Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 127: Step away, don’t step away once

Wisps of bright light shone down, which was somewhat similar to the [Black Rose Dragon], but with a completely different temperament. The light slowly faded away, and a fragrant wind blew.

"The solitary rose that sprouts in the Garden of Incorruption, bloom after receiving the light of the blue moon and the brilliance of dew! Synchro Summon! [Moon Flower Dragon·Black Rose]!"

Compared with [Black Rose Dragon], [Yuehua Dragon·Black Rose] although similar in appearance, has lost its original violence. If [Black Rose Dragon] is a noble queen, as the new form of [Black Rose Dragon], [Moon Dragon Black Rose] is like a saint, possessing the power of salvation.

【Yuehualong·Black Rose】【7 stars\\/Light】



"No, it's impossible!" Seeing this brand-new monster, Karayinwa took a few steps back in disbelief and yelled: "I know the posture of [Black Rose Dragon] clearly, it can never be like this" Look!”

"Earthbound God, you have underestimated the power of human beings." Although his face was pale, Qiu showed a happy smile at this moment: "[Yue Hualong·Black Rose], this is the power of salvation that belongs only to human beings, you guys It’s impossible for the evil god to understand!”

"The effect of [Moon Flower Dragon·Black Rose] is activated!"

Qiu is ready to save Misty from the control of the evil god and let her die as a human: "Activate when this card is specially summoned successfully, select 1 specially summoned monster on the opponent's field and return it to the holder. Hand card.”

Raising his hand and pointing at the panicked [Earth-Binding God-Kalayinwa], Qiu shouted: "Earth-Binding God, please return to hell obediently! I will return [Earth-Binding God-Kalayinwa] to my hand card!"

The bright moonlight shines down, but when it shines on the pitch-black torso of [Earthbound God-Kala Yinwa], it is like boiling water poured into the snow, making a Zarala sound. [Earth-bound God-Kala Yinwa] screamed in pain, and the huge figure became more and more sluggish, and finally disappeared from the field completely.

"Activate the magic card, [Strange Clover]!" After [Earthbound God-Kara Yinwa] disappeared, Qiu understood that she was only one step away from victory.

Inserting the card into the duel disk, Qiu shouted: "Discard the 4-star plant-type monster in my hand [Reopened Most Rose]. This round, [Moon Flower Dragon·Black Rose] can attack twice!"

"Twice..." Karayinwa had a gloomy face and roared in disbelief: "Why, why did you lose to the damn Dragon Sealer again!"

"Earthbound God, what you lose is not the dragon sealer, but the feelings between us humans!" Looking at the ugly Earthbound God, Qiu expressed his inner understanding: "As long as humans can understand each other, then we I will keep winning!”

"Mutual understanding... you really dare to say that!" Karayinwa was about to return to the underworld, showing an unwilling expression: "This time, you won, but 5,000 years later, when the stars return to their correct positions, When the time comes, we will be back! ”

"I believe in the future of mankind. As for now, let me drive you away!" Qiu called [Yuehualong·Black Rose]: "[Yuehualong·Black Rose], attack Karayinwa directly! "

[Earthbound God-Kala Yinwa] lp: 3200→800→0

"I am immortal, I...wait, what kind of power is this?!"

The attack of [Moon Flower Dragon Black Rose] passed through Kara Yinwa without any hindrance, and its health value was undoubtedly reduced to zero under the influence of the rules. Looking at Qiu's determined eyes, the defeated Kalayinwa was ready to leave the most vicious curse, but at this moment, her expression suddenly changed.

A powerful sealing force enveloped her body. After swallowing the bait specially left by Lou Bai, the fish was finally caught in the fishing net. In another field of vision, a lizard shadow was forcefully pulled out of Misty's body and pulled into the thin card.

It was only now that Kara Yinwa was truly sealed. The seal lasted forever until she stopped thinking.

[Earth-bound God-Kala Yinwa]

【Complete defeat】

"Misti!" The duel ended, the dark clouds hanging over everyone's heads dispersed, and the huge flame mural also dissipated. Seeing Misty's limp body after Karayinwa's defeat, Izayoi Qiu hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her.

Looking at Qiu's anxious expression, Misty smiled: "You are the winner, Qiu. I knew that with the bond in your heart, you will definitely be able to defeat the evil god."

Raising her hand and looking at the tarnished mark on her arm, Misty said: "I relied on the power of the Earthbound God to return to the living world from the underworld. Now that the Earthbound God has lost, I should return to where I should go. The place is right?”

"Sorry, Qiu, I'm a little tired." Feeling the fatigue coming from her body, Misty thought, is she supported by her will now, right?

If you close your eyes now, you will probably never wake up again, right? This ending is not bad, a painless death.

Thinking of this, Misty smiled and said to Qiu: "Sorry, let me have a good sleep."

"Miss Misty..."

Qiu watched Misty's eyes gradually closing with great reluctance. Although the relationship between the two only lasted a short duel, they had already understood each other deeply through this duel.

But now, she could only watch helplessly as this companion she had just met lost his life in her arms.

Five minutes later, feeling Misty's steady breathing in his arms, Qiu fell into doubts.

"What's wrong, Qiu?"

Seeing Qiu holding Misty's body motionless for a long time, Yusei felt a little worried and walked forward and asked: "Qiu, are you okay?"

"No, I'm fine except for being a little tired." Qiu shook her head with a complicated expression and whispered, "Miss Misty... seems to be asleep?"

"What?!" Jack shouted in disbelief: "Are these the only punishments for losing the dark game?"

After hearing Qiu's words, Yusei was stunned for a moment. Then he seemed to think of something and smiled happily, saying, "No matter what, this is a good thing after all."

"Pah, pah."

Just when everyone focused their attention on Qiu and Misty, Lou Bai clapped his hands lightly, attracting the attention of Yusei and the others: "Okay, the foreplay is over, it's time to serve the main course."

"Longya, Larry, are you two my opponents this time?"

"Master, why do we have to fight?!" Larry still had an unrealistic feeling about Lou Bai becoming his opponent: "Didn't Miss Misty just say that? We are companions! "

"Indeed, we were once companions." Lou Bai lowered his head, with no expression on his face: "But there are some things that I must get."

"Larry, Long Ya, do you know?" Staring at the two boys on the other side, Lou Bai's eyes were filled with an indescribable emotion.

"In the human world, whenever times are about to undergo great changes, wars will break out. On the other hand, it is precisely because of bloodshed and sacrifice that [really important things] can be obtained!"

"Whether it was the first generation of Pharaohs or the ten generations of legendary heroes who traveled to the city, they all went through this step before becoming legendary duelists."

"This is a [trial]." Pointing at Long Ya and Larry, Lou Bai said coldly: "And the [enemy] we will face in the [trial] is naturally the stronger, the better!"

"[Trial] is also a [sacrifice], so of course the more exquisite the sacrifice, the better. And this [sacrifice]... will end when the last drop of blood is shed between you and me. !”

"No, Lou Bai, I never believe what you said!" Long Ya clenched his fists and retorted loudly: "Sacrifice or something... How is such a thing possible?!"

Long Ya didn't want to believe this sentence from the bottom of his heart. Because if this sentence is true, doesn't it mean that Lou Bai's previous teachings to him were all purposeful? He would never believe this kind of thing.

"It seems that it is difficult for us to reach an agreement." Lou Bai slowly took out his dueling disk from behind: "Then, let's use dueling to explain everything."

A circular ring of fire suddenly rose up, covering Lou Bai, Long Ya, and Larry. Although it was not as grand as the arrival of the Earthbound God, the atmosphere of the dark game still made Long Ya and Larry's hair stand on end.

"Dark... game?!" Looking at the flames that separated the inside and outside, Yuxing asked in disbelief: "Lou Bai, are you serious?!"

Yusei originally thought that Lou Bai's purpose was just to simulate what would happen to Longya and Larry when they actually encountered the enemy, but once the dark game was started, it meant that one of them would definitely be injured or even die...

"I have always firmly believed that my actions are infallible." Lou Bai responded to Yu Xing's question in a firm tone: "The current scene is the reflection of my true inner thoughts!"

"Lou Bai, you..."

"Stop talking." Larry interrupted Long Ya, who was still trying to persuade Lou Bai to change his mind, and said, "Jack is right. He will never give up his idea without defeating the master in a duel."

"Do you finally have the will to fight?" Looking at Larry's eyes, Lou Bai nodded with satisfaction: "Come on then, let me see what you have learned during the days when I have been away."

"And me!" Long Ya also took a step forward, overcame the complicated emotions in his heart, and stood side by side with Larry: "As Lou Bai, your friend, or as Larry's younger brother, in this duel, I You have to play your part!”


The three of them drew five cards from the deck at the same time.

Lou Bai said: "In this duel, you two share 4000 lp, and I only have 4000 lp. Larry and Long Ya share the field and cemetery. Your hands and decks are independent. The order of the duel is Larry → Lou Bai → Long Ya → Lou Bai, everyone can’t attack in the first round, is there a problem?”

Seeing Long Ya shake his head, Larry responded: "No problem, then, now it's my turn!"

Looking at the cards in his hand, Larry quickly made a decision: "When there are no monsters on my field, I activate the magic card [Rough Man's Prediction] to special summon a normal monster below level 4 from the deck. !”

The duel plate was shuffled, and Larry quickly found the monster he needed. Slapping it on the duel plate, Larry yelled: "The one I want to Special Summon is this, [Wonderful Furry Beast - Little Rabbit]!"

"A familiar monster." Looking at the jumping little rabbit, Lou Bai smiled with an unknown meaning.

"This is the card you gave me, Master." Larry gritted his teeth and said, "Master, let me show you the results of my practice now!"

"Start a quick-attack magic card from your hand, [Handbook Break]. Both sides discard two cards from their hands and draw two more cards."

Inserting a magic card into the duel disk, Larry activated [Notes to Kill]. Although Lou Bai also changed some cards in his hand, he successfully threw the card in his hand into the graveyard.

"The effect of [Demon Boom Divine Beast-Cerbera] in the cemetery is activated!" Pointing to the three-headed furry animal in his graveyard, Larry shouted: "[Demon Boom Divine Beast-Cerbera] comes from the hand card If discarded into the graveyard, this card is Special Summoned!"

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Three puppies with black eyes jumped out and stood side by side with [Wonderful Furry Beast-Little Rabbit]. Looking at these two monsters, Larry was already prepared: "Use the 2-star adjusted [Magic Beast-Cerbera] to adjust the 2-star non-adjusted [Wonderful Furry Beast-Little Rabbit]!"

"O phantom beast from another world, show your wildness and strength here, and open up a way forward for me! Synchronized summons, [Demon Boom Divine Beast-Unico]!"

The light dissipated, and what appeared was a unicorn with a snow-white torso, but dark hair and bright red eyes. It was covered in black armor and looked at Lou Bai with eager eyes.

[Magical Beast-Unico] [4 Star\\/Light]



"It's the monster that defeated me back then!"

Long Ya on the other side was deeply impressed by this monster. As long as you match the number of cards in your opponent's hand, you can negate and destroy all the opponent's effects. It's a pretty powerful monster.

"It's not over yet!" After calling out one of his trump cards, Larry added: "This round, I haven't done a normal summon yet. I want to summon this monster in my hand in defense position, [Chai Warrior] -Taro】!

The light dissipated, and what appeared this time was a pure Shiba Inu. It was as tall as Larry's waist. It had a green triangle scarf around its neck. It was pressing the bones under its paws, and its loyal guards were pulling. In front of me.

【Shiba Warrior-Taro】【2 stars\\/land】



After taking a look at his remaining two cards, Larry covered one card: "I cover a card and enter the end phase. During the end phase, the [Wonderful Furry Beast-Puppy] in the hand is Special Summoned!"

Larry's hand: 0

Frontcourt: [Magic Beast-Unico] [Shiba Warrior-Taro]

Backcourt: [Cover Card] x1

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