Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 26 Lou Bai’s journey to the dark world

It was late at night, and Martha invited Lou Bai and Larry to stay one night at the orphanage on the grounds that walking at night was dangerous. After agreeing to Martha's invitation, Lou Bai sat alone on the edge of the bed. With the moonlight streaming in from the window, Lou Bai took out his deck and found the mediocre ghost.

The hunched demon scientist in the card is standing stiffly, looking no different from usual. But this was normal, but Lou Bai felt very abnormal.

"What's going on?" Lou Bai took the card and looked over it over and over: "This shouldn't be the case!"

In the duel with Lao Tie, when the mediocre ghost was destroyed by Lao Tie's Scrap Iron Dragon, Lou Bai could clearly feel that the elf power contained in this card had exceeded a limit. If the elf power contained in the mediocre ghost before the duel was like a volcano about to erupt, the explosion of Scrap Iron Dragon during the duel was like igniting the volcano. Lou Bai originally thought that his mediocre ghost card elf would come out of the volcano like Barton, the strange volcano bird, but now he took out the card and saw that the volcano was gone? !

"I'm tired, I'm tired. Even if the card elf fails to be born, there will always be some traces left. Now this card is as clean as a toilet that has been swiped ten or even nine times. It's really confusing." Looking at this. After reading the card, Lou Bai made a strange metaphor.

"Hey, Xiaolan, are you there?" Lou Bai, who really couldn't figure it out, chose to ask Xiaolan, who might be an expert in this field. After a few minutes, Xiaolan crawled out of the deck sleepily.

"Hmm, Master, are you calling me Xiaolan now? Although I don't know what you are going to do, didn't you always call them Xiaohei, Xiaofen and the others?" Xiaolan, who had just come out of the deck, seemed to be still awake. , she said some strange things.

"Oh, it turns out that the card elves also want to sleep?" Looking at Xiao Lan like this, Lou Bai asked strangely.

Hearing this, Xiaolan thought of something terrible. She suddenly woke up and shouted to Lou Bai in fear: "Master, Xiaolan, I'm not an adult yet, you can't exploit child labor! Twenty-four If you work for hours, even a housekeeper who can kill Gilsu with one tail will not be able to handle it!"

"Okay, okay." Lou Bai smiled and put away the top hat and monocle that he took out from nowhere, and said to Xiaolan, "I just want Xiaolan to look at this card for me!"

"Hey, this card...everything is normal!" Xiaolan took it over and looked at it for a few times, then said with some uncertainty.

"It's just because it's normal that it seems abnormal." Lou Bai walked up to Xiaolan, touched her furry tail, and said, "Don't forget, this card had a lot of elf power accumulated in it!"

"Well, Xiaolan doesn't know!" Xiaolan grabbed her two little horns and said with some uncertainty: "But I remember the housekeeper said that when you encounter something you don't understand, you will always have a reaction if you lose some energy. Yes."

"Ah, then you can try it."

"Okay!" After receiving the master's approval, Xiaolan put the card on the ground, turned her short arms, and shouted aggressively: "Ha, Xiaolan's energy! Ninety-nine thousand horses of energy! Xiaolan's laundry fist!"

Under Lou Bai's horrified eyes, Xiao Lan's arm turned faster and faster until it turned into a blue light wheel. Around the light wheel, there were occasionally some black cracks appearing out of thin air.


After turning around for an unknown number of times, Xiaolan's soft white fist hit the card, making a strange clicking sound.

"Cracked, cracked!"

Unlike Lou Bai's original expectation of being smashed into powder by Xiao Lan's 990,000 horses, the name, level, attributes and other parts of this card were all intact. Only the card picture cracked with a black line in the middle. The gap, as time went by, expanded rapidly, and soon exceeded the range of the card, including Xiao Lan and Lou Bai, who were unable to react in time.

"Wow, ah, ah, Xiaolan, look at the good things you did!"

"Master, I didn't know this would happen!"

In the darkness, Lou Bai held tightly the card deck he had caught before being swallowed by the gap with one hand, and held Xiaolan's tail tightly with the other hand, as if he was in a sealed washing machine, constantly rolling, go ahead.

And in the empty room that belonged to Lou Bai, when Lou Bai was swallowed by the gap, the system he placed on the bed suddenly lit up. After spinning around in place, a circular shape suddenly appeared in front of the system. The black hole and spherical system slowly floated in.


With a sound of landing, Xiao Lan and Lou Bai fell out of a black hole that suddenly appeared in mid-air and landed on a flat stone brick.

"Huh, luckily Xiao Lan, my fur is soft and it doesn't hurt at all if it falls." Feeling the feeling of being grounded, Xiao Lan took away the hand covering her face and looked around and said.

"Ah, yes, I have no hair, and it hurts so much to fall down now, so Xiaolan, can you please stop adding to my burden?" Lou Bai, who was pressed down by Xiaolan, had a pair of dead fish eyes, and his face was expressionless. Said with an expression.

"Ah, Master, I'm sorry!" Xiaolan, who was looking around, finally noticed Lou Bai who was acting as her buffer. She stood up quickly and helped Lou Bai up.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would have guests visiting here?"

"Who?!" Hearing the sudden sound, Lou Bai, who had just climbed up, hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound. I saw a tall demon reclining on the stone throne. He had two huge argali horns, a pair of striped wings like a cloak, hanging behind him, and on the chest of the ferocious armor he wore There were four round colored orbs inlaid there, and a strange weapon was placed beside him.

"Hahaha." Hearing Lou Bai's response, he laughed out loud. Lifting his chin with his hand, the demon said: "This is exactly what I want to ask, about a little dragon, and a... oh, a weak human being. Why are the two uninvited guests here?"

After seeing the devil's ferocious face clearly, Lou Bai was shocked. He suppressed the panic in his heart, bowed to the devil calmly, and said respectfully: "Great Lord Devil, we are from the great Lord We came from the world governed by the god-Red Dragon. It was a card called the Mediocre Ghost that brought us here. It was an accident.”

"Red Dragon..." After hearing this word, the demonic aura behind the demon that was preparing to attack slowed down slightly. He smiled sarcastically: "Ah, it turns out that he is an honored guest from afar. Speaking of which, I haven't heard of him for a long time. Someone called me by that name.”


Just when Lou Bai was astonished, Demon Void grabbed it, and a card appeared in his hand. "A radical demon who devotes everything to the study of the language of the demon world. Overwork leads to mental breakdown, hahahaha!" The demon read out the description on the mediocre ghost card word by word. When he saw After the last four words, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Is the mediocre ghost actually the guy in front of me? ! This result caught Lou Bai off guard.

"I didn't expect that I can still see this sentence until now, and it was engraved on the card by them." The devil seemed to recall the glorious past, and he suddenly burst out with a strong desire to talk. Looking at the human in front of him, the devil planned to use him to vent his desires before dealing with Lou Bai.

"Sa, good luck human boy, let me tell you the story behind this card!" The demon put away the card in front of him and said to Lou Bai in front of him. It can be regarded as letting you understand clearly. He completed the second half of the sentence in his mind.

As the mediocre ghost narrates, a story about a mad scientist slowly unfolds.

"According to the decision of the National Science Council, Pompey Grant is deprived of his scientist status and prohibited from continuing research on the language of the devil." As the gavel representing the ruling fell, the human scientists who had not yet become the mediocre ghosts of the card elves at this time ——Pompeii Grant was deprived of his status as a scientist, and all his research materials on the language of the devil will be destroyed. No force will dare to support his research openly.

"Oh, that guy Grant is really confused. The invasion of the Dark World happened decades ago. The Light Legion that came to support at that time also said that they would not come again. What's the use of studying this thing now. Besides, Now, everyone in society is preaching light and trampling on the dark world, and he is studying the language of the dark world openly. If he is not punished, who will be punished? In my opinion, it would be good not to convict him of personal rape! "

As the verdict ended, the people present walked out of the venue one by one. One of the scientists in a white robe said this to his companions.

After hearing this, his companion also agreed: "Yes, I think he is so obsessed with studying the language of the demon world that he didn't even come to this conference, and even if he researched something, what happened? ? Nothing. Do you know? Everyone in the society is secretly calling him a mediocre ghost."

At this time, Grant, who was in his small research institute, did not pay attention to this. Whether it was the verdict of the society or the evaluation of him by his colleagues, none of these were as attractive as a broken book in front of him. his attention.

"Come on, come on, as long as I can decipher the meaning of this character, the powerful secrets of the dark world will be completely opened to me!" Staring at the book in front of me, which is covered with some unknown creature's leather and has a vertical pupil in the middle , Grant's eyes were full of greed and hunger.

"How can those so-called scientists, who are like insects, understand my divine talents?! How can those ignorant people who just follow the crowd understand my greatness?! This world will only drag me down." He murmured to himself As he spoke, Grant unsealed the book from the Dark World in front of him. Finally, after Grant wrote the last strange character on it with blood, this forbidden book was opened.

"Hmm, hahaha, ahhahaha, hahahahaha! This is the devil's wisdom! With these, I will become immortal!" Open the book in front of you. After flipping through it and completely memorizing the contents, Grant raised the Books, laughing loudly.


Just when he was excited about the results of decades of research, his only student opened the door and hurried in.

"Oh, my lovely student, if you don't want to be what others call a magical scientist, why are you here with me? Besides, I don't remember that the student I taught was a rude guy who would break into other people's laboratories at will? "Looking at his panting students, Grant said coldly.

Ignoring the teacher's attitude towards him, the student known as the Magic Scientist panted and said: "Old teacher, you should hide quickly, the guys from the society are coming to seize your laboratory!"

"It's too late!" As soon as the student finished speaking, a large number of people rushed in from the door, led by Grant's former teacher, who shouted.

"Grant, why are you doing this?" His former teacher pretended to shed a few tears and asked, "Wouldn't it be better to go back with me to study body transformation? Why are you studying these?"

"Oh?! After the research was completed, you took it for yourself, right?" Grant said sarcastically, looking at the old man in a suit and leather shoes in front of him, in sharp contrast to himself in a torn lab coat.

Looking at the teacher who was sweating coldly after hearing this, Grant slowly walked towards him and said in a calm tone: "Teacher, human power has its limits. The more scheming a person is, the better they will be. Failure due to unexpected things, unless one becomes a transcendent human being.”

"What on earth do you want to say?" Facing Grant's approach, the teacher's face became paler. Why, why am I afraid of him? ! He was clearly desperate and had no other choice but to surrender to me, but why did he feel such a strong sense of oppression? !

Just when he was less than one step away from the teacher, Grant stopped: "I'm no longer a human being! Teacher! Just use your life to help me take the strongest path!" With these words, Grant One hand held the book of the Dark World, and the other hand took out the scalpel he had taken from the teacher's laboratory when he "departed" from his arms, and stabbed his teacher suddenly.

Before the bodyguards around him could react, his teacher fell into a pool of blood. With his death, an invisible soul floated out of the corpse and was sucked into the books in the dark world.

"This moment is the time of transcendence!" Just when the eyeball in the center of the book in the dark world was fully opened, the human scientist named Grant disappeared and was replaced by a demonic monster named Mediocre Ghost. Grant, no, the mediocre ghost's originally thin body became stronger. Goat horns representing the demon clan grew on his head. His originally pale skin turned purple, and bone spurs grew on his body.

"Ahhh~ This feeling, this feeling of power rushing through the body, is this what it feels like to be a card elf?" Ignoring the horrified looks of the bodyguards in front of him, the mediocre ghost said intoxicatedly.

After becoming a card elf through the books of the Dark World, the mediocre ghost understood the method of going to the dark world without any guidance. He glanced coldly at his students and the panicked bodyguards. The mediocre ghost showed a sarcastic smile. He pressed a red button on the experimental table and said: "I will go to the dark world to obtain more powerful power. As for you, just bury it with my past here! Activate the self-destruct switch!"

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