Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 201: Serious Man Antinomi


After stumbling down from Antinomi's triangular eagle, as soon as his feet touched the solid ground, Lou Bai couldn't help but hold on to the wall of the alley, hunched over, and vomited out the contents of his stomach.

In the sudden rush, Lou Bai first saw that the surrounding scenery gradually became distorted, and finally turned into pure black with nothing. However, as a card elf, his senses faithfully reported the surrounding information to his brain. This conflicting feeling has extremely horrific consequences.

He got carsick.

Weakness of limbs, dizziness, nausea, and pale complexion. If he hadn't drank some tea before getting on the bus, Lou Bai was even worried that he would have vomited directly during the journey, and the vomit would have been blown into a "gorgeous" "ribbon" by the wind.

If it erupts during accelerated synchronization, my career as a duelist will be over.

"It's okay, little brother, we won't laugh at you. Normal people who don't know how to accelerate synchronization will react like this." Paradox suppressed a smile and took out a bottle of water from under the seat of the Delta Eagle. "Come on, rinse your mouth!"

Let’s not complain about why the Triangle Eagle can stuff things under the seat like a battery car. Lou Bai unscrewed the bottle and rinsed his mouth. He stared at Paradox with empty eyes: “Mr. Pa, as far as I know, you seem to be the same. It won’t speed up synchronization, right?”

"Yes! But first, my surname is not Pa," Paradox shook his finger, "Second, I am different from you, I am not a living person."


"It doesn't matter." Paradox said nonchalantly: "What determines whether a person is a human is not the life form, but the thinking and will that uniquely belong to [human]."

"So..." Paradox suddenly bent down and looked down at Lou Bai, showing a twisted expression worthy of Yan Yi: "You must never give up your identity as a human! Otherwise, my monsters will definitely You become a veritable ‘scumbag’!”

"Okay, Paradox, stop playing tricks." Antinomi, who was standing aside and finally checked his triangular eagle, came over and pushed Paradox aside with a speechless expression: "Xiao Lin As a human being, I’m afraid your purity is no less than yours. Please go fix the car for me!”

After bidding farewell to Kobayashi Mashiro, I once told that guy Paradox that he should learn to enjoy hardships and not always have a sullen face. As a result...

Looking at Paradox who had become a man of fun, Antinomi sighed. Really, I don’t know what went wrong. Is this too much fun?

Forget it, it's Paradox after all. Although his character is gradually becoming more comical, he is still very reliable in other aspects.

Withdrawing his thoughts and looking at the confused Lou Bai in front of him, Antinomi felt a little embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, Lou Bai, I just dragged you into this matter on my own, but I really want to talk about it. , the origin of this matter also has something to do with you."

"Wait, let me figure it out first..."

Lou Bai took out the display screen from his pocket and flipped to the news that Long Ya had just shown to him. After zooming in, he pointed at the little man in the picture: "If I'm not wrong, our city is about to change due to historical changes. Was it destroyed? Then it was Mr. Paradox who changed history? "

"That's half right." Antinomi glanced at Paradox who was standing aside, and explained: "The destruction of the city was indeed due to the revision of history, but the man in the picture is not my companion. Radox.”

After thinking for a while, Antinomi gave an example: "Lou Bai, do you still remember the enemies you encountered with Dark Duel Dragons in the battle with the Dark Seal?"


Lou Bai nodded. If he really wanted to take a closer look, his last opponent, Godwin the Red Dragon, appeared because of the gathering of Dark Duel Dragons. How could he forget it.

"Then it's easy to understand." Antinomi squatted down and began to write on the ground: "Those holders of the Dark Duel Dragon are memories from other worlds, and are the culprits who changed history. , is the memory of our own world.”

Antinomi drew a large circle, a small circle, and then a small circle on the ground: "The world memory from the outside world will cause damage to our world, and there is something wrong with the world memory of our own world. "

"Is that so..." Lou Bai thought for a while and asked a question, "Then if everything is normal, then what happens next should be that Paradox bravely challenges the three duelist kings, and then is beaten out of the monster. Yan Yi?”

"Hey, don't think I can't hear you talking bad about me behind my back!"

The ghostly Mr. Yan Yipa suddenly stuck his head out and shouted: "That is my history in the previous world line, and it has nothing to do with me now!"

"Really, I don't know why I can't think about that so much. As a result, I was laughed at by that kid Luciano for a long time..."

Ignoring Paradox's nagging, Antinomi continued: "Under normal circumstances, in the WRGP competition one year later, we will continue to use pressure to temper Yusei, so that he can master the acceleration synchronization. Continue to grow under the circumstances until you surpass yourself in the previous world line and open up a new future for Synchro."

"But now you have seen it," Antinomi sighed: "There have been problems in the history of every era. Part of the memory of the past world line has been distorted and embedded into the present. It is estimated that if this is solved, there will be another one in the future. There are so many little problems. We are so busy right now!”

"How could this happen?" Lou Bai touched his head and felt inexplicably guilty. He was considered a "foreign object". He couldn't have caused these things, right?

"Yeah, what's going on?"

Antinomi stared at Lou Bai for a long time, until Lou Bai felt inexplicably uneasy, and then slowly said: "Sometimes I really envy you, you still remember the [Heaven] you used back then. Tinghao-Arzeus]?”

"Remember, remember, what's wrong?"

Atum is responsible for providing the container, Overlord collects the will power, and Zone is responsible for secretly maintaining Lou Bai's life state. Only then is the earth-shattering punch of mankind's ultimate weapon possible. Antinomi wanted to say this information, but after thinking about it, she stopped.

Zone and the others are the elders, and the boy in front of him is the junior. If he knew this, I'm afraid he would have a rebellious mentality due to being arranged, right? However, sometimes it is such a blessing to have elders arrange a path...

Recalling her despair at not seeing hope in the distant future, Antinomi couldn't help but feel a deep envy of Lou Bai.

Calm down, Antinomi, you must know that you are considered an "elder" now!

After scattering the patterns made of dust on the ground, Antinomi breathed out a breath and said: "The punch you made at that time seemed to be too hard. In addition, the world at that time was in a weak state due to the invasion of foreign bacteria. status, so..."


"So take responsibility for me, you guy who ruined the world."

Antinomi stood up and patted Lou Bai's shoulders heavily with both hands: "First of all, let's settle the matter at hand."

Looking at Antinomi walking towards the outside of the alley, Lou Bai suddenly thought of something else in his mind at this moment.

Did Antinomi just take the opportunity to rub the ashes on my shoulder?

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