Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 183: Gathering Prayers

"The arrival of the gods...could it be!"

Thinking of something, Lou Bai hurriedly jumped towards the four so-called "Dark Duel Dragons" suspended in the air, trying to separate them to avoid the outcome he expected, but unfortunately, he was a step too late.

Under Lou Bai's unwilling gaze, the four cards chased each other and turned into a purple beam of light that penetrated the night sky and illuminated the entire satellite area.

The light pillar was so dazzling that even the dust particles surrounding the light pillar in the night sky were clearly visible. At the top of the light pillar, purple dark clouds slowly filled the air. Against the backdrop of the dark clouds, a red dragon exuding sanctity appeared.

The outline and facial features of the red dragon are drawn by golden lines that look like stick figures. Those lines are filled with bright red, highly active particles of stars, which is where the name "Red Dragon" comes from. But now, these wandering star particles are being guided by the power hidden in those four cards. Their activity is gradually increasing, and the red dragon's figure is becoming clearer.

"This is!"

Just when the so-called "god" of the dragon sealers, the red dragon, appeared, a burst of intense red light erupted from Yusei's and his others' arms, along with a burning sensation like a brand. It was a more severe pain than when encountering the Dark Marker.

"Why does the Dragon Seal have such a big reaction to the appearance of the red dragon?" Qiu, who was half-kneeling on the ground due to pain, asked in confusion with cold sweat on his head.

"Haha, of course... because the dragon seal is... part of the red dragon!"

With the appearance of the red dragon, a plate of puppets also had poor contact. Godwin's voice, which was full of pain and full of pride, sounded: "The state of the red dragon can affect the dragon sealer. On the contrary, the dragon The status of the sealer can also affect the red dragon!"

"Now that the power of the red dragon in this world has been completely channeled through the duel ceremony, the next step is to obtain this power! Through the Dragon Head Seal!"

The puppet's voice suddenly rose, and at the same time, at the Public Security Bureau on the other side of the sea, a red light beam that was no less majestic than the satellite area rose from the ground.

The mortal Ushio has fallen into a sluggish state: "Could it be said that the second perpetual motion reversal has happened?"

As the puppeteer, Godwin no longer had the time to care about the situation of the dragon sealers in the satellite area. Even Lou Bai, who had just defeated him, was considered to be no threat.

At this moment, he was looking at the arm preserved in the special tank in front of him with a face full of enthusiasm. The dragon head mark on the arm was shining brightly. Behind him, the forward-rotating perpetual motion machine was running at full power, replenishing energy for the small mark.

"It's finally time!" Feeling the dragon head seal gradually lighting up inside, Godwin couldn't suppress his inner excitement. He carefully took the jar out of the wires and stood on the ground.

Pressing a button on the surface, the top sealing cover was easily thrown aside by Godwin, revealing his arm soaked in light green solution.

"It looks like your plan is coming to fruition."

The gentle words reached Godwin's ears. He just raised his arms and frowned, looking towards the entrance of the research institute. There, standing another version of himself that looked exactly like him.

"Yes, I still have to thank you for who I am in this world." Godwin smiled ferociously and cut off his right arm with a knife. Then he grabbed the severed arm with the dragon head mark with his left hand and struck it directly. on the wound he had just cut off.

What a wonderful scene. Standing by the door frame, Godwin looked at the scene in front of him with dark eyes. A scene that could make the doctor angry to death, comparable to Naruto's hot plug, appeared before his eyes.

After being attached to his brother's right arm, his wound from another world stopped bleeding instantly. As if the right arm was originally his, his brother's arm quickly integrated with his body, except for the skin color. Apart from the difference, there is no trace of the splicing of this arm.

"That's it, the power of the red dragon will be back in my hands soon, and this time, I won't fail again!"

Godwin in the other world moved the fingers on his right hand, then raised his right arm high and roared: "With the authority of the Dragon Head Seal, this god who has no will in this world, please contribute your power! "

"The dragon seal...disappeared!"

The moment Godwin, who was far away on the other side, raised his arm, Yusei and the others discovered to their horror that the dragon mark on his arm was getting lighter and lighter. Then with a flick of his wrist, the dragon mark that was originally carved into his flesh disappeared. Without a trace, the residual burning sensation on their arms reminded them that this was not an illusion.

Immediately afterwards, the red dragon, which was soaring in the sky and had been unresponsive, seemed to be suddenly completed. It let out a long dragon roar that resounded throughout the satellite area, and then flew towards the upper city area and flew into The red beam of light disappeared without a trace.

"Why is this happening? Could it be that the red dragon abandoned us?"

The panicked Long Ya looked at his brothers and sisters around him with longing eyes, trying to get the answer, but found that even Yusei, who was the most reliable in the past, now looked confused.

The red dragon that connects his companions suddenly becomes the enemy's force and joins the side of the Dark Seal. So what's the point of the battle he once fought? Isn't the so-called fate of the dragon sealer and the dark sealer fighting the same as a joke?

Qiu's heart was filled with doubts, which were also the doubts of everyone. In the team of dragon sealers, there are rich people from the upper city area and civilians from the satellite area. It is the red dragon and the dragon seal that connect them together and have something in common.

Relying on this common ground, everyone got to know each other and talked with each other. Qiu understood Yusei's tenderness, and Ryuuko Ryuya also understood the difference between Jack as a companion and Jack as an idol.

But now, the red dragon has disappeared, and this common ground has been broken and disappeared.

"Everyone, cheer up! With such sad faces, could it be that you are sleepy?" Looking at Yuxing and the others, Lou Bai sighed, and then made a cheerful smile: "Hey, hey, hey. Get angry, the battle is not over yet!”

Looking into everyone's eyes, Lou Bai said sincerely: "I know that everyone is a little uncomfortable because of the sudden loss of the dragon seal that connects us, but are the feelings after getting acquainted through the dragon seal false?"

Rolling up his sleeves, revealing his equally smooth wrists, Lou Bai shouted loudly: "If the bond between us is all connected through the dragon seal, then who am I? Who is Crow? Who is Larry? What?"

"The Dragon Seal is just a reason for everyone to meet. It is not an indispensable thing! We have overcome so many difficulties along the way. Is the relationship forged between us and our companions false? Is it true that we leave the Dragon Seal? A fragile thing that will disappear? Answer me!"

"Tch, I really got a good lesson from you, Lou Bai!"

Jack snorted coldly, but his clearly thought-through expression showed that his current mood was not what he said.

"Yes, the Dragon Seal is not an indispensable thing. The most important thing now is to completely defeat Godwin and return everything to normal." Yusei's somewhat confused eyes became firm again.

"The bond between Yusei, me, and everyone was created by fighting together, and it will never disappear just because the dragon seal disappears!"

"Long Ya\\/Long Ke and I will not hold us back!"

In the ruins, the somewhat confused atmosphere caused by the sudden disappearance of the red dragon was swept away, replaced by a stronger fighting spirit and determination.

"What a helpful guy..." Looking at Yusei and the others in front of him, and thinking of the second generation and moths in the previous bureau, Ushio couldn't help but sigh, then he patted his face and said, "Then I'll do it right away. Send you there!"

"too slow."

An elegant voice came from the King's Key on Guimu's body, and Eldridge appeared quietly in front of everyone. Ignoring those unexpected people, his eyes under the golden mask stared closely at the research institute that had just become ruins.

"Eldridge, this is..."

"That thing from the underworld has escaped."

As soon as Eldridge finished speaking, a strong shock hit him. After barely maintaining their balance, Yusei and the others looked up and saw a shocking scene.

Black and foul-smelling sludge surged out from the ruins of the old moment, and soon covered the basin. If Yusei and the others hadn't reacted in time, they would have been swallowed by the sludge.

After a piece of ground was paved for the so-called "King of the Underworld", the turbulence of the mud slowed down, and then, an evil beast slowly rose from the mud.

"Hey, what on earth is this!" Long Ke covered his nose and frowned at the monster in front of him.

It is said to be a "king", but that thing doesn't look like a king at all - the skinny frame is covered with mud, a pair of withered wings are surrounded by flies, and even the movements are slow, like a corpse. The body was forcibly pulled up.

"The power of the last earth-bound god has also appeared." Lou Bai turned his head and looked in the direction of the other side of the sea. While everyone was paying attention to the mud monster, the pattern of a vulture slowly emerged in the center of the upper city.

Looking at Eldridge, Huang Jinqing already understood what Lou Bai meant.

"Stop this thing here, and leave this task to me." A bit of red light shone through Huang Jinqing's mask, and the ground under Eldridge's feet turned into gold unknowingly. This undead man Boss, it’s rare for you to get serious.

"Is it possible?" Lou Bai asked worriedly, but seeing Eldridge's confident posture, he realized that he had asked a stupid question.

As they spoke, the mud slowly flowed to their feet, and the surrounding environment was gradually replaced by golden palaces. Waving towards Lou Bai, Eldridge said gently: "This is not your battlefield. Your battlefield is on the other side of the sea. Just let me give you a ride!"

With a flick of his hand, a red trap card appeared in Eldridge's hand. Looking at the card with some nostalgia, Eldridge crushed it into pieces and activated it instantly: "This is a collection I got from someone else...Trap card, [Interdimensional Tunnel-Mirror" Door-] activate!”

"Heroes, embark on your own journey!"

As the night wind blew, the trap card fragments turned into little bits of silver light, and then, passages composed of mirrors appeared out of thin air, intersecting with each other. Under the mutual reflection of the mirrors, a picture of the center of the upper city clearly appeared at the end of the passage. The original Public Security Bureau had disappeared and was replaced by a towering altar.

Not only in front of Lou Bai and the others, but also in the entire satellite area, dozens or hundreds of Mirror Doors appeared one after another, on the streets, on the roofs, in the woods... Soon, almost all the residents of the satellite area appeared in the line of sight. With one or two mirror doors, what happened in the upper city was clearly displayed in front of them.

"Is this the scene in the upper city?" Looking at the Mirror Gate in front of her and the altar in the door, Kali Nagisa knew that the place would soon turn into a battlefield, but she still gritted her teeth, picked up her camera and rushed away Go in.

Kali Nagisa was not the only one. Crowe in the ward glanced at Martha who was guarding the door, quietly opened the window and climbed out. Then he was a little surprised, but not unexpectedly, he met someone who was also heading towards the Mirror Door. Larry.

Gui Liu in the ambulance glanced at the driver in front of him, jumped up, kicked the door open, regained his balance after a roll, and ran towards the door before the driver could react.

At the same moment, countless residents of the satellite area, whether duelists or not, were either curious or determined to walk towards the Mirror Gate. Eldridge, who felt all this, said nothing and just made a "please" gesture to the duelists in front of him.

"This is our...final battle!"

Lou Bai took the lead in taking a step towards the Mirror Gate: "Everyone, let's go!"

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