, the fastest update of Lord Survival: Raiders the latest chapter from the broken courtyard!

For Zong Shen, who has accumulated some experience in territorial governance, the value of the [giant city-level central management crystal pillar] is beyond doubt.

Right now, his subordinates are only a few thousand soldiers and 10,000 to 20,000 farmers. They are all very difficult to manage, and they all rely on their logistics heroes to manage them.

When the territory becomes a giant city, the population of millions or even tens of millions, coupled with the huge floating population and the huge scale of the city, the difficulty of management is probably countless times that of today!

In addition to timely follow-up and establishment of internal affairs agencies and departments that meet standards, it is also necessary to find ways to improve management and administrative efficiency in all aspects.

The meaning of the [giant city-level central management crystal column] is here.

Of course, this thing is really applicable to the giant city-scale territory, and Zong Shen has not even met its architectural needs at present.

But not being satisfied now does not mean that you will never be satisfied.

After Zong Shen obtained the privilege of building the second courtyard in the Endless Continent, he was destined to build more than one territory in the future.

According to his plan, it will be a matter of time before the territory reaches the giant city level.

At least until the establishment of kingdoms and the conquest of continents, this stage cannot be avoided.

Zong Shen put away the blueprint carefully, and put it in the storage box of the territory as the final item after going out.

So far, the harvest of the first lottery ticket has been checked and checked.

Zong Shen's interest also gradually increased.

Although the first round did not offer the items he was looking for, it was still very profitable overall. Based on the principle of not making money for nothing, and not drawing for nothing, Zong Shen once again chose to exchange five 99999 points of good luck. lottery.

After 499995 challenge points were deducted, Zong Shen's point balance was further reduced to [2471512] points.

But he didn't feel the slightest bit of distress. If he had to spend his fingers carefully before, it doesn't matter now, even if he spends all the remaining challenge points.

Anyway, he can use the [Encore Privilege Coupon (Special)] to spend more than 6 million points for free, so it is acceptable to spend more points here in the [Good Luck Lianlian·Lucky Lottery].

Five rectangular golden lottery tickets appeared, neatly arranged in front of Zong Shen.

Every lottery ticket is golden and waiting for his scratch.

These five lotteries are worth a lot of money, enough to make any lord tempted.

The price of nearly 500,000 points can even be exchanged for a demigod-level equipment item, and even most lords don't get so many points.

After all, their comprehensive scores are far from Zong Shen, and it is impossible to draw such a high-intensity and large number of attackers.

Strength determines the difficulty of the challenge.

The difficulty itself represents the richness of the final harvest.

In other words, the upper limit of other lords' gains in defensive challenges simply can't be compared to Zong Shen, and most lords can't get so many points.

When the mysterious merchant Alpha appeared, most of the lords had points in the range of tens of thousands to 200,000 to 300,000.

When the mysterious merchant Beta comes, you can get some more points.

It's just that most of the lords will exchange them on the spot here in Alpha to enhance their strength to deal with challenges.

But Zong was different. When the mysterious businessman Alpha came to him, he had cleared almost all the targets of the attacking party...

Therefore, Zong Shen's harvest and background are unimaginable by other lords.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are only two types of people in the first batch of lords, that is, Zong Shen and others. The two are almost indistinguishable from each other, and there is a huge gap.

If Zong Shen casually leaks a little bit, other lords can rush for it, including the equipment and items he has now that others can encounter but cannot ask for.

Now that he has demigod-level equipment, most of the lord's main equipment is still purple rare, orange legendary and golden epic are quite rare.

Occasionally, a piece of equipment that can become the finale exists.

This is the gap in strength and development stage caused by the information gap.

Every gap in the early stage will magnify over time.

The strong will not miss every challenge and opportunity to strengthen themselves, and use their current strength to gain more rewards than other lords.

This creates a situation in which the strong become stronger and the weak turn inward.

Bit by bit gaps will eventually accumulate into rivers.

Not to mention that Zong Shen's information advantage is still in the bonus period, which continues to widen the essential gap between him and other lords, and also allows him to create powerful achievements that cannot be achieved by lords of the same rank again and again in previous challenges!

Before he knew it, he had grown to an astonishing height.

It seems that Zong Shen doesn't like to manage the [Legion], so I can't blame him.

It is because he and other lords have no common language.

Even the [regional channel] he rarely speaks, let alone the more trivial matters of legion management.

He established the [Guide Legion] just in accordance with the trend and call of the lord system, and got a legion based on the principle that it would rather be flooded and not missed.

In the future, Zong Shen will try his best to maintain his advantage, and always guarantee this unique development speed. Only in this way will he be qualified to become a kingdom builder and a continental conqueror in the future.

Make the Endless Continent his stepping stone and spy on the secrets of the highest!

The golden brilliance of the lottery made Zong Shen's heart surge, and even his thoughts drifted away.

After concentrating on his divergent thinking, he raised his hand and brushed over each lottery ticket, and chose to scratch it off to redeem the prize!

If it weren't for the limited exchange of good things here in Alpha, Zong Shen could only choose one of the two demigod-level equipment to exchange for [Rong·Water Drop (Low-level Demigod-level)], unable to satisfy his desire.

So now Zong Shen can only put all his expectations on demigod-level equipment items on these lucky tickets.

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle, a fight, the loess becomes gold..."

Zong Shen muttered in his heart while waiting for the result of the scratch prize to appear.

As the lottery tickets were scraped away, those five golden lottery tickets became five spatial singularities.

Each singularity slowly twists and expands, and eventually becomes a small space door for rewarding, but it takes a certain amount of time to form.

Before the space gate was formed, the relevant lottery prompts had already appeared.

【Successful scratch prize】

[Acquisition: Level VI Dragon Essence (Gold)]

[Acquisition: Random Dragonborn Scroll belongs to the clan to take refuge in order (gold)]

[Get: Hero Emblem (Gold)]

【Successful scratch prize】

[Acquisition: Rank VI Portable Storage Grid Expansion Order (Gold)]

[Acquisition: Different Dimension Summoning Contract (Gold)]

[Acquisition: Construction Drawing of Special War Stables (Yaoguang Grade II)]

【Successful scratch prize】

[Get: Aegwynn's Book of Magic (Gold)]

[Acquisition: Substitute Doll (Orange)]

[Acquisition: Random God Roller Mage Recruitment Scroll (Gold)]

【Successful scratch prize】

[Acquisition: The Key of the Secret Chamber of the Last Hearth City (unknown)]

[Acquisition: Blood·Crystal (Gold)]

【Successful scratch prize】

[Acquisition: 100,000-kilometer-level random teleportation scroll (Yaoguang level III)]

[Get: Clay Golem Summoning Core (Gold)]

[Acquisition: Law · Clean Land (Special)]

The scratch-off prompt for the five golden lottery tickets appears.

When all the spatial singularities turned into small portals, 14 different light spheres appeared from them.

Zong Shen frowned, actually not satisfied.

It cost 499,995 challenge points to get this little thing, which is somewhat unsatisfactory.

The average single harvest of these five lotteries is not as good as the one I tried before.

Most of them are golden epic-level items, supplemented by a small amount of dazzling-level and special-level items, and there is not even a single item of dazzling level VII, but after a comprehensive calculation, this wave should be considered a small one. Make a fortune, not to mention a big profit, at least not a loss.

He pouted, and his interest suddenly decreased.

In fact, various forms of lottery are essentially games of probability.

After Zong Shen's multiple luck blessings, he has increased a lot of positive probability, and coupled with the basic blessing of 99,999-point grade lottery tickets, at least he will not lose money, which is the so-called forcible loss.

In fact, any gambling or lottery is a loss-making activity. Even for most people, the lottery is originally a lottery and a lottery. It is completely a guess and a chance.

If Zong Shen is able to force himself without losing, it is already very good.

"It seems that this lottery can't be regarded as 'purchasing'. This mentality is wrong and needs to be changed."

"A small profit is also a profit!"

He shook his head and quickly adjusted his mind.

Human nature is greedy, and the profit-taking operation is often more uncomfortable than cutting meat.

Looking at the 14 light **** in front of him, Zong Shen collected them one by one and checked them.

The thing in the first light ball is a rare "knowledge" light ball. Such items remind Zong Shen of [Lord Sword Whisper's Knowledge Essence (Orange)], but the light ball inside is larger.

Moreover, the light on the surface of the photosphere changed, changing the brilliance of dozens of different colors in just a few seconds.

Zero reading

Sometimes it is red, blue, green, white and black, sometimes it is the cool color of gold and silver and copper and iron, and sometimes it flows as transparent as obsidian.

This ball of light contains the power of the dragon language, which allows Zong Shen to quickly master the sixth-order dragon language.

You must know that Dragon Language is one of the few languages ​​in the Endless Continent that can directly stimulate the magic of elements. Unlike the common language of other ethnic groups, this magic language is infinitely mysterious. Through the combination of language and spiritual power, it can even replace the process of magic singing. , and directly construct the spell model to cast the spell.

For example, Xiao Heizi can display different dragon spells by directly chanting the dragon language.

And they are not shackled by elemental spellcasting talent. For example, black dragons can cast wood, earth, and water magic, and also bring corrosion and poison damage. If humans want to do this, they need to have three magic talents. , This is not without, but the number is extremely rare, because there are not many people who can have spellcasting talents, let alone have dual-line talents and three-line talents.

There are even fewer such people than the **** scrollers.

Zong Shen stared at the ball of light in his hand, and looked at the golden subtitles that appeared next to him thoughtfully.

【Tier VI Dragon Essence (Gold)】

[Quality: Epic]

[Contains the knowledge essence of the Ⅵ-order dragon language]

[After using it, you can master the 6th-order dragon language]

[Requires Wisdom: 200]

【(Click to use)】

(Dragon language is one of the few magic languages, but just mastering the dragon language is useless. This does not mean that you can use the dragon language magic, it only means that you are qualified to cast the dragon language magic.

The magic inheritance of dragons comes from the blood inheritance memory after birth. It can be said that every pure-blooded dragon is a self-taught guy. Of course, there are also aliens who cannot use dragon language magic. Known as a 'dumb dragon beast', it is not welcomed by real dragons

However, you can ask them to teach you the corresponding dragon language magic by conquering the real dragons.

You must know that dragon language magic is independent of the magic system, and the inheritance obtained by different real dragons is also very different.

In addition to special learning, dragon language magic also requires a lot of spiritual power, just like the spiritual power casting of the great demon Atorius. In fact, there is a difference between spiritual power casting and magic value casting.

In short, don't expect to be able to incarnate a dragon language magic master with this essence in a short time, you should master a foreign language)

Zong Shen looked at it and chose to use it directly.

Anyway, he never thought to rely on this thing to directly master the dragon language magic. He also knows the difference between the inheritance of the dragon and the mastery of the dragon language itself. Now he should master another language.

When I have time, I can let Xiaoshuizi teach some dragon magic tricks first.

For example, something like [Middles everywhere], [Poisonous thorns entanglement] and the like.

After he chose to use it, the essence immediately turned into pure white light and disappeared into his heavenly spirit.

Zong Shen made a sway, his thinking paused for a moment, and then a huge amount of knowledge was imprinted in his mind. As long as his mind moved a little, he could switch languages ​​freely. The originally unfamiliar dragon language was now as proficient as his mother tongue.

He didn't delve into it here, after all, Blackie wasn't here either.

After a little slowdown, Zong Shen turned his gaze to the object in the next ball of light.

This is a black iron token with a nine-headed real dragon inscribed on it.

And its role is already reflected in the name.

[Random Dragonborn Scroll belongs to the clan to take refuge in (gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Effect: Scroll of Dragonborn (randomly summons a dragonborn clan to come and take refuge, the number of clans is between 999 and 1999, and can be reproduced independently in the future. The highest rank of clan is subject to the influence of bloodline, the conventional Under the conditions, it is difficult to break through the VI level, and different dragonborn clans have different characteristics. The details can be viewed after the summoning is completed]

[(The current scene cannot use the refuge order)]

(As we all know, dragons are a race with a strong desire to reproduce. They have almost no reproductive isolation like goblins, the failed creation of the evil god. Therefore, in the long years, various dragon-born and dragon-class creatures have emerged in an endless stream, forming a unique Dragonborn blood system

They are all over the continent and are the natural supporters of true dragons. For example, the kobolds you are familiar with also belong to the dragonborn group)

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