A little chat~

Old friends who see it now should know that the author is not actually a person who likes to talk about the plot, patching, or even adding settings outside the book. At most, he only talks about off-topic topics and sources of inspiration.

However, limited to the current development of the plot, I think it is necessary to take the opportunity to talk about the issue of "information authenticity": that is, under what circumstances can the text given in the novel be trusted, and when is it questionable?

The author actually made this distinction intentionally when writing, but I don’t know if anyone has noticed it.

Let’s start with the most fake ones first.

The most fake ones are undoubtedly the various street chats, gossips, and market legends... When it comes to these, everyone can actually tell that they are fake at a glance: they are mostly misreadings of a certain event, even if the starting point contains the truth. elements, in the end, have been changed beyond recognition - here is naming and criticizing a certain bard.

However, if what he sings is not his own original work, but an ancient song, record, or archive that has been sung for a long time... the information in it is worth considering.

The second criterion is a character's vision and position: if he is a little person who has received little education and is not very smart, then his understanding of the world must be limited, and his remarks are also blinding. , can only represent himself.

Getting a few points is purely luck.

And if it is a simple mortal, then it depends on his personal experience, whether he saw it with his own eyes, and truly witnessed the scene he told - even if so, it can only be used as an ordinary person. Observe the sliced ​​vision of society, because his understanding may still be biased.

It's like a blind man touching an elephant.

Further up, there are those who clearly have a higher position. Perhaps because of their power, education, intelligence, thinking, lifespan... they have surpassed 90% or more of the people in this world, and can thus reach people far away. An amount of information that is beyond the comprehension of any other human being in a lifetime.

It may even include fundamental secrets about the world.

The difference is just more or less.

The part that recognizes it.

It can almost be said to be a certainty.

However, it is impossible for people to imagine things they have never seen before. Growing up in this land, they will inevitably have blind spots in their vision, which they cannot break away from in any case.

Even so, they are still people who see the elephant vaguely.

Finally, it’s just an aside.

Road dream.

I don’t need to explain the reasons.

But there are two situations.

If something is told through his psychological activities in a way that is similar to narration... then it is an ironclad proof.

How strong is it?

It is certain that the official Lo-Fi Games of "kenshi" is here, and this sentence is based on what he said!

(No...I apologize to the production team and release 2 as soon as possible!)

You can think of it as the setting of the future "Swordsman 2, 3, 4...10", but the background is now public.

In fact, it is private settings and magic modifications that only take effect in this book.

Mainly to serve the story.

Back to the plot, even those speculations in the settings that are "officially not disclosed" are quite credible after Lu Meng's reasoning.

This is the gold content.

He won't do anything blindly.

But...the above does not include one exception, that is, when Lu Meng is talking to others, how should the words he speaks be counted?

I believe that with more than one million words, the characters in the book have more say than the author.

There may be a little tip here:

When everyone faces him, what they see is the First Fire, the Lord of Blood, the Grand Leader of Embers, the Red King, the Nameless One, Lu Beiyou... or Lu Meng.

Lao Ji does not count.

Just leave the group.

With that said, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and apology to all the friends who have been following the update... The author is here to kneel down for you!

Boom, boom, boom.

It can be said that the issue of updates has been plaguing this book from the beginning to now. As we all know, the best way to improve the performance is to have a new book issue, and frequent updates can also increase reader stickiness and give everyone a better experience.

But friends who have read the author's acceptance speech should know that as a newcomer, even if he completes 4k words, it will take four or five hours, and this does not include the amount of ideas.

After a year of hard work, the author can only compress the average time to less than four hours. In this way, sometimes he has to revise the text after uploading it (so if you want to see a version with fewer typos and smoother sentences, you can Wait for more refreshes...)

For a part-time writer.

These consumptions have taken up almost all the spare time - if you have old friends, you should know that in the first few months of the publication, the author almost always took leave every month, and it was only in the last six months that it stabilized.

The reason why I deleted the leave note was not to avoid pretending that it didn’t exist, but more to provide a coherent reading experience for my friends. Sometimes even I don’t want to recall why I asked for leave at that time, and what happened to me. state of mind.

I can get all kinds of support from everyone, but I can't give anything in return. It's really not because I want to be arrogant... it's just such a simple practical reason. As for the performance of this novel, I know that many friends helped promote it, but in the end it was still tepid. This is entirely my own fault, and the author is very satisfied.

I didn’t dare to speak when I saw the complaints.

I could only silently give my friends a thumbs up.

I was afraid that I might be discovered using a fake account.

In short, I am very grateful for your support. Thank you for all the familiar and new faces. If it weren’t for you, this book really couldn’t stick to it. I will keep this in mind... In addition, this volume is expected to end in a few chapters (?). In fact, all the information that should be given has been explained, and the cards are on the table.

But if you can’t wait, you can wait until the new volume is opened and save it for reading——

Cell, thank you.

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