Lord Survival: Raiders from the Broken Courtyard Chapter 970: Leading Privilege [Subscribe]

As the relevant information subtitles of [The Heart of the Quantum Furnace (median demigod level)] flashed, the evaluation dedicated to the strategy module did not appear for a long time.

Just when Zong Shen thought there was something wrong with the strategy module.

The golden note appeared belatedly.

(Cough, cough, to sum up, this thing is a reactor furnace, the difference is that the energy reaction it participates in is not nuclear matter, but the inner power crystal pillars, which can produce reactions and continuously burst out the source power. energy comes

This energy can be freely transformed into any elemental magic and cleansing magic, and in addition, it can also transform vitality, providing the host with infinite energy and self-healing ability. If the body is cut in half, it will recover and heal, of course, the half of the body where the head and the furnace are recovered.

In addition to generating energy, furnaces are also capable of absorbing and digesting energy

After you successfully implant the core, your energy swallowing ability will never be worse than that strange beast egg. In theory, this ability will threaten any energy body and element body.

However, it is worth noting that if the furnace encounters a super high-intensity blow, it may melt in an instant. Such consequences are devastating, and even you will be greatly injured and may die.

The last thing that needs to be added is that this [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)] has been blocked by the lord system, and several skill effects are temporarily unavailable. You need to wait for the lord process to evolve to a designated scene before it can be used. will be unblocked

The reason for the limitation is probably because these abilities may affect the evolution of the lord process)

Zong Shen's eyes flickered, and he quickly scanned each line of remarks.

Combined with the ability of [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)], there are some guesses in my heart.

After implanting the [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)], he is equivalent to getting a peculiar power source!

Powerful self-healing power, unlimited energy, combined with active abilities such as [Furnace Overclocking], [Energy Absorption], etc., are completely powerful auxiliary effects!

As for the limited active skill [Detonate the Furnace], Zong Shen was reminded of the [Furnace Bomb] of the Predator Blood Wolf Gujart, but the magnitude of the two might not be on the same level.

If you really detonate this [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)], even if the most powerful power is not comparable to the complete [Yin Shi Arcane Crystal], the overall will not be too different!

After all, the characteristics of the furnace core are here. It itself is a huge energy aggregate and power output body. Once it is fully detonated, it is likely to have an irreversible and far-reaching impact on the endless continent.

Therefore, the restrictions imposed by the lord system are also normal.

Think about if Zong Shen masters this ability, then his fate will be indirectly equal to the fate of countless people. If he encounters a life-and-death crisis, he will inevitably break the jar, and the impact on the Endless Continent and other lords will be It may be that the lord system cannot be repaired quickly!

Only when the process continues to evolve and the lords have more and more power will they be unblocked.

For example, the third act that Chen Rui and Alpha have repeatedly mentioned!

In addition to the limitation of the active skill [Detonate the Furnace], the [Advanced Furnace] and [Quantum Fusion Parts ⅲ] in the passive skills are also temporarily unavailable, which is obviously very famous.

But even so, the remaining functions of this [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)] are enough for him to use.

[Universal Power Transformation] gives him a powerful buff of strong self-healing and infinite energy, which is a semi-permanent gain state.

[Quantum Entanglement] allows him to perfectly avoid various sensing effects and detection skills, including the [Mirror of Vientiane (Gold)] that he had obtained before, which cannot be used for peeping and reconnaissance.

[Furnace Core] It can absorb a variety of energy and convert it into Zongshen's daily life-sustaining energy.

"The Guard is Here"

It's a pity that it takes 12 hours to implant the furnace, and it is not suitable for implantation at this time. We can only talk about it after the challenge is over.

If you don't have a furnace implanted, it is not considered complete equipment, and naturally you will not be able to enjoy the bonus of +300 to all attributes and the various effects that come with it.

But no matter what, this [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)] is a good thing, and it can give him the confidence to traverse the legendary level.

Carefully put away the heart of the furnace, Zong Shen looked at the exchange interface in front of him again.

At this time, the [Extraordinary Equipment] has all been exchanged.

There are not many things, but the expenses are not small. Of course, everything is worthy of the price.

As soon as he thought about it, the exchange interface immediately returned to the previous level.

Then he directly chose the second exchange category to choose [Leading Privilege Category].

The projection interface in front of him immediately refreshed and changed.

【Leading Privileges】

【Privileges exclusive to you】

【Leading privilege, one step faster】

[Leading Privilege ⅰ: Great Favor Teaching]

[Effect: Residents belonging to the territory can get 1000+ (arms level × 200) experience points every day, hero-level talent units will get 1500+ (qualification × 500) experience points, and territorial people whose level is higher than the lord cannot enjoy it The effect of teaching from the great grace will be settled at 12:00 noon every day]

【Exchange Points: 299999】

[Leading Privilege II: Arms Enhancement Authority]

[Effect: You can permanently strengthen the specified rank and arms, and the related arms obtained in the territory will be directly transformed into new arms after the enhancement. The cooling time for the use of this privilege depends on the rank, strength, and type of the strengthened arms. The strengthened arms cannot be transferred in any form, and will return to the original arms once they leave the territory]

【Exchange Points: 399999】

[Leading Privilege ⅲ: Limited Resurrection Authority]

[Effect: Resurrection of ten deceased lords can be limited. You need to know the number of the corresponding lord. It can only be used by lords who have come to the endless continent dimension world in the current era. Territorial buildings, soldiers under your command, resource inventory, remaining items, etc., this effect cannot be used on yourself]

[Exchange points: 466666]

[Leading Privilege IV: City Defense Building Privilege]

[Effect: The basic consumption of building a city defense building is reduced by 50%, the construction time is reduced by 80%, and the foundation solidity value of the city defense building is increased by 3000 points. This effect is prioritized for determination, and other similar effects should be re-reduced on the basis of the determined basic consumption. 】

[Exchange Points: 233333]

[Leading Privilege ⅴ: True Half-Life]

[Effect: After dying for any reason, it will be randomly resurrected after 600 seconds. Within a radius of 30,000 kilometers from the place of death, all attributes will be permanently reduced by 50%, and all equipment and items in the storage compartment at the time of death will be lost. The rights and interests of other aspects are not affected in any way, and the activation priority of this privilege is lower than the effect of unique and extraordinary skills]

【Exchange Points: 99999】

In this [Leading Privilege], a total of five exclusive privileges are provided for him.

Except for the last one, the rest are very practical, can be described as excellent value for money, and can have a long-term and far-reaching impact on the development of the territory.

The first privilege [Great Enlightenment Teaching], which is equivalent to the fact that the lords and soldiers under his command can spend a free amount of experience points every day, which can greatly increase the speed of the territorial rank and directly improve the comprehensive quality of the lords.

The second privilege [arms enhancement option] is more peculiar. From the literal interpretation, it seems to be able to strengthen a certain arm and make it permanently mutated. Of course, this change is only for this type of arm under Zong Shen.

Moreover, the higher the rank and the stronger the strength of the strengthened arms, the longer the cooling time of this privilege. After Zong Shen was ready to exchange it, he first tested the water with the second-rank wolf cavalry.

You must know that in the territory, the wolf cavalry has the largest number of troops.

If the reinforcement is strong enough, the wolf cavalry will be able to rejuvenate and burst out more powerful combat power, thereby further feeding back the strength of the territory.

As long as the strengthening effect is good, after the cooling-off period is over, Zong Shen can also strengthen other arms, and finally all the arms under Zong Shen's command are strengthened, and they have stronger combat power than conventional arms.

This kind of improvement is also permanent, which can make the territory continue to benefit for a long time in the future, and in a real sense, widen the gap between Zongshen and other lords!

Just imagine, in the case of the same troops and the same arms, one side is all enhanced arms, the other is ordinary arms, which is better at a glance.

So this privilege is a natural choice not to be missed!

The third leading privilege is the [Limited Resurrection Privilege]. When Zong Shen saw this privilege, he suddenly remembered what Jiang Yi said when he found him before the defensive challenge started.

He frowned slightly, wondering if Jiang Yi's challenge was going well?

Speaking of which, this privilege gave him a total of ten chances to resurrect the lord.

But the premise is that the lords who come to the Endless Continent within the same era have to know the corresponding lord number. In other words, he cannot use this privilege to interfere with other "testing ground" lords, nor can he affect Alpha and Beta. past lord.

Seems somewhat altruistic.

But it is a guarantee for Zongze and the parents who will come in the future.

Zong Shen might also consider trading with this privilege, charging a hefty fee on time like insurance, and resurrecting the designated lord when he dies.

These ten opportunities are not too many, but not too few. Zong Shen is still prepared to keep it for himself and take care of his relatives and friends.

The fourth leading privilege is the [City Defense Building Privilege], which goes without saying.

This privilege has a higher priority than [Craftsman's Will], building consumption reduction and construction time reduction, and sturdiness value bonus.

However, [Craftsman's Will] can affect all buildings within the territory.

And this [City Defense Building Privilege] is only valid for city defense buildings.

But anyway, it's a useful perk for all in all.

Especially in the construction of the city wall in Daxing civil engineering!

After the second consumption reduction, the cost of building the city wall after he wants to come to the territory will definitely be further reduced, so that the hidden fortress and fortress dream in his heart will not be far away.

In the end, it was the [True Half-Life] leading privilege.

Regarding this privilege, Zong Shen actually wanted to complain, but thinking about it carefully, it really lived up to its name!

This [True Half-Life] is an out-and-out life-saving privilege!

It has a resurrection effect for itself, but this resurrection is not complete. The price of it is that all attributes are reduced by 50%, which is far less magical than the 24-hour reversal of the [Extraordinary Miracle] mastered by Zong Shen.

But it can't be said that it can't work because of it, after all, it can really bring you back to life!

Compared with resurrection, the cost of losing equipment and storage compartments plus general attributes seems to be nothing.

And its exchange points only need 99999 points, you won't lose money if you change it, and you won't be fooled by it. Anyway, its priority is not as good as Unique and Extraordinary Skills, so it's definitely not a loss in exchange for spares!

After some analysis and research, these five privileges were all useful, and Zong Shen was reluctant to miss it. He gritted his teeth and chose to exchange them all!

This cost 1,499,996 challenge points, which is comparable to the exchange of three low-level demigod-level equipment items!

After he redeemed all the [Leading Privileges], the balance of challenge points became [4168901] points, which is really worthless!

If he hadn't had [one more privilege ticket (special)] and settled a wave of points again, the beta might really not be enough to redeem here.

Shaking his head with feeling, he returned the main exchange interface to the previous level.

The exchange items here in Beta are all rare and refined.

In terms of quality alone, it is necessary to exchange Alpha for countless streets, which is obviously the result of the second recommendation of the lord system.

Each of the available exchange items is truly unique and rare.

Now he has more than 4 million points left, and the next exchange has to be chosen as appropriate. Otherwise, he may miss some good things with greater practical value.

Just when he was about to choose the next exchange option [Powerful Skills].

Standing beside him without saying a word, the naked Beta who lowered his head suddenly raised his head.

"You...you have so many points?"

"No wonder Alpha is interested in you...you..."

There was a hint of coldness and surprise in her tone. Unlike Alpha who personally settled points for Zong Shen, Beta's authority here did not involve the settlement and query of the lord's points, so it was a bit behind in information.

But as the main body of beta exchange, she can know Zong Shen's exchange items and total consumption.

At this time, his drastic exchange has attracted Beta's attention.

I began to understand Alpha's choices and motivations.

Zong Shen didn't pay attention to Beta's exclamation.

In terms of emotional intelligence and the ability to observe words, beta and alpha are too different.

But since they can be in the same echelon, it means that Beta has an advantage that Alpha does not have.

It's just that regardless of the reason, Zong Shen doesn't like guys with Beta's character, both now and in the future!

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