Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 586 Evolution and Capture (Combined Chapter)

[Increase in attack range]

[Increase in selectable targets]

[Double HP]

[Increase in physical strength, speed, and endurance]


Under the catalysis of the "White Wolf" module, Xiaogu's various attributes are now growing rapidly, not only surpassing the scope of mountain dogs, but even surpassing the largest bone dog subspecies on this continent, the Buried Bone Wolf.

It must be said that only the theoretical Elder Wolf King, who has broken through the growth limit, can be compared with it, but it is almost impossible to find such a giant beast in reality.

Natural survival is bound to cause damage.

It is difficult for them to live safely until now.

However, Xiaogu at the moment is actually just a young and strong puppy who has just entered adulthood.

When the beaked gorilla reacted, it was faced with a bloody mouth, biting hard on its body. It was originally extremely powerful and flew backwards after being hit by such a collision.

And the bitten arm.

Tear it off directly!

The blood danced to the night sky, and under the reflection of the moonlight, it was like a string of scarlet necklaces.


Xiao Gu opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

It had no time to chew, but the gorilla's flesh and bones were crushed directly by the powerful throat muscles when passing through the steel-like esophagus, without causing any obstruction.

The next moment, it leaped out again.

The broken-armed giant ape wailed in pain, and just as he stood up, he saw the white beast again!

It had the conditions to break through the elder stage, and originally lived alone in the bone wasteland. Even if it really encountered a pack of wolves in the bone-burying ground, it was not afraid at all - with its size and strength, it could grab the upper and lower jaws of the wolf like tearing fruit and directly break it apart.

They are on the food chain.

They are predators of the same level.

But...Xiao Gu completely crushed it!

The beaked gorilla wailed in fear, but what was even more shrill than its cry was the horrible tearing sound when the flesh and skin of its limbs were torn off from its body in large pieces, like tearing silk.

The white wolf pressed it with one claw.

It was like hunting a goat.

This primitive and bloody scene also stunned the tech hunters... Liu Si didn't know how many things worth recording happened tonight. Every note that was circulated back to the headquarters was enough to cause a sensation.


The points alone were all earned.

At this moment, a petite figure suddenly jumped out of the hunting giant wolf and rolled on the ground. Before, because of Xiaogu's long mane, no one noticed her existence.

Seto landed and stood up.

Holding a thick combat cleaver in his hand.

As a Shak, wearing armor and carrying such a heavy weapon, Xiaogu can still carry her so easily and rush thousands of miles.

It can be regarded as a dream come true.

Here, Xiaogu has broken the beaked gorilla into pieces and swallowed it in a few bites-one of the prices of evolving into a white wolf is that the appetite has almost increased geometrically. It was just fed before departure, and now it still has a big appetite.

Suddenly, it vomited.

It spat out most of the meat it had eaten, took several steps back, and ran back to Seto, snorting in dissatisfaction.

"Xiaogu... Hmm! What's so smelly?" The little princess was about to express her concern, but she also smelled the smell.

Xiaogu's background is a mountain dog. Even though it has evolved into a giant white wolf, its tracking sense of smell is still extremely sensitive. At this moment, it feels very irritated by the smell of biological toxins remaining in the air.

However, these toxins are also ineffective against white wolves, but the smell is a little worse.


Chad on the other side was a little embarrassed.

He originally wanted to remind her, but seeing that the Shak girl had already put on a gas mask very skillfully, he didn't know what to say.

However, his words still attracted attention.

"Hmm?" The little princess looked at the group of people, as if she had just discovered them, "Are you technology hunters?"

She took a quick look at the other party's attire.

The tech hunter was also surprised: From the other party's tone, it can be heard that they didn't pay attention to them before - in order to avoid escaping, and using the yellow smoke as a cover, their bodies are hidden, which is also normal.

But in this case...

This white wolf and the wolf cavalry didn't come to rescue because they found their traces... Are they passing by? Or did they come here specially.

Their purpose -

The effect of the gas bomb faded, as Chad expected, most of the beaked gorillas still broke free from the influence, but they still had some headaches and shaky movements.

They are still fully capable of chasing everyone.

Xiaogu was about to pounce forward again, and Seto hurriedly pulled the reins hanging from its neck: "That's enough!"

With your biting degree.

No one can be left alive.

At this time, the wolf cavalry has arrived.

"Whoa -" Qi Ke drove a bone-burying wolf, blowing the bone whistle bitten between her teeth, and the round bead ball whirred.

Under the command of the female trainer, the wolf cavalry regiment of 500 people gathered into a vortex and surrounded the entire grass hill.

Some of these wolf mounts were captured by Lu Meng during the first siege of the North Wind Clan. Now they returned here for the same siege.

The situation was very different.

"Ahem... oh!" The old gorilla finally struggled out of the influence of the poison gas and almost lost half of his life. But when he noticed the current situation, he was so scared that he was about to lose half of his life.

Surrounded by wolves.

There was a man on the wolf's back.

Without waiting for its order, the beaked gorillas had already rushed down the grass hill and fled ten feet away.

Although they were objectively fleeing, their bodies were huge. Compared with the humanoid races such as the Hive Clan and humans, they were considered giants and strongmen. Even among the Shek Clan, only a few could match them. The impact of this swarm of swarms was no less than that of the vanguard of the formation.

The wolf cavalrymen who were just meeting the front.

I'm afraid they would encounter a lot of trouble -

However, the bee riders on the wolf's back had already prepared.


Sparks fell from the sky.

They crackled and ignited flames when they landed on the ground.

They threw the torches in their hands.

The momentum of the beaked gorillas stagnated, and they were stimulated by instinct and jumped around. They unconsciously followed their subconscious and rushed towards the direction where there was no fire.


They felt something falling on them.

Then it suddenly tightened!

The herdsman Kone on the side saw clearly:

——It was a lasso.

The powerful soldier bee rider skillfully swung out the thick hemp rope coiled around his waist, and tied one section to his arms and the seat under him.

The other section of the rope loop accurately fell on the head, torso and limbs of the beaked gorilla.

The giant ape was not careful.

His whole body was pulled into the air by several wolf riders.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The three-finger-wide hemp rope was wrapped with beef tendons, which was extremely tough and tightly bound the beaked gorilla's powerful limbs. Even if it was about to break free, a new lasso flew out of the darkness the next moment.

Then, the pulling force increased again.

The bee rider's movements were extremely skillful. Although he was riding a giant wolf under his crotch, his waist and abdomen were united, his body was stable, and the coordination between them was quite close.

At the same time, the same beaked gorilla.

At least it was being dragged by four wolves.

——If it were in the wild, the power of an adult beaked gorilla would not necessarily be inferior to these giant wolves.

The premise is that the power of each rider is not added.

Seeing this scene, Liu Si quickly completed the force analysis and finally focused his eyes on the riding gear covering the wolf's back.

The design is reasonable and fits the body.

Without them, the rider cannot form a joint force with his mount - and looking at this style, it is obviously tailor-made for the domesticated burial wolf.

For this.

Liu Si is no longer surprised.

And the herdsman Cone clearly saw the method of animal training of the wandering tribe from the bee people's lassoing movements.

Even if it is not that kind of special ability, these skills must be taught by people in Shandi, so that they are easier to master.

"When did such a team appear in Shandi?" Cone was surprised.

He was just out for business.

How many things happened in the middle?

And since it is the skill of the Shandi tribe, he roughly understands what the other party is going to do.

One after another, the beaked gorillas were captured by the wolf cavalry in a panic. The burial wolves ran around the field in front, dragging these giant apes to make gullies on the grass, which scared them and made them scream.

The struggle was fruitless, and finally they ran out of energy.


Qi Ke blew the whistle again, and the wolf cavalry's circling tactics gradually stopped. Some beemen turned over, took out the spare ropes and put them around the exhausted beaked gorillas on the ground, and officially tied them up.

68 beaked gorillas, all captured.

No, there is still one...

"Oh, oh, oh!"

The old gorilla did not rush down the grass hill, so it did not fall into the lasso of the wolf cavalry. It waved its wooden stick and roared threateningly at the people who gathered around.

And behind it was the white tent.

The "sanctuary" of their new tribe.

Seto exchanged glances with Qi Ke, the leader of the wolf cavalry, and he held the machete and approached the old gorilla step by step.

The old gorilla was still waving the wooden stick, opening his beak with few sharp teeth and gritting his teeth.

But when Seto approached a few meters, it suddenly secretly touched from behind, and a rusty knife appeared in its hand from the folds of skin.

Then it immediately pounced on the Shak girl.

One hand grabbed the wooden stick and smashed it down.

Even though it was old, its bones were hunched and atrophied, but its body was still larger than all ordinary people.

The explosion was amazing.

One hand was tightly holding the golden iron knife, hiding it with its movements and long mane, and it was impossible to see any clues. It was waiting for an opportunity to move and prepare to stab Seto.

Although this old beaked gorilla was approaching his life, he was indeed wise.

Experience and cunning.

Among his kind, there is no one better.


Under the double moon, the knife flashed.

Princess Shak held a broad combat cleaver, her movements were as relaxed as the breeze, and in an instant they were as fast as lightning.

The fruit knife that was picked up from somewhere broke into two sections and flew out.

Accompanying them.

There was also half a beaked gorilla's claw.


The old gorilla wailed and retreated, and the wooden stick in his other hand also broke into two pieces, but Seto cut it off effortlessly.

The tricks of this old gorilla, placed in the animal group, even the beaked gorilla group, may be worthy of praise.

But if the little princess can still be hit with her current experience and martial arts.

It would be unworthy to call herself the apprentice of the nameless one.

The old orangutan bared his teeth, rolled and crawled back and ran away - straight into the big white tent.

Seto wasn't eager.

Approach slowly and slowly.

The old orangutan got into the white tent, pulled down the curtain and fixed it on the stake like a human being, then threw down the wooden stick, and first kowtowed several times to the entire tent roof. This was a place where he would rather unite his tribe and gain status. It is a wild sanctuary that will be respected by all the captured technology hunters who sacrifice it.

All I want now is that it can keep me safe.

What the other orangutans didn't know was that the beak-billed orangutan realized that the healing function of the sanctuary did not work at all times - in other words, its function could be changed, although it was completely beyond his control.

There is one item among them.

That is, it can become extremely strong.

Even if you bite hard, it will not be destroyed.

The reason why the old orangutan wants to organize so many of his kind to come to worship and prepare so many sacrifices for the sanctuary is that he is thinking about whether he can find the rules of functional changes and use his own pious rituals to move God - and finally let the sanctuary For your own use.

In ignorant fanaticism.

It feels like it's very close to success.

But now, the old orangutan's paws were in severe pain, so he could only follow the example of the injured soldier before, find a straw mat and lie down.

Its injuries also began to slowly heal.

——The slowness is compared with other young and strong beak-billed orangutans. For its age, if it is injured in the wild, there is no other choice but to wait for the wound to rot and eventually take its own life.

There is now care for the "sanctuary."

It is already considered a miraculous blessing.

The old orangutan closed his eyes and emitted regular, repetitive...but completely meaningless bytes.

Like praying.

After a long time, the wounds on the Broken Palm no longer hurt, leaving only some numbness and itching, but there was still no movement outside the tent...could it be that the Sanctuary was really showing up!


Gold and stone are open.

The old orangutan suddenly felt happy.

It slowly opened its eyes, ready to witness the miracle——

What caught his eye was a bloody mouth.

The small bone has a mouth, looking at it from top to bottom, the sharp teeth are like daggers, and the throat is clearly visible leading to the esophagus.

A drop of hot saliva.

dripping on its face.

"Hey!" The old orangutan gasped, "Hiccup——"

He tilted his head and became completely silent.

"The advancement failed." In another corner of the tent, Qike shook her head, feeling quite regretful.

She judged that the beak-billed orangutan had actually reached the stage of breaking through its physiological limits and trying to enter the elder stage, at least it had the qualifications.

I just couldn't cross this threshold.

"It's a pity that I didn't see it." Seto whispered, holding the knife.


I can catch one more elder-stage beak-billed orangutan and bring it to Master together.

"However, the harvest now is already very good." Qiqi smiled and encouraged: "After all, it is the third batch."

"Only now do I understand what the Red King means... He just said how you can 'fish' on the grassland."

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