Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1024: : Grasp of Notoriety, Compensation for Captives

When Zong Shen walked in front of them in person, everyone consciously fell silent.

"You guys are lucky..."

"Didn't die in the battle just now!"

Zong Shen's tone was calm, with some indifference.

What he said was very arrogant, but no one at the scene dared to refute, because what he said was the truth.

At this time, a bold-looking woman with dreadlocks slowly raised her hand.

"Master Zong Shen, please allow me to say something."

She said cautiously, her sun-tanned face tightened, revealing the tension in her heart.

Zong Shen turned his head to look at this guy, raised his hand slightly, and motioned for her to speak.

After getting permission, she opened her mouth slowly.

"My lord, my name is Vivica. This time it was a big misunderstanding...Many of us are not in the same group as Stephen York."

"Only... only came to investigate because I saw the relevant announcement."

"There is absolutely no intention of going to war with you."

The woman named Vivica has the appearance of a typical Nordic woman, and the roughness of the high-latitude race makes her look a bit manly.

At first she was a little nervous, but later she spoke more and more quickly, but she didn't dare to say too much, and could only express her thoughts as briefly as possible.

Regarding this, Zong Shen was noncommittal, and he naturally understood the meaning of the other party's words.

Those prickly-headed lords of Stephen York really didn't represent everyone present.

At least half of the lords only came here to investigate, and they didn't carry too much malice.

It's just that after the crowd gathered, these guys' minds changed.

As the so-called "many people are powerful", when the number of gatherers exceeds a certain threshold, people's hearts will lose control, reason will be affected, and desire and luck will regain the high ground.

So these guys became followers in the team, wherever the wind blows, they will run wherever the wind blows.

I thought that the hundreds of thousands of people present could make Zong Shen afraid, but he didn't expect that he would actually do it directly and start killing almost indiscriminately.

Moreover, the attacks are extremely powerful, almost all of them have instant kill effects.

All kinds of shields with a solid value of thousands of points can't resist even a single blow.

The "high-level" fighters that they brought with them that they were proud of were like ants under such a powerful attack.

Zong Shen also allowed these guys to see the performance of true legendary combat power in advance.

The battles in the current inherent cognition of the lords can only be regarded as small fights.

Seeing that Zong Shen didn't respond to her, Vivica thought it was because he couldn't refute.

By some coincidence, she raised her bound arms again.

"Zong... Master Zong..."


"If you call again, I will kill you."

Zong Shen said ruthlessly, and took out [Azzinoth Demon Slayer Blade (Golden)] with his backhand, and pointed the sharp half-moon blade at Vivica's eyes.

He is very disgusted with hypocritical and condescending communication, in his opinion, it is all useless work.

Therefore, he didn't have the slightest affection for these guys who dared to take advantage of the situation to attack his territory.

Regardless of the motives of these people, he only looks at the process and results of things.

Facing the cold blade, Vivica's body in dark red armor suddenly trembled, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

Lords compete with each other, but can also cooperate in many cases.

From the perspective of contending for hegemony on the continent, every lord except one's own legion is a potential enemy.

Moreover, the lords are different from the aborigines, they lack sufficient constraints, and they have the privileges of the lord system.

It is not easy to effectively subdue the lord, and he has no such leisurely mind.

Mostly manage the [Guide Legion] under his command. When he dominates the endless continent in the future, the members of the legion will become the managers and builders of giant cities and state cities everywhere.

It is similar to enfeoffed nobles, but Zong Shen does not intend to implement the aristocratic system.

This matter can be discussed in the future. All in all, he will never show much kindness to lords who are not on his side.

Otherwise, with the bullying temperament of most lords, I am afraid they will get lucky and try to squeeze his wool.

In Zong Shen's own opinion, as long as he does not become the enemy of the whole world, other things don't matter.

It is definitely a great thing to be able to kill and threaten thousands of lords with a bad reputation, and leave a shadow in the hearts of other lords and an image that everyone fears.

No matter how vicious his reputation is, as long as he is willing to accept others, there will always be countless lords who want to be his little brother. This is human nature.

Everyone is afraid of Zong Shen, but everyone also wants to be Zong Shen.

After pondering for a while, he decided to cut directly to the topic.

"I don't want to talk about motives, I just want to talk about results."

"You are indeed lucky not to become silent corpses."

"Now as long as you are willing to pay the price, you can get a chance to survive."

Zong Shen backhanded the Demon-Slaying Battle Blade into a rock on the bare ground at his feet, and said loudly at the same time.

Everyone didn't dare to say anything more, they shrank and waited for his next words.

After the passion of fighting the autumn wind fades, the survival instinct and rationality of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages return to the brain.

No one dares to stand out again, so they can only passively accept the result.

Vivica lowered her head, looking extremely ashamed.

Zong Shen's majesty thwarted all the fighting spirit in her heart, and there is nothing more frustrating for this "strong woman" than facing an invincible person.

Seeing the lord at the scene like a frightened quail, Zong Shen showed a satisfied expression.

"The price is very simple. Each person only needs to provide me with 1,500 copies of each of the three basic resources of wood, stone, and hemp, 1,000 copies of iron resources, 200 copies of Mithril resources, and 1,000 denominations of dinar..."

"In addition, we need to hand over the ownership rights of any 10 third-tier soldiers to our side. They can be replaced with three times of second-tier soldiers or replaced with three fourth-tier fighters or one fifth-tier soldier."

"Insufficient resources or dinars allow for flexible transformation, and the lack of dinars can give more equivalent resources, and vice versa."

This is the compensation condition proposed by Zong Shen. If nobles in ancient Europe were defeated and captured, the family they belonged to could also pay the ransom in exchange for the captured people.

Although Zong Shen can be more ruthless, kill these more than 3,000 lords in one fell swoop, and then use [Quick Inheritance] to wipe out the "little treasury" of these lords with capital and interest.

But in this way, his notoriety will gradually become ugly, and he will be easily targeted in a planned and organized manner.

There are advantages and disadvantages to stigmatization, the key is to grasp the "degree" of it, if the things done are too ugly and dark, then it is easy to form a situation where the world is enemies.

What Zong Shen wants is that evil does not attract wind, he wants to let other lords know that he will not take the initiative to kill, or treat other people as cattle and horses, but he will not allow others to bully.

Another point is that all the lords in front of them chose to surrender.

The nature of voluntary surrender and passive capture is different, so it is difficult for Zong Shen to be ruthless.

Then let's retreat and let the blood of these guys be released, so that they will neither appear too benevolent nor become too dark and cruel.

Moreover, the price offered by Zong Shen was also carefully considered, referring to the average resource reserves and wealth level of the current lord through the strategy module.

After a month-long challenge period and a few days of buffer construction period, most of the lords' pockets are much bigger than before, and their resources have become much more abundant.

The total population of most of the territories has achieved the first leap, from generally dozens or hundreds of people to the current level of hundreds of people.

The improvement of the basic population and the development level of the territory has brought about an overall improvement in the efficiency of resource acquisition.

As for dinars, it is even simpler, and the aborigines have become the best source for lords to obtain dinars.

Those with rough methods directly turned into bandits, and turned into bandits and thieves from time to time, robbing the traveling merchants along the way.

The more daring ones often use the legion and the lord's squad as the main body to cooperate and loot small-scale villages far away from the state city. This is also the development trend of today's lords.

And those lords who have eased their means can also choose to go to the nearby state city to seek opportunities to make money.

With the convenience of the lord's privilege, it is not difficult for the lords to earn dinars in a compliant manner as long as they put a little effort into it.

Therefore, most lords can still afford this compensation.

They even thought it was a good deal. After all, resources can be collected again, and dinars can be earned slowly.

On the contrary, the transfer of their subordinates made them more distressed.

Soldiers who have received standard training are not Chinese cabbage, and these lords are not Zongshen. There have been many battle losses in previous battles. Every soldier is precious and regarded by them as an alternative "non-renewable resource".

In addition, many lords will also look for beautiful-looking soldiers among the soldiers as lovers, thus cultivating many confidantes who are loyal to MAX, which is inevitable for both men and women. It happened to be a confidant soldier who came.

Just handing over to Zong Shen like this is like cutting flesh.

But they also knew in their hearts that if Zong Shen killed them directly, the harvest would be more than that.

So after a short period of sluggishness and contemplation, all the lords on the scene rushed to agree.

Zong Shen counted himself as a manpower, and then asked Xiao Heizi to use dragon language magic to transform into a black-armored man with a paralyzed face, and received resources together with Colby, together with Joan of Arc and Richardson,

A total of 3172 captive lords were divided into five queues, each occupying an open space for compensation handover.

It took more than two hours of hard work to complete the receipt of all compensations.

Tens of thousands of fighters suddenly appeared in the portal enclosure, most of them were Tier 2 and Tier 3 fighters.

These fighters are handed over by the lord, and their initial loyalty is only 60~65 points, which is almost stuck at the neutral loyalty limit, and they will have to be cultivated for a period of time before they can be used.

In addition, Zong Shen obtained a large amount of resources for the territory.

He considered the issue of population reception and resource reception of thousands of lords in [Quick Inheritance].

When the population of the territory rapidly expands to hundreds of thousands, the current construction pattern is far behind the situation. It is necessary for Mariel and Howie to devote their energy to start a real era of large-scale construction.

Let the expansion become a state-level scale, at least in a few days.

The main construction plan needs to continue to be clarified, and at the same time, a sufficient number of residences must be built.

Moreover, Zong Shen was ready to start the reform plan of free people immediately after accepting this batch of people.

After receiving the compensation, Zong Shen readily let the lords go.

During the period, some daring lords publicized the process by "live broadcasting" with pictures and texts on the [Regional Channel], and let other lords know that Zong Shen is not just a fool who only knows how to do things, which adds to the fear in his heart .

There are still lords coming to the periphery of the portal enclosure one after another, but those guys seem much calmer.

Basically, they just waited and watched quietly from the outside, and after confirming that this place is indeed the "official announcement" territory certified by the lord system, they didn't take chances, and all retreated swiftly.

This kind of situation is very common, the lords outside come and go, go and come again, but no one dares to offend.

After dismissing the last captive lord, Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

[The Heart of the Quantum Furnace] makes his body tireless, but it cannot eliminate mental fatigue.

By this time the night was already deep.

It was evening when he returned to the surface from the depths of the mine.

Then he hurried to the portal to enclose the land. First he had a fierce battle, and then he received compensation from more than 3,000 lords.

After being so busy for a while, a few hours passed.

Colby and Zoe set off at different times, so they finished at about the same time.

Zong Shen arrived at the scene faster, but in fact he spent more time exploring in the depths of the mine.

Anyway, it's all assembled now.

Damaged portal enclosures need to be rebuilt.

Soldiers who died in battle need to be buried, and others need to be comforted.

And there is also the privilege of the territory, exempting 3% of the soldiers from dying, and the rest of the dead can also be transferred to the [Tower of Heroic Souls] and turned into heroic souls to guard the territory.

Relevant work has already started in Mariel, and it is expected to be restored by early morning at the latest.

Those defensive arrow towers that were completely damaged and could not be repaired, Zong Shen planned to wait until the inheritance of the territory was completed to replenish.

There will be as many low-level defensive arrow towers as you want.

As for the long-range and powerful high-level arrow towers, they did not lose much in this battle.

This aspect has been considered in the construction and layout of the defense matrices everywhere.

The low-level arrow towers are mainly injured, and the high-level arrow towers are all baby bumps ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All placed on the inside.

The overall loss was within Zongshen's previous estimate.

A large number of farmers rushed through the transmission channel from the territory to the portal to enclose the land, and joined the beating and beating construction army.

The entire enclosure was brightly lit, and from time to time, pairs of wolf cavalry could be seen patrolling everywhere under the leadership of the higher-ranking wild wolf clan arms. These new arms were recruited through the [Inheritance Base Camp].

Regarding the situation in this regard, Zong Shen hadn't had time to check it yet. In fact, his territory was getting stronger every minute.

When the construction of the territory is in full swing, it actually already has the characteristic of "self-growth"!

(PS: The level of Bangcheng has been described very clearly before, and the flexibility range is very large. There are Bangcheng with more than 100,000 people to a million people. Bosbang is a Bangcheng with a population of more than 100,000. And Zoe's father, the city of Wintrouban controlled by Earl Mullen is located at the mouth of the inland river, with a population of one million)

(end of this chapter)

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