Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 135 The ghost inside the dark sealer is happy to add one

"Really, why? Why was I discovered? It shouldn't be, I've only been out for such a short time..."

Sitting in the seat of the Sheriff's Department helicopter, Johnny held his knees with his hands and was puzzled. He had sneaked out before, but unless he was seen by an acquaintance and contacted his parents, he would never be caught back in just a few hours.

"Young Master, you don't know that when you ran away like this, our entire Public Security Bureau was alerted!"

Turning his head and looking at Johnny in the back seat, Ushio, who was flying the plane, sighed and recalled what happened more than ten minutes ago.

The family who was the source of funds for the Public Security Bureau made a phone call to Chief Godwin. The chief went through a series of personnel and directly called himself, who served as the sub-director in the satellite area. At that time, he was still enjoying a peaceful lunch break when he was called. A call was made to find someone, and after half an hour of searching by all members, the young ancestor was found.

These rich people, really, don’t they regard our Public Security Bureau as human beings? Ushio cursed in his mind. Of course, he only dared to say it in his heart. These words should never be spoken out. The operating funds of the Public Security Bureau still depended entirely on those people.

"Oh, so frustrating."

Really unable to figure out why, Johnny simply threw the matter aside. Now that the deal is settled, what I am about to face is probably the butler's endless lectures, right?

"Chief Ushio, I want to ask you something." Johnny stretched forward, looked at the expressionless Ushio, and asked: "Chief Ushio, you have been working in the satellite area for a long time, do you know some legends about the satellite area? ?”

"Legend?" Ushio raised an eyebrow and said, "It's only been more than ten years since the satellite area appeared. How can there be any legend? If you want to travel to a place with legends, then young master, you can go to the other side of the sea and have a look. Even a well there has its own story.”

"Oh, that's not the kind of thing I'm talking about!" Johnny said a little irritably: "I'm talking about the kind of stuff related to duel monsters, red dragons, earth-bound gods and the like."

"That kind of thing is not something that a small person like me can come into contact with." Ushio said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

Speaking of this, he became angry. When he applied to the headquarters to access the information about those dark monsters in the database, he was rejected due to insufficient authority. He asked Chief Godwin for an answer, and what he got was the same. “You don’t need to know this yet” reply.

They don't let us know their information, but they also require us to take timely countermeasures against the behavior of these monsters. How can this be said?

As if sensing Ushio's dissatisfaction, Johnny curled his lips and did not continue to ask any more questions. The rest of the journey was spent in silence.

It wasn't until he saw Johnny getting off the plane and getting into the car that came to greet him that Ushio breathed out a sigh of relief: "Finally, this troublemaker is sent away."

After stretching, Ushio was not in a hurry to fly back, but stayed where he was, waiting for the car to pick him up. That's right, in addition to sending Johnny back, he also received a mission, which was to escort a criminal from the prison in Xintong Shiye to the satellite area.

"Let me see the prisoner's information." Taking out a document bag from his bag, Ushio pulled out a few pieces of paper and scanned it at a glance: "The criminal is Boma, and the crime is to assassinate the chief of the Public Security Bureau? Look. He’s still a repeat offender.”

"Really, there are more and more weird things happening now."

Browsing the information above, Ushio complained: "As a thief, what's wrong with doing that? He wanted to kill the police chief in public, and he almost succeeded. You said that if you had the courage and skills, you would assassinate the Prime Minister. Everything will be successful”

Seeing the car with the Public Security Bureau logo approaching, Ushio stopped and looked at the car with a serious expression. It is always not good to complain and let others hear it.

"Are you the Chief Ushio who came to take the prisoner to prison?"

"Well, it's me. Here's the corresponding ID."

After getting in the car, looking at the fat man with a fat face, thick nose hair and a smiling face, Ushio thought for a while and said with some uncertainty: "I remember your name is... Yingqi, right?"

"Yes, yes, Chief Ushio still remembers me!"

Seeing the red man in front of Chief Godwin read out his name, Tingqi showed a flattering smile. Although he is the ruler of the trash in prison, outside, he still needs to learn to adapt to the changing circumstances.

"Okay, I just want to ask, did the prisoner named Boma commit anything else while serving his sentence?"

Looking at the ugly face and the two big balls of nose hair, Ushio's brows furrowed slightly, but he was concerned about the relationship between his colleagues and did not push him away. Instead, he quietly stepped back for a distance. , raised a topic to divert Yingqi's attention.

"Hey, under my management, those garbage guys are all obedient, how can they cause trouble?"

Yingqi subconsciously put his fingers into his nostrils and picked out a trace of nose hair, as if he remembered something, and said: "But speaking of which, some strange things did happen to that trash named Boma."

"Oh? Tell me in detail?"

Ushio also became interested. In the boring daily work of the Public Security Bureau, he always needed some gossip to spice up his life.

"When he was first imprisoned, that trash was still a thorn in the side and had a very tough mouth. No matter how much he was tortured, he refused to tell the truth about the assassination of Chief Godwin. When asked, he said that Chief Godwin destroyed his hometown. , he wants revenge."

Looking at Ushio in front of him, Tingqi reacted in time and laughed: "That's too far off topic. Our commander is not a big evil person, how could he do these things?"

"Probably a few days ago." Yingqi said with an expression of reminiscence on his face: "When I was watching the surveillance at night, I seemed to see the garbage facing the wall, talking to something invisible, and then picking it up from the ground. A card came up. Then..."

Speaking of this, a trace of fear appeared on Yingqi's face unconsciously: "Then he seemed to be going crazy, roaring in pain, and kept hitting the wall. The sound was so loud that almost everyone in the prison was woken up. "

"When the patrolling men came to see him the next day, the guy seemed to be back to normal, with the same stinky face as usual, but it always felt like something was different."

Could what Chief Godwin told me be related to the abnormality on his body? Ushio frowned, suddenly thought of a possibility, and asked, "Oh? Have you told Chief Godwin about such a big thing?"

Hearing these words, Yingqi suddenly trembled and hurriedly laughed and said: "Ah haha, it's just the trash in the prison pretending to be crazy and trying to escape punishment. For such a trivial matter, there is no need to bother Chief Godwin. ?”

As he said this, Yingqi was still cursing himself in his heart. He was so loose-lipped. Why did he say everything when others asked him? This matter is not big or small. At a small level, it is a lack of supervision; at a large level, it is not reporting what is known and deceiving the superiors and hiding the truth from the subordinates!

"Forget it, forget it." Looking at Tingqi's sweaty face, Ushio waved his hands in disgust and said, "It's just a small matter, there's no need to report it. Among the crimes I caught before, I wanted to There are also many people who use mental illness to prove their innocence.”

Hearing this, Yingqi's anxious heart was relieved, but he didn't dare to say anything more, for fear that something bad would be revealed in a moment.

Silently all the way, the two quickly got out of the car and walked into the prison. As the warden, Takasu asked his men to bring Boma over, while he boasted about his hard work to Ushio, hoping that Ushio would say something good to him in front of Chief Godwin.

"Sir Takasu, the prisoner Boma has been brought here!"

"Okay, you can go down now." He waved away the police officer who brought Boma away. Takasu smiled and said, "Chief Ushio, look, this is the prisoner."

Looking at the boy who was a head taller than him and with a gentle face, Ushio raised his head and asked, "Are you Boma?"

Seeing that Boma had no reaction, Takasu, who was eager to please, raised his eyebrows, took out his baton and hit Boma on the back with the baton: "Chief Ushio is talking to you! Didn't you hear it?!"

Facing this powerful and heavy blow, Boma's expression did not change at all. He withstood the blow solidly. He did not even take a step back. Instead, he showed a strange smile, looked at Ushio, and said: " The trajectory of fate has begun to change.”

Seeing this thorny head being so uncooperative, Yingqi's expression became even more distorted. Here, he is a well-deserved emperor! Except for the crab head from before, no one has dared to disobey him!

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"Okay, this is the person Chief Godwin wants. You can't afford to pay for it if it's broken."

Ushio reached out and grabbed the baton that Takasu raised again, and said to Boma: "You are Boma, right? Come with me. I don't know what you have committed, and I want to transfer you to the satellite area." Go to jail."

After taking the shackled Boma into the police car and then onto the plane, Ushio took Boma back to the satellite area without any trouble. During this process, Boma didn't say a word.

"What a weirdo."

Ushio glanced at the strong man and muttered. His appearance made him feel like he was not escorting a prisoner, but transporting a piece of cargo, except that the cargo contained an unknown soul.

Unable to bear the weird atmosphere in the car, Ushio said to Boma: "Hey, boy, what did you mean by the 'change of fate' you just said?"

"This is revenge from the losers in the past." Boma from behind the car smiled strangely: "Existences like you in this world cannot feel our resentment."

"What nonsense." Ushio frowned and said, "Even if you keep pretending, the result will not change. For assassinating Chief Godwin, the penalty you are sentenced to is undoubtedly the death penalty! "


Boma in the back seat smiled contemptuously, flipped his handcuffed wrist, and a white card exuding an ominous aura appeared in his hand. Putting the card close to the handcuffs, the handcuffs seemed to have experienced decades of time in an instant. Deep red rust grew in an instant, and the originally strong silver-white handcuffs became very fragile.

Just when Boma was about to break free from the handcuffs and jump out of the car to escape, he suddenly stopped. Of course this was not a temporary repentance, but something unexpected happened.

On the originally empty road, a pale white thread suddenly appeared, stretching across the entire road like a finish line at the end of the track. However, this thread is not as fragile as the finish line.

"What the hell is this!"

Facing the thread that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Ushio couldn't dodge, so he simply stepped on the accelerator and bumped into it. But what he didn't expect was that not only did the thread not break as he expected, but it held firm. There.

Just like an ancient tripping rope overturning a horse, the jeep driven by Ushio was thrown into the air by supernatural power. The entire vehicle rotated freely in the air, and then hit the ground heavily with its wheels upwards.

In the alley next to the street, Ludger Godwin, who was wearing a black robe, walked out slowly. He glanced at Ushio who was trapped in the deformed car and seemed to be in a coma, and opened the back door of the car.

Looking at the intact Boma inside and his fiery eyes, Rudger said with some admiration: "It seems that the fire of your hatred has not been extinguished yet."

Pulling Boma out of the overturned car, Rudger waved his hand, and the shackles fell to the ground with a clank. Looking at Boma moving his hands and feet, Rudeger stretched out his hand and invited: "Boma, do you want revenge?"

"Of course." Boma grinned: "There are many, many people I want to take revenge on."

In Boma's eyes, the fire of revenge that would never stop burning swayed, but Rudger did not realize that this flame was not only directed at Rex Godwin, but also partly against himself. .

This boy named Boma seems to be quite "popular"! Following Rudger, "Boma" showed a proud smile.

When Boma was in prison, he was desperate and made a deal with himself. As a phantom of time and space, he obtained a body that could be manipulated at will, and he also agreed to take revenge on the enemies who destroyed his hometown.

But what he didn't know was that the mission of his existence, which he had failed in the past, was to destroy everything in front of him, so that the world he had disappeared could be reborn on this ruins.

"I don't know what the plan of the fly mother is in the elf world." He muttered something in a low voice, looked down at the card that represented himself, "Boma" showed a trace of greed: "The so-called gods in this world Let me see the power."

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