Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 603 Encryption (Combined Chapter)

The man in black robes held the corner of his clothes and walked hurriedly.

According to the rules and regulations, if there is an accident in the base, the news will be summarized to the Red King through their respective channels, and only then can the original situation of the incident be known... But this regulation has not been used yet.

Logically, he does not need to do too much. He just comforted the army that suppressed the rioting beasts. It is best to stay at this time as a symbol to appease people.

But he did not.

Instead, he went to the Beaked Beast Tower, which he said, "Don't worry."

The guards held their positions.

The wind turbines were still whirring.

Reserve the great power from heaven and earth.

"Has anyone been here?" he asked.

"Yes." The guards looked at each other and said, "-You."

"... Forget it." The man in black robes said through the speaker: "Let me pass."

He opened the door as he wished.

A huge long-necked beast was lying on the ground, with chains all over its body, and it could only hang its head listlessly - the roar just now seemed to have consumed all its strength.

But as the black-robed man stepped into the tower, even with the breathing mask filtering, a faint fishy smell still floated to his nose.

- In the tower?

He looked around... Shandi has now captured a total of four elder-level beaked beasts, one of which is the largest and most ferocious, and Lu Meng wants to take it alone to serve as a house-guarding beast. The rest are distributed at key points along the entire front.

West, middle, and east.

One each.

In addition to the "long neck" that already existed in the White Eyebrow Valley, there are currently two beaked beast towers in this area, and the technology hunters went to one of them during the day.

And this is the other one.

He did not alarm the guards outside the tower, and his actions were normal. He quietly closed the door behind him... For safety reasons, these guards were at a certain distance from the Beakbill Tower. It would be better to say that what they really wanted to guard was the wind turbines that provided electricity in the surrounding area.

These things are more likely to be destroyed.

The tower door was closed, and there was no light inside. The only thing that could illuminate the surroundings was the moonlight shining from the high window as small as a prison.

Ordinary people could not see anything at all.

But he was an exception.

It would be better to say that he had long been accustomed to such an environment... As a black-robed man of the Son of Scorched Earth, he closed his eyelids, and a faint light shone from his iris - this was not self-luminous, but by changing the structure of the eyeball, all the rays in the surrounding environment were "captured" as much as possible.

The brightness reflected by this was different from their subspecies brothers, the Sons of the Green Plains.

Like a predator in the dark night.

Through this unique vision, he could see the moonlight shining down, illuminating the swords, spears, halberds, and various weapons around him... They were all stained with blood but not sharpened, and were all training tools.

Unlike the places visited by the tech hunters before, which also served as reception venues, this Beak-billed Beast Tower was purely a training venue.

In the barracks, ordinary soldiers would use unsharpened model tools for training and fighting each other to avoid unnecessary casualties... But such a tradition was completely ineffective in the new martial arts training grounds targeting beak-billed beasts.

Even if they were bound.

These behemoths were too powerful.

If ordinary recruits fought against them with model weapons, they would neither be able to break through the thick skin of the beak-billed beasts nor resist the attack of the long necks.

If they were not careful, they might be torn to pieces by the sharp teeth and beaks.

Therefore, if they wanted to apply for the use of beak-billed beast coaches, they had to be fully armored and respond as if they were really on the battlefield, so that they could be kept safe under the restraint of the iron chains.

At the same time, even if the recruits exert their full strength, they may not cause any harm to the beaked beasts, and these beasts can recover easily.

There is no need for accelerated medical treatment.

Now in the land of Shan, the only people who are qualified to use training equipment to fight against the beaked beasts are the Black Knight Griffin, Princess Seto of the Kingdom of Shek, the Fearless Tora of the Skeleton Group, and the Ember Priest Huo Buyang... just a few people.

——But the above examples do not include the elder beaked beasts.

The three beaked beast towers open to the public are already the top of the entire training system.

Even a few powerful and famous masters must be fully armed to enter here, and at the same time, they must show all their skills.

There will be people from the medical department waiting outside.

They are always on call.

Although Dr. Zhong said that I don’t care if you play with your lives, but when you have your last breath, remember to leave the organs to cool down and use them, and don’t give the beaked beasts extra food... but everyone knows that he has a sharp tongue but a soft heart, just to prepare for emergencies.

Take it so seriously.

Everyone used their most familiar close-combat weapons.

Instead of the training equipment on the sidelines.

——Then, the people who can use them are already obvious.

The black-robed man walked past these weapons, and passed them one by one, from the nobles' gorgeous samurai swords, to the assassins' frivolous and treacherous ninja swords, the sabers used on the battlefield... as well as thickened machetes, heavy swords, and various long weapons, and even heavy weapons that ordinary people can't wield.

The variety is complete, almost covering all the major categories of melee weapons, which is dazzling.

Without exception, they are all stained with blood.

On the other side, the long-necked giant beast lying on the ground was covered with scars of new and old wounds... The people who used them actually used the lowest-level, almost harmless training weapons to cut the opponent into scars.

Just looking at it is frightening.

And since the last time I came, it seems that the skin of the beaked beast has become thicker...

If it doesn't evolve, it will die, it's really true.

Its toughness has been improved.

But the weakness of the beaked beast shouldn't be because of this... He turned around and carefully approached the giant beast.

Sure enough, there was a huge thick straw mat under its feet, filled with medical cotton and soaked with dried blood.

As long as there is this enlarged version of the bed, the beaked beast can "enjoy" the bonus of healing speed while being beaten - it will be more resistant to beatings.

Superimpose the physique of the elder period.

The recovery speed is extremely fast.

From another perspective, if a living person were to suffer such treatment, it would be a never-ending hell... But he didn't have such an idea at all.

How many tribes in Shandi have lost their families and children because of this beast? Even if they can survive by chance, they have to endure loneliness and pain for the rest of their lives... As far as he knows, many herdsmen want to eat its meat raw, even though the part that can be eaten by the beak-billed beast is quite small and the meat is quite rotten, even if they eat it, it is just to vent their anger.

They did so.

On the other hand, the result is that among the recruits who apply to fight the beak-billed beast, the proportion of them who come from Shandi herdsmen is the highest.

The overall strength has improved rapidly.

But this still can't solve his doubts.

"The beak-billed gorilla riots, but the beak-billed beast is so weak, there is a stench in the tower, but the outsiders don't feel it at all..." The black-robed man thought in his mind, "and if you want to knock down the elder-level beast..."

He picked up a bloody iron rod and finally made up his mind. He went around the front of the beak-billed beast and approached its long neck that was as thick and cracked as a tree trunk.

As he approached

The usually irritable and alert beak-mouthed beast, with its huge head pressed to the ground, turned its face sideways and half opened its mouth, but did not react.


The black-robed man pressed down his clothes, and the iron rod directly pierced into its sharp beak, trying to pry it open.

In an instant.

A stream of light yellow gas poured out directly from the mouth of the beak-mouthed beast. Even with only the faint moonlight, you can see their spraying trajectory, which is enough to show how strong it is.

The source of the poisonous gas is actually in the opponent's body!

His eyes lit up, and he was about to reach out and grab something when he saw it--

"I advise you not to do this."

A dark voice suddenly sounded in the tower, gently swaying.

"..." The black-robed man stopped moving, but he did not turn around: "Why?"

"Should be this toxin is only effective against [alien creatures], ordinary humans and animals can only smell it and feel a stench - but that is within a certain concentration." The voice continued to speak, stuttering a little in the middle, as if it was not used to saying so many words at once: "But if you grab the concentrated liquid directly with your hands like you do... I'm afraid your skin will be corroded directly."

Before he spoke, the black-robed man's hand had already reached into the throat of the pried open beak-mouthed beast, disturbing the yellow poisonous mist that sprayed out from it - a metal can flashed through the gap.

It was stuck in the beak-mouthed beast's throat, rotating its head, spraying liquid in circles, and it immediately atomized and spread when it came into contact with the air, spraying it on the beak-mouthed beast's mouth, making a sizzling sound, which looked quite dangerous.

However, before the man finished speaking, the black-robed man's hand reached in again, grabbed the metal can and threw it directly into the corner.

"...Why?" This time it was the other side's turn to ask questions.

"This is the property of Shandi." The black-robed man stood up and stroked his palm, "and you are killing it."

Even emotionally, he didn't care about the life or death of a beaked beast.

But as just said, this elder-stage beaked beast is a rare property of their Shandi, a trophy of the previous beast disaster, and a proof that they are in the same boat under the banner of the Red King.

Not to mention, it may continue to create benefits and play a greater value in the future.

Just pouring poison gas into the stomach like this...Just since he entered the tower for such a short time, the beaked beast has gone from being able to call twice to being unable to move...I'm afraid that before this bottle of poison gas is used up, it will be too late for the gods to save it.

He turned around.

With excellent eyesight in the dark, he saw the other party's face clearly, including the twitching corners of the mouth and the painful expression...It is obvious that this bottle is also worth a lot.

It does have a killing effect on beaked beasts, but perhaps considering the need to prevent accidental injuries and the difficulty of production, its intensity is not as fatal as the venom... If it were not for the limitations of effect and price, the beast disaster caused by the long-necked beast would not have troubled the people of Shem for so many generations.

And the person who owns it...

"I want to ask you, what are you doing here?" He said, "And... what do you mean by [alien creatures] in your words just now?"


"Alien creatures... didn't you tell me this news?" The man took out the oily paper hidden in his arms. If he spread it out, he could find that it was the ciphertext he had decrypted. One paragraph was blank, and another paragraph had several phrases circled.

"——Red King." Chad said.

The black-robed man stood still in place, his figure upright, the tassels of the priest's robes hanging down, just right on the ember emblem on his chest.

He raised his head slightly.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, the technology hunter jumped down directly - he had relied on the claw power of one hand to cling firmly to the cracks in the masonry of the wall with four fingers.

Hang firmly.

And merge with the darkness.

The technology hunter landed lightly, holding his piece of paper between his fingertips: "At first, I thought you missed some words during the translation process, resulting in gaps in the cipher text I got... But later I found out that it was completely Not so."

Because, when he continued to sort out other cipher texts, he found that in addition to blank spaces, there were also some inexplicable words mixed in the paragraphs.

It stands to reason that this is within the allowable range of error. It is also okay to treat the other party as a translation error and it does not affect the original meaning.

However, when he combined these words on a whim... he found that they could interpret new, smooth, and readable words and sentences!

【Alien creature】

It is one of them.

And, according to Chad's understanding, these words should happen to be part of his blank cipher text.

This can only mean one thing -

"When you were translating for me, you already understood my cipher text," Chad held up the paper with a complex expression, "and then you deliberately omitted to translate a key part on the grounds of guesswork and errors."

When reading at the first level, if only some words are missing, others can easily understand it through the context and will not feel anything strange.

Chad needs a relatively accurate translation so that it can be compared with his encryption method... The accumulation of various errors and omissions resulted in the loss of the second layer of meaning.

But the most terrifying thing is not here.

The other party not only created gaps, but was even able to embed the originally missing information into the normal translation in an irrelevant form through re-encryption.

This is not only the art of language.

"You have completely seen through my encryption method - you want to tell me this." Chad said slowly, "Otherwise, this last step is meaningless except to show off your skills."

When he realized this.

It was simply horrifying.

[Life Skills: Lock Picking]

At a high level, what people are facing is not just ordinary safes or low-end things like iron doors.

Just like technology hunters, if they want to explore lost ruins, they will inevitably encounter various ancient and novel encryption methods and even program code locks... This cannot be solved by craftsmen alone.

What Chad used was also a newly discovered one. He didn't report it to the organization after he discovered it, just to keep it secret.

But I didn't expect it.

It was untied directly by a person whom I had just met.

The secret is revealed.

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