The so-called "self-growth" feature of the territory is actually easy to understand.

With the continuous construction and development of the territory, even if Zong Shen himself did not sit in it, the territory was becoming stronger every moment.

All kinds of powerful buildings are continuing to exert their effects, and the hero-level talents under his command are also acting in an orderly manner according to the plan.

Territory and Zongshen gradually became two independent development entities.

Zong, who is the lord, still owns the entire territory, but the territory is no longer his entire.

In the future, he can let go of his hands and feet to explore farther parts of the world, and sooner or later the territory will change from a fetter of worries to a home behind him.

After retracting his emotional thoughts a little, he focused on counting the harvest of resources.

At the same time, the rebuilding of the portal enclosure was also proceeding in an orderly manner. It wasn't until this time that Colby and Zoe took the opportunity to come to Zong Shen and report to him about the exploration process of the remains of the Shadow Poison Assassin League branch. Hand over the related relic harvest.

Seeing the arrival of the two, Zong Shen also stopped the statistical work, and took the lead to the temporary command post camp in the circle of the portal. The sturdy [double-layer stone house] isolated the noise from the outside world.

He sat on the first seat, and took out a bottle of old wine from the wine cellar of Grandpa Mars with his backhand, and then took out three horn cups and poured a glass of bright red wine respectively.

"Sit down, drink and chat."

Zong Shen picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then closed his eyes and rubbed his temple with the other hand.

[Like infinite energy] is not omnipotent. At this moment, his physical strength is still in full swing, but his spirit is quite exhausted, which makes him feel dizzy as if he returned to the earth when he was studying and doing papers every day. Feel.

At his greeting, Colby and Zoe saluted in turn and took their seats.

The three of them were taking a break from their busy schedules.

Zoe was the first to speak. She was the "Chief Adventurer" personally appointed by Zong Shen, and she was also the main person in charge of exploring the ruins of the Shadow Poison Assassin League branch.

In contrast, Colby was only a "senior thug" in this operation, so it was natural for Zoe to make the report.

"My lord, there were no casualties in this exploration operation."

"Our side successfully unlocked the outer rune gate with the [Master Key (Orange)]."

"Subsequently, an underground wine cellar and a hidden vault suspected to be a sanctuary were discovered in the relic hall."

"There is a powerful deformed undead in the underground wine cellar, which has been killed by Lord Colby himself. The main body of the ruins is currently well preserved."

Zooey said very ably, without any embellishment.

It has somewhat of an adventurer's documentary style.

Zong Shen took another sip of wine, and casually tapped the table with his knuckles.

He was not surprised by the results of the exploration of the ruins of the Shadow Poison Assassin League branch.

He went through rigorous investigation and consideration before issuing the order.

With the help of Colby, the legendary wolf warrior who has obtained the power of the Nine Sacrifice Spirit Totem, it is no problem to get through the ruins.

However, after calculation, the territory still lacks a strong enough high-end combat power.

Apart from what he thought, the only legendary powerhouses in the territory who could fight were Colby and the ancestral little Heizi who possessed the strength of an old dragon.

The next level is [Joan of Arc] and [Lion and Skeleton Knight Richardson].

Further down, there are sixth-tier, fifth-tier, and fourth-tier fighters... such conventional combat power.

Zong Shen had to find a way to train more confidantes with legendary combat power.

After thinking about it for a while, he nodded slightly.

"well done."

"What do you think, Zoe, about this exploration of the ruins?"

The so-called "people gather firewood and flames burn high", only by working together can we make progress.

Zong Shen leaned on his head with one arm and asked Zooey for her opinion.

Facing this question, Zoe looked thoughtful, as if she already had a draft.

In fact, even if the lord didn't ask, she did have something to say to Zong Shen in person.

She frowned slightly, then spoke slowly.

"There is not enough talent in the adventure team."

"Such as scouts responsible for stealth detection, trap countermeasures, and sentry warning."

"An interpreter who is proficient in rune technology and mana technology."

"An archaeologist who understands the history and writing of ancient epochs."

"The legendary adventurer Tim Eckling had a complete team of adventurers to cooperate with him."

Having said that, Zooey paused for a moment, and then continued to add boldly after seeing Zong Shen's appreciative smile.

"In addition, the adventure team is not strong enough. Although the wolf cavalry are brave and resolute fighters, the passages of the relics are often narrow and cramped, which is not suitable for their actions."

"I would like to apply to you for a team of two high-level shield infantry, two heavy cavalry, and two releasers of each element system. At least four holy light priests or higher-level supporters are required to accompany them."

"With such a configuration, the adventurer team can handle most of the ruins exploration tasks even if there is no legendary powerhouse in charge."

Zong Shen had to admit that Zoe's suggestions and requests were very reasonable.

There is indeed a huge professional talent gap in the Territory.

This problem has been improved through [Special Knowledge School] and [Advanced Library] and other buildings.

But learning takes time, and the talent training cycle is not short.

If we want to solve this problem quickly, we still have to make calculations among the aborigines to see if there are ready-made talents.

As for the fighter configuration of the adventure team, they also face the same problem.

Zong Shen's most numerous warriors are wolf cavalry, so it is only natural that they become the main force.

Except for the wolf cavalry, the other arms are "sparse" and difficult to organize.

Because the lord is compatible with the characteristics of various types of arms, there are many different types of arms in the territory, and the number is extremely scattered. The only organized legion is the wolf cavalry.

So he also felt very distressed by this question.

However, in order not to dampen Zoe's enthusiasm, and also considering the mission arrangement of the adventure team in the future, Zong Shen decided to satisfy her demands as much as possible.

Shield warriors can send [Dragon Transformation Gun Shield Warrior] or [Rhodok Sergeant], and Lancers can choose [Tier 5 Lion Charge Knight]. He can recruit Lion Knight once a week through the battle flag.

The last is the auxiliary treatment unit. The number of holy light priests is limited, so it is better not to send them abroad.

Instead, [Centaur Prophet] can be sent along.

Not only are they powerful shadow casters, they are also skilled in subtle shamanic arts.

These include auxiliary effects such as life recovery and defense blessing.

Moreover, [Centaur Prophet] has a higher rank and is not low in wisdom. He also acted as Zong Shen's interpreter during the defensive challenge period. In theory, only one can be worth a team of [Priest of Holy Light].

The fly in the ointment is that shadow damage cannot cause additional damage to undead units.

[Holy Light Priest] can cause double damage to the undead and undead. The Holy Light itself also has a significant suppression effect on the power of the dead and the power of shadows.

When exploring ancient ruins, the most common enemies you face are all kinds of undead who are not afraid of death.

In addition, considering the problem of skill cooling, at some point, the overall performance of multiple [Holy Light Priests] may not be much worse than that of one [Centaur Prophet].

The reason why Zoe proposed such a request for troop allocation was also taking this into consideration.

And Zong Shen proposed [Centaur Prophet] as a substitute, which can only be regarded as a helpless move.

How to obtain these main forces stably for a long time and deploy them as soon as possible has become an immediate problem.

He can only hope for the [Quick Inheritance] that can only be completed tomorrow.

Thousands of fallen lords should provide a lot of basic population and fighters of all ranks for his territory.

When the two of them discussed this point, they fell silent in unison.

Zong Shen was thinking about the reorganization and expansion of the territory fighters in the future, while Zoe was silently summarizing the gains and losses of this exploration.

However, the silence didn't last long. Colby took the initiative to provoke the topic. He took out a few harvests from the underground wine cellar, including the items that exploded from the body of the undead named "Jack".

Seeing this, Zooey quickly took out some of the relics she had stored.

The main harvest of the exploration of the ruins of the Shadow Poison Assassin League branch is divided into four categories.

They are: the treasure chest, the recruitment roll, the ancient currency in the treasury, and the things that the undead burst out.

First of all, there are a lot of treasure chests, but they are not as good as the Azshara Mine. After all, the size of the two relics is very different. The former is a small and medium-sized relic, while the latter is a proper large relic.

The scale of the ruins determines the quantity and quality of the treasure chests in it to a certain extent.

The larger the scale and the more difficult the exploration of the ruins, the more treasure chests there will be and the higher the quality limit will be.

Colby and Zooey put the treasure chest on the open space next to it, and Zong Shen looked around and quickly sorted it out.

There are a total of fifty-three treasure chests in this batch, six of which are trap treasure chests.

The remaining forty-seven normal treasure chests cover black iron level to gold level.

The quantitative rules are as follows:

【Golden Treasure Chest×2】

【Silver Treasure Chest×7】

【Bronze Treasure Chest×16】

【Black Iron Treasure Chest×22】

As for the trap treasure chest, there are two silvers, one copper, and three irons.

There are different trap spells inside, and Zong Shen will simply classify them according to the type of trap.

For the trap treasure chests he harvested recently, he will keep some of the more characteristic ones, and most of the rest will be handed over to Uncle Dwarf and Iron Hand Barenke to transform them into treasure chest shield vehicles.

Just build one with a low-tier treasure chest, and one with a trap treasure chest.

It can be disassembled and removed separately when needed.

After dealing with these treasure chests, Zong Shen focused his attention on the millions of coins from the ancient era in the storage compartment.

Among them are [Seven Flower Silver Coins] 2,190,179 pieces and [Five-Headed Bird Gold Coins] 612,927 pieces.

Colby had found a few [seven-flower silver coins] on the undead behind the bar in the relic hall.

The carvings on it are seven different flowers made of the precious magic material-mithril.

Moreover, it is mithril with extremely high smelting purity. As the currency of the last era, the status of [Seven Flower Silver Coin] and [Five-headed Bird Gold Coin] is equivalent to the current [Dinar].

They themselves also have a certain material value, and each [Seven Flower Silver Coin] can be exchanged for an equal portion of Mithril material.

More than two million silver coins mean more than two million mithril resources.

The exchange process is completed by the lord system without additional smelting.

As for the [Five-Headed Bird Gold Coin], it is made of fine gold, and it is carved with a five-headed strange bird. The five heads are faintly symmetrical, and the neck in the middle is particularly slender. There is also a phoenix flame pattern on the head.

The whole five-headed bird looks like it has the characteristics of five kinds of raptors and monsters, and its shape is very exquisite.

Each [five-headed bird gold coin] can be exchanged for an equal amount of fine gold materials.

In other words, this batch of gold and silver coins from the ancient era is extremely valuable.

Although during this period of time, as the lords have gradually become richer, the exchange rate between high-level resources and common resources has gradually decreased, but even so, this batch of Mithril and Fine Gold is still valuable.

In the earliest days, one mithril could be exchanged for seventy-five parts of wood and stone resources or thirty parts of iron.

Now [market] one Mithril can be exchanged for thirty-five to forty parts of wood, stone, hemp or fifteen to eighteen parts of iron.

The change of the exchange ratio is completely determined by market demand, because for most lords, there are not many places where Mithril is used. This thing is a magic material, suitable for laying magic paths and building rune magic circles.

In addition, some building consumables above Tier 3 require certain Mithril materials.

Those basic buildings and low-level magic items will not be used much.

Therefore, the lords have not yet ushered in the consumption period of Mithril, but instead have a relatively strong demand for basic resources such as wood, stone, hemp, iron, and copper.

From all kinds of folk houses, stone houses, to city walls, horses, and roadblocks, they are all major consumers of basic resources, and they are also indispensable building facilities for each territory.

In a market economy, the relationship between supply and demand determines the exchange rate and value of various resources.

This point, Zong Shen, who made his fortune by selling a large number of mineral resources, naturally knew it well.

In any case, the total value of more than two million copies of Mithril and six to seven million copies of Fine Gold is not a small amount.


"The harvest of exploration is greater than I imagined."

Zong Shen couldn't help saying a word of praise.

Sake is popular with people, money touches people's hearts, and it is better to pay a huge sum of money to ask for warmth.

The essence of exploring the ruins is to collect the resources left by the ancient and turn them into resources for the development of the territory.

And this batch of [Seven Flower Silver Coins] and [Five-Headed Bird Gold Coins] just met this point.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zoe and Colby have acquired a massive amount of wealth for the territory.

This move also made Zong Shen firm in his idea of ​​large-scale exploration of ruins and excavation of ancient resources!

The endless continent is so vast, almost every minute there are lords exploring related ruins in different areas.

The strength of the current lords is not too strong. Even if they cooperate, they can only open up some small and medium-sized ruins. However, as time goes by, sooner or later, the lords will try to advance large-scale ruins through cooperation.

So Zongshen needs to hurry up, start from the surrounding area, and don't let go of all the ruins that can be explored and excavated!

(end of this chapter)

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