magical wonders with the effect of [Mirror of All Phases (Gold)].

So Zong Shen should really be more vigilant in this regard, and can no longer be like before.

In fact his territory has associated isolated buildings.

For example, [Pillar of the Red Gold Barrier (Gold)], when the [Red Gold Barrier Shield] is turned on, it not only has a defensive function, but also can isolate peeping and prohibit the enemy's space transmission, and detect that the space fluctuations that are not one's own have active disturbance. Ability.

However, if the [Red Gold Barrier Shield] is kept on normally, it will consume a certain amount of magic power every moment. If it is activated for a long time, the daily magic power consumption is not a small amount.

So it is only suitable for use in wartime.

Under such circumstances, Zong Shen was going to get some magic interference devices.

Magic energy interference is not a complicated principle. In essence, it is to disturb the magic power of elements within a certain range, making the elements chaotic and unable to be absorbed.

When a place is in a state of magic interference, space teleportation and spellcasting will be affected, and it can also isolate magic prying, but it does not affect the normal physical vision. It is a very common passive security method.

Not to mention, even if it is Bosbon, Baron Bezos's castle has a similar arrangement, which can be described as a "standard" behavior.

It was time for Zong Shen to fill this gap.

There is no need for more, he only needs to ensure that the important buildings and workshops in the lord's fortress and the core area are shielded and protected.

And you have to pay attention, some workshops and buildings that involve magic operation cannot interfere with magic, and can only use other methods, such as using magic materials similar to the middle and advanced [Magic Stone], such as magic materials for external wear, which can also isolate peep.

Of course, there are actually special anti-peeping buildings, but Zong Shen has not been able to get them.

In any case, he has noticed this aspect, and will naturally prepare relevant measures next.

The big deal is that he will walk into the castle himself, or simply return to the state of commuting on horseback in the territory. While mobility efficiency is important, safety and privacy are even more important.

Due to the influence of the mysterious hall, Zong Shen could not personally test its effect for the time being.

The next item is this skill book.

Speaking of which, Zong Shen himself has not seen such items for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This skill book is not heavy, about two slaps long.

The cover has a golden light shining brightly, which is not conspicuous, but highlights its preciousness. On it is written [Mind Vision] in large characters of the common language of the four endless continents.

Other than that, there are no patterns or patterns.

Just looking at the cover, Zong Shen knew that this thing must be a skill book produced by the lord system, not a book among the aborigines used to learn and master magic and combat skills.

The former can be used directly and quickly, without any effort, as long as it meets the usage requirements, you can directly master the skill.

Of course, the skill level you just learned is LV1, you need to activate the skill to upgrade the skill level, or directly use the [Skill Experience Book] to quickly upgrade.

The classics of the aboriginal people are different. It needs to be truly learned and understood, and then can be mastered through repeated contact.


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