Looking at the lottery ticket in front of him, Zong Shen was looking forward to it.

What kind of reward can be issued is second, he wants to test the results of the good luck BUFF!

This lottery ticket is worth a lot and requires 99,999 points to redeem one.

However, in Zong Shen's view, as long as he can open two or three pieces of dazzling equipment or items, it is not a loss. Now that his luck value is full, he will definitely make a profit.

After a short pause, Zong Shen raised his hand and made a gesture of scratching the prize in the air.

At the same time, the option of [Scratch Lottery] is selected.

Only the surface of the golden lottery ticket in front of him became hazy, and became clear again under his gesture.

When all the lottery tickets were scraped away, the light immediately converged into a spatial singularity.

A new reminder emerged in Zong Shen's consciousness.

【Successful scratch prize】

[Acquisition: Equipment Promotion Beads (Glorious Rank I)]

[Acquisition: The Demonic Blood of the Dread Lord Balnazar (Gold)]

[Get: Giant City-level Central Management Crystal Pillar Construction Diagram (Yaoguang Level VII)]

"That's it?"

Zong Shen frowned, a little disappointed in his heart.

This reward is far from what he expected.

But strictly speaking, this wave is no longer a loss.

The [All Souls Bowing Whistle (Yaoguang Grade VII)] that he exchanged before required nearly 200,000 points.

Now the 99,999-point lottery ticket has a Yaoguang I-rank item, some epic-quality Great Demon blood, and a Yaoguang-level VII blueprint, which are worth at least 200,000 to 300,000 points in exchange.

After all, this lottery ticket also earned him a good income.

In fact, Zong Shen originally thought about whether he could draw a demigod-level item or equipment.

Now it seems that he thinks too much.

Even though he has the blessing of hidden luck gain and the highest-level lottery ticket, and there is no upper limit on the reward level of the lottery ticket, the probability of demigod and above-level equipment extraction is also at an extremely low level.

Unless he is willing to use [100% Good Luck] to select a certain level of item with a full probability of drawing, it will be difficult to draw a demigod-level item with the current blessing.

For the lucky lottery with 99,999 points, winning the item of rank VII of the radiant light is already a **** earning. In addition, Zong Shen can only pin his hopes on those ranks such as [unknown] and [special]. items were extracted.

As for demigod-level items, just think about it, you still have to look at your face.

The blessings of many levels of luck only slightly increased the odds that were originally tiny to the extreme.

Including the passive effect [Little Lucky] attached to [Lucky Maple Leaf (Unknown)], it only increases the trigger probability of positive events by 20%. That said, the effect will be diluted a lot.

This 20% chance addition is essentially Zongshen's loss rate.

In other words, if he draws lottery tickets, he will have a higher probability of not losing money. For example, if he draws lottery tickets with 99,999 points, if he draws all gold or orange items, it is a proper loss.

As long as there are two Glory Rank items, it is considered a loss of capital, and a high-level Glory Rank item is earned.

After figuring out the calculations, Zong Shen's mentality finally recovered.

The singularity of space opened up by the lottery ticket in front of him also quickly took shape.

The singularity expanded and turned into small space doors.

Three objects in the state of a ball of light floated out, as if from another world.

This way of placing items is completely different from the previous exchange.

The three light **** shine with different light.

The one in the center is an epic golden light, and the inside is a fist-sized ball of jet-black blood burning with a faint green flame.

The light spheres on both sides are shining with three-color flare and seven-color flare respectively.

Zong Shen first grabbed the golden ball of light, and the moment he touched the ball of light, the golden light on the surface burst like soap bubbles, revealing the restless black blood ball inside, like a ghost burning on fire. Every moment exudes an aura of tyranny, killing, and bloodthirsty.

This is the [Dread Lord Balnazzar's Demon Blood (Gold)].

His hand firmly grasped the blood essence, no matter how twisted and struggled it could not escape, the devil's heart in Zong Shen's body suddenly beat.

"Peng Peng..."

"Peng Peng Peng!"

It was excited and longing for the blood of the demon in its hands.

In fact, before this, Zong Shen had absorbed the remnant soul and blood left by the Dread Demon King more than once.

It's just that the demonic power contained in the previous remnants and blood is not as pure as the blood of this demon, and it only contains a small amount of demonic power of the Dread Demon King.

Zong Shen also accumulated some demon power after many times of accumulation, so that the effect of 【Devil State】 became stronger and stronger.

Now, if the blood essence in his hand is directly absorbed, the power of the devil will probably exceed the previous sum.

This is a good product packaged by the lord system. There is no loss of internal energy. It is definitely not comparable to the blood and remnant souls that have been sealed in the ruins for tens of thousands of years and have lost a lot of demon power.

With the rhythm and resonance of the [Devil Heart] in the body, the blood essence calmed down quite spiritually.

Zong Shen just paid a little attention and saw the prompt of the relevant attribute details.

[Dread Lord Balnazzar's Demon Blood (Gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[The blood of the devil in a flawless state is rich in the power of the devil]

[It contains part of Balnazzar's will. If the strength is lower than 300 points and the intelligence is lower than 150 points, please touch and use it with caution, otherwise it will be invaded by the remaining will of Balnazar]

[Can be used as a magic material or absorbed as a source of pure demon power]

(The blood of the Dread Lord Balnazar, it was not as powerful as Artorius in its heyday, but it was also the bloodline of the orthodox Dread Lord with the title of "Magic Foot"

Fusion of the blood of this demon can further improve your [Demon Status] effect, and at the same time have a certain probability to randomly acquire one of Balnazar's abilities

However, this guide does not recommend that you fuse now, because it will take a certain amount of time to fight against Balnazzar's will)

This group of demon blood can only be used as a special magic material for other lords to perform some ancient demon rituals, and cannot be directly absorbed and transformed into his own strength like him.

From the [Devil Transformation] skill originally derived from the demon hunter, to the [Devil Heart] integrated into the blood pool of the mine, Zong Shenke has used the power of demons a lot along the way.

With [Chaos Core] as a balance, he doesn't have to worry about the energy conflict in his body. In theory, he can not only absorb the power of demons and the power of holy light, but also absorb some other powers, but he has not yet obtained this aspect. chance.

After the demon blood essence in his hand is absorbed, he will also gain the skills of a fear demon king, which can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

After reading the tips of the strategy module, he put the blood essence of the demon into the storage compartment with his backhand.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and attracted the three-color light ball.

The inside of this light ball is a three-color bead the size of an apricot, and the surface is smooth and round without any flaws.

The three-color flare is particularly eye-catching, and it is as delicate as a jeweled handicraft.

Zong Shen played with it for a while, and squinted his eyes to see its properties. Although he could get some clues from the name of the item, for the sake of being conservative, it is better to check it carefully.

The golden subtitles appeared slowly, without the slightest delay, Zong Shen's attention also shifted.

[Equipment Promotion Beads (Glorious Rank I)]

[Quality: Yaoguang Grade I]

[Effect: A piece of equipment with an epic high-level state and the durability loss of no more than 20% of the upper limit can be promoted once, making the equipment's rank upgraded to the Flare Rank I]

[After the promotion is completed, the durability of the equipment will be restored by default]

[The integration of the power of the orb may change the characteristics and appearance of the equipment]

[Cannot be used on non-equipment items]

(At present, it seems that several pieces of epic equipment in your hand can meet the promotion requirements, but this guide recommends that you promote [Dragon Slaying Epee (Gold)] for promotion

The premise is to repair and repair, because its current durability has not yet reached the 80% level of the upper limit, which does not meet the conditions for the use of promotion beads)

[Equipment Promotion Bead] As the name suggests, it is naturally used to upgrade the equipment rank. Its own rank limits the rank after promotion, but it is also an opportunity to strengthen the epic equipment that meets the requirements.

Right now, the most suitable epic equipment for promotion in his hand is the [Dragon Slaying Epee (Gold)]. Speaking of which, this great sword was only half-length when he first got it.

The surface is densely cracked, and there is not much durability left. The rank is only the orange legendary level, and the attributes have been greatly reduced.

It was left by Renault, the strong dragon slayer back then.

And that Renault died in the hands of the green dragon Bolkaiser.

That is, the owner of the abandoned dragon nest on Huxin Island.

Later, Boerkaiser migrated to other places. Zongshen also paid attention to it after conquering the poisonous marsh and conquering Xiaoshuizi.

After two repairs, this [Dragon Slaying Epee] has returned to the golden epic level, but it still has not reached a complete state, and its attributes are also the same as the epic high-level [Azzinoth Demon Slayer War Blade ( Gold)] There is a big gap.

If it can be repaired again now, it should be able to return it to the state of an epic high-level weapon, and then be promoted to become a dazzling level [Dragon Slaying Epee] with complete durability.

In this way, this epee will be reborn, and the will to kill dragons contained in it will also continue.

Among all the weapons that Zong Shen had used, the most convenient one was the [Dragon Slaying Epee]. He still felt surging when he remembered the heroism of the great sword Yan Yanmo back then.

In fact, this is the fit and resonance between the weapon and the user.

After knowing this, Zong Shen turned his wrist lightly, and Zong Shen put away the orb.

There is the last seven-colored light ball left in front of him, and it is also an architectural drawing item that has rarely been obtained recently.

Drawings as high as Flare-level VII, I am afraid the effect will not be too small.

Converted to the same order, this is already a building of "a dozen orders".

Zong Shen tapped the ball of light with a finger, revealing the body of the drawing.

It is also in the shape of a parchment scroll, and more careful architectural drawings are drawn on the drawings.

Looking at the drawings alone, this is something that resembles a multi-segmented cylindrical tower.

Kind of like a multi-layered totem pole, but definitely much bigger than the totem pole.

He grabbed the rolled sheepskin blueprint and focused on its properties.

[Construction Diagram of Giant City Level Central Management Pillar (Yaoguang Level VII)]

[Quality: Yaoguang Grade VII Special Urban Core Building]

[Requirements: Construction Map of Giant City Level Central Management Pillar (Yaoguang Level VII) × 1, Territory Level ≥ 35, City Lord Mansion Level ≥ 16, Territory Size ≥ 50 km radius, Territory Population > 8,500,000]

[Complete building, can be built without spending materials, the placement area is within the lord's courtyard]

[The construction time of the crystal column: 21 hours and 53 minutes on the 17th]

[Crystal column area: 2826 square meters × 180 meters high]

[Pillar firmness value: 350000]

[Building Armor: 400]

[Building Magic Resistance: 450]

[Urban core management building, after the completion of construction, you can obtain the convenient authority of the city center, covering construction, demographics, surveillance, tracing, restoration, defense control and other integrated permissions, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com greatly improves the overall urban status of the territory. Integration and control]

(Buildings that can obtain the authority of the city center are equivalent to a one-click integrated internal affairs center system. Even if the territory develops to a giant city scale in the future, you can manage the entire city with fewer internal affairs personnel.

It can greatly improve the efficiency of urban management. It covers a wide variety of functions and is extremely useful. After having the central crystal column, the territorial city will enter a state of highly centralized power, which can effectively prevent turmoil and enemy infiltration and destruction.

As the size of the territory continues to expand, openness has become an inescapable topic

One day, your territory will be like the giant city of the aborigines. It needs to accommodate tourists and travelers from all sides, including both the strength of the aborigines and the subordinates of the lords.

Of course, you can also build an absolutely closed fortress-type territory, so that the vitality of the city will be suppressed to a minimum

Therefore, the authority of the central crystal pillar is very important. Its appearance can strengthen your control over the city and the execution efficiency of the internal affairs team while establishing an open city. It is extremely practical.)

"Central control?"

"Then I understand!"

After Zong Shen read the function of this blueprint, he suddenly knew what to do.

This is equivalent to a building with integrated management authority in a city.

It's a bit like a science fiction movie, the brain terminal that controls the overall situation, but the decision-making power is still in the hands of Zong Shen and his appointed internal affairs heroes.

Some of its functions are a bit like [Commander's Tower (Orange)], which can directly control the authority of some territorial buildings.

It's just that the control authority of this [Giant City Level Central Management Pillar] is much greater than that of [Commander's Pagoda]!

Read the latest chapter of Survival Lord: Starting from the Broken Courtyard, please pay attention ()

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