Survival of the Lord: Starting from the Dilapidated Small Courtyard Chapter 1034: Population Explosion ⅰ 【Subscription】

The dragon-breed fast horse has excellent endurance and speed, and is regarded as the best among land-riding beasts.

Of course, due to the influence of the terrain and the way of land travel, the speed of the fast horse of the dragon breed cannot be compared with that of the air rider.

Raven Saintess Sapphire had already made arrangements for this.

On the premise of shortening the rest time of the mount as much as possible, trekking at full speed, it only takes about two days to reach Zongshen's settlement in one way.

That's right, in her impression, Zongshen's territory is still a settlement with only a few hundred people in it. Safli never imagined that in just over a month, Zongshen's territory has gathered a population that is close to a small state city...

It was precisely because of the accurate calculation of the round-trip time that she told the black-robed bishops to return in five days.

No matter what, she wanted to see Zong Shen again.

Sapphire is an orphan who was adopted by the church since she was a child.

In the baptism ceremony when he was young, he aroused the divine will, and obtained a trace of the blood of the calamity raven from the distant void.

As a result, she became a new generation of saintesses of the church, who received key training from the Calamity Raven Church, and lived a life without worrying about food and clothing.

But this offering comes at a price.

Everything about her belongs to the Calamity Raven Church.

As the darling of God and the saint of the church, she should dedicate everything to herself.

And as she got older, the bloodline awakening progress in her body was getting higher and higher, and fanatical beliefs were encroaching on the main consciousness in her self. Safli had a premonition that the bloodline consciousness would dominate in the near future.

The complete loss of self-consciousness is similar to "brain death" in essence.

This made Sapphire anxious. She wanted to escape from the Calamity Raven Church, but she couldn't get rid of the blood shackles hidden in her body.

That is the true blood of the gods, how can a mortal resist it?

So this time, she was determined to fulfill her last long-cherished wish.

It's like a terminally ill patient who wants to do something that he wants to do but has been unable to do because of various concerns before he bids farewell to this world.

But Safli has no parents or relatives. She has lived in the fanatical atmosphere of the church since she was a child, regards human life as nothing, and acts numb all day long. She doesn't even have a friend who can tell the truth.

She can think of Zong Shen, which is actually a very sad thing.

But no matter what, she is bravely running for what she wants to do, and this may be the last and only time she lives for herself.

At this moment, the sky is slightly bright, and the sun rising in the east is dazzlingly red, showing off its newborn vigor to its heart's content.

Bathed in the rising sun, Safley traveled eastward all the way, and the shadow behind her was infinitely elongated.

In the portal enclosure, Zong Shen deliberately stayed with her for a while in order to compensate Mariel for her hard work.

The two stayed together from nightfall to sunrise.

The farmers in charge of the construction work took a break after breakfast and then continued the construction on site.

From time to time, one or two loud wolf howls could be heard outside.

Zong Shen and Mariel were sitting snuggled up on an empty field piled with wooden materials.

When the morning sun rose, Mariel tilted her head and leaned on his shoulder, her chest rose and fell, and she made a soft sleeping sound.

Although her attributes have improved significantly with the upgrade of the rank and the change of clothes.

But after all, he is still a mortal body, and cannot be compared with Zong Shen, a freak who has transplanted the [Quantum Furnace Core].

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Continuous work and staying up all night made her very tired, but the peace of mind of staying by Zong Shen's side made her feel like a baby back in its infancy, full of a comfortable sense of security, and naturally fell asleep.

Zong Shen looked at her side face with pity, and the warm body temperature made the relationship between them extremely close.

The situation of the portal enclosure has temporarily come to an end.

He killed thousands of lords and hundreds of thousands of accompanying soldiers yesterday, and specially consumed the [World Speaker] to release a global "broadcast". people.

So Zong Shen got up slowly, and hugged Maril before he woke up rubbing his eyes.

Then he carried her openly to the directional teleportation tower channel in the territory.

The scouts sneaking around on standby also followed suit.

The fifth-level [Black Puppet Manipulator] and the sixth-level [Falling Shadow Watcher] have no self-emotions. As for the [Black Demon Eye], they are mutants and aliens, and their emotional tendencies are completely different from those of humans.

So Zong Shen didn't have to worry about these light bulbs getting in the way.

Just act like they're all puppets.

Mariel woke up leisurely, first let out a small exclamation, and then stretched out her arms to wrap around Zong Shen's neck.

After passing through the teleportation channel, the two returned to the territory in an instant. Zong Shen directly activated [Wandering Walk] to rush back to the fortress of the territory, left those scouts behind, and personally put Mariel on the bed in her bedroom.

Just as he was about to leave, a soft voice came from behind him.

"grown ups…"

Zong Shen turned around and looked at Mariel with a smile.

"Don't go away..."

Mariel's cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't help looking at Zong Shen.

But after thinking about it for a while, Zong Shen still shook his head.

Just kidding, this is the lord's fortress.

All the daughters live here, especially Luna who is pregnant.

Although everyone doesn't mind his three wives and four concubines, it's somewhat inappropriate to prostitution like this.

Zong Shen admits that he is an LSP, but he doesn't have much desire for excitement.

And he had just made a two-year contract, and he was about to eat Mariel in a blink of an eye, so he took off his pants and farted.

It's no problem to get on the bus first and then buy the ticket, but now he's a little bit less interested.

So Zong Shen chose to refuse.

"Another day, Mariel."

"You're tired and need a good night's sleep."

"The development of the territory cannot be separated from you."

Zong Shen turned back and gave her a passionate kiss as compensation.

Hearing what he said, Mariel was not discouraged, and nodded firmly and earnestly.

The little girl's sense of responsibility is still very heavy. When Zong Shen mentioned the work of the territory, the fire of **** in her heart was extinguished a lot, but Zong Shen held the torch in Zong Shen's hand, and he could ignite it whenever he wanted.

After a little tenderness, Zong Shen chose to say goodbye.

The scouts from the Shadow Poison Assassin League waited in the lobby on the first floor with interest.

Zong Shen thought for a while, there should be no travel plans for today, and it would be inconvenient for them to follow along.

So they waved to him/them.

"Let's all cancel the stealth state."

After this order was issued, the magnificent rococo-style fortress hall suddenly shook like water ripples.

Dozens of figures successively left the stealth state and were exposed to Zong Shen's vision.

Then he called Tie Zhu again.

"You all follow him and obey his orders."

After a little arrangement, Zong Shen let Tie Zhu take these guys away.

When he was going out tomorrow, he would bring these scouts with him himself to cultivate their loyalty.

Otherwise, wherever you go, these sneaky guys will follow you, so it's still a bit awkward.

Facing these high-level scouts/assassins, Tie Zhu was a little timid, but fortunately, the scouts of the Shadow Poison Assassin League were extremely disciplined.

They will not disobey the orders given by Zong Shen, so they obey Tie Zhu's words and have strong execution ability.

Seeing Tie Zhu cautiously leading them away from the lord's fortress, the corners of Zong Shen's mouth trembled.

To be honest, this kid still lacks exercise. After all, he was just a small farmer, and he hasn't followed him for a while, so he can't keep up with the form.

If you want to further cultivate, you have to take it with you to "practice" hard for a few days.

There is no doubt about Tie Zhu's loyalty, but Zong Shen always favors those who are down-to-earth and loyal.

So he didn't want to give up the iron pillar easily. Everything is possible in the endless continent. As long as he is willing, even a piece of rotten wood can be carved into a piece of treasure.

After seeing off Tie Zhu, he closed his eyes for space sensing.

Soon he found Hao Yin, who was already busy and battered.

He is responsible for handling the "ransom" offered by the captive lords yesterday.

Including all kinds of resources and second to third-tier fighters.

Tens of thousands of people need to be resettled, and the whole team alone is a problem.

You must know that tens of thousands of people gather together in a mighty way, and they will occupy a huge area even when they are rubbing shoulders. If you look around, only the word spectacular can describe it.

One can imagine how difficult it is for Hao Yin to deal with it.

And that's not counting the subsequent food distribution and solving basic housing problems.

Each is a municipal-level problem.

After all, this is tens of thousands of people, not tens of thousands of livestock, and brute force is not effective for this.

After the defensive challenge, it took nearly five days of renovation and construction.

The urban planning of the territory has begun to take shape.

This is no less than the infrastructure of building high-rise buildings on the ground. There is still a long way to go if we want to truly build a state city.

Aboriginal villages, state cities, and even giant cities have undergone long years of population accumulation and urban expansion.

Whether it is infrastructure, agriculture or population, they all develop step by step.

Some ancient giant cities have a history comparable to the history of the founding of the country.

It took thousands of years of development to form a giant city with such a population.

Zong Shen wanted to build a state-scale territory that the aborigines had established for decades or even hundreds of years in just over a month, and the difficulty was undoubtedly enormous.

Leaving aside, Hao Yin was already devastated just by taking care of these tens of thousands of soldiers.

For this reason, he fully mobilized dozens of domestic logistics heroes to assist.

At dawn, the preliminary classification formation was finally completed, and the detailed numbers were sorted out at the same time.

But the latter data is meaningless to Zong Shen, he can complete it through the strategy module.

But Hao Yin didn't know, he still took this as part of his job, anyway, the statistics of the quantity were also completed in the classification of the whole team.

Under such circumstances, when Zong Shen arrived at the scene, the order was still in good order.

Tens of thousands of soldiers are first classified according to the type of arms, and then let the same rank and the same arms form a team.

It is still the same set of organization standards as [Squad], [Squadron], [Brigade], and [Legion].

However, even after the formation was completed, the scene was still extremely noisy.

Even the breathing sounds of tens of thousands of people in front of them can form a noise.

And guys begging for water and food, and muttering about going to the bathroom.

Soldiers are people too, not to mention they are still fighters who hand over ownership, and their loyalty is not high.

Coupled with the update after the end of the defensive challenge, after the recovery of human nature, the problem of **** and fart has become more.

Until Zong Shen arrived, Hao Yin didn't even notice.

His forehead was covered with sweat, and he was writing and drawing with a charcoal pencil.

The logistics hero who was acting as the deputy was also busy walking around, which made Zong Shenguang feel the exhausted fatigue just by looking at it.

"Hao Yin!"

He yelled actively, using the sound wave technique.

The sound passed through layers of noise and passed into Hao Yin's ears.

The sudden call broke the charcoal pencil in the hand of Hao Yin who was writing, and he stopped working immediately.

In the territory, Zong Shen has absolute authority.

As a heroic talent with max loyalty and great respect, Hao Yin put Zong Shen first.

He immediately handed over the charcoal pencil and rough vellum paper to his assistant, and turned around to greet him.


"My lord, you are here!"

Hao Yin bowed and saluted, seeing Zong Shen seemed to see a savior.

In this regard, Zong Shen expressed his understanding that this kind of tedious workload is really troublesome.

It requires great patience, care, and some knowledge and skills in overall planning and statistics to do it well.

"Thank you, Hao Yin."

Zong Shen nodded in greeting, and extended his hand to pat him on the shoulder affectionately.

As a "capitalist" big landlord, he has to say what he doesn't say about the scene.

Considering Hao Yin's dedication to work, Zong Shen is going to give him a round of strengthening.

He still has some good things in his hands, which are of little help to himself, but they can be used to cultivate suitable leaders.

Zong Shen's words on the scene are a recognition for Hao Yin.

He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his brow.

Anyway, he is also a person who has been with the aboriginal nobles for many years. Hao Yin's attitude towards life is quite refined.

The overall sense of responsibility is also very strong, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com did not neglect the task assigned by Zong Shen because of this.

"My lord, the statistical data has come out, do you need to look at it?"

"There are also new related resources, all of which have been put into storage, and some resources have entered the link of construction and consumption."

Hao Yin calmed down a little, and began to report the situation on the scene.

Hearing the word "statistical data", Zong Shen was a little embarrassed. It was somewhat useless, but he couldn't explain why he had a strategy module.

After all, compilation work is always inseparable from statistics.

If he didn't let Hao Yin do the statistics, I'm afraid Hao Yin would not be able to understand it.

So some gong is doomed to be in vain.

But he can't show it, so as not to dampen Hao Yin's enthusiasm.

Moreover, this kind of sudden population increase of tens of thousands in a single day is rare.

Even if he annexes Bangcheng in the future, he will digest it together with the city's municipal agencies and hero-level talents, and then the reorganization work will be much easier.

So Zong Shen took the notebook with dignity and looked it up carefully.

At the same time, I call out the strategy module in my heart to sort out the data, and compare the two to find the mistakes and omissions.

This made Zong suddenly have the illusion of correcting homework!

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