Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 606: Which is more important? (Combined chapter)

"Thank you for your help..." Romi held his injured right arm, "I was saved by you again."

The entire commune hut built with honeycomb technology has now turned into building fragments, with debris collapsed everywhere, and the ground is full of technology hunters standing or lying.

And the bodies of beaked gorillas.

"No need to thank me, this is our duty." Qi Ke rode on the wolf's back with a solemn face, "Besides, we should reflect on the misfortune that caused the distinguished guests to encounter such a change..."

The wolf cavalry is the most mobile of all the troops. After the incident, they arrived before the technology hunters could hold on for long.

Dealing with beaked gorillas is also a piece of cake.

However, what made Qi Ke's face solemn was...the beaked gorillas lying on the ground did not have the white hair they were familiar with.

But it was gray...

even black.

"Roar!" Several howls came from the other side. The wolf cavalry tried their best to restrain several living giant ape captives, but what surprised them was that the beaked gorilla, which used to be tied up by three or four beehive soldiers, was so strong that it was even trying to break free and drag them away. They were in a panic for a while.

It was the same people who captured these gorillas not long ago.

In Qi Ke's eyes, compared with the corpses that stopped changing, the hair color of these living captives was still getting darker, gradually evolving towards pure black - this was definitely not normal.

"Roar!" A black beaked gorilla was struggling hard, and both his eyes and voice revealed a sense of brutality.

Qi Ke was already one of the top trainers, but when she tried to use her ability to appease the other party, she always felt that the connection with him was separated by a hazy piece.

It became more difficult to tame.

"Report to His Majesty the Red King and let him handle it." The girl patted her forehead and ordered the wolf cavalry.

To be honest, since the construction of the fortress in Shandi, that adult has often "appeared" in the image of the first fire, and it is quite easy to find him.

The only problem is that even if Qi Ke meets him and wants to report something, the other party often will not make a decision immediately, but will wait until a period of time has passed before conveying it by someone.

Some people are also worried that his frequent inspections can certainly win over the people and make everyone feel at ease - but for him, it delays the training of honing martial arts and improving strength.

This cannot last long.

The Shadow Department, which is responsible for spying on security, even caught some people spreading rumors, saying that this is because the Red King knows that his personal strength can no longer be improved at his level, so he simply concentrates on the development of power.

Commonly known as playing rotten.

Fortunately, most people do not have a deep understanding of this level of strong people, and the most widely circulated strength division comes from "Respected Mr. Bard" - he did not speak, so these statements did not have much impact.

On the other side, Liu Si leaned on the bloodstained golden knife, fumbled on the ground for a while, picked up the half-cracked lens, put it on his nose, and dusted it off.

He shook his head when he heard Qi Ke take the responsibility, and went forward to ask the other party about what he knew and what happened.

But at this moment.

A sudden voice sounded.

"She is right... you should reflect on it!"

Deng Li crawled out of the ruins and looked at the wolf riders around him: "Even your Red King has asked us for help and regarded us as VIPs... But how do you do your security work!"

He pointed to the bloodstain on his face, and grinned.

"You captured these beaked gorillas, but they attacked us after the riot... Isn't this what you are condoning?"

After all, there are animal trainers in Shandi.

This time, not only Romi and Liu Si looked at him hurriedly, but even the sad mine hunters who had supported Deng Li were a little surprised.

To be honest, they also had doubts in their hearts, but they were not brave enough to make these questions public directly - if so, both sides would undoubtedly lose face.

And you don't support the Tech Hunters to set up a station in the Land of Light... Romi thought, how come it has become that they need you now?

But the words have been spoken, and they have no time to stop them. On the other hand, the Red King has undoubtedly told the members of the Land of Light, and they don't know the differences within the Tech Hunters. This tiger-skin banner can really scare people.

Hearing this, Qi Ke, who was already in a low mood, looked even colder.

If it were her old self.

She would have retorted long ago.

But now she is no longer an ordinary animal trainer in the mountain tribe, and her words and deeds must consider the impact on the entire Land of Light.

"We will find out what happened as soon as possible," Qi Ke lowered her eyes and bowed slightly, "but I can guarantee that this matter has nothing to do with our Land of Light..."

Deng Li's mouth corners raised, and just as he was about to say something, he heard a whisper in his ear:

"Quit while you are ahead."

As light as the wind.

The Tech Hunter stopped talking and turned to help up his fallen companions.

Seeing this, Romi and Liu Si in the distance also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Deng Li might have just said something he didn't want to say.

He didn't lose his sense of proportion.

"Are there any casualties among the Tech Hunters?" Qi Ke took a breath and looked at the wolf cavalry beside him. She had expected it in her heart.

This group of technological hunters are not ordinary people, and as they stick to the hut, even if the rhinoceros orangutan that attacked them before attacks again and has been strengthened, they should not suffer much damage.

If there are any injured people, just hand them over to the Medical Department.

Unexpectedly, the Wolf Cavalry hesitated and said: "They... are missing one person."

When Qike and Liu Si heard this, their hearts twitched, but it was for different reasons.

"One person is missing..." The girl's gaze swept across them with sharp eyes.


"Wait a minute," Liu Si took a step forward, "I know that person. Maybe he was dispersed when he was attacked by a beak-billed orangutan. The situation was quite chaotic..."

He told a little lie.

Chad disappeared before the incident and was extremely suspicious. Everyone had also communicated with the Wolf Cavalry before. Everyone knew about the existence of biological poison gas in their method of dealing with beak-billed orangutans.

It's so consistent with tonight's situation.

However, Liu Si knew that the gas bombs used by Chad were used to kill beak-billed orangutans and other creatures, but had no other effect...

What he was worried about was that as a technology hunter, he knew the difference, but the herdsmen in Shendi did not have this knowledge. If Chad was identified as the culprit, a conflict would inevitably break out between the two sides.

As a result, a technology hunter was falsely accused in Shendi... Once the headquarters knew about this, even if Lu Beiyou held their silver card, the station establishment plan, which was not a sound one, would be completely ruined. Bubble.

What's more, Liu Si felt a little uneasy... Although the gas bombs could not incite the orangutans to riot, he could not guarantee whether the other party had brought other props.

I remember this team leader.

In the voting process, the technology hunter cast a crucial negative vote and became the last alien.

If Chad deliberately created conflicts among them because he was determined to oppose the headquarters setting up a station in Shendi... Even Liu Si didn't know whether these hunters from the Mine Mine would do such a thing.

The only solution is now.

We can only wait for the Red King, who is reasonable at first glance and understands the technical level of technology hunters, to make a decision, instead of leaving it to his subordinates.

Unfortunately, Liu Si's temporary explanation was obviously not convincing enough.

It's more like prevarication.

"Oh, really?" Qike, who had been slapped with a hat just now, was holding a breath in her heart, "I wonder when he will be able to come back?"

Her words were quite restrained.

But the fierce wolf cavalry around them did not hide the suspicious looks in their eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Seeing that the situation was about to slip in the direction that Liu Si was most worried about, a crisp vibration tore through the stagnant air.

Click, click, click.

It was the sound of armor clashing.

A knight in black armor, with a long sword on his back and a helmet in his arms, with his beautiful blond hair sticking to his face, came silently.

It's Griffin.

All the Wolf Cavalrymen in the audience saluted him when they saw him. Although they were not in the same system, they were worthy of respect as one of the strongest men under the Red King.

There are even rumors that the Promised City currently under construction in Shendi was planned based on the drawings he brought, which is a result of his meritorious service.

"——The embers are rekindled." After reciting a prayer, as a famous black knight, Griffin was very gentle in his treatment of others. After meeting with Chico, the beast trainer, he looked at the technology hunters present: "Master Chuhuo wants to see you."

"I didn't expect that we would see each other again so soon," the young man said with his hands behind his back. "Although the things we experienced during this period... were not so relaxing."

His voice echoed leisurely.

Fourteen technology hunters except Chad gathered here. They looked at the surrounding environment in surprise: this was actually a large auditorium.

The entire wall is made of black stone, solemn and solemn. Although the building is not as tall as the watchtower, looking up, it still makes people feel that its dome reaches directly to the sky.

The area here is much wider than that of the Beak-billed Beast Tower. Although there is only one floor, it can accommodate at least a thousand people inside.

"This is the place where the religious order 'sacrifice'." The young man turned around. At this moment, he was wearing a pure black religious robe. Only the silver ash coat of arms was painted on the chest, with sparks dancing on it. "The quartz stone lens on the dome It can bring in the moonlight, so it doesn’t look dark even late at night without lighting... Isn’t it a pretty good place?”

No one responded.

As he said, the faint moonlight shone down and shone in the center of the hall, and the light spot coincided with the position of this tall man.

The moonlight blended with the black clothes, and the silver emblem flashed. Different from the previous warrior attire, the other party put on a sacrificial hood, covering his iconic white hair and half of his face.

But it is even more mysterious and quiet.

The black stone hall, the moonlight spots, the echoing sounds... Technology hunters do not believe in God, but after witnessing this scene, it is not difficult for them to imagine: if the leader of the group, known as the First Fire, was dressed like this during a gathering of the cult, , I’m afraid just standing here can make people fascinated.

Griffin simply led them to the door.

Then he bowed and silently exited.

"...Mr. Lu," Liu Si straightened his mind and forcibly broke the seamless scene, which seemed to consume a lot of his energy before he could say: "I believe tonight's incident has nothing to do with Shandi. , and also with us..."

"I know everything." Unexpectedly, Lu Meng waved his hand and looked at one of the technology hunters, "Mr. Deng Li, I heard that you are somewhat dissatisfied with our handling of Shandi?"

"No, not...right!" The mine hunter named Deng Li subconsciously wanted to deny it, but then he thought of something and nodded.

In the past, or in his personal capacity, he would never have dared to speak to the other party in such a tone, but when he thought that the other party wanted to set up a station in Shandi, and that behind him were technology hunters all over the continent, he still followed the original plan The plan came out.

However, just when Deng Li was about to respond, he suddenly froze.

——How did he know?

When he opened his mouth to choke the female trainer, everyone was present, but he was led here immediately by the black knight without any delay.

This hall has a wide view, and when the door opened, there was only one person inside, Lu Beiyou.

Who can tell me the news?

A chill instantly reached my spine.

"Mr. Lu, Deng Li just said something out of anger." Luo Mi hadn't thought about this yet. He just heard that the other party's tone was serious. He quickly stepped forward to smooth things over and changed the subject: "I believe that no matter what happens, it won't happen." Affecting the cooperation between Shandi and Technology Hunters..."

His words were ambiguous, but the six Mine Hunters who had voted for aliens understood it, and they turned their heads and glared at him.

Obviously, despite the procedural ruling, the proposal to assist in setting up a station in Shandi failed, but the two team leaders still decided to complete the commission themselves - this time, they became strangers.

The remaining five Lake Town hunters stood behind their leader and did not speak, but this gesture still showed their attitude.

The two sides are clearly divided.

The technology hunter team, which originally worked together as one, has become increasingly divided.

Liu Si lamented in his heart.

For those who were born in Aikang Town, once the headquarters focuses on setting up local stations, even if it successfully promotes the acquisition of Aikang Town, the reconstruction work will reduce resource tilt or even stagnate - the latter is their hometown that they care about most. .

In his opinion: For the technology hunters in the Depression Lagoon, as long as they complete the minimum guarantee task of acquiring Aikang Town, it will be enough to deal with the United City. To be honest, not many people are willing to go to the ruins in the future. On the contrary, they will help Flash Local sponsorship can also gain favor from the Red King - the latter is extremely precious.

After planning a series of things tonight, the contradiction is now exposed, and it can't be hidden no matter how much you want to.

Wanting to understand this point, just when he was hesitating to show off his cards to Lu Beiyou, he heard the other party say: "I see... I was hasty before, and everyone actually has different opinions - looking at this situation, even if The two reported to the headquarters. Just based on the current conditions of Shendi, Black Scratch may not be 100% agreeable to the request to set up a station here, right? "

Make it clear when you see the other party.

Romi could only nod - as Liu Si once said, even if they do their best, in the end it is still a matter of probability.

Aikang Town was once a large city. Among the technology hunters in the south, many people came from it, almost rivaling the Depression Lagoon.

Black Scratch HQ, it's impossible to ignore their opinions.

An unknown person holding a silver card.

With countless hunters from Ai Mine Town.

Which one is more serious or less important is yet to be determined.


"I understand how you feel," Lu Meng said without being surprised or angry, "But I want to decide on the relay station in Shandi!"

That is equivalent to giving away a town for free - a town that is fully equipped, has the most advanced technological exchange opportunities in the continent, and also has a fortress.

He stepped lightly on the floor tiles.

In the surprised eyes of the technology hunters, the black stone bricks at the young man's feet suddenly loosened, and then slowly rose up, becoming a stone pillar embracing each other, with a partition actually exposed in it.

"If the current flash land conditions are not enough, then add another bargaining chip——"

Lu Meng raised his hand and grabbed the curtain.

Pull it off.

What was revealed was enough to make any true technology hunter stand frozen in place:

"Artificial Intelligence Core."

he said.

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