Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 971: : All things go back and forth

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Zong Shen rolled his eyes and said nothing.

He had already seen through Beta's character, and estimated that this guy should also have a lot of backgrounds, so he didn't want to give himself a good face at all.

Mr. Zong, who cares about you with this violent temper, won't get used to you, Mr. Jill.

Unless Beta can come here with all his strength and punch him to death.

Otherwise, Zong is expected to have something nice to say about Beta.

He concentrated his attention and returned to the projection of the exchange interface.

I directly selected the next option - [Powerful Skills].

The interface in front of you changes and refreshes accordingly.

【Powerful Skills】

[The power of the strong dominates the world, and the weak are helpless]

[The number of exchange skills for this exchange category is limited: 3]

[Powerful Skill 1: Magic Wave]

[Magic Wave (It takes 10 to 60 seconds to condense the energy such as magic, vitality, etc. in the body, and gather into a magic light wave that can cause chaotic damage to the target. The maximum attack distance is 3000 meters, and the damage depends on the total amount of condensed energy. , after hitting the target, an explosion will be triggered, with a radius ranging from 5 meters to 500 meters. Any target killed by the magic wave will be permanently transformed into a magic puppet, without occupying the command value, and the skill cooldown time is 1 hour)]

【Exchange Points: 199999】

(Be sure to exchange this skill, paired with the surging energy input of the [Quantum Furnace Heart (median demigod level)], enough to make the power of the magic wave you emit reach a terrifying level

This magic wave is essentially a large-scale long-distance bombardment damage

The influence range and final damage depend on the amount of input energy. The most important thing is that the damage type of the magic wave is chaotic damage that ignores armor, which makes this skill have a very high output potential)

[Powerful Skill 2: Passive Air Blade Slash]

[Passive air blade slash (any attack can issue air blade slash, extending the weapon attack range to 100 meters, and causing equal damage to all enemies along the way)]

【Exchange Points: 111111】

(This is a passive skill, which can increase your attack efficiency to a certain extent, especially when dealing with a group of enemies, each blow can swing an air blade

However, when facing a single enemy, this skill may have a certain impact on you, and once you exchange it, you will no longer be able to perform assassination attacks, because this skill is passive and cannot be turned off or turned on.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you exchange this skill, even if you punch with your bare hands, you can wield a qi blade. Of course, the damage of the qi blade is synchronized with your attack.

So please exchange as appropriate, here we suggest you read the next options)

[Powerful Skill 3: Combination]

[Fitness (Choose a target to fuse on a voluntary basis, the favorability of the third-party target needs to be > 80 points, and the occupants need loyalty > 75 points to activate. After the fusion is completed, the attributes and bodies of both parties will be merged. , resulting in unpredictable changes, depending on the body shape of the two sides of the fusion. After the fusion is completed, the skill activator will master the dominant thinking and have the control of the new body. The fusion effect can last up to 2 hours, and the skill cooldown time is 48 hours. , after the end of the fusion, the two sides will evenly share the damage suffered by the fusion body)]

[Exchange points: 266666]

(As the name suggests, it doesn’t need any introduction, you should be able to understand

The fusion here is not limited to the same kind and the same ethnic group. As long as you are brave enough, you can combine dragons, titans, and hundred-eyed giants. Anyway, the initiator of the fusion has the right to control the body.

The shape of the fusion body after the fusion has a certain degree of randomness, but it is generally still within the range of the physical standards of the two sides of the fusion. As for the strength and mastery, it is equivalent to the combination of the two.

If this skill is used properly, it can really play a good role)

[Powerful Skill 4: Primary Spiritual Virtual Network]

[Primary spiritual virtual network (creates a spiritual virtual network that can link up to 9999 intelligent creatures, which can completely cover the current dimensional world realm. By entering the spiritual virtual network, the purpose of real-time communication can be achieved. At the same time, as a creator, through consumption In the way of spiritual power, related buildings, objects, and environments are created in the spiritual virtual network. When you are in the virtual network, you will have all the feelings in reality. In addition, the ratio of time flow between the virtual network and reality is 12 to 1. This skill has no effect. Cooling down, there can only be one spiritual virtual network in each dimension world)]

[The current level of spiritual virtual network is limited to 2 hours for creators and 1 hour for linkers every day]

[The primary spiritual virtual network can create a virtual space with a total area of ​​no more than 40,000 square kilometers and a height of no more than 120 meters, which can be separated and merged]

[Network upgrade: not open for the time being]

【Exchange Points: 299999】

(This is equivalent to creating a spiritual version of the Internet. Don’t ask why this guide knows the word Internet. If you follow the roots, this guide and you are a fellow

In the mental virtual network, you can change the environment by consuming mental power, create a simulated world, and at the same time, you can have all perceptions comparable to reality when you are in it.

In other words, you can construct your desired environment in the mental virtual network, and you can also present food. When you are tired and tired, you can enter it to rest.

The rest of the linkers can also access it and communicate in real time through the spiritual virtual network, and every 12 minutes you stay in the virtual environment, the reality only passes one minute, and the creator limits two hours a day, in the virtual space There are twenty-four hours, you have plenty of time to think about life

Not to mention the incredible coverage of this thing

The so-called realm is the range of many dimensions of the same realm, including the dimensional world where the endless continent is located.

In the future, even if you go to explore the broken arcane world, you can also use the spiritual virtual network

As for the place where Alpha and Beta are, it will not work, because they and you are not in the same dimensional world)

[Powerful Skill 5: Space Exchange]

[Space exchange (exchange two spaces within a distance of no more than 500 kilometers, the limited space area is an area with a length, width and height of 200 meters and a depth of 10 meters, the exchange is irreversible, and the skill cooldown time is 100 days)]

【Exchange Points: 169999】

(This skill is a bit interesting, you have to say it is useless, it seems to be useful, but to say it is useful, it is really useless

The principle of exchange space is actually no different from the common two-space magic circle.

It's just that the space exchanged by the space magic circle is the space where the magic circle is located.

The skill of this exchange space is any area. Of course, this skill cannot directly break the influence of the protective effect to exchange space)

[Powerful Skill 6: All Things New and Remnant]

[All things remodeling and remnant (can restore any broken item to a good state, each use will enter a cooling time of 1 day to 3650 days according to the level of the Shuo Liu item, and the maximum level of the Shuo Liu item cannot exceed the high-level demigod) class)】

[Exchange points: 355555]

(Isn't the magic skill in the incomplete state not considered a magic skill?

Be sure to redeem it!

A mere 10-year cooldown can hardly hide its value

In the future, you will not be afraid of the wear and tear of equipment for a long time

In addition, you can boldly try to restore some ancient equipment that has been damaged in the last era, and maybe you can get unexpected results

And this skill, like the spiritual virtual network, has the opportunity to be promoted, and it may be restored to a perfect skill in the future)

Zong Shen silently read all the skill options of [Powerful Skills] and the remarks of the Raiders module, and was suddenly speechless.

He always felt that the strategy module of this meeting was a bit hysterical.

Choosing three out of six is ​​not a very tangled choice.

Zong Shen directly chose to exchange [Powerful Skill 1: Magic Wave], [Powerful Skill 4: Primary Spiritual Virtual Network], and [Powerful Skill 6: All Things Shuo Liu and Remnant].

Spent 855553 challenge points, and the current point balance is [3313348] points.

With the deduction of points, three light groups appeared in front of Zong Shen.

He gently stretched out his fingers to touch these light groups, and each light group instantly dissipated into his body.

At the same time, a new prompt appeared.

[Successfully mastered the skill: Magic Wave]

[Successful Mastery of Skills: Elementary Spiritual Virtual Network]

[Successfully mastered the skills: all things new and residual]

[Details and supplements of related skills can be queried in the personal attribute interface]

The skills produced by the lord system can be mastered like drinking water and eating, especially this kind of direct exchange and direct use, there is no restriction on skill learning.

Now Zong Shen has mastered these three powerful skills.

In fact, he was a little tangled in the choice between [Magic Wave] and [Fitness].

However, considering the huge potential of [Magic Wave], it can be paired with [Quantum Furnace Heart (Median Demigod Level)] to burst out a very strong potential.

And [Merging] can't be said to be useless, but it requires certain thresholds and restrictions for the goal of merging, and it is not possible to catch any powerful upper-level creatures to perform the [Merging] operation.

Overall, [Magic Wave] is more suitable for Zong Shen at this time.

It allows Zong Shenduo to master a strong output skill, and the 1-hour cooldown time of the skill allows him to launch [Magic Wave] attacks multiple times a day.

As for the skill [Passive Air Blade Slash], Zong Shen was not very interested in it considering the inconvenience caused by its inability to automatically turn it off and on.

And that [swap space] is used for even less.

All he can think of are moving, escaping, environment relocation, and transferring opponents. After all, the scope of space exchange is too small, and it takes at least hundreds or even thousands of times to transfer valuable places such as mines and relics. 's [Swap Space].

So he swiftly chose to reject it.

He is very satisfied with the three [Powerful Skills] he has acquired now.

It's just that due to environmental influences, he is not good at conducting skill tests.

He directly controlled the exchange interface to return to the first-level option.

Opened the next redemption option.

【Precious Architecture】

【Architecture is the embodiment of civilization】

[This exchange category is limited to the number of buildings that can be exchanged: 2]

[Precious Building 1: Galileo Star Observation Building·Wonder (Low Position)]

[Building details: (click to view 50% of the building details)]

【Exchange Points: 360000】


[Precious Building 2: Gift Healing Center (Special)]

[Building details: (click to view 50% of the building details)]

【Exchange Points: 300000】


[Precious Building 3: Ancient Altar (Unknown)]

[Building details: (click to view 50% of the building details)]

【Exchange Points: 99999】

(Happy luck, too!)

[Precious Building 4: Fire Domain Wonders (Low)]

[Building details: (click to view 50% of the building details)]

【Exchange Points: 329999】


[Precious Building 5: Diamond Barrier Wonder (Low)]

[Building details: (click to view 50% of the building details)]

【Exchange Points: 350000】


[Precious Building 6: Door to Random Dungeon Opening (Special)]

[Building details: (click to view 50% of the building details)]

【Exchange Points: 399999】

(to be determined)

In this 【Precious Buildings】, you need to choose two out of six.

Most of them are special, unknown and wonder buildings.

Of course, Zong Shen didn't know until now that the spectacle-level buildings themselves are divided into high and low levels. They are divided into low-level, middle-level and high-level like demigod-level equipment items.

The [Leiyu Wonder (Incomplete)] in Zongshen's territory is essentially far inferior to the low-level wonder, because it is broken and not even functional.

The power that can be exerted has also been discounted to a certain extent.

Zongshen needs to collect materials and scattered parts related to the mine system to repair it.

Then these six choices are enough to make Zong Shen fall into a tangle.

The strategy module is also not displayed separately like when selecting skills, and only a brief hint is given for reference.

Among the six precious buildings, only the [Ancient Altar (Unknown)] was rejected by one vote.

That is also the kind of building with the lowest points required for exchange here.

Zong Shen didn't need to look at the mere 50% of the detailed information to know that this building was estimated to be a one-off. Nine times out of ten, it was similar to the [Natural Altar (Purple)] that he recruited Vereesa before, and it was impossible to use it once. reuse.

The difference is that [Natural Altar (Purple)] can summon castrated versions of elven heroes, and this [Ancient Altar (Unknown)] may summon mysterious heroes from previous eras.

It's just a single hero, Zong Shen doesn't value it, and doesn't want to waste a redemption quota for it.

Now it is still considered which kind of building should be exchanged from the perspective of the long-term benefit of the territory.

For reference, the system comes with a 50% permission to view building information, but Zong Shen dismissed it. He decided to mobilize the strategy module to check the five alternative buildings.

According to the building function and value, so as to make the most favorable choice!

A good building can accompany the development of the territory for a long time.

The accompanying architectural effect can even enjoy the time bonus.

Earnings will gradually increase over time!

Therefore, it is necessary to choose carefully!

82 Chinese Network


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