Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 189 Above the Mountain (Group Chapter)

"Launch!" Uncle Hua's roar broke the silence.

Residents living in swamps are all too familiar with this look. It is the look of a long snake staring at a frog.

Not all Sharks are qualified to become berserkers. They must at least reach the level of martial arts masters to be able to activate the manic power in their genes.

This is inherited from their ancestors.

Madness has enhanced their physical fitness in all aspects. The swamp people should have thought that when they looked at the berserker, the berserker had already sensed their existence.

The reason why he didn't take action was also because he was waiting for the opportunity!

Whoosh whoosh!

A series of crossbow arrows made a soft sound in the air.

Although they have been discovered, the swamp people are not too worried about the enemy in front of them - even if the opponent is a hunting snake, the frogs in the swamp also have their weapons to defend against the enemy.

The iron-wrapped arrowheads glowed brightly, which was the mucus they scraped from the skin of poisonous frogs, which they used for hunting.

What's more, the opponent is just a person and has lost his mind, so he is no different from a beast.

At the same time, Uncle Hua retreated sharply.

Almost at the next moment, a loud noise broke out where he was.

The mace hit the ground, and debris flew like flying stars.

What followed was the sound of the crossbow hitting.

The villagers do not have the technology to make spring steel, and the steel structure is not convenient to preserve. Their crossbows are toothpick crossbows made of wood and animal sinews and horns. Their range and power are limited. Logically speaking, they cannot shoot at this distance. Among the berserkers.

However, Uncle Hua used himself as a bait to lure the opponent to charge, and he just ran into the range covered by arrows.

Once the toxin on the crossbow arrow enters the blood circulation through the wound, even a small amount can cause someone to fall to the ground and die.

This is the wisdom of the swamp.

Those glowing red eyes disappeared, like the extinguishing of a flame.



Everyone present no longer felt relaxed.

The night was terrifyingly quiet and terrifyingly dark.

The girls in the swamp nervously cocked their wooden crossbows, and the boys were sweating from the sharp knives in their hands.

They didn't hear the sound of the Berserker falling to the ground... With his tall body, the sound of falling to the ground was enough to wake up a sleeping person from his dream.

The sound of the crossbow arrow hitting was also strange. It didn't sound like the arrow pierced flesh, but like it hit something like iron.

Uncle Hua whistled and then immediately changed his position.

When several swamp people heard the order, they held sharp knives in each hand and stepped forward carefully, silently.

No matter whether the opponent is dead or alive, you must find out clearly. On the battlefield, what is more terrifying than a powerful enemy is the unknown.


Several swamp dwellers stared.

To their surprise.

Those there were neither the Shaqs who survived the death nor the berserkers waiting for an opportunity to attack.

In front of them, there was nothing but rubble on the ground and scattered crossbow arrows.


Suddenly, a large black shadow fell from the sky, as fast as a meteorite or a heavy cannon. Two swamp people couldn't avoid it and were knocked to the ground.

The remaining swampman immediately swung his knife and stabbed the black shadow, and the tip of the knife penetrated it without any hindrance.

Then he froze. What he impaled was a dead body.

A merchant guard who was almost rotten into a pulp, with a ferocious face, filled with unwillingness and hatred. His body and armor were embedded with crossbow arrows from the swamp.

On the other side, the swampfolk gasped.

As he tossed the body, the true traces of the berserker were revealed.

He was seen clinging to the rock wall with one hand, his nails and fingers digging into the cracks, and his whole body was hanging above everyone's heads like a gecko, scanning them with blood-red eyes.

It’s hard to imagine how Shaq could achieve such agility with his weight.

Uncle Hua's heart skipped a beat.

The berserker grabbed the bodyguard's body as a human shield long before he sprinted. When the attack missed, he didn't just stay there, but jumped up and hid on the rock walls on both sides. The loud sound of the mace completely covered up Shaq's kicking action.

Going berserk will indeed make the Sharks lose their minds, but all their combat-related instincts will be greatly strengthened.

When today's Shaq people talk about their ancestor Kral, they always like to talk about his prowess as a warrior.

However, at the beginning, Krall was also the most versatile, cunning, and most versatile battlefield nightmare in the eyes of the enemy!

The strong wind roared, and Uncle Hua's bamboo hat was blown to the ground.

His pores were tightened and he was sweating profusely.

The instinct of survival drove this middle-aged man to draw his sword and swing it forward!

Obviously what was blowing was not the long wind of Stan Desert, but the torrent of air compressed by the mace.

The moment the predator reveals himself, that's when he attacks.

Loud noise.

Gold and iron collide, sparks fly.

Uncle Hua's waist knife is a rare stainless steel knife in the swamp.

His superb sword skills also allowed him to accurately hit the weak middle part of the giant hammer. With just one pick, it was possible to cut off the berserker's fingers holding the hammer.

But at the next moment, the waist knife in the middle-aged man's hand twisted.

Just at the moment of receiving the hammer blow, the insane strength turned the stainless steel sword into scrap metal.

More serious damage than the knife is the person holding the knife. Uncle Hua clearly heard a series of crisp sounds coming from his right arm, and then lost consciousness.

The long knife was released, and his whole body was thrown to the ground by the impact, and he fainted.

"Uncle Hua"!

With the exclamation, the young people rushed forward with sharp knives in hand, fearless to death.

In their eyes, Uncle Hua is a capable and experienced elder in the village. Almost every young person has received his teachings.

As the team leader, although this middle-aged man is strict, he always uses his experience to protect them.

At the critical moment, these young people in the swamp did not hesitate to use their own lives to win back Uncle Hua's life.

However, in this world, many things cannot be restored by just working hard.

The berserker slashed wildly, and the mace was obviously a blunt weapon. With the huge strength and speed, as long as it touched the body of the swamp people, it could bite off a large piece of flesh.

Every time he swung, he almost left a corpse behind.

The berserker cleared the obstacles while approaching Uncle Hua - his intuition told him who should be eliminated first.

Loss of control and calmness are two completely opposite qualities that appear in Shaq.

At this moment, a figure rushed out from the side.


Although Allen had just been warned not to use his injured arm, he still couldn't care less. When the Berserker was pinned to death by a companion, he stepped forward and hugged the Shaq's thick waist.

He tried hard to knock the opponent down, but the berserker only lost his balance slightly and staggered.

However, just such a delay gave everyone a chance. A young man quickly picked up Uncle Hua who was unconscious on the ground and moved back.


The hoarse vocal chords shook violently, and the berserker roared.

He twisted and threw away another swampman who had a sharp knife hanging on his body, but Allen still hugged him tightly from behind.

The berserker held the mace upside down and aimed it at the human's back.

call out!

A poisonous arrow shot straight into the berserker's face, and he had no choice but to block it with his hand.

With a ding sound, the crossbow bolts fell to the ground.

"Let him go!" A girl holding a wooden crossbow said viciously.

——I don’t know whether to ask the Berserker to let go of Allen or to ask Allen to let go of the Berserker.

She was the girl who mistakenly thought that Allen's arm was broken and felt a little distressed.

In the swamp, it is useless no matter how high the range of the crossbow is. If it is far away, the crossbow arrow will be blocked by the fern leaves and vines before it hits the ground. Therefore, the toothpick crossbow is very popular.

However, outside, the effective range of this female crossbowman is only the distance of a Berserker's charge.

"Ah Li, come on!" Allen shouted, still hugging her tightly.

If there is no one to delay time, even if you escape, you will be dead if you are caught up by the berserker.

"Then let's die together."

Accompanied by Ah Li's cold voice, another crossbow arrow was fired.

The crossbow arrow went straight into the berserker's scarlet eyes.

The Shaq swept away the crossbow arrows again, his roar already filled with anxiety.

Her intention is obvious. No matter how tough the skin and bones of the Shaq people are, their eyes are still weak.

Even if you can't hit, you can still make the opponent have to worry about it.

This is a good way to delay time.

...However, if there is no one to hold back the berserker, no matter how many crossbowmen there are, it will only be enough for the opponent to sweep them away with a single sprint.

How could Allen let go?

'Then let's die together...' He thought silently in his heart and used his hands hard.

"Good job." A clear voice suddenly sounded, as if coming from far away from the horizon.

"Now," the man suddenly said excitedly:

"let go!"

Allen had just ignited the fighting spirit to die and was determined not to let go even if he was beaten into a pulp. But when he heard this sound, he subconsciously let go of his hand and rolled to the side.

It wasn't until he turned over that he realized what had happened to him, and his face was full of surprise.

Perhaps, it was just because the will contained in that voice overwhelmed him in an instant - the tone of the command was like breaking gold and iron, so firm that it could not be disobeyed.

At the same moment, something happened that surprised Allen even more.

The rubble exploded on the high rock wall, and a black shadow rushed down.

That was definitely not the speed that a natural fall should have. It was so fast that even the Berserker could only just turn around.


The black shadow and the berserker collided directly.

If the berserkers of the Sharks were unparalleled beasts fighting on land, then this black shadow at this moment was like a goshawk swooping down to hunt for prey.

With a huge impact, Lu Meng knocked the Berserker and himself to the ground.

The spikes pierced his clothes and scraped against his inner armor, making an unpleasant friction sound.

When everyone was surprised that the Berserker was able to cling to everyone's heads with brute strength, no one, including the Berserker, noticed that there was another figure steadily hiding higher up.

His pupils were dark, the same color as the night, and he had been watching the fighting below without showing any emotion.

——Until then!

The berserker was angry.

In his field of vision, white clouds were floating on the high mountains, and all the swordsmen had fallen to the ground.

However, the enemy rushed from above and pinned him down!

As the invincible "Kral", he has stood on the highest mountain.

Where is the place higher than the mountain?


He roared and rolled to his feet.

Lu Meng was still clinging to the Berserker's back. Compared to Shaq, Lu Meng was not that tall, but he could still stagger him around.

The berserker scratched around to no avail, then he gripped the mace tightly and swept it around his body.

He had had enough of this insect.

The strong wind hit, and Lu Meng had no choice but to jump off the berserker.

However, just before jumping away, Lu Meng's hands were like boneless snakes, wrapping around the Berserker's neck and reaching towards him, as if to hug him.

Then he grabbed it with all his fingers and buckled it hard!

[Mastery: 31→32 (Mastery)]

Plasma shot out from the Berserker's eyes, and Lu Meng had an extra ball in each of his hands.

"Ahhhhhh!" The Berserker's roar was a bit more poignant.

The swamp people were stunned, forgetting that they had just escaped death and were about to retreat.

Uncle Hua gradually regained consciousness and happened to witness this scene.

"Ninja?" While he was surprised, he thought of something else.

This method of sneak attacking enemies below from high places is very similar to the swamp ninjas in the swamp - they are also one of the major factions in the swamp, and they are a being that their village cannot afford to offend.

The difference is that the swamp ninjas ambush in tall tree branches, and they attack pedestrians who are wading through the water.

‘It seems that in different places, assassination techniques lead to the same goal by different paths. ’

Of course, Uncle Hua did not suspect that the other party was a member of the Swamp Ninja.

But with such insidious skills, the opponent's identity may not be as simple as an ordinary boxer.

Lu Meng casually threw away his slippery eyeballs and stepped back.

"Go and help!" Uncle Hua quickly ordered.

The Berserker's empty eye sockets were still staring straight at Lu Meng, and the tendons connecting the eyeballs were still twitching.

His face was distorted, and blood flowed down, as if he was crying blood.

Having lost his eyes, the Berserker's actions were not greatly hindered.

When fighting under the cover of night, vision is not the most important sensory ability that berserker warriors rely on.

In his "vision", the picture of heaven and earth was only stained with a hazy layer of blood.

The berserker locked the direction of Lu Meng and rushed towards him like a chariot. Under the terrifying explosive power of madness, the distance between them kept getting closer.

After hearing Uncle Hua's order, everyone hesitated.

They have all seen how powerful the berserker is. If they are swept away by his mace with their bare hands, they will only end up turning into flesh.

Just out of danger, not even the bravest swamp boy dared to rush forward at this time.

——Not to mention for an outsider who is not in the village?

Only the female crossbowman Ah Li gritted her teeth and leaned forward again holding the wooden crossbow.

It could be said that she and Allen were out of danger just now because of this man's rescue.

However, before Ah Li could get close to the shooting range, another unexpected person rushed forward.

——It's the hornless man who has been following the white-haired young man.

Kavin ran out from the shadow of the crack in the stone, carrying the wooden box on his back, and ran towards Lu Meng, panting.

The female crossbowman was surprised.

Even if they only spent a short time together, they could see the cowardice of this hornless man... Who would have thought that in an emergency, he would also have the courage of a warrior?

However, a mere hornless person can do nothing even if he runs up.

Ah Li stopped caring about him and concentrated on pulling the string and striking the crossbow.

Just when Cavin ran to Lu Meng's side, the Berserker also caught up with them, and the positions of the three of them briefly overlapped.

The mace came down, but it was aimed at the newly appeared Kavin.

After all, losing his eyes caused a momentary deviation in the Berserker's ability to distinguish.

Kavin stayed where he was.

Maybe he was frightened, or maybe he didn't react at all.

He just acted according to the master's arrangements in advance.

‘Could it be that the master’s arrangement is for me to block the knife? ’

Such thoughts flashed through the mind of the Hornless Man... Although it was nothing, it was still a bit sad.

——Then Lu Meng kicked him away.

Kavin kept rolling on the ground, perfectly avoiding the hammer.


At the same moment as he kicked Calvin away, Lu Meng smashed the Hornless Man's back box with one punch, and the box full of supplies poured out.

He reached out and grasped the falling green light.

At the berserker—swing the knife!

[Item name: Ring-headed straight-edged knife

Level...Kaidun City No. 1]

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