Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 78 A commission from my old father

Larry was marveling at the changes taking place in the satellite area, but Lou Bai and Yu Xing, who were separated by an ocean, didn't know all this. They were now dealing with the aftermath of last night's incident.

After sending the twins to school, before Lou Bai could sit down, a Dongdongdong knock on the door came from outside.

"Which one?"

Lou Bai walked to the door, asked aloud, and looked at the visitor through the peephole on the door. This is a middle-aged man with a strong build. He is wearing a suit that looks valuable at first glance, but the suit is a bit messy at the moment.

It's someone I don't know. Lou Bai opened the door, but just stood there, neither inviting him in nor letting him leave.

The handsome middle-aged man who was visiting saw Lou Bai after the door opened. He adjusted his suit subconsciously, looked at Lou Bai with hopeful eyes, and asked aloud: "Is this Mashiro Kobayashi? And, is Fudo Yusei here?”

Are you a fan of Yusei? But looking at her clothes and age, she doesn’t look like a fanatic fan who comes to chase celebrities, right? Forget it, we are looking for Yusei anyway, so let him take the headache.

With this thought, Lou Bai shouted inside: "Youxing, someone is looking for you!"

After a while, the door to the guest room opened. Although he was still a little tired, Yusei, who had regained most of his energy, opened the door and walked out.

At this time, Lou Bai was already sitting at the table with the visiting guests. Seeing Yu Xing appear, the middle-aged man seemed to have made an important decision. He suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to Yu Xing and Lou Bai: "You two, I hope... I request You can save Qiu."

"Wait, what happened?" Lou Bai was also jumped by the sudden bow. He stood up, helped the man up, and persuaded him: "Calm down first and speak slowly."

After Lou Bai's persuasion, this man who seemed to have the highest authority at first glance regained his usual composure and explained the reason why he came here.

"I am a member of Shindou Sano... No, I am Izayoi Akira's father, Izayoi Hero." Izayoi Hero revealed his identity, and then used a request, or even a pleading tone. Said: "I hope you can help Qiu."

"Qiu's father? Did something happen to Qiu?" Yusei, who was sitting opposite him, frowned slightly when he heard Izayoi Hero introducing himself. Wasn't the doctor's examination last night okay?

"There is nothing wrong with Qiu's body now, but mentally, she is like a puppet." The ugly face of Izayoi Hero showed his inner unrest. He continued: "According to the doctor's diagnosis, Qiu is suffering from She is unwilling to face reality, so she has closed her heart. Only those who are very close to her can guide her out. "

"But aren't our parents people who are very close to Qiu?" Yusei asked doubtfully. Listening to Yu Xing's question, Lou Bai didn't say anything although he knew the answer.

"It's obviously his parents, it's obviously his parents..." Yusei's words seemed to touch the sadness in the father's heart. The hero of Izayoi lowered his head, subconsciously concealing the pain in his heart: "We can't do it, we can't save him. That kid."

"Calm down." Lou Bai brought a cup of hot tea from the kitchen and placed it in front of Izayoi Hero, and said, "Speak slowly. We can't save Qiu unless you explain clearly."

"Ah, thank you." After taking a sip of the hot tea, Izayoi Hero calmed down a little and continued: "Madam said, it's our fault that Qiu became like this, no, it's all my fault. I have tried my best to love It’s autumn, but…”

Under the narration of Hero Izayoi, Yusei slowly understood the tragedy behind Akira, a tragedy caused by misunderstanding.

"When Qiu was a child, I had just been elected as a member of the Shintong Shiye Council, and I was just on the rise of my career. In the busy life of being a council member, I had limited time for Qiu, and I missed many appointments with Qiu."

Hero Izayoi recalled the past days. He didn't know how many times he missed Qiu's birthday because of work. Every time he couldn't help but agree to accompany Qiu at her birthday, but every time he had to do it because of unexpected work. Break your promise.

"Even so, I tried my best to stay with Qiu for a while. It was on that day that I was finally free, so I agreed to Qiu's wish to accompany her in a duel. However, because of an unexpected phone call, I broke my promise again, and Taking this as an opportunity, Qiu’s power awakens.”

Recalling that special day, there was a hint of regret in Izayoi's eyes: "At that time, because I was afraid, not only did I not comfort Qiu when she encountered something strange, but... I said some things that I shouldn't have said. "

"That sentence caused irreparable consequences." The hero of Izayoi clenched his hands tightly into fists, and he continued: "I don't know how to treat Qiu, how to deal with having that Autumn of terrible power.”

"As a father, I want to hug her and comfort her, but at the same time, as an ordinary person, I am afraid of the power that can take away my life at any time."

"Isn't it ridiculous?" A bitter smile appeared on the face of the hero Izayoi. He looked up at the two people in front of him and laughed at himself: "As a father, I am actually afraid of my daughter."

"As a father, this is indeed your dereliction of duty." Lou Bai said coldly without taking into account the feelings of the hero Izayoi.

Then, as if he had thought of something, he added a sentence with a slightly softer tone: "However, compared to some people who give birth to children and ignore them, you deserve the title of father."

"No, as Qiu's father, I can't forgive myself." Izayoi Hero shook his head and continued: "At that time, I thought that instead of being with parents who couldn't understand their daughter, it might be better for Qiu to play with her peers, so I sent Qiu to the Duel Academy."

As a councillor, Izayoi Hero did not hesitate to tell the two people who met for the first time about his past mistakes. He said painfully: "No, I was the one who drove Qiu in, to the Duel Academy."

"But Qiu's days in the academy were not what I thought. Even there, Qiu was isolated by his classmates because of his uncontrollable power."

"One day, Qiu just came back from the Duel Academy, and I was talking about something happy with my wife. I will never forget Qiu's expression when she saw our smiles."

The Izayoi Hero held the teacup tightly in both hands and said regretfully: "I think that might be the best time to save the relationship with Qiu. Since then, Qiu has been actively avoiding us and joined the Utopia."

"Qiu's heart, Qiu's heart is tightly blocked, and my voice cannot reach it. I don't even know if Qiu has any friends." The Izayoi Hero suddenly raised his head and looked at Youxing and Lou Bai with eager eyes: "Now I can only ask you."

In other words, I hope to rely on the bond between us and Qiu to wake her up. Lou Bai lowered his eyelids and thought in his heart. The only connection between me and Qiu was the duel of the Lucky Cup, and Yuxing and Qiu only had the duel last night.

Qiu's father really couldn't find anyone related to Qiu, so he came to us, that is, we are the "last straw".

"For your sake as a father, I agree to this matter." Lou Bai interlaced his fingers on his chin, turned his head to look at Yuxing beside him, and asked: "What about you?"

"Yeah." Yuxing also nodded. All this was caused by him, and he must solve it. Yuxing wanted to dispel the pain caused by misunderstandings in the hearts of the father and daughter of Izayoi Qiu and Izayoi Hero.

After Yuxing and Lou Bai agreed, Izayoi Hero went out eagerly. The possibility of saving Qiu has appeared, and this regretful father doesn't want to experience another minute of waiting.

With the two in the car, Izayoi Hero drove his car to the hospital at lightning speed, and I don't know how many red lights he ran on the way. While moving at full speed, Youxing and Lou Bai soon saw Qiu lying on the hospital bed.

Unlike before, Qiu was pale at this moment, his eyes slightly open, staring blankly at the ceiling, as if he had no reaction to anything in the outside world. Outside the transparent glass wall, Qiu's mother was in tears, looking at Qiu inside sadly through the glass.

"Qiu... wake up quickly."

Youxing and Lou Bai pushed open the door of the ward and walked in one after the other. As Youxing's inner belief in awakening Qiu became stronger, the dragon seal on his right arm gradually emitted a faint light.

Youxing's inner thoughts were successfully conveyed to Qiu's heart with the power of the red dragon as a bridge. Qiu, who had originally had a silent look in her eyes, slowly regained her agility. She turned her head and looked at everyone.


As if Qiu had just woken up from a dream, she regained consciousness and looked at Youxing in confusion, frowning and asked, "Why am I here?"

Qiu's memory at this moment was still stuck on the duel last night. After waking up, he came to such a completely unfamiliar environment, which made Qiu, who was devastated in his heart, feel uneasy subconsciously.

The leather shoes collided with the smooth floor of the hospital, making a crisp sound. After seeing his daughter wake up, Izayoi Hero finally couldn't hold back his excitement and opened the door and ran in.


Izayoi Hero excitedly called out his daughter's name, but when he was about to get close to her, he subconsciously slowed down his pace, as if he was afraid of being rejected by his daughter.

"Why are you here!" What responded to Izayoi Hero was not Qiu's smile, but a scolding full of distrust and resistance.

Qiu stared at the Izayoi hero with angry eyes and said coldly: "I don't need you anymore, I have Dwayne now!"

When mentioning this name, Qiu suddenly thought of something, widened his eyes, and asked in disbelief: "Why did I suddenly appear here, where is Dwayne?"

"Dwayne is here."

Lou Bai silently reached out and handed Qiu a folder, taking the initiative to play the role of the black face: "Now he has been executed."

"Executed...what are you talking about?" Qiu said in a trembling voice, slowly took the folder and turned the pages one by one.

"These, these are all...Dwayne did it?" Qiu flipped through the evil deeds of Dwayne recorded in the folder, as if the sky had fallen. Qiu had seen more or less clues of the things recorded above during her days in the paradise, but these traces once made Qiu think of bad things, but when she thought of how Dwayne treated herself, Qiu deceived herself and defended Dwayne in her heart, saying that everything must be her own misunderstanding.

But when all this was exposed by Lou Bai, Qiu could no longer escape.

"Divian, Divian said that I don't have to think, and that he would think for me." Qiu held her head in her hands and cried in pain.

"DeWine gave me what my father took from me, gave me a place to live..."

Hearing Qiu's words, Izayoi Hero lowered his head in regret.

"Why, why are you telling me this, why are you taking away my only love! Even if it is false love, if he is gone, there will be no one who loves me in the world!"

"Izayoi, calm down!" Hearing Qiu's cry, Yusei stepped forward and defended loudly: "No, your parents, they all love you!"

"Parents...are you laughing at me?!" The emotional Qiu couldn't listen to Yu Xing's words at all. She pushed Yu Xing away in front of her, took a few steps back, and resisted and said: "Except Diwei Well, everyone regards me as a monster! No matter my parents or classmates, no one in this world is willing to accept me, except Devine! "

A storm bloomed with Izayoe Aki as the center. Even without using a duel disk, Izayoe Aki showed astonishing destructive power. Seeing this, Lou Bai subconsciously stood in front of everyone, using his own power to fight against Qiu's mind dueling ability.

"Seeing that you and I have the same mark, I thought we would be companions, but you are also enemies, another enemy who has taken away my residence!"

Qiu raised the duel plate and once again used his strength to seal his heart. He said with a broken smile: "Okay, since you think of me as a monster, then I will show you the power of the monster!"

It seemed that only a duel could calm him down. Lou Bai's face was solemn, and he also brought his own duel disk, but at this moment, an arm behind him on his shoulder stopped him.

"Lou Bai, let me do this duel."

Yuxing's voice came from behind him. Lou Bai turned around and asked hesitantly: "Are you sure? You know, you don't have as much power as me."

"Yes." Yuxing nodded firmly, without showing any fear of the huge power on his face. He said seriously: "I want to express my inner thoughts through a duel. I want to save her."

Anyway, I really can't deal with such a pitiful and pitiful person. Lou Bai stepped aside, while Yu Xing stood in front of Qiu without hesitation.


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