Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 865: : Black Ridge Clan VS Monster Army V

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Zong Shen was a little curious about this, and was ready to ask about the strategy module in a while.

At this time, his attention was being attracted by the one hundred and twenty fourth-order [Corruption Burning Ghoul].

Those [Corruption Burning Ghouls] were quite crazy. They rushed directly to the third-order [Flaming Boar] and [Carrion Wild Wolf Cavalry]. They were burning with flames, and there was a lot of pus and debris between their jumps. The meat fell.

Out of the thirst for the flesh and blood of living creatures, the attack of [Corrupted Fire Ghoul] can be described as extremely ferocious.

After they were saved, they bit the [Flaming Boar], and both sides were able to mobilize the flames, and they slammed into each other like this. The simple flames seemed to be unable to help anyone, so the battle finally returned to the original mode.

[Corrupted Fire Ghoul] biting frantically, they bit through the thick skin of [Flaming Boar], and after tasting the deliciousness of flesh and blood, the ghouls became even crazier.

As a counterattack, the third-order [Flaming Wild Boar] after eating the pain rose up with flames all over his body, and his huge body was swaying, trying to throw the ghoul that was lying on his body and biting his flesh.

This is not an easy task, the ghoul's claws penetrate deep into the flesh and make it painful.

In terms of individual performance alone, [Flaming Boar] suffered from no meat, but fortunately, their numbers outnumbered [Corrupted Fire Ghoul], and a nearby [Flaming Boar] approached the attacked companion. After that, he used the fangs on his head to pick up the ghoul fiercely.

There are also some ghouls who attacked the Tier 3 [Carrion Wolf Cavalry] and did not take advantage of it.

The flames on their bodies and the caustic pus-scorched Black Ribbon clan cavalry and the [Carrion-Eating Wolf] under its crotch are howling, but the [Carrion-Eating Wolf Cavalry] is still very sturdy after adding BUFF Fierce, they all slammed the machete in their hands into the flesh of the [Corrupted Fire Ghoul] with the pain of the burning flames.

Every time you go down, you will cut off a piece of flesh and a lot of splashing pus, which is already a deadly play.

Often, after they chop down a [Corrupted Fire Ghoul], they and their mounts will also die from continuous burning and corrosion damage.

But you must know that the [Carrion Wolf Cavalry] is only a third-order black tendon clan cavalry.

And [Corrupted Fire Ghoul] is a fourth-order summoned monster.

There is a difference of one level, and it is already a **** profit to be able to perish together.

This is the difference in actual combat power brought about by racial differences. In addition, the full state of the black tendon clan warrior is indeed stronger than usual. Adding various buffs to the body not only greatly improves the double speed, but also has no fear of pain. Stronger physical strength, blood and courage in the heart, fear no longer exists, only the firm determination to kill the enemy is boiling.

In addition, the number of the two sides is not equal, and the ability to cooperate with each other is not on the same level. The monsters have almost no cooperation at all, and they are all fighting on their own.

Originally, the great demon Atorius could command himself, but it did not.

It doesn't care about the life and death of these summoned monsters at all, letting the scene be noisy and noisy.

This guy is accumulating new power, while waiting for the shadow in the beam of light to come.

Among the fourth-order summoned monsters, in addition to the [Corrupted Ghoul], the [Hyjal Pollution Poisonous Insect], which is comparable in size to a domestic pig, was also dispatched.

The membrane wings on their backs flapped at a high speed, and together with the ghouls, they approached the front row cavalry of the black tendon clan.

As insect monsters, they are extremely averse to flames.

These [Hyjal Pollution Poisonous Insects] quickly approached the surroundings of the [Carrion-Eating Wolf Cavalry], and when they saw the opportunity, they hooked the cavalry's head directly with the feet of the knife, and the slender mouthparts were inserted from the top of the head or the neck, and then the deadly Toxins are injected into it.

The [Carrion Wolf Cavalry], whose rank was only rank three, could hardly survive such an attack.

The venom injected into the body is deadly, and as the culprit, the [Hyjal Pollution Poisonous Insect] often flies away immediately after injecting the venom, and will never stay in place.

Their reflexes are comparable to those of flies, far from being easily slashed by [Carrion Wolf Cavalry] with a knife.

In the face of the [Hyjal Pollution Poisonous Insect], which is quick in action and has a strange attack method, the low-level cavalry in the front suffered a big loss, but the high-level Black Ribbon clan cavalry in the rear arrived and quickly carried out targeted strangulation. .

Farther away, hot fireballs were condensed in the hands of the fiery red [Fire Kid], and these fireballs were like small meteors burning when they were thrown.

After each fireball hits the ground, three-color sparks burst out.

It seems to be very powerful, and even the [Flaming Boar] who can control the flames is a little afraid of it.

As for those Tier 3 [Carrion Wolf Cavalry], once the [Carrion Wolf] under the crotch touches these flames, the hair on his body will be instantly ignited.

Even Tier 4 [Roaring Wild Wolf Cavalry] cannot be avoided. After the fireball hits the ground, it will spread into a continuous burning three-color flame, and they form a flame coverage area, which is a big trouble.

After being contaminated, it will continue to burn, and the fire damage is particularly overbearing.

As long-range combat power, these [Fire Imps] have already surpassed the [Corrupted Fire Ghoul] of the same rank in comprehensive strength, and the strength gap between monsters is also huge.

The most important point is that [Fire Kid] condenses fireballs extremely fast, it only takes two or three seconds on average to condense a three-color fireball on both palms.

After each fireball hits the ground, a pool of three-color flames will probably be formed within a circle with a radius of one meter.

They can continue to burn for more than a minute, so soon those [Fire Imps] in the back row created a three-color fire restricted area with the flames in their hands.

After the third-order black tendon clan warriors are infected, they will be burned alive.

Tier 4 and Tier 5 warriors will also continue to take damage. The best evasion effect is the magic mecha of the dark goblins. After they drive through the three-color flame, the flame adheres and burns, and the damage is actually lower.

Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters constitute the main force to block the army of the Heijin clan. Although most of the time the monsters are mercilessly slaughtered, it is precisely because of the existence of low-level monsters that the army of these Heijin clans cannot drive straight in. Approaching the great demon Artorius.

Fortunately, they also have backup tactics, that is, the tunnel detour method!

It's just that this hand also takes a certain amount of time to complete.

In addition to the third- and fourth-order monsters, those stronger fifth-order monsters are not idle.

The [Abyss Gargoyle], which was covered with black scales, chirped and fought with the more than 100 black-ribbed clan air riders that Mogroga temporarily transferred back.

There are only sixty summoned monsters [Abyss Gargoyle] of the fifth rank.

Their opponents are mainly Tier 4 [Dark Giant Bat Knight] and Tier 5 [Dark Wyvern Knight]

[Dark Giant Bat] first issued a sonic attack to those [Abyss Gargoyle], causing 100 sonic damage that ignores armor.

Then the manic giant bat rushed up and launched [Poison Fang Bite], but failed to achieve success, because [Abyss Gargoyle] can arbitrarily switch and control body parts to turn it into a stone statue mode.

The bite damage of Tier 3 [Dark Giant Bat] is [66~69] points, and the damage of the skill [Poison Fang Bite] is 100+1.0 times the bite damage, which is 166 to 169 points of damage.

However, the defense of the [Abyss Gargoyle] entering the stone statue mode is amazing. They themselves are fifth-order monsters. After part of the stone statue, the bite attack of the [Dark Giant Bat] only left a pitiful 20 points of damage, and a sound bite like a stone. the crisp sound.

The black-ribbed clan air cavalry riding on the back of the [Dark Giant Bat] violently stabbed the [Abyss Gargoyle] with the spear in his hand, but each attack could not even break the defense due to the partial stone formation.

Soon it was the turn of the [Abyss Gargoyle] to fight back, and they stretched out their claws to tear those [Dark Giant Bats].

Half of the membrane wing was easily torn off, and in an instant, at least twenty [Dark Giant Bats] lost their half membrane wing and fell down screaming.

The [Dark Giant Bat Riders] on their backs were also unlucky, falling down together.

The comprehensive combat power of [Abyss Gargoyle] is very strong, and it is easy to deal with these fourth-order dark orcs. You must know that [Dark Giant Bat Knight] is composed of third-order [Dark Giant Bat] and fourth-order [Dark Giant Bat Knight] ], in the case of air-to-air, the fifth-order gargoyle fights the third-order giant bat just like playing.

With the ability to be partially stoned, even the fourth-order dark orc air cavalry on the back of the giant bat can't help it. After all, the fifth-order is still better than the first-order.

High-level summoned monsters are different from low-level monsters, the former are just pure cannon fodder.

In the plane to which it belongs, it is only an existence with a large amount of money but a low strength.

But when it comes to high-level monsters, their individual soldiers have significantly improved their strength.

However, the number of single summons is relatively small. For example, there are only sixty [Abyss Gargoyle] in total, which is exactly the strength of five teams.

At this time, these guys have shown the powerful and fierce side of creatures belonging to the abyss, hell, purgatory, and demon planes.

They faced the black tendon clan air cavalry that nearly doubled in number, but they did not have the slightest fear.

However, among the air cavalry of the Heijin clan, there are still some fifth-order [Dark Bipedal Flying Dragon Knights], the number of which is about forty.

Except for the Demon Blood Clan, neither the Scarlet Bone Clan nor the Black Tendon Clan nor the Black Water Army are equipped with sixth-order air cavalry. Only the Demon-blood clan has the sixth-order dark orc air cavalry [Dark Wind Rider Knight], and the rest The rank of the sky cavalry capped by the clan is as far as the [Dark Wyvern Knight].

Needless to say, the Black Water Army only has the [Black Flame Intercepting Airship] as their air cavalry, which is a comprehensive dark goblin combat airship that can not only bomb, but also intercept and block control targets.

These are the differences in the military configuration of the four major camps of the dark orcs.

The one with the strongest single strength, the most troops in the camp, and the most complete configuration of arms must be Heibuguer Demon Blood.

It is not only the only legendary high-ranking powerhouse among the commanders of the four orc camps, but also the best party in terms of troops and camp configuration, so Zong Shen will use [Eros incense (special)] on it. .

Facts have proved that this thing is really useful. After Zong Shen plans to return to the Endless Continent, he will find an opportunity to use this thing on a certain king.

The kings of Nord and Avalon can be ruled out first.

King Ragnar of the Nord Kingdom still owes him a favor, and it will be easier to cultivate friendship.

As for the Kingdom of Avalon, the old King Guther has a short time. None of the princes and queens is a fuel-efficient lamp, but he also has a big card in his hand, that is Jenny Pendragon, the old king of Guther. The cherished fifth princess, a "temporary" citizen in the territory, had a high loyalty to Zong Shen, and even after becoming a free citizen, she also retained her favorability.

He can completely try to support the five princesses and establish a new Avalon regime.

Of course, this is a preliminary operation. In the future, he can transform Avalon's territory and population a little bit by moving ants and incorporate it into his own territory.

Without further ado, after the [Abyss Gargoyle] on-site contact battle, UU read www. uukanshu.com easily killed more than 20 [Dark Giant Bat Knights], but then they will face a more powerful combination of Tier 4 [Dark Wyvern] and Tier 5 Knights.

The fierce flame of [Abyss Gargoyle] was finally contained.

Those [Dark Wyverns] are dragon-born creatures. Not only do they look like giant dragons, but their sharp claws and sharp teeth also have a hint of dragon might.

The bite damage of 99~102 points and the piercing damage of 118~121 points give them a stronger ability to break through. The effect of [Dark Dirt Attack], and their minions have [Corruption Toxin].

[Dark Bipedal Dragon] also launched a ferocious pounce, and came directly to a [grab and fight].

Relying on the advantages of blood and ethnicity, the size and strength of [Dark Wyvern] are far superior to [Abyss Gargoyle], their sharp claws penetrate into the half-petrified waist of the gargoyle, and the other sharp claw grabs Live in the head.

Dark filth and corrupt toxins spread through the gargoyle's body.

[Dark Flying Dragon Knight] was not idle either, and activated [Howling Shield] and [Wind Spirit Blade Armor] one after another.

A shield composed of high-speed flow of wind magic energy appeared in front of him.

At the same time, a special layer of wind armor appears on the body surface of both the Dark Orc Knight and the [Dark Wyvern]. This layer of wind armor will intermittently condense sharp wind blades, causing cutting damage to [Abyss Gargoyle]. .

They activated [Beast Blood Swelling], pulled out [Poison Dipping Javelin] and inserted it directly into the gargoyle's head.

On the body of the gargoyle, those broken body tissues fell like tiles!

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