Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Extra - Zone's Bizarre Adventure (1)

Number of transmission personnel: 1

The transmission channel has been constructed...

The Advent Flesh has been constructed...

The digitization of the soul has been completed...

Countdown to start of the cross-universe transmission device, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, transmission begins!

The barrier that separates the universe from the other is a completely unknowable, invisible, and incomprehensible existence to ordinary people. However, even something like this, which is comparable to a black box, is nothing more than a minor headache in front of Zone, a nearly omnipotent person.

Before, He had never thought about things outside the world, and when an interesting soul crossed the world and came to Him because of the tiny possibility of almost 0, Zone, who had gained new knowledge, also tried to Set your sights on that new universe.

The knowledge of understanding the world, such as physics and chemistry, is the same no matter which world it is in, while the flowers produced by human wisdom, such as art and literature, bloom with different brilliance due to different histories. And this brilliance that is completely different from his own world is what zone longs to see.

"Without practice, you have no right to speak. No matter how much knowledge of another world you get from that kid, as long as you don't really experience it, you can't truly understand that wisdom. Antinomi, Paradox, and Aporia , I’ll ask you to take care of it next.”

After saying these words to his three companions, Zone resolutely embarked on the road to another universe.

After lying in the transmission cabin, zone felt his own existence again after his consciousness seemed to have only experienced a short moment.

First, the nerves connected with the eyeballs, allowing me to see the somewhat turbid nutrient solution. Then, the muscles and skin grew, and the sense of touch was re-perceived by the brain. Next, the senses of smell, taste, hearing...

After just ten minutes, a pair of old but powerful hands opened the door of the culture cabin, and the naked Zone stood up from the culture fluid that had exhausted its nutrients and walked out.

"The activity of the wandering particles is 0, and the moment cannot be used. This is really bad news. But fortunately, the nuclear reactor is still working, so it will not be unable to return due to insufficient energy..."

Glancing at this laboratory, which was built by autonomous machinery in advance, and looking at the dense display screens, Zone roughly guessed the basic information of this world. The underlying structure is roughly the same as that of his own world, but some of the unique features of his own world have been stripped away. Some elements.

After spending about half a month to localize a series of technologies he carried, zone opened the door of the laboratory after a long absence and saw the sun again.

In front of him is a somewhat lively street - of course Zone's laboratory cannot be built openly on the street, but in a subspace that has not yet been developed. The rectangular thing in the corner of the laboratory is more appropriately called a teleporter than a "door".

Zone, who is now preparing to start his own social investigation, is wearing a somewhat wide fisherman's hat, suppressing his obviously distinctive crab hair style.

The golden trace on his face has been hidden, and a mask is put on his mouth as the Romans do. A plaid shirt was put on, looking ordinary. Except for the card box hanging on his waist, he is almost the same as the old man who came here to travel.

Zone, who has already observed it in advance, will certainly not make the mistake of "wearing an interstellar armor in a medieval world" that would make him out of place. That won't do your own investigation any good.

Walking on the orange-red sidewalk, Zone carefully observed the pedestrians around him. Because this world is equivalent to a parallel world to our own, the positions of the star system and the earth remain unchanged, and almost the same calendar has naturally developed. And here it is, November, Sunday.

Maybe it was a day off, but Zone didn't see people in a hurry. It is for this reason that Zone is able to observe the people here more carefully.

Architectural style, eating habits, clothing, language style... these are all aspects of culture and the objects of zone observation. After having a rough understanding of the culture here and matching the information he collected, Zone needs to have a deeper understanding, which is to talk to the residents here.

However, this step caused some difficulties for zone. Of course, it is not an emotion similar to shyness. Although I almost only communicated with a few of my companions in the Cradle of the Holy Ark, after all, it is a zone comparable to another "immovable star". Use words to communicate your inner thoughts without any fear.

What makes zone difficult is that the people on this street don't have the luxury of "talking to a strange old man".

Although the sunshine shining on the earth is very warm, people are like hurried worker ants, ignoring the natural beauty and walking towards their destination without hesitation.

If you talk to anyone in a hurry, you will definitely be rejected without hesitation. With this thought in mind, Zone continued to wander aimlessly on the streets. It wasn't until he passed a shop that He stopped.

This is a shop called Champion Card Shop. Card shops that used to be everywhere in the zone world are extremely rare here. You can see through the window that on one side of the card shop, there are several pink paper boxes, which seem to be pre-assembled, and on the other side, there are two large posters, one with the words One is a red giant, the other is a blue mermaid.

"A duelist of this world?"

Muttering in a low voice, Zone opened the door.

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