Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 76 Sir, times have changed!

Leading You Xing, Lou Bai walked towards the downstairs of Xanadu. The time agreed with Godwin was approaching. At this moment, many vehicles had gathered under the building, and a warning tape blocked the onlookers who tried to come over to watch the excitement. Members of the Sheriff's Department began to gradually enter the building.

All the members of Arcadia have the ability to duel with their minds, which is nothing more than the strength of their abilities. However, except for Qiu, the most powerful one is only able to break a tree with one blow, and the use of the ability to duel with his mind is also inseparable. Duel Disks and Duel Monsters.

In addition, it is late at night, and most of the members of Arcadia are sleeping peacefully. Although they have abilities, they have not conducted real military training after all.

Therefore, most of the members were unknowingly put on bracelets that restricted their mental dueling abilities in their sleep and were taken to certain places for psychological recovery. Even those who resisted a little were still obedient under the suppression of the Public Security Bureau. Submit.

"Hey, who are you and why are you here?" Just as Lou Bai and his group were going downstairs, a team from the Public Security Bureau discovered Lou Bai and his group.

The leader, who was suspected to be the captain, raised his right hand to prevent the team members behind him from approaching any further. Then he vigilantly raised the muzzle of the riot gun and pointed it at Lou Bai, who was walking at the front, and shouted: "Stop moving forward. Otherwise I can't guarantee your safety!"

Seeing the other party's actions, Lou Bai patted Yu Xing behind him to signal him to calm down. Then he slowly put his hand deep into his pocket and shouted: "We are Chief Godwin's people!"

After hearing Lou Bai's words, the person opposite lowered his gun slightly. It wasn't until Lou Bai threw a small black notebook from a distance and checked that the information in it was correct with Lou Bai's face after taking off his sunglasses and mask. Completely relaxed his vigilance.

"Sorry, sir, we..."

"Okay, don't say any more!" Lou Bai raised his palms and promptly interrupted what the other party was saying: "I know this is your responsibility, and you don't have to apologize, but regarding our information, please be sure to Confidential."

Of course, that small black book was not a fake, but something that Diwan specially asked for before the operation began, to prove his identity and prevent friendly forces from accidentally attacking him. At the same time, this thing has other uses. It can be said that with this thing, Lou Bai's identity has been whitewashed in a sense.

What, you said Devine will go back after the operation is over? How is it possible? Why should I return something I got with my own ability?

With this unique identity certificate, Lou Bai arrived at the gate unimpeded. In addition to several vehicles transporting personnel, there were also two ambulances at the gate at this moment. After all, Utopia is not just a simple illegal settlement, there are also a series of dark things hidden inside.

Taking Yu Xing to the ambulance, Lou Bai planned to split up with Yu Xing temporarily: "You can take Izayoi Qiu to the hospital first, and I will go back to check with Long Yalong and them first, otherwise they will I might worry about it all night.”

"Yeah." After thinking for a moment, Yuxing nodded. He let go and let the medical staff in the car catch Qiu and carry her into the car. Yuxing turned his head and looked at Lou Bai and Lou Bai. , and then got into the car as well.

Watching Yu Xing go away, Lou Bai turned his head and looked at the current situation. At this moment, one after another, members of Xanadu who were still wearing pajamas and wearing special bracelets were escorted out of the building by tall security guards and put in the car.

Of course, this process cannot be smooth and stable. Abuse and resistance are the norm. Unfortunately, after their special abilities were suppressed, they were no different from ordinary duelists. They were easily put into the car and headed to the Public Security Bureau.

According to the further detailed agreement between Lou Bai and Godwin, these people will undergo psychological treatment and correction in the Public Security Bureau for three months. During this period, the Public Security Bureau will also contact their families for auxiliary treatment. If the three If your condition is good after a few months, you can enter society normally. If it's not good, anyway, the Public Security Bureau has a big business and it doesn't matter if it supports a few more people.

"All this has finally been solved!" Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Lou Bai stretched out comfortably, ignoring the onlookers standing outside the warning tape and pointing fingers, and just bent down and got out of the warning tape. , pushed away the crowd and walked straight home.

"Hey, Hesha, look, that person must know something about why the Public Security Bureau made such a big move late at night." One of the onlookers noticed Lou Bai's leaving figure, and she patted and held a hand beside her. The camera companion said excitedly: "I have a hunch, this must be big news!"

As soon as the two of them worked together, they planned to give up and defend here. After all, with so many people blocking me, it’s impossible to get first-hand information no matter how hard you think, right? It's better to find another way and ask the person who came out just now, maybe you can get some information!

"Hey, handsome guy over there, please wait a moment!" The reporters' mobility was not limited. When they decided to find someone to interview, they immediately ran in the direction Lou Bai left.

Someone called me handsome? Hearing the shouts from behind, Lou Bai subconsciously turned his head and saw a reporter and a photographer running over.

It's a reporter. Speaking of which, what should Kali Nagisa be doing now, looking for Jack? Although his mind was full of random thoughts, Lou Bai's movements were not slow at all. He turned around and ran into an alley. Then he kicked the wall a few times. He jumped out of the alley before the reporter saw him running into the alley and successfully got rid of them.

I originally wanted to remain inconspicuous, so how could I possibly give you an interview? Lou Bai pursed his lips and picked up the package that had been thrown over the wall in advance.

After getting rid of the reporter, there were no more twists and turns on the way home. Lou Bai successfully rode the D wheel with the system change and returned safely to the twins' home where he was staying temporarily.

After entering the password and opening the door, Lou Bai walked into the room, only to see Long Yalongke, Himuro and the others surrounding him.

"Lou Bai, are you back safely? Are you not injured?" Long Ya walked around Lou Bai with a worried look on his face and asked.

"It's okay, I won easily!" Lou Bai comforted them with a smile, and took down the announcer hanging around his neck: "And I really appreciate your BGM this time. It's in my BGM. , I am absolutely invincible!”

"How does music have anything to do with dueling?" Long Ke sighed helplessly and said, "And didn't you propose this yourself at the time?"

"Until now, I still can't believe all this." Himuro looked at the proud Lou Bai and said with some admiration: "Two of them broke into the illegal organization alone with Yusei and killed their leader. It's really It’s hard to imagine.”

"By the way, where's Yusei?" Only now did Long Ya remember that the two of them set off for this event together. He walked to the door and looked outside, finding no trace of the wandering stars.

"Yusing, he accompanied your sister Qiu to the hospital." Lou Bai walked into the room, took out today's harvest one by one and placed them on the table, then turned to Long Ya and said: "Don't worry, Yuxing is fine. "

"Ah, has something happened to Sister Qiu?" The kind-hearted Long Ke had already regarded Qiu, who also held the dragon seal, as her future companion in her heart, and she asked with some worry.


How should I answer this, Yusei beat Qiu until he was unconscious? Forget it, it’s too deceiving to say so.

After thinking for a while, Lou Bai replied: "I don't know the specific situation, but you can rest assured that Yu Xing is taking care of him."

"Then let's wait for Yusei and wait for him to come back!"

Hearing this, Lou Bai straightened his face and said pretending to be angry: "No. It's so late today. You two kids should go to bed quickly, otherwise you won't grow taller! I'll leave the matter of waiting for You Xing to me. Me and Himuro.”

After pushing the twins into the bedroom and watching them lie down on the bed and turn off the lights, Lou Bai returned to the living room and sat on the sofa with Himuro. As for the old man, because he is older and not as energetic as them, he has been persuaded by Lou Bai to go to bed.

"Come on, come on, Himuro, let's play a few games!" Lou Bai took out his deck and invited Himuro to have a few duels to kill the waiting time.

While Lou Bai and Himuro were dueling and waiting, Yusei had already escorted Qiu to the hospital. After accompanying Qiu and conducting many examinations along the way, Yusei finally knew the result of the coma.

"It's due to long-term mental weakness, coupled with the coma caused by the recent high-intensity duel. Get a good sleep and rest for a few days and you'll be fine." The doctor, whose forehead was a little white, looked at him even though he was pretending to be himself. Nervous Yusei comforted him.

"Thank you, doctor." Yusei nodded, feeling slightly relieved. After all, Yusei was unconscious during his own duel. Although Yusei treated his enemies coldly, in his eyes, Qiu was just a poor person who was deceived.

The doctor shook his hand nonchalantly and said, "It's okay, it's my duty."

He did not continue to pay attention to Yusei's disguise. After all, his duty was to treat diseases and save people. As for who the person who sent the patients was, it had nothing to do with him.

Taking out a list and a pen from under the drawer, the doctor handed it to Yusei and asked: "Looking at your age, are you the little girl's brother, sister, or boyfriend? No matter what, let's get this list first Sign it."

"It's just an ordinary friendship." Yusei took the pen and looked through the list. After finding that it was correct, he left his name at the bottom.

"Are you... the new king on the Lucky Cup?" After taking the order, the doctor was stunned for a moment after seeing the four characters "Fudo Yusei" at the bottom, and asked in disbelief.

Although I usually don't pay as much attention to duels as those of my colleagues, but after all, I live in Xintong Shiye, a city where duels happen, so I don't know the name of the new king because of my influence.

The original king, Jack, was just sent to this hospital today, and now the new king has sent a girl here. There must be some connection between them! What if... No, no, no, I can’t continue thinking about it! I also hope to retire peacefully...

Just when this doctor, who clearly looked mature and steady, but was full of imagination at heart, was thinking wildly, Yusei had no consciousness of being a public figure and nodded: "Then doctor, Qiu will leave it to you first."

"Ah, oh, okay, okay..." After hearing Yusei's words, the doctor, who was still immersed in his inner gossip, nodded subconsciously. It wasn't until he saw Yusei was about to stand up and leave that he realized what he was saying and hurriedly said: " Wait a moment!”

"Since you are her friend, do you have the contact information of her family?"

Yusei was stunned when he heard this. Almost all of his understanding of Qiu came from the duel just now. Although it is a bit outrageous to say this, for real duelists, especially dragon sealers, a duel is no less than a heart-to-heart communication.

Card is the door to call out the power of the spirit, and it is the heart of the duelist that opens this door. In the repeated collisions with the [Black Rose Dragon], Yusei felt the pain and struggle in Qiu's heart that he didn't even notice.

"Can I use my own contact information?"

"Well, it should be okay, right?" The doctor nodded hesitantly. So this is not in line with the hospital's regulations, but the person opposite is the king of Shindo Mino after all.

Finally, after giving the doctor his own contact information, Yusei finally took a look at Qiu who was sleeping in the single ward, and turned and left here.

Izayoi Qiu, what is your past? Why are you so painful? Thinking about these questions, Yusei walked alone on the street that was almost dawn.

At this moment, even the night owls who can enjoy the nightlife can't resist the fatigue transmitted to them by their bodies and fall asleep. Only some poor people go out early for work and other reasons and embark on a commuting journey.

After this hard night, even the strong Yuxing can't avoid being a little tired. The scars left in the duel with Qiu are still a little painful at this moment. Dragging his tired body, Yuxing is about to return home, but at this moment, the situation in front of him makes him refreshed.

"Is there a sudden stabbing pain on the dragon seal?" The pain on his right hand surprised him. Unlike the pain when he met Jack and Qiu before, this time the pain seemed like a knife cutting.

Following the guidance of the dragon seal and walking around a corner, Yuxing found the source of the pain. A man wearing a black cloak with a dark blue border was being pressed tightly to the ground by a large group of tall and strong security guards.

"The Earthbound God will eventually come to this world, you fools, let me go!"

"Wearing this cloak in the middle of the night, talking nonsense like a madman, letting people like you enter the upper city is simply trampling on the faces of our security team!"

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