Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 200 Hey! I haven't gotten in the car yet!

"Yusei! Lou Bai!"

Just when Lou Bai and You Xing were staring at the cards that suddenly became blank, a crisp sound broke the calm in the room. Long Ya pushed open the door and rushed in with a roar. Behind Long Ya, Long Ke, Qiu, Jack, and Crowe also walked in one after another.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the uneasy expressions on everyone's faces, Yusei couldn't help but frown.

"Yusing, Lou Bai, look at this." Long Ya took out the shrunken display screen from his trouser pocket, unfolded it and turned to a page: "When Long Ke and I were completing the homework assigned by the school, we found this."

Hearing this, Lou Bai turned his head and looked at the screen. What comes into view is a photo of the father of Duel Monsters [Pagasus J. Crawford] and the first-generation Duel King [Muto Yugi] holding the trophy together, smiling happily.

"Is there anything wrong with this photo?" Lou Bai hung up his chin: "This should be a photo of the first generation duel king participating in a competition, right? Pegasus should be the organizer of that competition?"

Qiu reminded: "That's not the point, Lou Bai, look at the title of the report."

"Title..." Lou Bai's eyes glanced upward, and he noticed something was wrong: "[The last duel competition held by the father of duel monsters before his death?]"

Looking at everyone, Lou Bai said uncertainly: "Although I haven't studied history carefully, I remember... Pegasus didn't die at that time, right?"

Looking at everyone's expressions, Lou Bai got the correct answer and continued: "But this was reported many years ago... Is there something wrong with our memory?"

"No." Lou Bai immediately denied his speculation: "I am confident in my memory. There is absolutely no problem with my memory."

"Yes, yes! The teacher also talked about relevant knowledge in class today. The father of duel monsters must not have died at that time!"

"Then, there is only one truth." Lou Bai knocked on the table and made an inference: "Excluding all possibilities, no matter how outrageous the remaining one is, it is the truth! The truth is that due to some reasons, history has changed!"

Recalling the plot of 5ds, Lou Bai had a guess about the initiator of this incident. After defeating the Dark Marker, I experienced the theatrical version [Super Fusion! A bond that spans time and space! ] plot.

In the theatrical version, in order to change the future, Paradox of the Future Team decided to assassinate the father of the Duel Monsters to destroy the Duel Monsters. As a result, he was brutally killed by the third generation Duel King Yiying and Sanbu.

However, there is still a doubt...this world line and the original world line are two completely different world lines. Why is Uncle Pa still obsessed with doing this kind of thing?

Although there were still some doubts, Lou Bai still listed the brave Mr. Pa as the primary suspect, and what Yu Xing and the others discovered next strengthened Lou Bai's guess.

"Yusei, take a look at the report below." Jack swiped his finger across the famous screen and clicked on a new title: "[Mysterious demons appear in Europe and fight dragons]. Yusei, this one" "Dragon" is your [Stardust Dragon], right?"

"Stardust? No, there's more." Yuxing zoomed in on the screen and pointed to the corner: "This fist belongs to [Scrap Warrior], and this flying flame is obviously the tail flame of [Meteor Dragon-Technology Expansion]. "

"Did Yusei's monsters appear in the past?" Crowe scratched his head in distress: "What exactly is this?"

Since Godwin was defeated, the red dragon rings that gathered on him dispersed again and returned to Yusei and the others. But what is different from before is that what Yusei got this time was not the dragon tail seal, but the dragon head seal that was originally on Ludger's arm, and the original dragon tail seal came to Crowe.

While Yu Xing and the others were discussing, Lou Bai scrolled through the pictures silently and found what he wanted to see in a small corner: "Look, this masked man should be the one controlling those monsters, right? There are also those behind him That car is obviously a D-wheel, right?”

"So, Lou Bai's conclusion is true?" Qiu murmured to himself: "It's really unbelievable..."

During the exchange, Jack inadvertently looked up and saw a horrifying scene through the window: "Hey, look outside!"

"That is!"

Yusei ran outside the store and saw everything clearly: "Our city is gradually disintegrating like ashes?"

In front of the people who ran out, the Xintong Shiye that everyone had worked so hard to protect seemed to have turned into sand on the beach. As the wind blew, it gradually disappeared. Black ash floated into the sky, covering the sun, making the city change again. Gotta be dim.

Lou Bai turned to look at Yuxing: "Although this is just my hypothesis... maybe it is because the past history has changed, so our era has also been 'corrected'?"

"Maybe that's the case." Long Ya looked at Yu Xing and opened his eyes unconsciously: "Yusing, the dragon seal on your hand is glowing!"

Taking Yu Xing's dragon head seal as the source, the dragon seals on the arms of Qiu, Jack and others appeared one after another, and soon condensed on Yu Xing's back to form the red dragon wheel familiar to Lou Bai, and Yu Xing's D wheel also A red light emitted at the right time.

"The red dragon is calling me!"

Feeling the feeling that appeared in his heart, Yusei stepped towards his D-wheel, stepped on it, and rushed towards the road.

"Wait a minute, add me in! I will never let go of the guy who interferes with my retirement life!" Lou Bai also got on the new D-wheel that he had just arrived, and chased after Yuxing.

"Two guys who don't make people worry!"

Following the two red and black D-wheelers, Crowe's Blackbird and Jack's Wheel of Fortune also rushed onto the road, while Long Yalongke and Qiu looked at everyone worriedly.

A long dragon roar sounded, and as Yusei's speed gradually increased, the red dragon's figure gradually appeared on the road. The bright red body danced as if guiding the way.

"Red Dragon, take us to a place where we can change everything!"

When Yusei entered the accelerated synchronization state, the red dragon's figure completely solidified. Seizing this opportunity, Lou Bai turned directly and crashed into the red dragon's body.

The light flow formed by highly active wandering particles surrounded Lou Bai, and Lou Bai could feel that his speed was gradually increasing. However, less than two seconds later, he was suddenly surprised to feel his body light up and he was already separated from the red dragon's body.

"Is this the time?"

Looking around, I saw the familiar highway, the disintegrated city, and the empty road ahead.

"Wha, what?!" Lou Bai couldn't help but yelled anxiously: "Hey! Honglong, I haven't even gotten in the car yet! You are avenging a private revenge!"

"Hey, little brother, that red dragon thing can't hear you!"


Lou Bai looked at the D wheel that suddenly caught up behind him, and couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Antinomy? And this mask... Are you Paradox?"

In the back seat of the huge and strange D-wheel, Antinomi's triangular eagle, Paradox took off his mask and greeted Lou Bai enthusiastically: "Ah, it seems that you know me, little brother. Ah! No more introduction! Antinomi, hurry up!"

"Do you know how difficult it is to pull three people to reach the state of triangular acceleration and synchronization?" Antinomi complained, but still accelerated the speed of the triangular eagle, making it come to Lou Bai's D wheel.

"What are you..."

Before Lou Bai could finish his words, Paradox, who was tall and almost two meters tall, stretched out his hand and pulled Lou Bai into the back seat of the Delta Eagle. The three big men squeezed tightly like this. On top of a D wheel.

"Hold on, little brother!" Paradox patted the shoulder of Antinomi in front: "Young, Antinomi, it's your turn!"

"A guy who just moves his mouth has no right to criticize me!"

With the sudden addition of more than 100 kilograms of weight, the speed of the D-wheel dropped significantly, and its balance was also destroyed. But after all, it was the technology from the future group, and its D-wheel driver Antinomi was not mediocre. The Delta Eagle quickly recovered and started accelerating again.

"Hey, hey, what on earth is going on?!"

Looking with some distress at the newly bought D-wheel that turned over because of the loss of the driver, Lou Bai subconsciously hugged Paradox's shoulders in front of him, turned his head and looked at Antinomi in bewilderment. Three synchro monsters are placed on the duel board.

"Open the limiter to the highest star!"

"Wait, Antinomi, what are you doing?"

"Turn on the regulator and get it all through!"

"Slow down, slow down!

I can’t see the road ahead clearly! "

"Antinomy, let me feel the triangle acceleration synchronization!"

"Infinite power, break through time and space, and open up the unknown world! GO! Triangle acceleration!



! "

In the shocked eyes of Jack and Crow from behind, the space was cut open by the sudden appearance of the huge mecha with the sharp blade in its hand. The strange D-wheel rushed into the crack in the space, leaving only Lou Bai's terrified scream and Paradock. Si's hearty laughter echoed on the road.

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