Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 864: : Black Ridge Clan VS Monster Army IV

A big man may not be able to fight, but Mogroga is an exception.

That guy is a wonderful person who takes all the benefits of dark power and ancestral blood.

When he was young, Mogroga defeated all the clan chief candidates with the advantage of his ancestral blood.

Moreover, Mogroga has a unique reproductive ability, which is conducive to the development of the ethnic group and the regulation of blood vessels.

Its descendants have a higher chance of having atavistic bloodlines, which can effectively reduce the degeneration rate of the group.

The ruthless breeding machine is another aspect of Mogroga.

The sixth-order [Black Ribbed Attorney Warrior] in the tunnel is naturally incomparable to Mogroga.

But they still have something in common.

The weapons of [Black Ribbed Atavist] are two machetes, which seems to follow Mogroga's style in this regard.

They also carry a secondary weapon, which is a thick mace. The combination of bludgeoning weapons and slashing weapons is rather strange, and Zong Shen can't say why.

It can only be attributed to the bad taste of the clan chief who formed the unit of the [Black Ribbed Attorney].

As sixth-order black tendon clan warriors, they did not wear heavy armor, but only a set of sleeveless plate armor.

The lower body is a skirt with better protection, which does not hinder the ability to move as much as possible while taking into account the defense.

The arm is covered with metal gauntlets, which can be regarded as a supplement to the defense of the arms.

After they entered the underground passage, Zong Shen naturally couldn't see them.

When Zong Shen observed, it was when the cave was just opened, and the situation at the scene was actually very chaotic.

The two sides were on the verge of attack, without the slightest hesitation or sluggishness, almost all the arms were mobilized. Zong Shen was riding on the back of Yingjiang and commanded him. He could observe everything below from a global perspective, but in fact, every arm moved and attacked details. The amount of information is huge.

In addition to this strange soldier in the underground passage, there are still two kinds of high-level black tendon clan infantry on the ground.

They followed the third- and fourth-order Black Ribbon clan infantry.

They are the fifth-order [Shard Rock Bull Demon Warrior] with a huge totem stone pillar.

There is also a sixth-order [Fel Dark Witherer] who holds a long stick in his hand and wears a loose monk's robe.

Let’s talk about those fifth-order [Rock Shattering Bull Demon Warriors], they are all typical tauren warriors, but they are also attacked by dark forces and belong to the blackened version.

The upper body is wearing a half armor that highlights the muscles, and the huge totem pole in his hand can be used as an alien shield or a heavy blunt weapon, which is similar to the bloodhoof clan tauren warrior Zong Shen has seen.

The dark tauren warriors are called bull demon warriors, and they do look wilder.

Not only did his body swell a lot, but even the originally peaceful eyes of the Tauren became full of anger.

Compared with the tauren warriors of the Endless Continent, the [Rock Shattering Bull Demon Warrior] is probably the difference between a crazy bullfighting and a strong but still diligent buffalo.

The attack methods of these old cows are simple and rude, and the totem poles in their hands are both offensive and defensive.

The pestle is a solid wall on the ground. In order to avoid Zongshen's bombing, these fifth-order rock fragments [Rock Fragment Bull Demon Warrior] also contributed much. They can mobilize the magic power of the earth element and build a relatively solid rock wall.

At the same time, they can also undertake the mission of rushing in and taking damage in the front row. As long as a team of [Rock Smashing Bull Demon Warriors] put down the totem pole in their hands, they can discharge a solid barrier in place.

In addition, it should also have the rage and charge ability of the tauren warrior.

There is also the keyword "broken rock", Zong Shen estimated that it should involve a large-scale soil shock effect.

For example, the effects of soil-based skills such as "Earthquake" and "Earthquake".

Because he didn't check the attributes, he didn't know. Anyway, it wasn't in his heart that he was fighting with these orcs of the black tendon clan. It didn't matter whether he looked at the detailed attributes or not.

The one who was beaten was the great demon Artorius, not the handsome Zong.

As for those sixth-order [Fel Dark Witherers] who wore monk robes, opened their arms, and exposed their chest hair, it looked even more strange.


They are all dark orcs, but their bodies are very thin.

After being used to seeing dark orcs with big muscles, Zong Shen felt strange and uncoordinated when he looked at these thin dark orcs.

Zong Shen subconsciously thought of a term: "evil monk".

The main reason is that the monk's robe is too dramatic. Maybe the dark orcs don't know what a monk's robe is. The style of this robe is just a coincidence, but for Zong Shen, this style of painting is too weird.

Holding black long sticks, they walked uninhibitedly, with relatively thin bodies, they didn't look like dark orcs strutting high, but like monks wandering around.

When these guys got a little closer to the front line, Zong Shen was finally able to see how they shot.

Whenever there is a spell caster in the monster, these [Fel Dark Withered Spellcasters] will raise the long stick in their hands, and with the black light shining, the brewing spell will be destroyed.

Zong Shen understood the meaning of the names of these arms.

[Fel Dark Withered Spellcasters] As the name suggests, they destroy the formation of spells, sorcery and other spellcasting.

It can be regarded as a special arm that specializes in countering enemy spellcasters. As an unpopular arm, the style of painting will inevitably look a bit strange.

Magic counters do not belong to the configuration of conventional arms. In the endless continent, the general giant city class does not have such arms configuration. Only a few church forces and some giant cities have arms that specialize in countering spell casters.

In this battle, the effects of these [Fel Dark Witherers] are not too big.

Because most of the monsters summoned by the great demon Atorius are hand-to-hand combat, only those such as the [Extremely Bewitching Succubus] have certain spellcasting abilities.

As for Artorius himself as a demon warlock, [Fel Dark Witherer] can actually counter it.

There is only a limit to the level of demon secret arts, and it cannot be effectively countered if it exceeds the sixth level.

The sixth-order demon secret technique is considered to be equal, but Artorius is a big demon after all, and his spellcasting ability is stronger.

Therefore, they can only partially counter the sixth-order demon secret arts that Atorius himself casts.

In addition, there is an exception, that is, the summoning system secret technique of the Devil's Codex.

The source of this kind of secret technique is not the same as that of conventional spellcasting. The spellcasting book called [Devil Codex] has replaced a certain element and has become the source of the secret magic of the Devil Code.

This is a situation that [Fel Dark Withered Magicians] can't counteract, just like Zong Shen can't counteract it with the help of [Aegwynn's Book of Magic (Orange)].

In fact, the vast majority of magic counterers use a special casting method to prohibit or destroy a certain magic element to affect the result of casting.

It is difficult to be destroyed by relying on other unpopular carriers to cast spells.

Therefore, these [Fel Dark Witherers] are relatively leisurely.

After watching the performance of the Black Tendon Clan, Zong Shen quickly moved his eyes and focused his attention on the monster army.

It has only been a minute or two since the two sides officially broke out into conflict.

Compared with the situation of Lick Fire Karrig and Mogroga, Zong Shen is still more interested in the situation of the Black Tendon Clan VS Monster Army, and he doesn't even care about whether Mogroga can break the [Blackwater Death] area】.

Worst-case scenario is that he uses a shard of a primordial arcane crystal here.

It just happened to pack up the Black Rib Clan and the Black Water Army and wipe them out.

Then he used the [Erosion Incense (Special)] to deal with Solodo Red Bone, as well as the fel body that wandered around. The battle power of the legendary level, when the time comes, it will definitely not be bad when it is introduced to the Scarlet Bone Clan!

All in all, Zong Shen, who has the initiative, has too many options to play.

It doesn't matter if his collaboration with Lickfire Calrig changes now.

Zong, someone still has an alternative, anyway, the fate of waiting for the dark orcs is only destruction.

After releasing the great demon Atorius, the situation was slightly beyond his control, but the change was benign.

Artorius's combat power and battlefield containment ability are extremely strong, but the expedition team he brought has no chance to take action. If his expedition team was originally responsible for containing the more than 20,000 Heijin clan troops, then those warriors 90% of them cannot escape the fate of being killed in battle.

At most, he rescued people around him like Kanigia the Wind God Blessed.

Being able to avoid sacrifice is naturally the best. Although the sacrifices in the challenge are temporary, they can be recovered after the challenge is over, but after the troops return to the territory, as long as they rely on the strong defense ability of the territory, they can play their role. greater effect.

After all, the battle between the Black Tendon Clan and the Black Water Army was only a part of his plan.

No matter who it is in the end, there will always be a dark orc force who survives to the end. He has to ensure that the defense level of the territory remains at its peak, and can resist the impact of the army of 20,000 to 300,000 dark orcs so that it is foolproof!

Therefore, Zong Shen can now watch the battle in a leisurely mood.

When he looked at the monsters, it was obvious that the monsters were below.

Almost as soon as the two sides came into contact, the monsters had a tendency to collapse.

The third-order summoned monsters with a total number of more than 10,000 were crushed under the impact of the warriors of the Black Tendon Clan.

The black-ribbed clan cavalry and the dark goblin mecha troops in the front rolled over like a rolling torrent.

The infantry in the rear then fought against the surviving Tier 3 summoned monsters.

The blue-skinned [Terrorist] jumped around, slashing those [Dark Orc Warriors] several times their height with their weapons, and their weapons could only leave a small amount of damage and dozens of points of damage.

But the second-tier [Dark Orc Warrior] only needs two knives to kill them.

This is the difference between ethnic groups. Even if they are both Tier 3, the perception of strength is huge.

The second-tier [Dark Orc Warrior] can easily rub the third-tier summoned monster [Terrorist] on the ground. Only a few [Terrorists] can take advantage of the local number advantage to destroy a certain unfortunate [Dark Orc Warrior]. 】It was chopped down to the ground.

But in most cases, it's the [Terror Demon] who suffers.

The ground was full of blue blood and stumps and broken arms adhered to blue skin tissue.

The dark orcs are not only stronger individually, but also filled with dense buffs.

This has generally increased the comprehensive strength of the warriors of the Black Tendon Clan by more than 30%.

Moreover, in terms of numbers, the more than 20,000 Heijin clan warriors are not weak in the face of less than 20,000 summoned monsters.

The [Terrorist] was the one that was slaughtered, and the [Vicious Caveman] wearing a cow-skull mask at the back was shooting projectiles at the warriors of the Black Tendon Clan with a slingshot.

Small projectiles can break defenses, but it is ridiculous to act on the huge body of the dark orcs.

They're nothing compared to the troll and goblin bombardiers of the Black Ribbon.

In addition to [Terror Demon], there is also a third-order abyss beast [Hell Hunter], which is like a red-skinned hound after skinning, with a spiked tail and staggered everted teeth. .

These [Hell Hunters] are fierce, and they are in line with the sturdiness of abyss creatures in terms of momentum.

They ran frantically and launched a pounce. Originally, according to their size, if they pounced on a human, it would be a good pounce, but the dark orcs are too big, so after the [Hell Hunter] pounced, the sharp teeth bit the skin. After the leather armor, it hangs directly on the bodies of these dark orcs.

It looks like there are a few more pendants. No matter how frantically they bite, they only leave a few small wounds. Facing the summoned monsters of the same rank, the dark orcs finally took advantage of their large size.

The damage of these monsters is not sharp enough, so it looks like a pediatrician in front of the black-ribbed orcs.

More third-order summoned monsters rushed out, such as inferior demons, ghost wolves, **** ratchet beasts, etc. There were a lot of them. After forming a numerical advantage, they finally began to overwhelm the first-order [ Armed Orc Peer] and second-order [Dark Orc Warrior].

As for the strength of the fourth-order summoned monsters, it is completely different, but unfortunately there are not many monsters above the third-order.

Otherwise, it can really be tied with the army of the Heijin clan.

Even though the two sides have already fought, the great demon Artorius still has no intention of shooting.

It seems to be trying to recover its mental power. The mysterious ghost in the light of the altar of the annihilation ceremony has just dropped to half the distance from the ground, and it will take at least two or three minutes to completely land.

Just now, a magic mortar bomb hit Artorius' side, and the swept fragments also caused him a hundred or two hundred points of damage. Barb on one finger.

The cavalry troops of the Black Tendon Clan and the magic mecha troops driven by the dark goblins were stopped by high-level monsters.

The battle broke out dozens of meters in front of Artorius, and no one knew what it was waiting for.

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