Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 129 The Sublime Power of Kobayashi Mashiro

"Larry, that look on your face, are you scared?"

Seeing Larry's eyes blank and his mouth slightly open, Lou Bai's face turned cold and showed a slightly disappointed expression: "Do you want to run away?"

"Escape...?" Larry looked up, took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth and said, "I don't like fighting with others, but...but fighting is inevitable."

Facing Lou Bai's cold eyes, Larry shouted loudly: "Master... I will not run away, I will defeat you with my companions! Only by facing the difficulty head-on can we overcome it! The so-called way to salvation lies in in!"

"Hoo, that's a nice look." Lou Bai showed an interesting smile: "Then let me see what you two can do! Long Ya, it's you next, attack head on. !”

"Yes...yes!" Long Ya took a few deep breaths and clenched his fists several times to calm down his trembling arms. Judging from Lou Bai's merciless look just now, this duel is completely different from the previous duels that played tricks!

"My turn, draw a card!"

Long Ya forcefully pulled out the top card from the deck. This time in the past was the happiest moment for him in a duel, but now there is no chance for him to enjoy the duel. He must use his full strength to win.

Inserting a card into the duel plate, Long Ya shouted loudly, trying to cheer himself up: "I activate the magic card from my hand, [Weapon Hole]! Send the top card of the deck to the graveyard, and choose one from the deck The equipped magic card is added to the hand. The turn this card is activated, I cannot normal summon it!"

The magic card turned into a whirlpool in the air. Long Ya reached out to fumble and quickly found the card he wanted: "I will add the equipment magic card [Living Fossil] to my hand!"

Turning to look at Larry, Long Ya said: "Brother, please lend me your monster!"

"Yes. If we want to defeat Master, we have to work together..." Larry looked at Lou Bai solemnly and responded loudly: "Go ahead and use it!"

Putting the card he just retrieved on the duel plate, Long Ya shouted: "Okay, then the effect of [Living Fossil] is activated! Special summon a monster below 4 stars in my graveyard and equip this card! I chose [Proclaimer of Rainbow Light]!”

"Chain the effect of your [Living Fossil], I open one of the cover cards, [Premature Resurrection]! Select 1 monster with [Earthbound God] in your graveyard. Special Summon that monster. That monster You cannot declare an attack during this turn. Whenever that monster fights, it will not cause combat damage to the opponent."

Just when Long Ya's equipment was activated, Lou Bai also opened a card in time, and flames with an evil aura rose from the ground. [Earthbound God-Aslia Pisco], which had sunk into the graveyard, flew into the sky again under the influence of Lou Bai's trap card.

Is it to prevent being defeated by the effect of [Rainbow Proclaimer]... Long Ya gritted his teeth, suppressed the regret in his heart, and photographed the white synchronized monster on the field: "Let your glory bloom again. ! Special summons, [Proclaimer of Rainbow Light]!"

The colorful light lit up again, and under Long Ya's magic, one of Larry's ace monsters, [Rainbow Proclaimer], shone brightly again, but because it had once consumed its power, it was not as brilliant as before. .

【The Proclaimer of Rainbow Light】

[atk/def: 600/1000→0/0]

The attack power and defense power of monsters specially summoned through [Living Fossil] will be reduced by 1000, and the effects will be invalidated, but this will not have much impact on the noble [Rainbow Proclaimer].

As a 4-star synchro monster, attack and defense are not its strengths. Its strength lies in hindering the enemy's actions.

Although the effect is invalidated due to [Living Fossil], its cost - releasing this card - can still be activated as usual. When the cost is paid, because it leaves the field, the [Living Fossil] will be destroyed according to the rules, and the effects that have been deprived will be restored.

Just after the dazzling angel came back, the [Earth-bound Ground Paintings] spread across the entire venue also reacted in time - a card slowly condensed and then came into Lou Bai's hands.

"The effect of [Earthbound Ground Paint], when you special summon a synchronized monster, I will add an [Earthbound God] magic and trap card to my hand." Showing the retrieved card, Lou Bai said: "I retrieved it It’s [The Resurrection of the Earthbound God].”

It's a magic card, so it has no effect now.

After muttering something silently, Long Ya looked at [The Proclaimer of Rainbow Light]. After using a card to protect himself, Long Ya could finally start to unfold with a little peace of mind. Now Lou Bai only has one unknown cover card, it doesn’t matter!

Inserting a card into the duel disk, Longya shouted: "Activate the magic card [One-on-one], discard a monster, and special summon a 1-star monster from the deck!"

After thinking carefully for a while, Long Ya chose one of his most commonly used monsters: "I will special summon [Transformation Fighter·Mobile Phone] from the deck in attack position!"

The old Nokia mobile phone transformed in mid-air and turned into a small bright yellow robot, which jumped onto Long Ya's field. The moment he saw this monster, Lou Bai decisively pressed a button on the duel disk.

"[Transformation Fighter·Mobile], this monster is the starting point of your deck." Looking at the card he opened, Lou Bai said coldly: "Then, bring it to me! Open the cover Card【Big Arrest】!”

"Based on the effect of [Grand Arrest], this card can only be activated by targeting 1 face-up monster on your field. Gain control of that monster." He raised his hand and pointed at the small robots, Lou Bai said: " What I choose is your [Transformation Fighter·Mobile Phone]!”

"I won't let you pass!" Seeing Lou Bai's last unknown card open, Long Ya showed a proud smile: "I will liberate the [Proclaimer of Rainbow Light], invalidate and destroy your [Arrest] ]!”


Seeing that his monster successfully helped Long Ya, Larry waved his hands excitedly and said: "Master only has one cover card now, and that cover card must be the [Ultimate Earth-Binding God] retrieved in the last round! "

"That's right." Lou Bai nodded, responded to Larry's words, and opened the card at the same time: "I open the permanent trap card, [Ultimate Earth-Binding God]."

"[Ultimate Earthbound God] is a card that can only exert its effect when there is a normally summoned [Earthbound God] monster on the field. The [Earthbound God-Aslia Pisco] on my field now is through [Premature Burial] is specially summoned by the effect, so the effect of [Ultimate Earthbound God] cannot be activated.”

"Come on, Long Ya." Lou Bai extended his hand and invited: "Now there are no obstacles on my field, start your expansion."

"Yes!" Long Ya nodded firmly and said, "Lou Bai, I will definitely defeat you and prove you wrong!"

"The effect of [Transformation Fighter·Mobile] is activated!" Long Ya said, pointing at the robot that escaped from [Massive Arrest]: "Once per round, roll the dice once during my main phase, and remove the number of cards that appear. Turn over the top of your deck and select 1 [Transformation Fighter] monster with level 4 or below to be specially summoned, ignoring the summoning conditions, and return the rest to your deck."

With an excited smile, Long Ya shouted: "It's coming, it's coming! Show dial!"

The keyboard flashed and soon stopped at the 4 position. Longya also turned over the top 4 cards of the deck and found the monster that met the conditions: "I special summon in attack position, [Transformation Fighter·Remote Controller] !”

Two green circles lit up on the dark LCD screen to serve as eyes, and slender hands and feet stretched out from around the remote control. [Transformed Fighter·Remote Controller] makes a grand appearance!

[Transformation Fighter·Remote Control] [3 Stars/Land]



"The effect of [Transformation Fighter Remote Control] in attack position is activated! Once per turn, it can be activated by targeting 1 [Transformation Fighter] monster in your graveyard. Except that monster, 1 [Transformation Fighter] with the same level as that monster can be activated. Fighter] monster is added from the deck to your hand!”

Looking down at the graveyard, Long Ya said: "Previously, in order to activate [One-on-One], I threw the level 1 [Transformation Fighter Magnet i] into the graveyard. Now I remove it and retrieve the level 1 [Transformation] from the deck. Fighter·Smartphone]!”

After adding this card to his hand, Long Ya was not in a hurry to use it. Instead, he looked up at Lou Bai and said: "Lou Bai, when you and Yu Xing are moving forward, Long Ke and I are not in the same place. Step on! Now let’s see our new power!”

"I used the level 3 Tuner Monster [Transformation Fighter·Remote Controller] to adjust the level 1 non-tuner monster [Transformation Fighter·Mobile Phone]!"

Raising his hands high, Long Ya looked at the brilliance of the synchronization with joy, and sang: "Mutual trust will turn into a bridge connecting the hearts, and eliminate the barriers between each other! Synchronization summons, show up! [Transformation Fighter·Headphones]! "

When the light dissipated, what appeared was not two ordinary headphones, but two robots, one red and one blue, that looked similar to Long Yalong. The hairstyle and look made Larry almost think that Long Ya had specially summoned him.

[Transformation Fighter·Headphones] [4 stars/land]



When [Transformed Fighter·Headphones] was synchronized and summoned successfully, Long Ke, who was watched by Crowe and could not see the duel with his own eyes, suddenly covered his chest. She felt a strange seasonal movement.

"Is it Long Ya who is dueling?"

"The effect of [Transformation Fighter·Headphones] is activated!" Pointing at this monster that symbolizes Longya and his sister, Longya shouted: "When this card is successfully Special Summoned, use 1 face-up monster on the field. It can be activated as a target. That monster is used as an adjustment until the end of the turn!"

Looking at the only monster on his field, Long Ya said: "I use [Transformation Fighter·Headphones] as an adjustment!"

"[Transformation Fighter·Headphones] is originally a synchronized monster. After receiving this effect, it is... synchronized adjustment!"

Looking at Long Ya's monster, Yu Xingtong Kong Ju was shocked. As if it was a wake-up call, after feeling the distinctive aura of [Transformation Fighter·Headphones], the many doubts in his mind about acceleration synchronization seemed like snow under the bright sun, gradually turning into gurgling water, pouring over it. His mind.

This feeling of communicating everything... Got it! If you try it now, maybe you can actually do it!

Yusei's eyes were shining, but Longya, who was fighting, didn't pay attention to this. Instead, he took out a card in his hand: "It's not over yet! The [Transformation Fighter·Smartphone] in my hand can turn a card from the graveyard 【Transformation Fighter】Monster Exclusion Special Summon!”

"I will banish [Transformation Fighter·Remote Controller] and Special Summon [Transformation Fighter·Smartphone] in attack position!"

A smartphone familiar to Lou Bai appeared in the air. Following a burst of transformation, the smartphone extended its arms and legs from the four corners of the frame and jumped onto Long Ya's field.

[Transformation Fighter·Smartphone] [1 Star/Land]

[Monster/Effect/Adjustment/Special Summon]


"The effect of [Transformation Fighter·Smart Machine] is activated! Once per turn, you can activate it in your main phase. Roll the dice once, and turn over the number of cards that appear from the deck. From there, take 1 [ Transformation Fighter] card is added to the hand, and the remaining cards are returned to the deck and shuffled.”

It was Long Ya's favorite lottery time again. He waved his arms and shouted happily: "Brand new display dial!"

"Hey, is there only 3?" Looking at the number that was shaken out, Long Ya shook his head in disappointment, but he still turned over three cards and found a card that met the conditions: "Then I will use the magic card [Transformation Fighter] ·Transformation device】Add to hand! ”

"It's not over yet!" Long Ya excitedly inserted another card into the duel plate: "I activate the magic card again, [Dimensional Dice]! If a card with a dice effect exists on your field, put it on your field. It can only be activated by liberating 1 monster. Special summon 1 monster with the dice monster effect from the deck!"

Pointing at [Transformation Fighter·Smartphone], Long Ya said: "I will release the [Transformation Fighter·Smartphone] that meets the conditions and special summon [Transformation Fighter·Phone] from the deck!"

After the two brothers, mobile phones and smartphones, came on the scene, a new communication tool [Transformer Fighter Telephone] also came to Longya's field.

[Transformation Fighter·Phone] [1 Star/Land]



"The [Transformation Fighter·Telephone] effect is activated!" Under the pressure of Lou Bai, Long Ya has grown tremendously compared to his usual reckless appearance.

"Once per turn, you can activate your main phase. Roll the dice once. You will recover the number of appearance points Special call!"

The light flickered. Looking at the 1 that appeared, Long Ya was a little disappointed, but he still smiled and said: "Although there is only 1, it doesn't matter, because the one I want to special summon is the level 1 [Transformed Fighter·Mobile] in the cemetery!"

Larry x Longya lp: 1950 → 2050

The monsters in [Transformation Fighter] do not have the card name limit once per turn. In other words, when [Transformation Fighter·Mobile Phone] is resurrected, the effect can be reactivated.

Just when Long Ya was about to start storytelling again, Lou Bai, who had been motionless, raised his head and looked at Long Ya with meaningful eyes.

"Long Ya, Larry, to be honest, I don't hate such energetic duelists like you." Facing the surprised looks in their eyes, Lou Bai said, "It's a pity that duels are cruel!"

Lou Bai raised his hand fiercely and laughed wildly: "Now, fall into the bottomless abyss of despair!"

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