Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 190 The Death of Krall (Complete Chapter)

The berserker missed a single blow, twisted his body and raised the giant hammer again. With the blessing of strength, his movements were not slow at all.

However, Lu Meng's knife was faster than him.

The newly ground blade is as smooth as a mirror, and its trajectory in the quiet night is like running water.

The way Lu Meng swung the knife was exactly the same as Uncle Hua's previous counterattack, and he also hit the middle part of the mace.

Rather, this is the response any sword master would choose in the same situation.

However, the results are quite different.

Under the huge earthquake, Lu Meng held a knife in one hand and held the giant hammer tightly. Sparks continued to rub off at the intersection of the blades, and then disappeared.

[Weapon Forging: Level 20 (Proficient)]

Upon closer inspection, not only was this newly made Kaiton City-level straight-edged knife not destroyed by the giant hammer, its thin blade was actually constantly scraping iron filings from the opponent's weapon.

Unlike the heavy weight of combat cleavers and cross-epee swords, its blade is as long as an arm. Even with the handle, it is easy to carry. It is the off-hand weapon that Lu Meng improved and customized for himself.

Lu Meng's wrist shook, he staggered away from the giant hammer, and used the momentum to slash with his long knife.

The Berserker reacted and quickly pulled out his hand, but it was still a step too late.

With a flash of blood, two little fingers were cut off directly by the sharp blade.

Uncle Hua witnessed this scene from a distance and was also stunned.

This was the strategy he wanted to adopt before.

However, theory is theory. No matter how well you imagine it in your mind, it may not be able to be used in reality. The enemy is not a living target just standing there for you to kill.

The young man in front of him perfectly demonstrated the theoretical sword skills.

But it's a pity that if he could have been faster, he would have cut off the berserker's thumb. Only this one would make him unable to hold the weapon anymore...

Before Uncle Hua and others could react, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

Lu Meng had no intention of deciding the outcome with one move. As soon as he made a slash, the blade of the sword reversed smoothly and struck at the berserker again.

Losing the absolute overwhelming advantage in strength, the berserker was unable to deal with the layers of sharp knives. He was overwhelmed by the left and right, and retreated one after another.

In his field of vision, he had been forced to the cliff by this swordsman who had appeared inexplicably.

out on a limb.

Is it possible for the dignified "Kral" to be cornered?

The Berserker roared, and the muscles around his body expanded again.

This Shaq man's blood should have dried up, but the body functions stimulated by the madness accelerated his metabolism like burning life. His spinal cord twitched, and fresh blood surged from his heart to his whole body.

His face began to wrinkle, which was premature aging caused by accelerated cell division.

What you get in exchange is unparalleled power!

The berserker rushed towards Lu Meng fiercely.

Then he missed.

In his bloody "vision", the figure of the swordsman suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The surge of blood shocked the corners of the berserk warrior's eyes, and more blood poured out of his eyes. However, even if he circled around, he still could not find the enemy's location.


Suddenly, a long knife passed through his abdominal cavity.

The cold blade chilled the hot blood.

Regardless of his injuries, the berserker roared and swung his hammer behind him, but the swordsman disappeared again. He only appeared at the moment of the attack.

Immediately afterwards, another long knife penetrated.

In the eyes of others, a strange scene happened.

The berserker's blood surged as he stood there and kept swinging his hammer, while Lu Meng paced around him, occasionally drawing a knife and stabbing into the opponent's defenseless waist and abdomen.

Most of the time, Lu Meng held back his aura, and his moving figure was like a walking dead tree; but when he drew his sword, it was overflowing with murderous intent, drawing more blood every time.

Even in its heyday, the berserker's senses could not detect Lu Meng.

What's more, his eyes have been gouged out now?

The swamp people can still see clearly as bystanders, but the berserker inside can only become a living target for practicing swordsmanship.

"The sword pierced his back... the sword pierced his intestines... the sword gradually approached, and Krall suffered a hundred sword wounds..."

A chant sounded in the Berserker's mind, becoming more and more clear.

——"Klar, went to another world."

Yes, isn't Krall dead?

Wu He is enlightened.

The Berserker suddenly knelt down.

The blood color faded, and his consciousness completely sank into darkness.

[Actual combat level 53→56]

Lu Meng sheathed the knife and shook it. Purple blood splashed to the ground, and the sword instantly became as bright as new.

The quality of this new product is really good. When it was first quenched, there was no oil on it.

He glanced at the blood stains on the floor. They quickly changed color and decayed when exposed to the air. Some even bubbled and exploded, emitting a foul smell.

The berserker also had several crossbow arrows stuck in his body.

In fact, he did not completely avoid the swamp people's shots, and the venom still entered his body.

It was just that there was not much blood in the body of the Shaq at that time, which slowed down the spread. In addition, the vigorous vitality brought by the madness completely suppressed the toxin.

However, with the successive fierce battles, the berserker's circulatory system became active again.

In addition, he was seriously injured in the first place. No matter how hard he squeezed his life force, it was not unlimited. If he could delay time, he would fall to the ground and die sooner or later - it just depends on how much the swamp people can pay.

Lu Meng waited for this opportunity to take action, saying that it was okay to save them, but he also had a little intention of picking up their heads.

If you don't do the last hit, you'll die.

Before anyone else could come over, he kicked the crossbow arrows away from the berserk warrior.

However, the swamp people don't seem to be so careful. The oppression brought by the berserker warriors is too great.

Seeing Lu Meng put away the knife and started to tidy up his clothes, someone cautiously came closer to confirm that the berserker was really dead this time, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

They looked at Lu Meng with gratitude - but also fear.

The Berserker was already so terrifying, but the man in front of him could kill him.

What kind of existence this is is beyond the imagination of ordinary villagers in these swamps.

If it must be said, the leaders of the major factions in the entire swamp may be nothing more than this.

And for such people, I was willing to communicate with them calmly before, but these people actually mean to offend me... Now I think about it, I almost blush.

The world outside is indeed not simple.

Only then did the young people in the swamp understand what Uncle Hua had been teaching them, and their minds became calmer.

Uncle Hua looked complicated.

This person said something about being 'not good at fighting' before... Is this how you are 'not good at fighting'?

The fighting instinct of the berserker is already top-notch, but from ambush to attack, from eye-gouging to execution... the fate of this berserker seems to be completely under the control of the opponent.

Uncle Hua didn't ask any more questions.

He knows far more about human nature and sophistication than these brats.

Because his right arm was injured and he couldn't hand it over, he had to bend down and say: "Thank you sir..."

"No need to gossip." Lu Meng interrupted him, "It's better to save your own people first."

On the other side, Ah Li realized that there was no danger and ran back to Allen with joy on her face.

The young man saw her and smiled, but his face was pale.

Ah Li saw the situation clearly and her smile solidified.

I saw several bloody holes on Allen's body, and the slurry soaked the linen clothes.

The Shaq tribe was covered with scales and bone spurs. The moment Allen struggled to hug the berserker, he had already been pierced. It was only with perseverance and bravery that he persisted until now.

Now that the crisis was over, Allen exhausted all his strength and sat down slowly.

Ah Li supported him on the side and didn't say anything like "You don't want to die". She just remained silent and let her tears roll down.

Allen was stunned when he saw this.

The girl's tears condensed on her dark skin, looking a bit like honey.

He couldn't help but use his last strength to step forward and hug her.

"Get off."

A faint voice sounded.

"Aren't you afraid of getting infected?"

The white-haired young man stood beside them, the smell of blood still lingering on his body.

The two of them panicked and quickly separated.

"Is it you?" Allen spoke with difficulty, and they saw clearly who was coming.

Ali remained silent.

Although the other party had saved them just now, Allen was seriously injured now, and his hard-earned life was about to be lost again. She felt disappointed and really had no interest in thanking him.

"When dealing with Shaks, even if you are fighting hand-to-hand, you must target their joints - because they still need to move, these locations are often not protected by scales and bone spurs." Lu Meng said.

"I've learned a lesson," Allen smiled bitterly, "But I'm going to die, so why are I talking about this..."

"Who said you are about to die?" Lu Meng took out the medical bag he picked up from the caravan, "Although many people will die, it may not be your turn yet."

The swamp is humid and hot, and it is easy to breed mosquitoes and bacteria. Sometimes a small injury can kill a strong and healthy person.

However, we are now in the Stan Desert. If treated in time, recovery may not be impossible.

These young people who came out of the swamp to make a living are actually good players, and their physical fitness is different from ordinary people. As long as they don't die on the spot and follow up with follow-up recuperation and hygiene, they have a high probability of recovery.

【Medical: 33→34】

【Medical: 34→35】

【Medical: 35→36】

Of course, the more important thing is that no vital organs were injured. If the injury was fatal, Lu Meng's medical skills would not be able to save it.

Lu Meng would not try to treat such an injured person again.

One of the secrets to maintaining a good rating is to only save people who can be saved.

In addition to Allen, there were several swamp people who received timely treatment. They were the lucky ones - but there was nothing that could be done about the remaining injured.

"Uncle Hua..."

A young man lay weakly in Uncle Hua's arms, his entire lower body missing.

"Don't say anything yet, don't worry." Uncle Hua endured the severe pain in his arm, picked up a dab of ointment with the tip of a knife, lit it, and put it on the young man's lips:

"I will take your share back to your family. You are the hero of the village and they will not be bullied."

I don't know if it was the smoke or Uncle Hua's words that had an effect. A smile appeared on the young man's face, and then solidified.

Scenes like this are still happening.

The rest of the swampfolk just watched in silence.

Everyone was mentally prepared before setting off.

Uncle Hua put down the young man's body and sighed.

People in the swamp have always lived like this.

Now the young people in the village regard him as an experienced 'Uncle Hua', but many years ago, he was just a little kid following behind the elders... just like these young people.

As he went on business trips and ventures again and again, he was the only one among the original group of people who survived. After there was no one else to rely on, it was up to others to rely on him.

Trading with the outside world is dangerous and will kill people, but it must be done because without this income, more people will die in the village.

The losses this time are considered small.

— and there’s even an added bonus.

Lu Meng and Calvin were cleaning up the battlefield.

The previous backpack was shattered, but fortunately the ambushed caravan had more and larger backpacks.

Kavin can carry more things.

This caravan seemed to have just finished doing business, and it carried 70,000 to 80,000 Kai coins with it. It was considered a huge profit - but it was a pity that the scale was not large, otherwise it would not have been destroyed by the robbers.

Lu Meng took away the leader's backpack and replenished the supplies for the journey. He was not interested in the remaining unsalable goods, so he left it to the swamp people to choose.

In this way, they did not lose the money from selling grain, but also gained an extra fortune.

Lu Meng took the opportunity to check on the warriors killed by the berserker.

Their tiger's mouth and palms have become thick calluses, which is the result of years of practicing and holding swords, and they are obviously very skilled.

Judging from the armor they wear, it is also in the style of samurai armor, but it is much brittle and thin, with only its own shape. The thickest part is just a layer of iron sheet - "fake" level armor, an imitation of the imperial samurai armor.

Wearing this level of armor, he could only hold up the scene and intimidate Xiao Xiao.

Different from the martial style of the Shark Kingdom, everything in United City is based on coins. Even if the strength reaches the level of these warriors, they still have to wear cheap armor and be driven by merchants.

Next, Lu Mengyou walked with the swamp people for a while.

Uncle Hua also asked him his name, but Lu Meng just told them his last name.

It is useless to talk too much if we talk briefly and deeply.

Having just experienced a change, the swamp people were still very nervous.

Even for himself, Lu Meng could tell that the other party was still on guard - but there was a subtle difference.

The previous vigilance was out of a mentality of protecting property and rejecting all strangers.

The current vigilance is a kind of vigilance against 'danger', which is the instinct of all living things.

There are advantages, for example, the swamp people don't doubt that Lu Meng covets them - if the other party had this intention, whether it was assassination or robbery, they would have done it long ago.

Sometimes, being able to commit murder but not doing it has become a rare quality.

Some brave young people would come up and chat with them, just like listening to ghost stories, frightened and curious at the same time.

Lu Meng was noncommittal about this, which added to the fun of the journey.

There were some who sincerely thanked them. For example, the little girl named A Li sent a jar of candied fruits, which were said to be homemade snacks.

Just like each house of sauerkraut has its own taste, even Lu Meng couldn't tell what kind of fruit was in this jar of preserves.

"Is it sweet?"

Kavin nodded desperately: "Sweet."

"Okay." Seeing how lively he was, Lu Meng took it and took a bite.

To be honest, for Lu Meng, who had been bombarded with various sweeteners in his previous life, the taste of these candied fruits was not that strong.

Its sweetness is just a dense feeling, long and silky.

It's nightfall the next day.

Everyone rested on the spot, and the camp was quiet.

The night is getting darker.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound, and then gradually faded away.

"Master," Kavin opened his eyes: "They are gone."

"I know, go to sleep."

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