Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 84 Electronic flow without fusion otk

Thunder and lightning flowed, shadows opened up, [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] collapsed, and the electric current flowing from its body formed this monster, which was lifelike under the influence of the virtual image of the duel disk and the power of the Lou Bai Elf.

Seeing this ferocious monster, Nobu Marufuji subconsciously took a step back in fear, and then seemed to be ashamed of his recent retreat. He gritted his teeth and stared closely at [Super Thunder Dragon - Brontosaurus].

Taking in Marufuji Nobu's little moves, Lou Bai felt a little admiration, but he would not show mercy: "Enter the battle stage!"

Taking Xiao Lan, who was squatting on defense with her head on the field, back into her hand, Lou Bai said: "When entering the combat phase, the effect of [Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Maid] is activated! Return her to the hand, and special summon from the hand, [Dragon Maid] Maid-River Dragon]!”

【Dragon Maid-River Dragon】


[Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon]


[Thunder Tribulation Dragon-Thunder Dragon]


The three big monsters all guarded Lou Bai. If Nobu Marufuji's backcourt had no cards due to defense, this would be his last round.

"It's about to happen!" Lou Bai waved his hand decisively: "[Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon], attack [Electronic Kirin]! Crush that weak monster to me!"

Dragon and Qilin, two legendary fantasy beasts collide and fight each other under the constraints of duel rules. It's a pity that no matter how hard [Electronic Kirin] struggles, it can't violate the most fundamental rules of Duel Monsters. Just when he was about to be destroyed by the battle, a cover card in Nobu Marufuji's backcourt was opened in time.

"Activate the trap card, [Shield of Conspiracy]!" Facing these three powerful monsters on the opposite side, Nobu Marufuji showed no timidity on his face. He believed in his card.

"[Shield of Conspiracy], after this card is activated, it becomes an equipment card and equips me with the [Electronic Kirin] in attack position on the field! After equipping it, the [Electronic Kirin] in attack position will not be destroyed by battle once per turn, and will cause The battle damage is also 0!”

The shield with a sinister smile on it in the back floated away and turned into a piece of armor that enveloped the [Electronic Kirin]. With the help of this set of armor, [Electronic Kirin] still could not defeat its opponent, but it also escaped the fate of being destroyed. Unfortunately, after receiving an attack, the armor lost its luster.

"Did you avoid the destruction of the battle by relying on trap cards?" Looking at the card in the backfield of Nobu Marufuji, Lou Bai frowned. It seemed that the battle could not be resolved this round.

In this case... Lou Bai commanded his monster to attack again: "[Thunder Tribulation Dragon-Thunder Dragon], attack [Electronic Kirin] again and smash it to pieces!"

Raging thunder and lightning spit out from the mouth of [Thunder Tribulation Dragon - Thunder Dragon], and [Electronic Kirin], which had withstood it once, could no longer bear it. This time it was destroyed without any suspense, and the other cover card in the backfield did not move at all. Only the [Shield of Conspiracy] on the verge of being broken absorbed the aftermath of the damage.

"The effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] is activated! When this card destroys the opponent's monster in battle, remove [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] from the graveyard and add [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] from the deck to your hand. Card!"

After destroying the opponent's wall monster in battle, Nobu Marufuji no longer had any obstacles in his way. It seems as easy as reaching out to grab a piece of pie. As long as the attack command is launched, Xiao Lan can cause a lot of damage to the opponent.

Lou Bai thought so, and he did the same thing. Raising his right hand and pointing directly at Nobu Marufuji, Lou Bai gave an order to Xiao Lan, who had not yet attacked: "Xiao Lan, attack the duelist on the opposite side directly!"

After hearing the master's order, Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then danced her slender body to Marufuji Nobu, stretched out her tail and gave it a gentle sweep.

Maru Fujinobu lp:4000→1400

Seeing that he had finally withstood Lou Bai's offensive, Marufuji Nobu breathed a sigh of relief. It's your turn soon. If you can draw that card, you will win!

But what he didn't expect was that Lou Bai was still unfolding.

"After the battle phase is over, enter the main phase two. Recycle the [Dragon Maid-River Dragon] on the field, and special summon the little blue in your hand to the field again."

Taking out another card from the extra deck, Lou Bai continued: "Except the [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] on my field and the [Thunder Beast Dragon-Thunder Dragon] in my hand, and special summon it from the extra deck. [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon]!”

Two fusion monsters with purple borders appeared one after another without using fusion magic cards. Nobu Marufuji, the apprentice of the Electronic Flow Dojo, couldn't help but his eyes lit up and asked: "Fusion cards without using fusion magic cards." Does the group really exist?”

"Fusion is a summoning method that can exceed your imagination." Although he is an opponent, Lou Bai is also willing to answer questions for the junior on this duel monster.

"In addition to using [Fusion] magic cards for fusion summons, there are also fusion magic cards dedicated to certain decks such as [Thunder Dragon Fusion] and [Xinyu Xia Fusion]. In addition, there are also fusion magic cards that do not use fusion magic cards. , instead there is a special fusion method that returns the corresponding monster to the deck or sends it to the graveyard, which is called contact fusion!”

Looking at Nobu Marufuji who became excited after hearing what he said, Lou Bai encouraged him: "So, don't be disappointed with fusion and electronic flow! You must know that a real duelist can continue to evolve. !”

"Yeah, thank you, senior!" After hearing Lou Bai's understanding of fusion and his kindness towards electronic flow, Nobu Marufuji realized that he must have misunderstood the other party just now, so he immediately changed his mind and nodded seriously.

After explaining the knowledge about fusion to the other party, Lou Bai felt a sense of satisfaction in teaching and educating people, so he decided to go all out to show Marufuji Nobu the powerful power of fusion.

"The effect of the excluded [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] is activated. When this card is removed, you can special summon a [Thunder Dragon] monster from the deck to the field. I chose [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon]. dragon】."

After some operations, the original [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] was replaced by the larger and more ferocious [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] and the bright yellow shimmering sphere [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon].

"Finally, I cover 3 cards and the round ends. At the end of the round, the [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] specially summoned by the effect of [Thunder Beast Dragon-Thunder Dragon] will return to my hand."

Facing Nobu Marufuji, a seedling of electronic flow, Lou Bai didn't hold back at all. The attack power of the three frontcourt monsters can rise to 2600 at most. The big monsters with 3600 and 3700 and the three cover cards in the backcourt are Lou Bai's answer. Nobu Marufuji's response.

Although it seems a bit cruel, Lou Bai believes that those who can truly become excellent duelists will never languish because of one defeat, but will continue to grow until they surpass.

Lou Bai's hand cards: [Dragon Maid-River Dragon], [Thunder Source Dragon-Thunder Dragon]

Frontcourt: [Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Maid], [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon], [Thunder Tribulation Dragon-Thunder Dragon]

Backcourt: Gaikax3

"My turn, draw a card!" Gritting his teeth, Nobu Marufuji drew the top card of the deck. After seeing the true face of the card drawn, the nervousness on his face disappeared, revealing a joyful smile.

You really don’t know how to hide yourself. Did you draw some card that can reverse the situation? Seeing Maru Fujinobu's expression, Lou Bai thought in his mind.

"Open this card first, the permanent trap [Cry of the Living Dead], and resurrect the [Electronic Kirin] in the graveyard!"

The permanent trap card with the ability to revive was opened, and the tombstone exuding the aura of death was lifted. Although it was a mechanical creation, the [Electronic Kirin] still crawled out of the cemetery like an undead creature.

"Is there any special reason why I didn't use it when I was attacked by [Dragon Maid-River Dragon] in the last round, but kept it until now?" Seeing Marufuji Nobu's operation, Lou Bai asked curiously.

"Well, that's right!" Nobu Marufuji nodded excitedly, raised a card in his hand and said: "I will continue to use [Electronic Kirin] as a sacrifice. The superior summons the ace in my deck, [Electronic Food]. Human Demon]!”

The body of [Electronic Kirin] spread out under the power of rules, and what was born in that pile of steel ruins was a ferocious beast with a single horn and a pair of giant claws - [Electronic Ogre]. Although compared with the [Electronic Kirin], it is also a steel creation based on a legendary creature, but the momentum of the [Electronic Ogre] is far superior to the [Electronic Kirin].

【Electronic Ogre】【5 stars\\/land】



Seeing his ace monster bathing in the light, Nobu Marufuji's big eyes were filled with satisfaction. After admiring the heroic appearance of [Electronic Ogre] for a while, Nobu Marufuji hurriedly shouted: "Get ready to fight, [Electronic Ogre]!"

"Then when entering the battle phase, I will special summon the [Dragon Maid-River Dragon] in my hand, and return the [Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Lady] on the field to my hand!"

"Tch, are you back?" Seeing Xiaolan, whose attack power was only 500, leave the field, Nobu Marufuji couldn't help but sigh, but he was not too disappointed.

Waving his arms, Nobu Marufuji shouted: "[Electronic Ogre] is about to attack! Attack the strongest monster on the opponent's field [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon]!"

Although the attack power was vastly different from that of his opponent, [Electronic Ogre] still charged forward without hesitation. Pointing its sharp horn towards [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], [Electronic Ogre] decisively began to charge.

As his controller, Nobu Marufuji, although young, would never do something stupid like letting his monster die in vain. Discarding a card in his hand, Nobu Marufuji shouted: "The effect of the second [Electronic Ogre] in the hand is activated!"

"Discard this monster in your hand to the graveyard. Only one of the [Electronic Ogres] on my field will be ineffective in battle, and its attack power will increase by 2000 until the end of the next battle!"

Following the owner's movements, [Electronic Ogre] picked up the remaining parts of his compatriots and armed them with himself. However, due to the increased weight, [Electronic Ogre] also lost the opportunity to attack.

【Electronic Ogre】


Seeing this ultimate axe, whose attack power was comparable to that of the Titan Soldier, Lou Bai admired: "You are capable of improving a monster with an attack power of less than two thousand to this level, but if you keep it to me, Turn, I have 1,000 ways to deal with this monster that has no resistance except attack power, what are you going to do?”

Although he has no resistance, Lou Bai already admires him for being able to do this at such a young age. But more than he imagined was yet to come.

Hearing Lou Bai's question, Nobu Marufuji smiled mysteriously, and then excitedly used the last card in his hand: "Activate the quick attack magic card, [double chance]!"

"This card can only be activated when the monster's attack is invalid, targeting that monster!" Pointing at the card on the duel disk, Marufuji Nobu seemed to have seen victory.

"Although the activation conditions are very harsh, its power is very strong! That monster can get a chance to attack again, and during the damage step, the attack power is doubled!"

With the support of the magic card, the mechanical body of [Electronic Ogre] seems to have been injected with a new energy source. Not only does it have the opportunity to attack again, but its attack power is also increased, increased, and increased! Its power is stronger than any period in history. With such power, which monster on Lou Bai's field can resist it? Which monster can resist it!

[Electronic Ogre]

[ATK: 3900→7800]

Looking at the soaring attack power of [Electronic Ogre], Lou Bai smiled with relief. Looking at Marufuji Nobuyuki, Lou Bai said seriously: "Marufuji Nobuyuki, I apologize for what I just said. Although your duel is still a little immature, I have seen the shadow of a future legendary duelist in you. You will definitely be able to carry forward the electronic flow."

Under the shadow cast by the tall body of [Electronic Ogre], Lou Bai also became excited: "In order to repay your kindness, I will also respond with all my strength!"

Also throwing a monster from the hand into the graveyard, Lou Bai shouted: "Like you, I will also activate the monster effect from my hand! Discard [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] and increase the attack power of [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] on my field by 500 points!"

With Lou Bai's actions, although the increase is not as large as [Electronic Ogre], the momentum of [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] also rose sharply.

[Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon]


"What, an effect that increases attack power?!" Marufuji Nobuo exclaimed, but after careful calculation, he regained his composure: "The attack power of [Electronic Ogre] is 7800. Even if the attack power of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] is increased to 3700, you will still suffer 4100 damage. I won this duel!"

"Sore Wadu Kana?" Pointing at the [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] that was filled with dangerous electricity, Lou Bai shouted: "Chain 2, [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] effect is activated! When the effect of a Thunder monster is activated in the hand, it can destroy a card on the field!"

Looking up at the huge [Electronic Ogre], Lou Bai smiled and said: "Of course, I want to destroy the only card on your field. [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], crush [Electronic Ogre]!"

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