Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 182 Red Dragon × Holy Grail

Godwin lost, completely lost.

His hand was seen through, the front field was swept clean, and there was a useless open card in the back field. In addition, the resources in the graveyard were also consumed. At this moment, the puppet had no way to deal with Lou Bai's two monsters.

The [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] soaring in the thundercloud spewed out lightning, and the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] on the ground also launched a charge. Under the combined attack of Lou Bai's two monsters, Godwin's full 4000 life value took a big dive and returned to zero without any suspense.

The dark game is different from ordinary games. Losing in the dark game is... fatal!

"So, the mastermind behind everything is solved like this?"

Although he said so, Lou Bai's eyes were still fixed on the motionless figure in front of him. He didn't believe that Godwin would die like this. After all, this dark game was a little different from the usual ones. Both sides did not directly attack, but played by proxy.

Although the proxy fight weakened the strength of both sides, it also had some advantages, that is, part of the punishment for the loser would fall on the carrier, and it is estimated that Godwin's life would not be taken.

"I guess I have to fight again later, right? But it's not a big problem."

Lou Bai sighed and scratched his head. I have to say that long hair feels quite good to scratch. Should I keep one too?

Not to mention Lou Bai, whose thoughts began to diverge after the dust settled, Gui Mu, who was watching the duel, didn't completely let go of the heart that was raised until the duel was over. Although he is a trustworthy senior, when it comes to life and death, he still can't be as calm as the senior...

Not only that, he is not as conscious as Lou Bai and You Xing. In order to protect the satellite area, the seniors have been experiencing such dangerous duels, and he can only watch from the side!

Thinking of this, Guimu couldn't help but clench his fists, tears streaming down his face: "Dear seniors! As a person from the satellite area, I can't do anything when facing these guys who want to destroy the satellite area. It's really shameful! Please let me help you!" "Don't worry, the king has the king's talents, and the cook has the cook's talents." As he spoke, Lou Bai had left this body and returned the control to Guimu: "It is the responsibility of the dragon sealer to face these dark sealers, but the satellite area must still be built by the people of the satellite area. The post-disaster reconstruction of this area still requires your own efforts! But I think there must be a leader to organize the reconstruction, what do you think?" After listening to Lou Bai's words, Guimu waved his hand excitedly: "Of course, I have no choice!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Youxing couldn't help but sigh: "Really reliable, Lou Bai." Although he is a genius who can rub the D wheel by hand, Youxing is still just an 18-year-old boy after all. He has some social experience, but most of it is about how to protect himself in the satellite area. Things like post-disaster reconstruction have not been thought about for a while. In this situation, having an older person around can still make people feel at ease.

Hearing Youxing's evaluation, Lou Bai gave a thumbs up, and then looked at the motionless puppet not far away. Although Godwin is unlikely to die, this duel is not without gain. Apart from anything else, Lou Bai is very envious of the [Sky Wheel Clock Tower], even if he can't use it himself, he can give it to Youxing.

"Okay, next is the time to count the spoils." Lou Bai rubbed his hands, intending to follow the example of his predecessors and pull out the puppet's deck, and the duel disk will not be spared! Who can refuse a different style of duel disk? (laugh)

However, at the moment when Lou Bai took a step, something unexpected happened. The puppet's deck suddenly emitted a beam of white light, and then, [Sky Dome Tyrant Dragon-Longteng] that was blown into the graveyard a few minutes ago suddenly floated in front of Lou Bai.

"What's going on? The tiger's body shook, and the card bowed down?"

Lou Bai thought that he didn't have such a domineering aura, but this did not affect his acceptance of the trophy in front of him. After all, the duelist had already lost, so what danger could a mere card have?

It was strange to say that Lou Bai couldn't touch entities like stones, but he could pick up cards. I wonder if it was because there were also elves in the cards?

In short, when Lou Bai took over [Sky Dome Tyrant Dragon-Longteng], his card box suddenly shook, and then, [Underworld Dragon-Dragon Death] and [Demon Dragon-Fly King] that he had already collected, as well as [Purgatory Dragon-Ogre Dragon] that he had just obtained, appeared at the same time. The four cards chased each other and began to rotate, and the strange sense of incompleteness before was slowly completed in the rotation.

"Ah? What happened?" Long Ya grabbed Long Ke's hand and looked at the four cards in the sky nervously. Obviously, the duel had been won, why did such an unexpected situation occur?

"Pa, pa, pa."

The sound of stiff applause sounded not far away. Before he knew it, the puppet had slowly straightened up its body and half leaned on a ruin.

Looking at the questioning eyes of the crowd, the puppet's mouth opened and closed, and Godwin's somewhat weak but excited voice sounded: "It's really wonderful, Jie Ding Overlord, Xiaolin Mashiro, this is a ceremony that has been around for 10,000 years, and you have completed it brilliantly."

Ceremony? Hearing Godwin's words, a trace of uneasiness quietly rose in Lou Bai's heart. He stared at the broken puppet with a vigilant look and asked: "Godwin, what do you want to do?"

"When the battle between the duel dragon of light and the duel dragon of darkness ends and the winner emerges, this unfinished ritual that happened thousands of years ago will be completed."

Without looking at Lou Bai, Godwin still told his plan in hoarse words: "When the ceremony is completed, the red dragon will appear and give the person who wins the ceremony the right to fulfill a wish. Whether it is to become The hero of the Satellite Zone can fight against the strong men of the past or become the king of the future. "

"But isn't this a good thing?" Long Ya scratched his head in distress: "Isn't Lou Bai the winner of this ceremony? But why is Godwin so happy?"

"That's because..." The puppet showed a stiff smile: "That is something that can only happen in our world. The red dragons in this world have no will of their own!"

"But, after all, it is a great ritual that spans ten thousand years. Although it is not completed in my world, if it is completed in this similar world, it will have some effects..."

A maniacal laugh appeared on the puppet's face: "Now, witness the arrival and fall of the gods!"

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