Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1035: : Population Explosion II

The first is the various resources that have been stored in the library.

At the beginning, Zong Shen offered a fixed price in terms of resources.

Every captured lord needs to provide him with 1,500 copies of wood, stone, and hemp, each of the three basic resources, 1,000 copies of iron resources, 200 copies of mithril resources, and 1,000 dinars.

This is his standard of death, and there is no room for bargaining.

At that time, Zong Shen referred to the average level of resource savings of the lords, and even the poorest lords could basically get it together. After all, the defensive challenge had just ended, and all the lords who survived were not that poor.

Whether it is the rewards after completing the challenge or the mysterious merchants refreshed during the period, the lords have gained a lot.

Of course, except for a poor little girl like Jiang Yi who saved her life.

If it wasn't for Zong Shen's remembrance of the past, she deliberately used up a chance to revive the privilege, I'm afraid she wouldn't even exist in the future. Although she has suffered a bit now, the development progress ranking has dropped from the original T2~T1 rank to T3. Inferior to Medina, who was half a catty with her before.

But at least she's still alive.

And being alive means still having a chance to catch up.

Therefore, it is best to count the data of the resources in the warehouse, and 99% of the captives have paid this amount according to the contract.

A very small number of lords who did not have enough resources were also collected by "borrowing".

A total of 3172 captive lords, the total resources contributed by these guys to Zongshen's territory are as follows:

【Stone × 4758000】


【Hemp × 4758000】

【Iron × 3172000】


[Dinar × 3172000]

The resource data is not a fraction, and more than 3,000 captive lords have brought him a total of tens of millions of resources.

There are nearly five million copies of each of the three resources of wood, stone, and hemp.

The more precious iron resources have reached more than 3.1 million, and the mithril has more than 600,000.

Even the dinar has more than 3 million, which makes the balance of Zongshen's dinar deposit that has been consumed by a batch restored again.

"It's better to rob the lord to make a fortune!"

He was amazed that a mere 3172 lords were able to tap such a huge amount of resources.

And this is not all of their net worth, if it is replaced by the way of killing and then inheriting, I am afraid that they can gain several times more.

Thinking about it this way, Zong Shen looked forward to the [Quick Inheritance] that was completed tonight.

After confirming the harvest of the resource part, the next step is the statistics of the arms.

At that time, Zong Shen proposed the condition that 30 second-tier soldiers, 10 third-tier soldiers, three fourth-tier soldiers, and one fifth-tier soldier be selected, and the relevant soldiers will be handed over.

The lords are all human beings, not to mention that most lords still rarely have fighters above the fourth rank.

Even if there are, they are all hidden and tucked away, and they are used as the "sea magic needle" in the territory.

Because for the early development of the lord, a fifth-tier fighter is already considered a great combat power.

Therefore, most of the lords handed over were second-tier soldiers, accounting for nearly 80% of the total, followed by third-tier soldiers, accounting for about 20% of the total, and soldiers of fourth-tier and fifth-tier soldiers combined accounted for the last fraction.

Although most of the lords would not hand over high-level fighters, there were always a few big grievances among the more than 3,000 people.

The base is here, and there is a certain amount of patchwork.

Among them, the second-tier related arms reorganization statistics are as follows:

[Total number of second-tier soldiers: 75176]

【Detailed Summary】

[Tier 2 Self-Training Infantry: 21726]

[Tier 2 self-trained crossbowman: 12216]

[Tier 2 wolf cavalry: 15112]

[Tier 2 Avalon Light Crossbowman: 4711]

[Tier 2 Avalon Light Swordsman: 6192]

[Second-level Avalon Draconic Mage Apprentice: 371]

[Tier 2 Nord Light Axeman: 1031]

[Second-rank Swadian dungfork militia: 97]

[Tier 2 Sarande Iron Scorpion Scimitar Warrior: 904]

[Second-Level Thunder Mage Apprentice: 792]

[Second-level Wind Master Apprentice: 949]

[Tier 2 Frost Department Mage Apprentice: 477]

[Second-level water mage apprentice: 1139]

[Second-level Priest of Holy Light: 416]

[Tier 2 Necromancer Apprentice: 305]

[Second Tier Arcane Mage Apprentice: 233]

[Second-level wood mage apprentice: 526]

[Second Tier Earth Element Mage Apprentice: 1058]

[Second-tier Fire Mage Apprentice: 1531]

[Second-level Shadow Department Mage Apprentice: 299]

[Second-tier unaffiliated arms, seasoned black street thug: 389]

[Second-tier troops with no faction: the downcast wilderness rogue: 1977]

[Tier 2 No Faction Unit Caravan Guard: 1263]

[Tier 2 No-Faction Arms, Wandering Spellcaster: 101]

[Second-tier non-alignment unit, full-time lord's retinue: 69]

[Second-rank black-striped kobold warrior: 312]

[Tier 2 Poisonous Hornet: 30]

[Tier 2 Goblin Warrior: 851]

[Tier 2 Fallen Treant Warrior: 99]

Because Zongshen only asked for ranks, and did not specifically designate arms.

So there are all kinds of messy arms among the second-tier soldiers.

There are dozens of types alone, and besides the regular human arms, those captive lords even used arms such as goblins, wasps, and treants to deal with the problem.

Among the second-tier units handed over by the captive lords, the most important ones are [Second-tier self-trained infantry], [Second-tier self-trained crossbowmen], and [Second-tier wolf cavalry], which the lords on this grassland love to see most.

Those self-training units are all trained by [Farmer] + [Tier 2 Infantry/Crossman Training Manual] + [Ordinary Tier 2 barracks without blueprints].

It can be said to be the miscellaneous soldiers of every lord, and the comprehensive attributes are enough to meet the threshold of the second-tier arms.

But the gear is all patchwork whiteboards and gray battered junk.

The actual combat effectiveness is not comparable to the second-tier soldiers recruited with the recruitment roll.

Moreover, when the captive lords handed over the soldiers, they actually tried to take off the soldiers' equipment.

This behavior was stopped by Zong Shen, and the relative value of soldiers who stripped off their equipment was reduced by one-third.

At that time, he will have to spend energy and money to rebuild equipment for them.

Therefore, the self-trained soldiers who occupy the largest number are completely used to deal with Zong Shen.

Coming to the present, most lords have at least dozens of [Tier 2 Training Manuals] on hand through opening boxes or other methods, and basically transform them into Tier 2 self-training soldiers.

You must know that no matter how good the self-trained soldiers are, they are much better than the prototype farmers.

They can also display certain combat power in groups.

But to Zong Shen, it was a piece of trash.

He has never taken the initiative to train a self-trained soldier until now.

Because he has no shortage of combat power at hand, there is no need to exchange for second-tier self-trained fighters with low combat power at the cost of depleting farmers.

As for those Tier 3 standard barracks, they lost their self-training value because the corresponding [Tier 3 Training Manual] was too small, such as the [Tier 3 Dragonborn Ranger Barracks] he got a long time ago.

Now he is fully qualified to start construction, but he has not started construction for a long time, because the [Tier 3 Training Manual] is insufficient, and he cannot train himself in large quantities anyway, so it is better not to train.

You must know that farmers who transform into soldiers through [Barracks Building] and [Training Manual] will lose their [Construction] ability, and their plasticity will be greatly reduced.

Since there is no shortage of this combat power, it is better to retain more farmers.

Although farmers are weak, they are the basic population and the cornerstone of the construction and development of all territories.

As for the [Wolf Cavalry], needless to say, as the characteristic troops of this region, all the lords in this grassland area with a radius of thousands of kilometers basically have quite a few wolf cavalry.

It's not surprising that some lords choose to hand over with wolf cavalry.

In addition to the above three mainstream second-tier arms that account for the majority of the number, there are also various types of mage apprentices.

They are one level higher than the first-level trainee mages, but weaker than the third-level mages in terms of spellcasting ability.

When the time comes, send them to the [Mage Tower] to study. Maybe some of these second-level spellcasters will be able to advance to the third-level official mages.

No matter how bad it is, it can supplement the long-range attack of the weaker territory, or serve as a "charging treasure" for magic buildings.

In short, to Zong Shen, these mage apprentices are still very valuable.

Further down are all kinds of fancy [second-tier arms without camp].

The so-called [no camp] refers to those "humanoid monsters" who are wandering in the wild and do not belong to any aboriginal forces.

That's right, monsters can also be tamed, not just like Zong Shen used [Pet Contract] to tame Bajie.

Most of the "humanoid monsters" with intelligence and subjective consciousness can be brought under their command by taking captives and subduing them.

The process is like subduing aboriginal soldiers.

It's just that most of these "humanoid monsters" are not as powerful as the kingdom soldiers of the same rank.

For example, that [experienced black street thug] is basically a black street mouse in the city, an existence that is not popular.

Others like [Desperate Wasteland Rogue] and [Caravan Guard] are similar.

In Zong Shen's view, the actual combat power levels of these three types of [soldiers without faction] can only be regarded as "level one and a half".

It is slightly stronger than the ordinary village militia, but it is much inferior to the second-tier soldiers under the kingdom system.

However, there are exceptions in 【Soldiers Without Faction】.

Among them, [Wandering Spellcaster] and [Out-of-production Lord's Retinue] both unexpectedly have super-level combat power. There are not many of them, and only a few "injustice lords" will hand over. Fortunately, the base is here, even if there are not many. The number has also broken a hundred.

Under a certain premise, they can use the standard of the second level to temporarily display a combat power comparable to that of the third level.

First of all, those 【Wandering Spellcasters】.

As the name suggests, these guys are spellcasters who roam the wilderness.

They often appear in groups in the wilderness, and their trajectories are random, similar to refugees.

There is no corresponding organization behind it.

To put it more colloquially, they are all "wild mages".

The vast majority of spellcasters in the Endless Continent come from the cultivation of mage towers in various places.

In addition, it was cultivated by major churches, regional forces, and minority spell caster forces.

In some giant cities in the mainland, there are also specialized magic academies, and a few nobles with spellcasting talents will also choose to learn magic and become spellcasters, with a longer normal lifespan.

After all, not everyone has the talent of a spellcaster.

In terms of quantity alone, spellcasters are more difficult to train than knights.

The Cavaliers are simply burning money, and there are many good seedlings selected every year.

On the other hand, spellcasters are completely different. Not to mention the rare high-level spellcasters, even if they are moderately talented, there are not many seedlings who can naturally practice to the level of a third-level official mage.

For the mage troops in the mage tower of the giant city, the change cycle of the formation even reached more than ten years.

After each major battle loss, it takes at least ten years to replenish the caster.

And those who sit in the mage tower are usually seventh-level magisters.

The seventh rank in the mage, the gold content is not the same as that of knights, infantry, and crossbow shooters.

For the magisters, one move of their natural disaster grade magic is worth the charge of an entire knight army.

Even for knights of the same level, their group attack ability cannot be compared with that of a magister.

The so-called magisters are that they have the ability to "teach" to impart knowledge and train a new generation of spellcasters, so they can sit in the mage tower and have a transcendent status.

Outside of these mainstream methods, wandering spellcasters belong to the unnoticed existence.

There are always some guys with spellcasting talents who are either unwilling to be bound by the Mage Tower, or are expelled for various reasons during the training of the Mage Tower.

In the end, they chose to hold a group in private and continue to explore the truth of the spellcaster.

This group is the so-called [Wandering Spellcasters].

Because they have been walking in the wilderness for a long time, their spellcasting ability has been improved in actual combat.

It also summed up the "abbreviated version" of many high-level spells. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

For example, many of these [second-level wandering spellcasters] can cast third-level magic.

It's just that the cost is higher than the normal spellcasting of a third-tier mage, or the chanting time is longer, or the magic consumption is greater. In short, there are some extra costs, which are not as good as the "wild way".

It is precisely because of this that the performance of these [second-tier wandering spellcasters] has reached a higher level.

A total of 101 [Second-Level Wandering Spellcasters] can barely be regarded as lacking third-tier spellcasters.

In addition, it is those [retinues of the full-time lord].

These retinues are all servants and guards selected by the minor nobles since childhood.

He has received good training as a knight and swordsman, and his comprehensive attributes exceed [Tier 2 Avalon Light Infantry].

Comparable to the dismounted state of [Avalon Tier 3 Cavalry].

And these guys bring their own plate armor, which is high-quality armor ranging from [excellent] to [rare].

As long as they are paired with horses, they can become a weakened version of [Third Tier Plate Cavalry].

No matter how difficult it is, it can be used as a third-tier infantry, and it has advantages in fighting skills.

Among the second-tier arms, only these two are relatively profitable.

It's a pity that the number is too small.

【Second-level wandering spellcaster】There are only 101 of them.

[Second-rank full-time lord's followers] There are only 69 of them.

This is the number picked from more than 3,000 captive lords.

Speaking of it, Zong Shen actually neglected the recruitment of this "humanoid wild monster" unit.

In fact, he hadn't paid attention to this news at all before.

Now it seems that it gave him some new ideas!

(end of this chapter)

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