Chapter 928 Jiang Yi's Death 【Subscription】

It's normal for Zong Ze to have such worries and thoughts.

Neither his father Zong Qiming nor his mother Chen Hongmei are over 50 years old.

It's still on the tail of middle-aged people, if it really wants to come down, maybe what will happen.

First of all, the second batch of lords developed half a year later than the first batch of lords. Zong Ze believed that the definition and arrangement of the second batch of lords by the lord system must be different from the first batch of lords.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the second batch of lords to develop at the same level as the first batch of lords.

In this way, the two groups of lords will have a split in strength.

As the second batch of lords who descended, Zong Ze believed that they would lose what they got, and it was always floating on a roughly balanced scale.

Maybe the lord system will arrange other initial roles for them.

The worst thing is, after their parents became lords, would they be able to handle the temptation of their subordinates of the opposite sex?

According to the law of the arrival of the first batch of lords, it is impossible for their parents to come together, because some people have no father or mother, and some may have been abandoned by their parents, and what's more, the generation of their parents is The green hat flow, the relationship between parents is chaotic.

However, the known condition is that after the arrival of the parents, priority will be given to the surrounding areas of the surviving immediate relatives in the first batch.

There will also be an additional development gift pack, which will serve as the exclusive material for the second batch of lords' arrival, providing better initial development opportunities.

From a personal point of view, Zong Ze definitely didn't like his parents opening a harem to create a mess of "stepfathers" and "stepmothers" for himself and his brother Zong Shen.

But he can understand it from a human point of view.

After all, he couldn't control the temptation himself, so how could he ask his parents to control it?

Thinking of this, Zong Ze felt a little headache.

Fortunately, there are still five months before the arrival of the second batch of lords.

He will find an opportunity to discuss it with his brother Zong Shen later.

Zong Ze curled his lips, closed his eyes again, and enjoyed the comfortable and intimate massage, no longer thinking about these brain-swollen problems.

As for the mysterious merchant, he has already contacted the first one, and there are indeed some interesting items that can be purchased and exchanged. The second one has not arrived yet, so he can lie down for a while.

The line of sight turned to Jiang Yi's exclusive field of defensive challenges.

The defense line of her territory was almost completely crushed, there were slashing and roaring sounds everywhere below, and black smoke rose from the ground.

Jiang Yi's score is between the T1 sequence lord and the T2 sequence lord.

The comprehensive score is only over 200,000 points, far inferior to Chen Rui and others, and even less comparable to Zong Shen.

But her luck was not good.

The name of the attacker drawn in the challenge is Abyssal Titan.

Belongs to one of the most difficult ethnic groups.

They are all strong and strong, ranging in height from fifty meters to hundreds of meters.

The lord system has carried out a reasonable transformation to make the strength of these abyssal titans match Jiang Yi's.

Only cast 3000 Abyssal Titans in her defensive challenge exclusive domain.

The level of strength is from level 3 to level 5, the strongest is a hundred-eyed titan, and the level is the low level of epic level.

This kind of attack strength is actually nothing.

Their attributes have been adjusted and are within the normal range.

However, the ethnic talent of the abyssal titan is too strong.

Not only are their dual resistance and health higher than creatures of the same level, but their combat effectiveness is also very good, and they are one of the few ethnic groups that can "cultivate both magic and martial arts".

The fists can cause huge bludgeoning damage, and the eyes can shoot titan rays, which are chaotic damage types that ignore armor.

Also good at some titan spells, mostly melee buffs.

Such as physical strength, stone skin, copper boxing and so on.

These guys have extremely strong combat effectiveness. Although there are not many in number, they cooperate quite well. They will use their physical advantages to launch an impact.

The huge body can often ignore the ravines, traps and roadblocks that Jiang Yi arranged along the way, and the rampage all the way seems to be full of deterrence.

In fact, the comprehensive score of the lord can only determine the attribute standard of the attacker to a certain extent, and the process of extracting the attacker is also very important.

We must know that different ethnic groups have different combat effectiveness at the same attribute level.

Some ethnic groups are better at fighting, and some ethnic groups are not so good at fighting.

For example, the Dark Star Zerg and Blood Dwarves are far inferior to the Dark Orcs.

But the dark orcs on the same standard line can't beat the burning blood demon.

The gap is still huge.

The Abyss Titan that Jiang Yi drew is a race with strong fighting power.

At first she was still able to resist, but as time went by, the intensity of Titan's attack became more and more intense, until now, when the countdown in the sky was still more than six hours away, she finally couldn't bear it anymore.

There are at least 500 of the 3,000 abyssal titans left, and the strongest hundred-eyed titan is unscathed, but her territory has been almost ruined.

The entire defense line on the periphery was wiped out, and the death rate of the defenders in the territory exceeded 95%.

The more than 200 defensive arrow towers of various levels that were originally arranged behind the defense line were all smashed and pulled out. The attacks of the abyss titans were extremely violent, and the damage they caused to the buildings was complete and irreparable.

At present, Jiang Yi has already retreated into the lord's courtyard.

But the situation here is also not optimistic.

After several upgrades, the courtyard wall was crushed, and one-third of the main body of the lord's small building was in a collapsed state, leaving about half of its sturdiness value.

Even the central stone pillar has only a few thousand points of sturdiness left.

Jiang Yi was seriously injured, the armor on her upper body had been taken off, a layer of bandage was wrapped around her waist, and there was a long and narrow bleeding wound that was particularly eye-catching.

She is not in good condition, and is pouring a small water bag of [Moon God Spring] given to her by the leader of the legion, Zong Shen, in her mouth, trying her best to recover her injuries and health.

Surrounding the lord's small building, the remaining fighters in her territory were all wounded and gasping for breath.

The Titans from the abyss outside have launched their final charge.

Their entire army pressed on, and they had already killed a group of soldiers in the small courtyard just now.

The shouts and shouts just now came from this.

But now the outside has calmed down again, only the dull sound of footsteps beating drums echoing.

That was the sound of an abyssal titan stepping forward.

They have surrounded the small building of the lord.

Feeling the pain from the wound, Jiang Yi gritted her teeth tightly.

She breathed heavily through her nose.


"Are you going to die?"

"I don't know if Zong Shen can remember my request..."

"But that's resurrection. Even if you have it, it's definitely an extremely precious authority. I'm just one of his recruits..."


Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smiled wryly.

She really didn't expect her hunch before the challenge turned out to be true.

This defensive challenge was extremely unfriendly to her, and her luck was extremely bad.

The attacking side drawn was so outrageous that some of her previous preparations were in vain. Now she has tried her best, but she only defended it for less than eighteen hours.

Unexpectedly, she was about to die, so she pinned her hopes on Zong Shen.

The man who often performed miracles had broken her cognition many times.

In Jiang Yi's heart, Zong Shen was as unattainable as a god.

If the lord of Endless Continent really has the authority to revive, she believes that Zong Shen will definitely be able to get it, but he is not sure whether Zong Shen will use the chance of resurrection on her, after all, there is such a huge gap in strength between her and him.

After thinking about death, Jiang Yi felt a little more relaxed.

The change in her mentality fits the Carrey formula in psychology very well.

Namely: Accept the worst and pursue the best.

After considering the worst situation, Jiang Yi also calmed down a bit.

She turned her head to look at the surviving warriors behind her.

Everyone was dead silent, and the wounds all over their bodies were shocking.

"Everyone, die for the territory!"

Jiang Yi roared hoarsely.

She jumped out of the gap in the lord's small building without hesitation, holding her war sword.

Holding the sword in both hands, he stabbed at the Hundred-Eyed Titan standing outside the small building.

"Die for the territory!"

The eyes of the soldiers behind them were also red, and the archers and mages threw away their crossbows and staffs, pulled out their secondary weapons, short swords, and rushed forward shouting.

The ending is already clear.

Jiang Yi was grabbed by the Hundred-Eyed Titan, first crushed the bones in her body, and then was stuffed into his mouth amidst the titan's grinning laughter and turned into a ball of meat.

Deputy head of the Guiding Legion, one of the first lords that Zong Shen got acquainted with

—Jiang Yi died!

Everything around suddenly turned black and white.

The colored bubbles representing this exclusive challenge area also lost their luster.

All the citizens of Jiangyi returned to the status of recruitment rolls and were temporarily frozen.

Death is like a lamp being extinguished, and all the heroics remain in life.

After death, there is only endless silence and grayness.

After sleeping for almost two hours.

Zong Shen leisurely opened his eyes.

Luna fell asleep too, her soft body rising and falling slightly with her breathing.

The side face was always attached to Zong Shen's chest, looking very intimate.

This is also the most secure sleeping position for Luna.

Nothing soothes the soul like the solid chest of a loved one.

Zong Shen regained his energy from this feeling, and his mind became active again, thinking about the next plan.

It was about half an hour before the first mysterious businessman appeared.

He wanted to see the little easter eggs in this challenge, and what kind of surprises the so-called challenge to the mysterious businessman could bring him.

As for the remaining less than 3,000 dark orc warriors, it doesn't matter.

Zong Shen is going to wait until the countdown in the sky is six hours away, and the second challenging mysterious businessman appears, and then lead his soldiers to go out to clean up.

While ensuring efficiency, try to kill as many as possible, and add a wave of [Power Extraction Value].

The surviving dark orcs are scattered, but Zong Shen has a strategy module, but don't worry about missing it, he wants to achieve the achievement of total annihilation, so as to get a higher overall challenge score!

As long as an enemy is missed and not eliminated, this goal cannot be achieved.

For other lords, there are risks in this aspect, Zong Shen has no concerns about this aspect, and he is bound to get this extra score.

The comprehensive score of the defensive challenge is linked to the final reward.

He can't wait to know what kind of rewards he can get this round. After several increases, the final reward specifications are likely to be beyond imagination!

Thinking of rewards, Zong Shen would not feel sleepy.

He stood up slowly, and Luna woke up with a start.

"Go back to sleep."

"It won't be long before our children will be alive again."

Zong Shen said softly, reaching out to touch Luna's tender cheek.

Her purple hair made her skin look extraordinarily fair.

Hearing what he said, Luna nodded obediently and docilely.

"Don't worry, my lord."

"I just stay in the bedroom and read."

Knowing that the overall situation outside has been settled, Luna is no longer worried about Zong Shen's safety.

Her fighting spirit as a sentinel of the night elves has also been replaced by motherhood, and she will not go out to take risks and fight for the sake of her children.

Originally, she wanted to help because she was worried that the territory would not have enough troops, and her lover would be passive in the face of the enemy's attack, so she wanted to go out to fight.

But the situation is different now, and Luna can choose to rest in the lord's fort with peace of mind.

Zong Shen stood up and put on his dusty armor.

The battle just now did not leave traces on his battle armor at all, at least his battle armor is much dirtier than before...

But speaking of it, Zong Shen didn't do it himself in the defensive challenge after the re-opening. In the last round of the challenge, at least he took a shot against a [Evil Energy Devourer·Old Wounded], this round he really did the whole thing Watch the battle.

If Chen Rui, Caesar Piero and his younger brother Zong Ze knew about Zong Shen's performance, they would definitely jump up in shock.

It is normal for the lords to have their own thoughts.

Everyone has a hard time, and everyone has their own aspirations.

Zong Shen doesn't care about other lords, because he has long put the lords in the standard of competitors.

His goals and focus were mainly on the power of the aborigines.

Compared with the aborigines of the Endless Mainland with profound background, the other lords seem to have no sense of existence at all.

Such an idea may seem a bit arrogant, but it is in line with Zong Shen's current level of strength and expectations for the future.

Only people on the same level can be called opponents.

After putting on the battle armor, Zong Shen leaned over and kissed Luna's forehead. UU reading

Then he left the bedroom on the second floor of the lord's fortress.

When he saw the [Central Stone Pillar] surrounded by the "treasure chest shield wall" in the hall, he suddenly felt dumbfounded.

In any case, this "treasure chest shield wall" can be left behind.

As long as the rule that the aborigines cannot destroy the treasure chest still exists, it may be valuable in the future. After all, this thing is an alternative [invincible] rule for the aborigines.

After glancing at the [Central Stone Pillar] and the "Treasure Chest Shield Wall", Zong Shen left the lord's small building.

The current countdown in the sky is [12:17:39].

His time is different from that of Jiang Yi, Zong Ze, and Caesar Piero.

But from a practical point of view, Zong Shen can finish this challenge at any time.

He woke up Xiao Heizi who was sleeping soundly in the yard.

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