Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 77 Satellite Area 2.0

"I, Captain Amu, have been working as a security guard for so many years, but I have never seen a thief as brave as you."

Amu, who was in charge of the entire security team, looked at this suspected thief and smiled disdainfully. Just about ten minutes ago, a man wearing a black cloak and moving strangely at night didn't even try to hide anything. He just walked past the security team and walked straight into the upper city.

You have to know who the people are in the Shangcheng District. They are all rich and noble adults. Although some guys from the satellite area were brought in a few days ago, they were all invited. You are such a suspicious person, can our security team let you in?

So Captain Amu led his team members to rush forward, intending to arrest the thief and bring him back for interrogation. Although this man still had some strength and knocked down several people during the arrest, what's the use of having strength? To get around these days, you have to rely on your brains and skills!

Under the command of the wise and capable Captain Amu, this fierce gangster finally fell to the stun gun of the security team. The security team once again maintained the peace in the upper city. It is really gratifying and gratifying.

"Sinister Dragon Seal, you are finally here!" When Yusei saw the man who was knocked down, the man also saw Yusei. There was also a burst of light on his right hand, and a black-purple spider mark slowly appeared.

After the spider mark appeared, he seemed to have great strength again. He just knocked over the three people on top of him and rushed straight towards Yusei.

"Shoot, shoot! Someone is going to do harm to the new king!"

Seeing the gangster rushing towards Yusei, the security team's hearts became excited. A dozen stun guns, adjusted to maximum power, were raised and pointed at the man. Pressing the trigger, the bright yellow current instantly crossed the space and hit the man hard.

Although he had the blessing of the spider mark, this man was still a mortal body after all. He fell down a few steps away from Yusei. But even so, his eyes were still fixed on Yusei who was right in front of him, as if Yusei was his lifelong enemy.

The security captain Amu stepped forward and while directing his men to send the fallen gangster to the Public Security Bureau, he smiled flatteringly at Yusei and said, "Master Yusei, this guy didn't scare you, did he?"

"I'm fine." Yusei frowned and took a few steps back in discomfort. He still remembered his attitude when he first met him.

After he passed out in a duel with Ushio, the Longko Longya brothers and sisters carried him into their home, but the people from the Public Security Bureau were unable to enter because they did not have permission to search the uptown area. In this way, Yusei successfully escaped capture under the protection of the twins.

As the security captain, Amu naturally knows all this. Due to the existence of the twins, he could not target Yusei openly, but secretly, rumors about Yusei and the twins had spread. The words "despicable satellite area people" and "two little bastards who shield criminals" are as unpleasant as they sound.

During that time, Yusei could feel many people looking at Ryu but their eyes were strange. Thanks to the fact that the twins were usually either in school or at home, they didn't notice much of it.

But after he defeated Jack, the man's attitude changed 180 degrees, as if he had become a different person. From being dismissive to being respectful to him now, Yusei had finally seen what Lou Bai had done to him. The story of "Chameleon" that I have told myself.

Can a duel really connect people's hearts? At that moment, Yusei's original belief seemed to be shaken for a moment, but after thinking about that beautiful future, that future where everyone can understand each other, this belief became stronger, as if the bones after injury A solid callus has grown.

After getting rid of the security captain who was buzzing like a fly, Yusei entered the uptown area and quietly opened the door of the Twins' house. Except for the bursts of sounds coming from the kitchen, the house was quiet at the moment. Himuro was snoring on the sofa, the twins' respective bedroom doors were closed tightly, and the grandfather was also sleeping peacefully in a guest room.

"Yusing, you're back, how's it going?" Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lou Bai, wearing an apron, walked out of the kitchen holding a spatula and asked curiously.

"It's okay, the doctor said you'll be fine after just resting for a while." You Xing responded, then looked at Lou Bai's outfit and asked curiously: "Are you making breakfast?"


The spatula turned lightly in Lou Bai's hand, without showing any trace of fatigue on his face. Pointing to the remaining guest rooms, Lou Bai said: "You have been working hard all night with me, you should go and have a rest."

Yusei didn't refuse. He walked into the room and fell asleep without taking off his clothes. As a half-card elf, Lou Bai returned to the kitchen and continued to focus on the boiling pot of porridge in front of him.

Because Yusei and Loubai won the Lucky Cup at the same time, the most important game was postponed to Monday. Long Yalong Ke specially took leave from school to come to the stadium to cheer them on.

I asked for leave because I wanted to watch the game. This reason would never be accepted in Lou Bai's world, but this is Shindong Shiye after all, and everything is duel first. The teachers of Duel Academy successfully approved Gemini's request for leave. However, today, Long Ya and the others have no reason not to go to school.

Lou Bai came back around 1 am, while Yu Xing came back at 4 am. Long Yalong waited until Lou Bai came back and then went to sleep at Lou Bai's urging. In order to let the young couple sleep a little longer, Lou Bai planned to make breakfast first, saving them from getting up half an hour early to prepare food as usual.

"Soak black rice in cold water for three hours and cook it for another hour. There are also bread, eggs, milk..."

Lou Bai was working alone in the house. Although he often cooked when he was at home alone in his previous life, this feeling of busying himself with breakfast for a large family was very new to him, as if he had many family members.

"Okay, just wait until three hours to handle the last step." After completing the preparations, Lou Bai looked at the pots and pans in front of him with satisfaction. After setting the alarm clock, Lou Bai returned to the living room, threw the sleeping ice room into the guest room, and then got into a guest room and fell asleep.

At four o'clock in the morning, some people have just laid down, while others have already gotten up and started fighting for their dreams.

In the satellite area, Larry opened a wooden door, walked out of a dilapidated house, and stretched comfortably toward the sun that had just appeared.

Compared with before leaving, Larry at this moment can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Although he still had the same childish face as before, the greenness in his eyes had faded away, replaced by a look of perseverance after suffering hardship.

Looking at the sun that had just emerged, Larry took out his package from the house and started to make his plan for today's challenge in the sunshine.

After groping for a while, Larry took out a piece of dry rations and a very detailed map. The map was given to him by the Croatoans before, and the dry rations were won in a duel yesterday.

Spreading the map on the ground, Larry's eyes caught the several crosses on it. Among them, most of the ones near Martha's Orphanage are crosses. As we get farther away from the orphanage, there are more and more hooks representing victory.

"Yesterday's victory was all thanks to you, Alfie." Looking at the latest hook in the handwriting, Larry put the dry food in his mouth with water while hugging the creature named Alfie. A pink bunny emerges from the deck.

It can be said that winning the duel yesterday was very difficult. At a critical moment when LP reached 300 and was about to lose, Larry seemed to hear the call of the card [Wonderful Furry Beast-Little Rabbit] given to him by his master, and successfully awakened his card spirit. , drew the key card to reverse the situation and won the victory.

"But why can we see so many people with the power of card elves now?" Not sure what came to mind, Larry hugged the furry Alfie and said to himself in confusion.

He recalled that when Yusei was still in the satellite area, although there were some duelists who were not bad at that time, he had never encountered anyone who was affected by the card spirit. However, as soon as Yusei left, the entire satellite area seemed to be in chaos. Things have changed, people with card elves have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Although most people’s card elves are mortal bone cards such as [Lion Wizard] and [Demon Scorpion], isn’t this too strange? Yusei doesn't have card spirits, why do they have them?

After thinking for a long time, Larry found that with his own knowledge, he could not solve this problem at all.

"Forget it, let's wait until Master and Yusei come back and ask them!"

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, so that you won't make yourself irritated.

"Okay, today's target is this duelist!"

After filling his stomach with dry food, Larry put the map back into his bag, took out an old-fashioned dueling disk and put it in his hand, shouldered the bag, and went out with high spirits.

While reviewing and expanding his bo in his mind, Larry walked slowly on the road. According to his calculations, it would be around six o'clock when he arrived at his destination, and the factories in the satellite area basically started work at seven o'clock. This time happens to be the time when residents of the satellite area get up but do not go to work.

As for whether the other party will agree to challenge me, the answer to this question is yes. No duelist would refuse to spend a few minutes having a pleasant duel with someone else.

"Hey, here is..."

After arriving at the destination, what he saw made Larry a little confused. The door of the duelist's house that he wanted to visit was wide open, and the house was empty. At a glance, there was not a single thing of value in sight. Because it rained yesterday evening, there was a puddle of water on the floor of the house.

Larry scratched his head in distress. When he saw the door to the house wide open, he thought the owner's house had been robbed, but the puddle of water on the ground denied his conjecture.

You know, it rained yesterday evening. The water in the house meant that the door had been opened yesterday evening and had never been closed. Because if the door is closed, the owner of the house will definitely not turn a blind eye to the pool of water on the ground, and will definitely clean it up in time.

The current situation seems more like the owner of the house encountered something and suddenly moved.

"Little girl, are you looking for Ah Hui?"

Perhaps noticing Larry, who had been standing here motionless, a protective door on the side suddenly opened, and a gray-haired old woman stuck her head out and asked Larry.

"Yes, yes!" Larry asked eagerly without worrying about the old woman's mistaken identity of his gender: "Old woman, do you know where he went?"

After hearing what Larry said, the old woman did not answer immediately. Instead, she looked around cautiously. When she found that there was no one else, she waved to Larry, motioning for him to come closer.

"I remember, two days ago, two strange people wearing cloaks came to him, and they seemed to invite him to join some sect." The old woman seemed to be afraid of something, and whispered: "Those people look like It’s so strange, how could Ah Hui agree? He must have refused!”

"Hey, what happens next?" Larry's eyes widened: "What happens next? Why is there no one in the house?"

"Later, that group of people went to find Ah Hui for a duel!" The old woman seemed to recall something scary, and reminded Larry: "Little girl, let me tell you, if someone wants to come to you for a duel in the future, You must not agree casually!

Ah Hui lost the duel, and then he seemed to have been brainwashed, so he directly joined the sect and left without even cleaning up the house. "

After saying this with a clear heart, the old woman saw the duel plate in Larry's hand and advised: "Little girl, I know you are not with those people in cloaks, but you'd better put the duel plate away." Come on, be careful those people come to you!”

"Oh, but old lady, I still want to say that I am actually a boy."

After hearing what the old woman said, Larry took off the duel plate and stuffed it into the package. After thanking the old lady, Larry left here regretfully.

"Why does it feel like the satellite area is becoming more and more unfamiliar..." Larry said to himself distressedly while walking on the road. Mysterious sects, card elves... these new things appear one after another, which is really uncomfortable. It feels like the satellite area now looks completely different from what it used to be.

After leaving the old woman's sight, Larry took out the duel disk and put it on his hand again. For a duelist, the dueling disk and deck are like their sword. Giving up the dueling disk is like a swordsman giving up his sword.

Although Larry didn't understand these principles, he also understood from his master and Yusei's ears and eyes that once he backed down at this time, his dueling skills would no longer be improved.

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