Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 128: Correct password, wrong version


"Although there is no clear Kang, it has put a lot of restrictions on me. I have to say, Larry, you have grown a lot." Putting his finger on the card deck and pulling out the top card, Lou Bai said: "But, This is not enough!”

"I said, from the beginning, I will go all out!" Putting a card on the duel plate, Lou Bai said: "First of all, there are no monsters on my field and there are times on your field, [Unknown Synchroman] 】It can only be specially summoned once during a duel!"

A black spherical robot with one red eye jumped out of Lou Bai's hand, and then he inserted another card into the duel plate: "Next, I activate the magic card, [Dark Temptation], and draw two cards. Then remove a dark attribute monster from your hand."

A deep black hole appeared, Lou Bai took out two cards from it, and sent a monster in: "The one I removed was [Thunder Beast Dragon-Thunder Dragon]. According to its effect, when this card is removed, I will remove it from Special summon a [Thunder Dragon] monster in the deck’s defense position!”

Taking the card that popped out of the deck into his hand, Lou Bai slapped it on the duel plate: "Show up, level 6, [Thunderbird Dragon - Thunder Dragon]!"

Giant birds carrying golden thunder and lightning flew across the field. Seeing his master gathering a pair of adjustments and non-adjustments on the field, Larry moved his fingers, intending to use the effect of [Wonderful Furry Beast-Puppy] to specially summon the deck's [Holy Beast of the Forest-Moon Rabbit-Eared Beast] ] to blow up a monster.

However, he stopped when he saw the five cards in the master's hand. I don’t have many obstacles, so I have to hand them over to more useful places.

"Then, I'll use the 1-star Tuner Monster [Unknown Synchro] to tune the 6-star non-tuner [Thunderbird-Thunder Dragon]!"

Seeing that Larry didn't make any move, Lou Bai raised his hand and called out the starlight belonging to the synchronization: "The power of the red dragon dances in my hands, use it to break the established destiny! Summon the synchronization, come, [Fairy" Dragon·Ancient Demon]!”

The elegant [Fairy Dragon·Ancient Demon] flapped its gorgeous wings like butterfly wings, flying in the sky above the building, scattering little bits of light.

"[Fairy Dragon·Ancient Fairy]..." Looking up and staring at the gorgeous monster that he had never seen before, Long Ya couldn't help but ask: "What does this monster have to do with Long Ke's [Ancient Fairy Dragon] ?”

"What's the relationship?" Lou Bai spread his hands and said without any concealment: "This is the power of the [Ancient Fairy Dragon] in my hands!"

"I have to say, the power of the Dragon Seal is really easy to use!" Lou Bai scratched his head and laughed, "I'm so high right now!"

"[Fairy Dragon·Ancient Demon], that's how this monster is used!" Pulling out a card from his hand, Lou Bai inserted it into the field area of ​​the duel plate: "I activate the field magic card, [Earthbound Ground] painted】!"

"Then the effect of [Fairy Dragon Ancient Fairy] is activated! When the field magic card is activated, I draw a card!" Replenishing the cards in his hand to five, Lou Bai looked up at Larry and Long Ya, who looked solemn. , said: "The matching of [Fairy Dragon·Ancient Demon] and the venue is more than just that."

"Another effect of [Elf Dragon Ancient Demon] is activated!" Lou Bai raised his hand and pointed at the fluffy puppy: "When there is a magic card on the field, once per round, select a monster in attack position on the field. destroy!"

"The one I chose is [Wonderful Furry Beast-Puppy]." Lou Bai crossed his arms and said, "Come on, send that monster to the cemetery obediently."

[Wonderful Furry Beast-Puppy] can be returned to the hand when the master specially summons it. Unfortunately, this effect cannot be activated now...

Larry gritted his teeth and opened the only cover card: "Open the cover card, [Synchronic Teleportation]! Let me perform a Synchronic Summoning during your main stage!"

"I used the 2-star Adjustment Monster [Shiba Warrior-Taro] to adjust the 2-star [Wonderful Furry Beast-Puppy]!"

Drawing a card from the extra deck and raising it high, Larry shouted: "The Supreme Proclaimer spreads divine light, and the loving light protects everyone. Come down here, the divine light that covers everything! Synchronous Summoning , [The Proclaimer of Rainbow Light]!”

When the gorgeous seven-color light dissipated, what appeared was a strange monster - the middle torso looked like it was made up of three lampshades full of small holes, with two long things trailing behind it, only on its forehead. Only with a pair of colorful wings can people barely recognize its identity as an angelic monster.

[Proclaimer of Rainbow Light] [4 Star\\/Light]



Although [Wonderful Furry Beast-Puppy] was saved from being destroyed, Larry's face didn't look that good. His original idea was to use the effect of [Wonderful Furry Beast - Puppy] to specially summon the [Holy Beast of the Forest - Moon Rabbit Ears] in the deck, and then synchronize it with the Moon Rabbit Ears. This not only provides an extra bomb, but also ensures battery life.

But now, under the control of the master, he had to activate the effect of the trap card in advance.

"Ah, Larry, you just performed a Synchro Summon, right?" Seeing the [Rainbow Proclaimer] with three colors of Kang appear, Lou Bai showed a strange smile: "Then when your Synchro Summon is successful, I have two effects to activate!"

"First of all, due to the effect of [Dragon Ice] that was sent to the graveyard due to [Notes of Killing], when the opponent successfully special summons a monster, discard a card in your hand and special summon this card from your hand and graveyard."

Looking up at Larry, Lou Bai asked: "How are you doing? Do you want to be healthy?"

There's just one more monster, so it's not much of a threat. Thinking this, Larry shook his head.

"Wise choice." Lou Bai then pointed to his own field and said: "Then the next is the effect of [Earthbound Ground Painting]. You can only activate this effect by yourself when a synchro monster is specially summoned. From the deck, you can activate this effect. Add a [Earthbound God] magic and trap card to your hand."

"Because this is the activation of the magic card effect, not the activation of the magic card, your [Rainbow Proclaimer] cannot counteract this." Lou Bai took out a card from the deck. : "What I retrieve is the Continuous Trap Card, [Ultimate Earth-Binding God]."

"Lou Bai knows the effects of cards very well..." Looking at Lou Bai's confident move, Long Ya couldn't help but say.

Hearing this, Lou Bai smiled strangely: "That's true. Larry, Longya, I have to teach you a lesson here, that is, a true duelist can even use the effects of the opponent's monsters!"

Looking at his excluded area, Lou Bai said: "Now, the effect of the excluded [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] is activated!"

"[Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], that's the card discarded as a cost when special summoning [Dragon Ice]!" Seeing the familiar monster, Long Ya quickly remembered the situation just now. But he asked in confusion: "But why is this card in the excluded zone?!"

"that is because……"

Larry frowned and said: "When [Rainbow Proclaimer] exists on the field, all cards from the hand and deck to the graveyard will be excluded. Regardless of whether I prevent [Dragon Ice] from appearing on the field, as a cost The [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] will definitely be excluded.”

In the past, he had never known the true strength of his master. It was not until he stood in front of him as an opponent that Larry felt how terrifying his master was. The kind of terror that takes everything into consideration, whether it's yourself or your opponent. With such a master as an opponent, can he really win?

"Yes, you are right." On the other side, listening to Larry's explanation, Lou Bai nodded in praise and asked: "How about the effect of the current [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], do you want it?" Invalidate it?"

Recalling the master's previous operations, [Thunder Beast Dragon - Thunder Dragon], [Thunder Bird Dragon - Thunder Dragon], and now [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], three Thunder Dragon monsters have been gathered together.

If the effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] is allowed to pass, the master will definitely use it to search for [Thunder Dragon Fusion], and [Thunder Dragon Fusion] also has an effect in the cemetery... Then, the master cannot be allowed to continue to earn resources!

Such many thoughts only took a moment in reality. Soon, Larry made his decision: "Then I activate the effect of [Rainbow Proclaimer]. When the opponent activates the monster effect, release this card and let That activation is invalid and destroyed!”

The strange body of [Rainbow Proclaimer] emitted a dazzling light. This light penetrated the barrier of space and came to another dimension, eliminating the effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] invisible.

After breaking the effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] at his own expense, the remaining brilliance of [Rainbow Proclaimer] did not dissipate in vain, but turned into a card and came to Larry's hand, and Larry also Timely explanation: "When [Rainbow Proclaimer] is sent to the graveyard, I add a ritual monster or ritual magic card from the deck to my hand."

After showing it to Lou Bai, Larry said: "What I added is the ritual monster, [Old Saint Dai-Shilong]."

"Ritual monster, boss, can you still ritually summon it?"

"No, I only have this ritual monster in my deck, and there is no matching ritual magic card." Larry responded to Long Ya's question in a low voice, "This card has a special effect."

"Finally the place is cleared..." Seeing that all the monsters that could hinder him disappeared, Lou Bai finally began to boldly start. Although Larry retrieved a hand pit, it did not pose any hindrance to his subsequent actions.

"It's almost time to use this card. Let me show you the power of God!" He slowly raised a monster, and dark clouds surged above Lou Bai's head, demonstrating the terrifying power of this monster.

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Seeing this unusual yet familiar aura, Larry couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Is this... the Earthbound God? Impossible, the Earthbound God obviously requires two monsters to be summoned by a higher level! "

"What a pity. You guessed half of it right. This monster is indeed the Earthbound God. As for the sacrifice..."

Looking down at the field magic card, Lou Bai said: "As long as this card exists in the field area, when the [Earthbound God] monster is summoned to the upper level, 1 synchro monster can be released as 2."

"I offer the synchronized monster [Fairy Dragon Ancient Demon] as a sacrifice, and summon from a higher level, [Earthbound God-Aslia Pisco]!"

"What? Why is it this monster!" Qiu, who was watching the battle, looked at the huge hummingbird flying in the sky and suddenly said in surprise: "This card is obviously a monster from Devine, why is it here with you?"

"The answer is very simple, I just snatched it over." Lou Bai glanced at Qiu and said: "Whether it is the red dragon or the evil god, I have the ability to control their power in my hands. confidence."

According to his original idea, he originally wanted to use [Earthbound God-Cucillo]. But at this moment, Lou Bai discovered that after the complete death of Diwayne, the power of [Earth-bound God-Aslia Pisco] had been completely sealed, and together with the addition of [Earth-bound God-Kushi The effect was too salty, so Lou Bai changed his mind in time.

Can Long Ya and Larry survive this level? After thinking for a while, Lou Bai decided to give them a boost: "I will then activate the permanent magic card, [Psychic Ectoplasm]. Then it will cover three cards and the round will end."

"At the end of the round, the effect of [Psychic Ectoplasm] is activated."

Seeing this card continuously dragging [Earthbound God-Aslia Pisco] towards the graveyard, Lou Bai explained: "According to the effect of [Psychic Ectoplasm], both players have their own Only once during the end phase, select 1 face-up monster on your field, release that monster, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the original attack power of the released monster.”

Ignoring the pleading eyes of [Earth-bound God-Aslia Pisco], Lou Bai said coldly: "I will liberate [Earth-bound God-Aslia Pisco] and give you its original attack power. Half, that’s 1250 damage.”

Even though he is an evil god, in Lou Bai's hands, they are nothing more than cannonballs. [Earthbound God-Aslia Pisco] screamed, and all the strength in his body was drained, turning into a purple light bullet and shooting towards Larry.

Larry x Longya lp: 4000 → 2750

"It's not over yet!"

After being used as a cannonball by [Earthbound God - Aslia Pisco], it was pulled out by Lou Bai in the cemetery to work overtime: "The effect of [Earthbound God - Aslia Pisco], When it leaves the field due to effects other than its own, all monsters on your field will be destroyed, and each destroyed one will cause you 800 damage!"

"The only monster you have on the field is [Magic Beast - Uniko], so destroy it and give you 800 damage!"

Another burst of purple flames ignited from the ground, not only destroying the last monster on Larry's field [Magic Beast-Unico], but also further reducing the LP of Larry and Long Ya.

Larry x Longya lp: 2750 → 1950

It wasn't until Larry's place was cleared that Lou Bai's round was truly over.

Lou Bai’s frontcourt: [Long Bing]

Backcourt: [Psychic Ectoplasm], Gaika x3 ([Ultimate Earth-Binding God])

Venue: [Earth bound ground painting]

"Is this, is this the feeling of the dark game that Sister Qiu just experienced?" Looking at his trembling hands, Larry smiled bitterly, it's really useless, me.

I clearly promised to show Master the results of my practice, but it only caused a negligible obstacle to Master's development.

Even though he said he was Long Ya's eldest brother, yet he left this empty mess to him... I couldn't do anything.

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