Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 83 The End of the Electron Flow

"A few dozen meters, turn at the first intersection..." Following Granny Kimura's verbal guidance, Lou Bai led Xiao Lan through the alleys. Seeing Xiaolan holding her own bread and eating it in small bites, she was so happy that she couldn't help but keep swishing her tail around. Lou Bai asked curiously: "Xiaolan, I've never seen you eat anything before. , why does it taste so delicious this time?”

"Is this bread different?" Xiaolan stuck out her tongue and licked the crumbs stuck to the corner of her mouth, and explained: "This bread contains my mother-in-law's feelings for the card elf!"

I see, because it is bread that contains love, it is particularly delicious. It is like the great siomai of the universe, the mother sun ball, a food that emits light? Thinking about it this way, it's reasonable to be able to attract Xiaolan...it's so reasonable!

Lou Bai shouted in his heart with a sad face: This is obviously the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! Why would the Chinese little master break in? ! Forget it, you don’t need to understand too much about card elves.

Let me have a taste of this bread too. Out of curiosity, Lou Bai opened his mouth and took a bite of the [Electronic Dragon] bread he had drawn, feeling the texture that was different from soft dough.

"Hey, there are also fillings? Is this fried noodles?" Lou Bai said to himself after taking a closer look at the stuff in the bread. I have never eaten fried noodles and bread in my previous life. Now I am eating this novelty for the first time. I feel that it tastes pretty good and is quite filling.

Yakisoba bread can be said to be a specialty product of Japan. The combination of two staple foods creates a unique taste that is different from single bread. The crispy bread crust is paired with the springy fried noodles. Take a big bite while it is hot. It is absolutely delicious. experience.

Chewing hard, feeling the starch and oil blending together in his mouth, Lou Bai narrowed his eyes happily. Although I didn't feel the love that Xiao Lan mentioned, when I'm hungry, high-calorie foods like starch and oil can still make people feel deeply satisfied.

"By the way, speaking of fillings, Xiao Lan, what kind of filling is in your bread?" Lou Bai asked curiously, thinking of Xiao Lan's bread that was different from his own.

"Ah, stuffing?" Hearing the host's question, Xiao Lan kept licking her cheeks and raised the bread to her eyes and observed it for a while: "It's eggs! Golden eggs!"

Golden eggs? Lou Bai suddenly felt that the fried noodles in his mouth were no longer fragrant. This kind of filling is better than my fried noodles, right? Could it be that what I got was another guarantee?

But if this is really the case, is the gift of [Electronic Dragon] Bread - the opportunity to visit the Electron Flow Dojo - cheaper than the Winged Man illustration?

With random thoughts in their minds, Lou Bai and Xiaolan finally reached their destination. Lou Bai was immediately surprised that there was an electronic flow dojo in such a place, but after thinking about it carefully, it was normal.

Although in Yu-Gi-Oh GX, the first electron flow dojo was on a snowy mountain, as the electron flow became more and more prosperous, various branch dojos were built all over the world.

This dojo is probably one of the branch dojos, right? Before Xintong Shiye and the satellite area were separated, this location should be in the city center where land is at a premium. Being able to get such a large piece of land in the city center for the construction of a dojo, we can barely understand the electronic flow from this. Once prosperous.

Looking up, this is a traditional wooden structure building. One side of the surrounding tall walls has become mottled because it is close to the sea, and some places have even been rusted away due to direct immersion in sea water.

After walking a few steps along the wall, Lou Bai and Xiao Lan finally found the door. The two red wooden doors had not been maintained for a long time, and the paint on them had peeled off, revealing the ugly black wooden boards.

"That visit ticket should be used here, right?" Although the appearance was somewhat inconsistent with the electronic flow dojo in Lou Bai's mind, he still decided to take a look. After all, he came here.

Stepping up the steps made of bluestone slabs, Lou Bai put his hand on the door. With a little force, the door made a creaking sound and then moved away to both sides.

"Hey, is the door open?" Lou Bai bent his fingers on the door a few times and shouted inside: "Is there anyone inside?"

The dojo was quiet, and no one responded. Maybe the people inside didn't hear, or maybe there was no one inside at all. Despite this, Lou Bai unexpectedly discovered a notice posted on the wall.

"Visitors to the E-flow dojo, please feel free to visit. If any visitor is willing to learn E-flow, please leave a message below."

Approaching the notice, Lou Bai read out the contents recorded on it, and then took out the piece of paper with the electronic dragon drawn on it with a strange expression - the paper known as the electronic flow dojo ticket.

"What, isn't this thing useless?" Lou Bai complained as he looked at the wide open door. In a dojo that was originally free to visit, this was simply a prop with unknown meaning.

Even so, Lou Bai also understood the meaning of Granny Kimura's move in his heart. The terrain of the Fallen Area was complex, and the location of the Electronic Flow Dojo was much more remote than the bakery. Without the guidance of Granny Kimura, no one would even know that there is a dojo here, right?

Just imagine, if you get a free coupon, you will definitely want to use it out of the mentality of taking advantage of it, right? Grandma Kimura's move is to attract traffic to the Electronic Flow Dojo.

Knowing the meaning behind this coupon, Lou Bai also relaxed his vigilance. Many fears come from the unknown. As long as you know the truth behind it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After thinking about it, Lou Bai also felt a trace of sadness in his heart. When did the electronic flow decline to the point where it needs a bakery to divert it?

Stepping into the dojo, Lou Bai looked at the surrounding scenery. There is a sense of dilapidation in the dojo, which is a mixture of the weight of history and the atmosphere of silence.

On the lawn next to it, the pool that should have been crystal clear has grown a thick layer of moss because there has been no water flow for a long time. There are several sets of tripods and clothes drying poles set up on the sunny side of the lawn, and there are still clothes drying on the clothes pole. Some clothing.

The lawn has not been mowed for a long time, and all kinds of wild flowers and weeds are mixed together, growing unbridled. Only the middle of the stone path that connects the various buildings in the fairway can still be seen with traces of someone stepping on it, and both sides are covered with dust.

Since the small attic where the teachers and students lived was locked, Lou Bai took Xiaolan's hand and walked to the training ground nearby.

"Master..." Feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Xiao Lan raised her head and looked at Lou Bai, and said with some hesitation: "I can't feel the power of the card elf here."

"Really?" Lou Bai muttered something, and said with some disappointment: "The electron flow is probably dead now."

Walking into the training ground, the wooden floor was empty, and the walls were painted with murals of electronic monsters, [Electronic Ogre], [Electronic Phoenix], [Electronic Kirin]... and the one painted on the main In the center, you can see the crystallization of the electron flow [Electronic Dragon] as soon as you enter the door.

"It's more like a museum now than a dojo, right?" Lou Bai sighed regretfully. He thought of his many intangible inheritances from his previous life. Because they have failed to keep up with the times, these former treasures have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. Even though there are still people who hold on to the intangible cultural heritage, without social recognition, the final destination of these treasures is in museums after all.

The same is true for the electronic flow in this world. If a genre wants to thrive, it not only needs a few masters, but also a large number of apprentices who recognize it. But in this era of high-speed duels, if you study in the end, you can only get an electron flow that combines power. How can you attract duelists to learn?

"Let's go. If we keep reading, we won't know anything more. Without the electron flow of the inheritors, after all, we can't show the glory of the past."

Standing in front of the mural of "Electronic Dragon", Lou Bai admired it for a while, then turned around, greeted Xiaolan and prepared to leave.

"Big bad guy, you are not allowed to say anything bad about Electronic Flow!"

Just when Lou Bai came with the mentality of a pilgrim and ended up disappointed, a clear child's voice from behind made him stop.

Turning his head, Lou Bai saw a tiger-headed boy glaring at him angrily. Although the expression on his face was fierce, his round little face didn't look very intimidating.

"Oh, are you a learner of Electronic Flow?" Lou Bai asked curiously when meeting someone in the Electronic Flow Dojo for the first time.

Hearing the words of the stranger in front of him, the boy puffed up his chest firmly and said happily: "Yes, I, Nobu Marufuji, will definitely carry forward the electronic flow in the future!"

Excitedly announcing his name, Nobu Marufuji finally realized that the person in front of him was the bad guy who destroyed the electronic flow. He hurriedly took out the duel disk from behind and said: "Bad guy, duel with me! If you lose, You have to apologize for what you just said!”

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, it is commonplace to start a duel without saying a word. Lou Bai, who has been in this world for so long, is naturally familiar with this rule. Just like Kamen Rider took out his transformer, Lou Bai also took out his duel plate from somewhere behind him and clasped it in his hand.

Raising the duel disk, Lou Bai smiled and said: "Okay, I agree to your duel, but first, I'm not a bad guy. You can call me Kobayashi Mashiro."


"The first attack is mine!" To Lou Bai's surprise, Nobu Marufuji did not choose to attack later like ordinary electronic players, but decisively grabbed the first move.

After looking at the five cards drawn, Nobu Marufuji thought for a while, and then shot a monster onto the duel plate: "I want to normal summon this in attack position, [Electronic Kirin]!"

The old-fashioned dueling disk rotates and emits colored lights. A four-legged beast made of steel appeared in the light. [Electronic Kirin] The silver-white steel torso has blue stripes. It roared angrily at Lou Bai, and then stood guard in front of its master.

【Electronic Kirin】【3 stars\\/Light】



After summoning this monster that looked mighty but had low values, Nobu Marufuji did not continue to expand, but slapped two cards in his hand on the duel plate: "Cover two cards, the round is over!"

Nobu Marufuji’s hand: 2

Frontcourt: [Electronic Kirin]

Backcourt: Gaika x2

"Is this your electronic flow?" Looking at the three cards in front, two and back, Lou Bai slowly pulled out a card from the deck: "My turn!"

"For the sake of you being a child, I originally wanted to let go, but my dignity as a duelist and my admiration for the past electronic flow do not allow me to do that!" Lou Bai took out a card in his hand: " It’s going to happen, I’m going to go all out!”

"First of all, normal summon in defense position, [Dragon Maid-Washing Dragon Maid] in my hand!"

Hearing the call of the master, Xiaolan quickly swallowed the bread in her mouth. After reluctantly wrapping the remaining half of the bread in a box and placing it on the ground, Xiao Lan jumped in front of the [Electronic Kirin], blocking it with a wooden barrel in front of her, and confronted it.

"Eh?!" Seeing his sister who was eating bread just now jump onto the duel field and turn into a duel monster, Nobu Marufuji didn't react for a while. He said in disbelief: "Human, a person actually turned into a duel monster. Monster?"

"It's not that people have become duel monsters, but they have become duel monsters!" Lou Bai directly told the truth without trying to hide his thoughts.

After answering Marufuji Nobu's doubts, Lou Bai did not continue to pay attention to his surprise. Lou Bai decisively activated Xiaolan's effect: "[Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Maid] When the normal summon is successful, send the top three cards of the deck to the graveyard. ! Xiaolan, pile up the grave!"

Xiaolan, who was squatting on the ground, waved his hand, and the three cards at the top of the deck were sent to the graveyard. Seeing the result of this pile of graves, Lou Bai showed a satisfied smile. Is this Xiaolan's true strength? Ada thief!

"Then this is it! [Thunder Tribulation Dragon - Thunder Dragon]!" Turning over the vicious eight-star monster in his hand, Lou Bai said: "This card can be used by adding one light attribute monster and one dark attribute monster in the graveyard. Only banish, come and special summon! The two monsters I want to banish are the ones sent to the graveyard by Xiaolan!"

Taking out two monsters from the graveyard and putting them into the exclusion zone, Lou Bai said: "The ones I exclude are the light attribute [Thunder Dragon] and the dark attribute [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] in the graveyard!"

The vicious monster with two heads [Thunder Tribulation Dragon - Thunder Dragon] makes its grand appearance. It is also a four-legged monster. Compared with it, the [Electronic Kirin] looks like a child.

"The effect of [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] is activated when it is excluded. Add a [Thunder Dragon] card from the deck to your hand!"

When dealing with the retrieval effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], Lou Bai hesitated for a while. He wanted to clear the opponent's health points in one turn with two cover cards and a wall monster. This was a bit difficult, and his current hand Cards cannot trigger the card explosion effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], so choose [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] to suppress it first.

Yes, although the blocking retrieval effect of [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] has almost no effect on any duelist, it is indeed a suppressive monster.

"The effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], search for [Thunder Bird Dragon - Thunder Dragon] in the deck!" After catching this monster in the deck, Lou Bai immediately threw it into the graveyard: "Discard This card in your hand resurrects [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] from the graveyard!”

Drawing a card from the extra deck, Lou Bai said: "Because the effect of the Thunder-type monster [Thunderbird Dragon-Thunder Dragon] is activated in my hand this round, I can liberate the Thunder-type monsters on my field. [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon], special summon this monster from the extra deck!”

"Come on, [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon]!"

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