Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 25 Male Mother Lou Bai

Under the setting sun, Lou Bai and Lao Tie lay side by side on the scrap pile.

"Oh, I didn't expect that my first defeat would be in your hands, old man." Lou Bai turned his head, looked at Lao Tie with a relieved face, and said with a sigh.

"Haha, let me just say, despite my age, I am very strong!" Facing Lou Bai's sigh, Lao Tie boasted to himself.

"Yes, yes!" At this time, Larry who was hiding aside also ran out, and he said excitedly: "And grandpa's dragon, it's really cool! Just like Yusei's Stardust Dragon Likewise, if the Stardust Dragon is like a messenger of hope, Grandpa's Dragon is like... an indomitable warrior!"

"Tch, if I hadn't attacked in that round, old man, your dragon wouldn't have come out!" Lou Bai said a little jealously as Larry admired Lao Tie's dragon so much. Why don’t I have my own dragon? Lou Bai came up with such an idea.

"Hey, there are no ifs in a duel. If you lose, you lose." Lao Tie held up the deck of cards he rescued before the duel collapsed before his eyes, looked at the Scrap Iron Dragon on top, and said.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it anymore." Lou Bai, who didn't want to hear Lao Tie continue to boast about his victory, put his palms behind his back and straightened up. He stood on it and looked around.

"Wait a minute, old man, is your house in that direction?" Looking towards the direction of Lao Tie's original residence, Lou Bai asked hesitantly.

"Where, where?" Hearing this question, Lao Tie struggled to get up. After being pulled up by Lou Bai, he looked in the direction Lou Bai pointed.

Looking from afar, after encountering the collapse of the scrap mountain and the damage to the duel field, the old house that had experienced the reversal of the perpetual motion machine was finally overwhelmed and collapsed completely.

Supported by Lou Bai, Lao Tie walked to the house with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Lao Tie looked up at the old man who had been with him for decades, recalling every bit of his time there.

"I have decided to move on from the past. Are you completely cutting off my way out?" Lao Tie babbled in front of the ruins of the old house, just like he would with a friend, and had the final say with him. farewell.

Under the setting sun, the light passes through the ruins of the house and casts mottled shadows on the ground, as if giving a silent answer.

Lao Tie took out the photo of his family that he had taken with him before leaving home from his pocket. After staring at it for a while, he placed it at the door of his ruined home. Then he turned around resolutely and looked to the side. Larry and Lou Bai walked away.

When the old man was remembering his past, Lou Bai and the others did not approach, but stood aside and watched silently. When Lao Tie came towards them, Lou Bai took the initiative to ask: "Old man, where do you want to go in the future? ?”

This question stumped Lao Tie, who had always lived alone here. After thinking for a while, he raised his head and said: "I remember that there was an orphanage in the center of the satellite area. The director of the orphanage, Martha, once said She invited me to her place many times, but I refused many times because I was waiting for my family..."

"Then what are you waiting for? Get ready to go! If you leave now, maybe you can make it before dark!" Lou Bai patted Lao Tie on the shoulder and said.

"But, but..." After rejecting the invitation many times, he took the initiative to defect to him. This move made Lao Tie feel that he was losing face.

"Grandpa, it's okay! I heard from You Xing that Aunt Martha is very easy to talk to!" Larry heard the familiar name and came over to say.

"Okay, I'll just listen to you." Under the persuasion of Lou Baihe and Larry, Lao Tie half-heartedly agreed to their suggestion.

On the way to the orphanage, Lao Tie couldn't help but ask Lou Bai: "Boy, why did you take the initiative to help me just now?"

"Help, what do you mean by help? I just did what I thought was right." If I had said that I saw the shadow of my father in him, then the old man, this old kid, would definitely laugh at me! With this idea in mind, Lou Bai said a few words casually to fool him.

But after all, Lao Tie has eaten more than ten years more than Lou Bai and has rich life experience. Reminiscing that Lou Bai said that he was an orphan, Lao Tie seemed to understand something. He said meaningfully: "If you have anything, If you have any worries, just tell me. Although I don’t know much, I can still give you some advice on certain things.”

"Ahem, definitely." Faced with the elder's concern, Lou Bai, who had experienced this kind of situation for the first time, was a little uncomfortable, and he responded to Lao Tie with some embarrassment.

With the help of the satellite area map that came with Lou Bai's system, the three of them spent less than half an hour arriving at the orphanage that Lao Tie mentioned. At this time, the sun still left a small patch exposed outside.

"Old man, is that the orphanage you mentioned?" Looking at the building in front of him, Lou Bai asked with some surprise. It was a large area of ​​low, wooden shacks. From Lou Bai's perspective, many wooden boards looked rotten due to the wind and rain.

However, even in such a dilapidated house and such a difficult living environment, Lou Bai could hear the laughter and laughter of the children from a distance.

Listening to the children's laughter, Lou Bai felt sad for some reason. In the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS, most of the pictures are focused on duels, and the lives of people in these satellite areas are rarely touched. However, after actually coming to this world, Lou Bai truly realized the reversal of the perpetual motion machine. How much damage did the disaster have to them.

If there hadn't been that disaster, these lovely children should be acting coquettishly in the arms of their parents at this moment, and the old man next to them should also enjoy the family happiness that he deserves at his age, instead of suffering from loneliness and loneliness all the time.

Looking at the orphans like himself in front of him, Lou Bai couldn't help but clenched his fists. Rudger Godwin, for the sake of your so-called dream, you actively promoted the reversal of the perpetual motion machine and ruined the happiness of so many people. Do you really not feel the slightest bit of guilt in your heart? Lou Bai couldn't help but question in his heart the person who caused this disaster 18 years ago.


Just as Lou Bai and the others were heading towards the gate of the orphanage, a seven or eight-year-old child ran out from behind them. While running, the child was talking to his companions behind him, and he bumped into Lou Bai without paying attention. Fell to the ground.

"Oh, Chris, don't be so naughty! Wait, who are you!"

After the child named Chris fell, a young man who looked about the same age as Yusei ran out. He was a little surprised when he saw the three strangers in front of him. After pulling Chris behind him for protection, he loudly questioned Lou Bai and the other three.

The young man was wearing a brown sleeveless jacket, with a hair tie on his head, holding up an orange broom head. The M-shaped golden mark on his forehead and the two tear-stained marks under his eyes were telling Lou Bai and the others that the man in front of them had been caught by the Public Security Bureau more than once.

"Are you... Crow?" Looking at the person in front of him, Lou Bai asked with some confusion.

"Who are you? Why do you know me?"

What Lou Bai didn't expect was that after he called Crowe's name, he became more wary of him.

After hearing the noise outside, Martha, the director of the orphanage, also walked out of a small house. Seeing Lao Tie and others, she asked with some surprise: "Lao Tie, are you finally willing to move here?"

After knowing that Martha knew them, Crowe's nervous expression softened slightly. Taking this opportunity, Lou Bai took the initiative to explain: "My name is Lou Bai, you can also call me Kobayashi Mashiro. This is my student La Bai." Here. We are Yusei’s friends.”

"Oh, it was Yusei who told you." Upon hearing this, Crowe subconsciously thought that Yusei introduced him to them.

"Ah haha~" Regarding this sentence, Lou Bai smiled and touched the back of his head, neither agreeing nor objecting.

On the side, Martha and Lao Tie were chatting happily, looking at the gradually darkening sky. The chubby Martha, wearing an apron, also greeted Lou Bai and Larry enthusiastically: "It's getting dark, so are you. Stop standing outside and come in for a meal."

Following Martha into the orphanage, Lou Bai felt as if he had returned to his previous life as he felt the curious eyes of the children around him. Looking at the children's wizened faces, Lou Bai silently made up his mind: I have experienced enough the pain of becoming an orphan, and I don't want more people to experience it. Dark Signers, I will definitely stop you from the disaster that will happen in the satellite area!

During the meal, Martha introduced Lao Tie to the children gathered around the table: "Children, we are going to have a new family. This grandpa is very powerful! Grandpa can even build a duel arena!" "

"Wow! Grandpa is so awesome!"

"It turns out grandpa can still duel!"

"Then can grandpa teach us how to duel in the future? Brother Crow is so stupid!"

"Okay, okay, of course." Facing the children's shouts of grandpa, the serious expression on Lao Tie's face melted like ice and snow meeting charcoal fire. He smiled, and his expression was like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Looking at this scene, Lou Bai took a small ball of rice that he served and ate the pickles on the table in small bites, showing a happy smile. With so many children accompanying him, the old man should never feel lonely again.

What Lou Bai didn't expect was that Crowe, who was sitting aside, had been paying attention to him the whole time. After finishing the meal, Crowe looked at Lou Bai and hesitated to speak. After a while, he finally said to Lou Bai: "Xiaolin Zhenbai, come out with me for a while." After that, he took the first step and left. Got out.

Lou Bai was a little surprised when he heard Crowe's words, but he still put down his already empty bowl and followed Crowe.

"What's the matter, Mr. Crow, do you have anything to do with me?" Looking at Crow sitting on the steps, watching the last ray of sunlight slowly disappearing, Lou Bai took the initiative to ask, and then walked to Crow's Next to him, he sat down.

"No, this is for you." Before Lou Bai could sit down, he saw Crowe throwing something over. After catching it smoothly, Lou Bai saw its true appearance clearly, it was a cooked potato.

"This is..." Lou Bai asked with some confusion.

Facing Lou Bai's doubts, Crowe didn't know whether he was pretending to be stupid or was mistaken. He replied: "This is a potato. Don't you know potatoes?"

"I know these are potatoes, but why are you giving me this?"

"You weren't full just now, were you?" Crowe sighed, turned his head, and said to him seriously: "You didn't even eat a mouthful of food, and left the rest for those children."

Lou Bai smiled, threw the potatoes back, and said: "This is your own food, you should keep it for yourself. Anyway, I am 35 years old, and I will not grow taller no matter how much I eat, so why not give it to you?" Keep these little ones so you can grow taller."

"Tch, don't forget it. Don't say that we didn't entertain you well when the time comes. Also, I'm not a child." Crow, known as the little guy, hurriedly took the potato, without even tearing the skin, and he said fiercely He took a bite and chewed hard.

"Hey, Crow, you also like those children, right?" Looking at Crow who was eating on the side, Lou Bai put his chin on his palm and asked.

"Yes, after all, this is where I came from. It's rare to come back today." Lou Bai's words also brought back Crowe's memories. After swallowing the food in his mouth, he looked up at the sky and recalled: "Yusei and I both grew up here. I don't know what Yusei is like now."

"He, I guess it won't be long before you hear news about him." Lou Bai said to Crowe, recalling the plot in the play where Yusei defeated Jack and became the new king.

Although they were different in age, the two men, who both loved their children, sat side by side on the steps, watching the last rays of the sun slowly disappear.

Listening to the laughter and laughter coming from the orphanage behind him, Lou Bai also thought of his younger brothers and sisters, and couldn't help but sigh: "Children are really the best treasures in the world."

"Ha, I think so too. I apologize for my attitude towards you when I just met you. Although you are dressed strangely, you are also a good person who cares about the children!" Listening to Lou Bai's words, Crowe did the same. He agreed with a smile.

"What do you mean by dressing strangely? I'm in a suit, a suit! Where I am, my clothes couldn't be more serious." Lou Bai complained with a dead fish eye.

"Haha, I don't care what you do. Anyway, I've only seen it in people who work as bodyguards for big bosses, so when I first saw you, I thought you were some rich man's lackey!" Facing Lou Bai's complaints, Crowe burst out laughing.

"Tch, that's because you haven't seen enough people in suits." Faced with Crowe's kind ridicule, Lou Bai retorted, and then said with emotion: "You should be wary of strangers. After all, this is Satellite area. I don’t know when this situation will change?”

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