Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Extra-Zone’s Bizarre Adventure (2)


The wooden door collided with the wind chimes hanging on the door frame, making a crisp sound. Erduan, who was curled up at the counter, raised his head in time and looked at the visitor.

It was a thin old man, about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a hat on his head and a mask on his mouth. Although his face was covered tightly, it was still possible to see that the old man was a bit old through the exposed skin and wrinkles on it.

The old man was wearing a blue coat, and the square box around his waist was somewhat conspicuous. Although it looked ordinary at first glance, if you look closely, it gives people a feeling that cannot be ignored. It's as if the person in front of him has done something extraordinary.

"Ahahaha, there are guests..."

Erduan laughed awkwardly, hurriedly pressed the computer screen in front of him that was playing "Witch's Journey", and stood up in a hurry. Although he can talk about his hobbies in front of acquaintances without fear on weekdays, he is still a little uncomfortable when meeting strangers, especially the stranger in front of him who looks like a respected elder!

By the way, at this time and in this place, it's too inappropriate for such a person to appear! Erduan complained loudly in his heart and walked out of the counter. If he had a child with him, it would be okay, and he could barely explain that he brought his own child to buy cards, but he was alone, and his face had such a serious expression... Sure enough, some bastards in the store skipped the cram school, and his family came to catch him!

"Boss, I'm just looking around."

Seeing the boss's uneasy face, zone guessed that he might have misunderstood something, but he didn't explain much, but smiled gently and looked at the environment in the store.

After a rough glance, the things in the store in front of him were no different from those in his own world, shelves, card boxes, and a few tables in the other corner, which were used for customers who had bought card boxes to open and compete.

In addition to some monster posters on the white wall, there was also a table. Zone subconsciously walked forward and looked carefully: "Is this the champion deck of the previous store competitions?"

"Hey, ah, yes!"

Hearing the question of the customer in front of him, Erduan was stunned for a moment and answered his question subconsciously. But after he finished speaking, Erduan scratched his head in disbelief. This old man really knows Yu-Gi-Oh! It's not easy! Although some decks are said to be playable by grandmas, there are still very few old people who are interested in playing!

"Manager, do you have the real cards in the store?"

"Oh, of course!" Looking at the cards that Zone pointed at, Erduan bent down and searched the counter for a while, then picked up a few card bricks and proudly showed them: "Clang clang! Look, this is my most proud collection!"

Tenderly stroking the surface of the card brick with his fingers, Erduan said intoxicatedly: "Hehe, this is my favorite card. Whether it is appearance or effect, it is undoubtedly top 1!"

"Gray Liuli?" Staring at the card for a while, Zone nodded in agreement and said: "It is indeed a very strong effect."

"Is it!" Erduan carefully put the card bricks back into the cabinet, and stuffed the women's clothing in the cabinet into it, then raised his head and said: "But their prices are not cheap. If you are not playing a formal game, you can try using the printing card first. Here, the printer is over there."

As he said, Erduan stretched out his hand and pointed out the location of the printer for Zone.

"Really? The level of duels in this world is like this." Zone muttered in a low voice.

"Ah, what did you say, old man?"

"No, nothing." Zone shook his head slightly, took out his card box, and smiled: "So, boss, do you want to duel with me?"

"Duel, ah, playing cards?"

I don't know what he thought of, Erduan waved his hand awkwardly and said: "I'd better forget it. I'm actually a picture-watching party. The card deck is full of some beautiful girl cards..."

At this moment, the villain in Erduan's heart was rolling. If the guys who knew me knew that I beat the old man with Pearl Tears, then my career as a store manager would be over! Then make a louder sound to cover it up!

"Amo!" Erduan tilted his head and looked at a boy in school uniform in the corner, and shouted in a shocking voice: "Want to play cards? Just take your soul card deck!"


The boy whose name was called raised his head and saw the familiar perverted boss and the old man. From the moment he saw the old man's eyes, Mo Fangjun knew that there was an opponent worth fighting in front of him.

There was no contempt for duels in the old man's eyes. He did not regard duels as games, but as a competitive sport. People with such eyes will never be bad at duels.

"Come on, I won't refuse any duel!" Mo Fangjun excitedly opened the card box, pulled out his deck, sat opposite the zone, and waited. Hui Zhai and A Feng, who had just finished a duel, also came over curiously. In just a few seconds, the small table was full of people.

"Okay, then I will be the referee for this game!"

Seeing that there were no new customers, Er Duan simply closed the store door and came to the table to watch this rare game.

"This game will be a BO1, one game to decide the winner. No genuine cards are required, printed ones are also fine."


Seeing Zone's puzzled expression, Er Duan casually took out a card from the shelf and said, "It's the kind of card with an anti-counterfeiting mark, like your [High Speed ​​Warrior], it has neither watermark nor logo. , nine times out of ten it’s a printed card.”

Really, cards printed based on strength are not allowed to be used in duels?

\u0026e's lips curled up, but he didn't say much. Instead, he thought for a while, put down [Time Machine God], took out another deck of cards, put it on the table, and was also prepared.

"Then let the duel begin."

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