Chapter 927 Chen Rui and Zong Ze 【Subscription】

Chen Rui, who knew the future trajectory, didn't take Caesar Piero seriously. To him, that guy was just a supporting role after all.

What really surprised Chen Rui was Zong Shen.

After rebirth, Chen Rui once wanted to show his talents,

Until Zong Shen's birth, in the memory of his last life, Zong Shen was an unfamiliar name, at least he had never seen it on any ranking list or [World Channel].

But in this life, that guy named Zong Shen is far ahead.

He also trampled all the proud sons of the previous life under their feet.

That's why Chen Rui called Zong Shen a variable.

Thinking of this, Chen Rui stepped away from the mountain of corpses made up of massive dark star zergs. The hard carapace is a good material, but it is a pity that it cannot bring out a defensive challenge, so Chen Rui has no intention of collecting and researching it.

At present, there are only five or six thousand dark star zerg and dark star mother worms that are stuck in a breeding bottleneck in his exclusive domain for defensive challenges.

After calculating the remaining challenge time, he planned to take the initiative to attack the female worm after an hour's rest.

In the case that there is still room for energy, Chen Rui naturally pursues all kills, so as to get higher scores and more rewards.

The Dark Star Zerg is headed by the female insect, so there is no need to worry about them dispersing.

It's just that it takes a lot of effort for Chen Rui to deal with the epic high-level female insects.

The weakness of the Dark Star Zerg lies in the interference of mind and spirit.

The female worm has strong spiritual power, so it can become the center.

However, Chen Rui's mental disturbance to some Dark Star Zerg can effectively affect the control of the female insect, thus taking the opportunity to kill the Zerg soldiers.

As long as it is a spirit/mind control skill, it can have an effect.

Facts have proved that the offensive side of every defensive challenge has a corresponding weakness or loophole that can be exploited.

Chen Rui understood this before, so he made various attempts shortly after the start, and finally found a flaw in the Dark Star Zerg.

Now it's time for the final battle.

His personal force is not low, but it is incomparable with Zong Shen.

At least Chen Rui couldn't defeat the legendary powerhouse, even against the epic high-level existence, he needed to use all his strength.

This is also a manifestation of the gap between the two.

Ever since he noticed Zong Shen, Chen Rui has always subconsciously regarded Zong Shen as a target for comparison and competition.

Every time he would unconsciously think of Zong Shen.

Just like now, Chen Rui also thinks about the opponent Zong Shen is facing.

In his heart, he assessed how much difference there was between him and Zong Shen.

He has already used the information of his previous life, step by step, and almost reached the limit at the same time in this life.

But he still couldn't catch up with Zong Shen's progress.

Chen Rui was actually very puzzled in his heart, he didn't understand why he was inferior to Zong Shen as a reborn person.

Logically speaking, the information advantage after rebirth should be absolutely leading, and it is difficult for normal lords to compare with good luck and wisdom.

Even if some surpassed Chen Rui, he was confident that he could catch up.

Only Zong Shen was different. Chen Rui couldn't keep up with Zong Shen's pace, and it was even difficult for him to figure out his current progress.

This is because Zong Shen's performance has exceeded his cognition.

The cognition of Chen Rui's two generations of people can't accurately keep up with Zong Shen's development progress and trajectory, which is enough to show that Zong Shen is special.

Due to the existence of the third act, he has no hostility towards Zong Shen.

After all, the cruel third act is a big challenge for all the lords to bear the consequences together. As long as we get through that, we will GAME OVER together.

But once the difficulties are successfully overcome, we will be able to welcome a new future.

In ten years, even with the help of the lord's privilege, it will be difficult for the lords to develop to the point where they can compete with the third act.

So there needs to be a top-notch person, such as Zong Shen, who is beyond the norm. If he is allowed to develop for ten years, he may be able to take the lead in going through the terrible third act.

In short, he has already made up his mind to follow Zong Shen's footsteps, and when he obtains the ultra-long-distance space teleportation array later, he must have a face-to-face chat with Zong Shen.

Chen Rui thought in a daze while walking into the small building of the lord.

His lover Garona also rushed back from the front.

There are other harem groups also swarming over.

In terms of the size of the harem alone, Chen Rui is even worse than Zong Shen.

Covering green-skinned orc girls, animal-ear girls, human and elf girls, the taste is much heavier than Zong's.

He was going to rest for an hour, so he hugged the harem to bathe and change clothes, and he was in a good mood.

For Chen Rui, the harem is just a way of pastime.

In the Endless Continent, as long as you have the ability and physical strength, it doesn't matter if you arrange a hundred girls. The moral line in this respect is completely different from that on Earth.

As long as the conditions permit and the strength is sufficient, who will live a monogamous life?

Whoever said that monogamy is good, then those princes and princes with wives and concubines in ancient times would laugh at their belly.

Monogamy is only better under certain conditions, but it is by no means the best choice.

At least Chen Rui thinks so, and he has indeed enjoyed enough fun in it, coupled with the improvement of his physique, it is even more joyful.

On the other side, Zong Ze is in the exclusive domain of the challenge.

The opponent he faces is the elemental body of Orglass.

The overall strength is not the same as that of the Dark Star Zerg that Chen Rui faced.

However, these Oglas elemental bodies are very special. They are completely composed of different elemental magic powers. Their own dual resistance is 0, but they have an additional 70% physical attack reduction. As a price, they will receive 150% damage when receiving magical attacks. .

In addition, the arms of the Oglas elemental body are relatively simple.

Complementarity of arm configuration cannot be achieved.

These elemental bodies are roughly composed of seven elements.

They are:

Water element, gold element, earth element, wood element, fire element, frost element, thunder element.

It does not include shadows, time, space, undead, holy light and other relatively small elemental bodies.

The equal order of each element is divided into order 1 to order 5.

There is no division of arms, and the means of attack is to throw different element light balls.

The number is around 150,000.

Although they are not many in number, the warriors, archers, and spear throwers in Zongze's territory are scolding because of the powerful physical attack reduction characteristics of the elemental bodies.

On the contrary, the attacks of mage troops are extremely effective.

However, the number of spellcasters in Zongze's territory is limited, and even if all of them are dispatched, it will be difficult to kill all the elemental bodies.

Fortunately, Aze's luck has always been good. He has received the inheritance of the arcane spirit before, and can be transformed into an arcane spirit. Even if he maintains the human form, he is still a gifted and transcendent arcane spell.

Here lies the problem, the Oglas elemental body is a seven-element category.

And these elements will receive 300% damage judgment when facing arcane attacks.

At the same time, Zongze's Arcane Heart can draw a little power from their cores every time they kill an Oglas elemental body.

This allows his strength to continuously improve as the battle progresses.

It's just that Zongze is not sure whether the power he has absorbed will be taken back by the rules after the challenge is over.

In any case, this feature of the elemental body made Zongze feel like a fish in water in this challenge, and he has eliminated all the elemental bodies so far.

Including the king of the elements of Orglas, who has the characteristics of the seven elements at the same time.

That guy possesses epic-level high-level strength, but he has no power to fight back in the hands of Zong Ze, who has become the spirit of arcane magic.

Brother Zongze's luck is still as good as ever.

He took the lead in killing all the attackers by dropping one thing at a time.

Li Zongze has been idle for this challenge.

In other words, he eliminated all enemies before the countdown reached zero.

But he had to wait for the return to zero before he could enter the link of unified return, and this didn't include the few hours that Zong Shen opened.

Anyway, wait until the countdown of all the lords reaches zero or is judged to have failed before entering the link of unified return.

At this time, Zongze changed into a clean robe.

His eyes were bright, and he lay leisurely on the top floor platform.

Surrounded by cat-eared girls, rabbit-eared girls, and a petite but exquisite human mage, they were all naked, holding juicy grape fruit plates in their hands, and feeding them to Zongze one by one.

Polarization is severe among the lords.

A lord who doesn't mix well is like a refugee in the wasteland.

The lords who are well mixed have meat and fresh fruits, and even some lords whose territories are by the sea have seafood to eat.

The ocean of Endless Continent is not ordinary. In addition to various aquatic races and monsters, the seafood here is also amazing.

Zong Ze belonged to the group that got along well.

Before the start of the challenge, a lot of fresh fruits were purchased from the aborigines.

There are many types of fruits in mountainous areas, grapes are just one of them, and all kinds of fruits are of high quality.

Compared to his younger brother Zong Ze, his older brother Zong Shen was simply too reserved.

Zong Shen also has many confidante friends, but he is so busy every day that he has no time for enjoyment.

Not to mention going naked in the open air like Zong Ze.

And looking at Zongze, he seemed to be accustomed to this kind of life.

The lord's small building is relatively closed and covered by a special light shield, forming a relatively closed area. While eating grapes, Zongze closed his eyes and rested his mind, and from time to time hugged and caressed a slim girl with animal ears beside her. Bundle.

Don't mention how chic this day is.

Zong Ze's life can be regarded as a model of the lord's depravity.

Compared with him, Zong Shen is no different from an ascetic monk.

In the Endless Continent, where life and death are always in danger, it is not uncommon for lords to indulge their desires. After all, no one can guarantee that they can live forever, even the strong.

And there are no moral standards and laws on earth to limit here.

The new world and the new pattern naturally represent new choices.


"I don't know what happened to my brother."

"It's number one anyway..."

"I don't know what kind of enemy he will face."

Zong Ze said softly to himself, but he wasn't too worried.

For his elder brother, he still has more confidence.

This confidence outweighed his worries about his brother.

Compared with the future plans of the best among other lords.

Zong Ze seems to be somewhat Buddhist, but in fact he also has a clear strategic arrangement for himself and the future of the territory.

His idea is to use the mountains as a base to gradually build the territory into a mountain fortress.

Secondly, he set his sights on the state cities and giant cities of the aborigines.

Compared with the territory built from scratch brick by brick, the aborigines' cities are ready-made strongholds.

The steps of construction can be omitted, and the transformation can be carried out directly after starting.

But so far, there is no lord who can occupy the aboriginal power points above the village level.

For the time being, the state city and the giant city are beyond the reach of the lords.

Even Bangcheng has a population of hundreds of thousands or even millions depending on its size and development, and more than 100,000 defenders.

It is not an easy task to break through head-on.

Don't look at the fact that Zong Ze, Caesar Piero, and Chen Rui have all wiped out more than 100,000 to 200,000 defenders and challenged the attackers.

But they are on the defensive side and have an extra defensive advantage.

If they attack Bangcheng, then they are the attackers, and they need to pay several times their strength to defeat them.

Moreover, it is impossible for most lords to master a sufficient amount of siege equipment in a short period of time.

Lack of equipment is also one of the disadvantages.

And for the aboriginal forces, even if they beheaded and killed the nobles in charge of the state city, it was useless. The aboriginal forces had their own rights system.

This system is very strong, and the beheading action alone cannot effectively obtain the right to be in charge. In addition, once they move the state city, they have to consider facing the attack of the giant city-level crusade army and nearby local forces, churches, and knights.

The follow-up is very involved, so it is not possible to start with Bangcheng for the time being.

Of course, force is not the only way to conquer Bangcheng.

You can also choose to build a good relationship with the aborigines, and even win the favor of the great nobles to get the canonization and the appointment of the state city.

All in all, from a certain perspective, the aboriginal forces are the treasure house for the development of the lords.

Zongze also has a series of rigorous plans for this.

Maybe he won't be able to become the strongest lord, but at least he will have the opportunity to fight side by side with his brother in the future. He doesn't ask for he just wants not to be a dragging existence.

Maybe his ambition is not as big as Zong Shen, but he already has his own set of survival wisdom and standards.

Some people aim to conquer the world, while others always want to settle down.

Zong Ze belongs to the latter category.

In this vast world, he can settle down, protect himself and his loved ones, and live a relatively leisurely life, which is very satisfying for him.

He was lying on a large reclining chair, enjoying the massage service of the cat-eared girl and the rabbit-eared girl, his mind sometimes emptied, and sometimes flew to the far end.

Thinking about it, he was looking forward to the arrival of his parents.

Both he and his brother are bachelors, so it doesn't matter if they have three wives or four concubines.

But what about your own parents?

It's an interesting topic.

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