Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 136 This is all zone’s fault!

Legend has it that in distant ancient times, there was a man named

But under the influence of the dark miasma of the [Ultimate God], the power of the [Red Dragon] was divided into the [Light Duel Dragon] with the power of creation and the [Dark Duel Dragon] representing destruction.

Time passed and we came to the modern era. The duel ceremony started again after 10,000 years. The holders of duel dragons fought with each other. The final winner could make a wish to the [Red Dragon] and even affect the future development. .

In that ultimate ritual, "Boma" was undoubtedly the loser. No, it couldn't even be called a loser. It was just an evil will shaped by a wisp of the dark miasma of the [Ultimate God]. That’s all.

The "Boma" who failed in that ceremony should have disappeared like snow in the sun. Maybe you can still see a few words about him in the history books decades later, or maybe he was just lost in time. In the long river.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

But the world is benevolent. Whether it is the evil god who intends to destroy the world, the hero who saves the world, the aloof emperor, or the ordinary trafficker and pawn, the world will remember them completely in its heart.

[Akashic Records], [Roots], and [Ley Lines] are always just such things, and everything in the world is recorded in them. As long as the information contained in it is obtained, everything in the past can be recreated.

But the [Akasha Records] are not omnipotent. After all, they still have to rely on the world to exist. When the world is destroyed, this infinite database will disappear under the wash of the ether like a meteor that breaks into the atmosphere. All.

But this will take time after all. No, when the world has been destroyed, it is not appropriate to use the word time to describe it. In short, before the value representing the integrity reaches zero, the [Akasha Record] has not been completely destroyed. With an infinitesimal chance, a passage connecting the two worlds was broken into.

If the two worlds are compared to two rubber balls, then this channel is like a leather tube, with both ends inserted into the tiny breaks in the two worlds and anchoring the two worlds together. And the passage still shows signs of use.

The fragments of [Akasha Records] have no ability to penetrate the crystal wall system that protects the world from the invasion of ether, but they can easily pass through the membrane of that channel.

Under the influence of similarity or coincidence, this fragment of [Akasha Record] slowly moved along the passage, and came to the universe where Lou Bai was as a [foreign object], and [Akasha Record] The series of information recorded in the fragments also, for various reasons, either turned into memories and were obtained by peers in the world, or turned into power and wandered around the world, or were reborn from history as the dead.

This is why "Boma" appears and why it fights. As an outsider, it will sooner or later be eliminated as a foreign object by the self-examination mechanism of this world. Of course it is dissatisfied with this ending after regaining its life, so there is only one way.

If you can't adapt yourself to the world, then let the world adapt to you. This is the path it has chosen. By acquiring the power of this world and then dyeing this power with its own color, it can turn itself into a "tumor"-like existence.

When he has enough power that the world would pay more to dispose of him than to keep him, then he is safe. The first step to complete this plan lies with the man in front of him named "Rudger Godwin".

"Boma, you planned the assassination plan against the Director of the Sheriff's Department, Rex Godwin, at Lucky Cup. For this crime, your sentence is death."

Leading "Boma" to the depths of the old perpetual motion machine, standing above the counter-rotating perpetual motion machine, looking down at the particles of light that never stop dancing like ocean waves, Rudeger said: " The execution begins now!"

"You went to great lengths to snatch me from the Public Security Bureau just to execute me with your own hands?"

Looking at Rudger's back, "Boma" didn't have any normal panic on his face, but said calmly: "You'd better tell your true purpose."

Looking down at the dazzling old perpetual motion machine, "Boma" asked again with a hint of curiosity: "And, what is this thing under my feet."

"It is what is called the Gate of the Underworld. This thing is connected to each other in the Kingdom of Underworld."

"Gate to the underworld?"

Rudger turned around, looked at Boma, and said coldly: "Yes, you will die here next, and gain new power and life from the underworld, and be reborn as a Dark Seal."

"Boma" frowned slightly: "Dark Marker, is this the power that can allow me to take revenge?"

"At the cost of death, you pass through the gate of the underworld, gain new strength under the gaze of God, and then rely on this strength and the strong will in your heart to return to the living world from the underworld."

Looking at the perpetual motion machine below, Rudeger said: "This is the closest place to the underworld, and it is also the place where the gods are always watching."

"Your fire of revenge should still be burning brightly." With his back to "Boma", Rudeger walked away and said: "Now, die with your hatred, and then get new ones." Strength!”

The will to live, the unwillingness to die... Just as "Bo Ma" recalled his past experiences, the pedals under his feet suddenly disappeared, and under the action of gravity, "Bo Ma" fell straight towards the old perpetual motion machine that was running.

Just like a bird flying into an airplane engine, a school of fish hitting a propeller, "Bo Ma" is experiencing a similar thing now, no, it is much more serious than those two things. The first two can at least leave wreckage, but what Bo Ma is about to encounter is absolute death - the restless planetary particles will turn it into ashes in an instant.

Just when the existence named Bo Ma was about to be wiped out from the world, Rudger took action, he called out a spider silk and tied up "Bo Ma".

But this is certainly not because he is kind and wants to save Bo Ma, but to save the energy to shape the body after resurrection. Because the part that the thin spider silk tied was not something else, but Bo Ma's neck.

Under the strong acceleration of gravity, Bo Ma's neck was easily broken. The sea of ​​particles below seemed to be a school of piranhas smelling blood, raising waves and entangled with Poma's body.

At the moment when the life of this body dissipated, "Poma" felt that the soul of the original owner of this body, which was originally suppressed by him, disappeared for a moment. When it appeared again, it brought back a powerful force. After healing and transforming this body, this force condensed into a mark engraved on Poma's right arm.

Is this the earthbound god Pava in this world? It's really exciting!

Without taking advantage of the contract that was made at the beginning, he mercilessly took this power away from the original owner, and "Poma" who was pulled up again showed a satisfied smile. Yes, the power is surging continuously. Now I can almost compete with myself in my heyday.

Looking at the tall and strong Inca man in front of him, whose whites of his eyes were covered by darkness and whose face also had purple stripes, Rudger stretched out his hand and welcomed him: "Welcome to join us, Poma."

"You should still remember, right? Your disappeared relatives, your hometown that was burned to the ground, think back, your overwhelming hatred. Now go and take revenge on the culprits of all this, the Dragon Sealers!"

"Revenge? I know."

"Poma" looked at Rudger meaningfully, then turned and walked outside.

Although he had obtained this power, it was not the time to turn against the man in front of him. There were some other things in this powerful power, the will of those so-called "gods". Only by erasing them, this powerful power could truly become his own.

As for the revenge of those so-called gods? What a joke, who is not a god? In terms of status, he is part of the [Ultimate God], and they are still imprisoned in the cage of the underworld!

"The power of the Earthbound God is already in hand. Next, let me see the power of the Red Dragon in this world that can compete with it."

Walking out of the door, "Poma" took out a card and said with a grin: "After all, in a sense, the 'Dark Duel Dragon' I hold is also part of the power of the Red Dragon!"

-Dividing line-

"So, [Black Magic Girl], the reason why you were able to show up in that duel was not because Trenka's power was enough to cross the long time and pull you out, but because you were about to reach him?"

On a hospital bed in the Elf World, Lou Bai, who was half lying, widened his eyes in surprise, looking at the spirited [Black Magic Girl] in front of him, and asked: "What does this have to do with me?"

"Yes, of course it's because... eh?!"

Lou Bai's words made [Black Magic Girl], who was about to give a reason, suddenly stunned. She opened her eyes wide and looked at him with a strange look. Looking at him, he asked, "Aren't you curious about this matter at all?"

"Of course I am curious."

The weak Lou Bai had a pair of dead fish eyes, and the whole person looked "burned out". He said: "But in my long dueling career, I realized one thing. The more a duelist wants to explore something, the more trouble he will get into..."

Lou Bai turned his head to look at the [Black Magic Girl] and said expressionlessly: "Look at me now. Do I look like I can solve the problem?"

"Hehehe!" [Black Magic Girl] tapped her lips lightly, trying to get away with it, and smiled: "We are so familiar with each other, you can just call me Mana!"

"Okay, Mana." Looking at her pleading eyes, Lou Bai finally said: "So, why don't you go to find your master, but come to me, a patient, for what?"

"Thank you, Mr. Lou Bai!" Mana smiled happily when she saw Lou Bai let go. Then, she scratched her head, thought for a while, and asked hesitantly: "Mr. Lou Bai, have you heard of [Zone]?"

After hearing the news about Zone, Lou Bai sat up a little from the bed, and asked curiously: "Zone? How is that old man?"

"Oh, since Mr. Lou Bai knows Senior Zone, then the reason for this matter can be explained!"

Mana propped her chin with her fist, made a contemplative gesture, and said: "Actually... I was sent by the prince to deliver the courier."


Lou Bai, who was holding his breath, looked at Mana's serious posture. He thought he was going to hear something important about the destruction of the world, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of...serious and a little bit fucked up thing.

Let’s not talk about why you, as an ancient Egyptian, know the word express. What’s the point of that solemn expression on your face!

"Oh, don't be angry, don't be angry!" Seeing Lou Bai's shocked expression as he patted the sheets, Mana also stopped being funny and said with an embarrassed smile: "Actually, what I want to do is exactly the same as delivering express delivery. almost."

"The prince found a stone tablet in his territory. He said that this was not a power that should appear in this era."

Opening the magic cabin with her wand, Mana rummaged through it and said, "The prince said that this stone slab might be part of the power of the future leader [zone], but for some unknown reason, the prince could not contact him. 【zone】Senior... found it!”

Mana leaned half of her body into the magic hut and came out dragging a stone slab. When the stone slab was completely exposed to the elven world, a burst of light enveloped it. This power adapted to the times and transformed into a more appropriate form - a white card.

"Can't you contact Zone?" Lou Bai scratched his head and said with some distress: "Even if you find me, I don't have his contact method. I'm just an ordinary duelist. I haven't traveled through the timeline to find him. The power of people.”

"No!" Mana shook her head and said: "The prince said that as long as this card is sent to this era, senior zone will definitely be able to feel it! When senior comes back, he will see it for himself!"

"Oh, so is this era a place similar to a courier station?" Lou Bai nodded thoughtfully: "Then what are you looking for me for?"


Mana pointed her finger, tilted her head and whispered: "I don't know who this card is going to be given to... It would be terrible if it is accidentally given to a bad person!"


"So, can this card be delivered to you, Mr. Lou Bai?"

Mana opened her big watery eyes and begged: "Then Mr. Lou Bai will find a suitable holder to send it out! Of course, if Mr. Lou Bai wants to use its power himself first, that's totally fine!"

"Really? It turns out that I'm still a good person in your eyes."

Lou Bai stretched out his hand and said, "Then, leave it to me, and I will help it find a suitable owner."

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