Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 607: Wishes (Combined Chapter)

The auditorium was empty and quiet, and the young man's words were extremely clear, echoing in everyone's ears, and no one would mishear them.

However, they all felt that they seemed to have misheard.

Or, it seemed that they had not heard it at all.

All the eyes of the technology hunters were attracted by the light blue sphere on the rising stone pillar.

It was the size of a human head, with a smooth surface and inlaid with various synaptic interfaces, with a unified shape in the chaos.

Like an exquisite work of art.

Artificial intelligence core!

"Lu, Mr. Lu... What are you talking about... This, this is, people..." Among the technology hunters present, the one who was most shocked was the leader Liu Si, but the reason why he was able to speak first was not because he got rid of the shock, but because he completely lost the ability to control his language, so he blurted it out.

What a joke!

Among the forces that are open to the public in the world, only the mechanics claim to have three artificial intelligence cores, and they are also the ones who tell the world that there are such treasures in ancient times-outsiders have never even seen them.

But they all know.

The reason why the mechanics' technological level is far ahead of other forces on the continent is that it is not enough to rely on blue-covered ancient science books - although the hired technology hunters are the most diligent in searching, there may be outsiders who have and can interpret these books and restore the technology in them.

For example, Dr. Zhong in the swamp once helped the Double Blade Group solve the problem of organ transplantation.

For example, the scrap masters in Kaiton City are said to have obtained some of the forging notes of the Blade Walkers.

This does not make a substantial difference.

The technology hunters are more about collecting knowledge and preserving the fire of civilization - of course, they will also enrich themselves, such as restoring the Old World Crossbow, which is already a top-notch long-range weapon on the continent today.

But the only thing that can really be regarded as a dimensionality reduction attack and can create black technology that humans today cannot understand... is the artificial intelligence core.

Rapid repair and nerve connection of mechanical prostheses, design and splicing of species traits, production and proportioning of medical modules, large-scale automated mining and smelting equipment... For example, new materials produced based on the results of the interpretation of the intelligent core, only need to apply a thin layer, they can even make an ordinary linen cloth resist the attack and burning of high-temperature lasers.

In this world where cold weapons and labor production are still the main theme, this is a miracle across the ages, and in the eyes of the world it is no less than the manifestation of gods.

It is these technologies that allow mechanics to maintain a transcendent position of peace and harmony in the eyes of many fearful and greedy people.

In addition, they also fed and developed the technology hunters, a mercenary force that is of great importance in the entire continent.

And they all come from three artificial intelligence cores... only three.

But you say now...

"Is it really an artificial intelligence core?" This time it was Romi who reacted. Even though he was not so interested in ancient technology on weekdays, he became excited and trembled in his voice: "Is it, is it a...'new' artificial intelligence core?"

There was a thorn in his question.

Or rather, a thorny hope.

The latest AI core of the Mechanic was discovered about fifteen years ago... Its recipient was none other than the now popular Sword Saint Alc, who had just emerged at that time.

It was this intelligent core that allowed the Sword Saint to obtain the Silver Card of the Watcher of Sequence 6, and quickly brought him into the inner circle of the Tech Hunters, where he still has one of the most powerful voices.

The Nameless Man in front of him was also the recipient of the Silver Card of the Watcher... Perhaps he borrowed or temporarily kept one of the old intelligent cores through some relationship.

Although this idea is a fantasy, the thinking of the inner circle is difficult to grasp, and it can only be speculated. Maybe it is really possible... After all, no one knows whether the three intelligent cores are all stored at the end of the world, rather than being smoke bombs.

"Yes, it's a brand new one." Lu Meng opened the compartment and took out the intelligent core from the transparent baffle. , in an instant, the sphere that was only the size of a human head actually sank in his hand, "——I 'don't know' what the mechanics have, but this one should have never been available before."

The moonlight shines through the quartz focused spot on the intelligent core, showing a soft color.

Romi took a step back.

As a crossbowman, he did not take a step back even when the beaked gorilla had already pounced in front of him, but calmly wound up the string and shot the iron arrow into the other's pupil at the last moment.

But now he seemed to be forced back by the light that was not dazzling.

Unlike the ignorant and ignorant masses, or the skeletons who have long seen through the changes, any real technology hunter should know: how much progress the advent of each intelligent core will bring to this continent.

Even if the intelligent core is quite difficult to interpret.

It may take a generation of people to see some changes...but this "some" change, in the context of history, may also be a turning point for the entire civilization.

Now that he got a positive answer from Lu Meng, he was surprised and happy.

"Wait, Mr. Lu, where did you get it from... and how did you get it?" At this time, a technology hunter from Lake Town who was standing behind the two team leaders, Romi and Lius, pushed them aside and said.

His name is Wen Jin. He has a long sword on his waist and is covered tightly from fingers to neck with straps. This clothing supported by special materials can not only reduce wind resistance during movement, but also prevent extreme situations such as corrosion, radiation, and puncture.

And now Wen Jin asked the question that everyone is also concerned about.

"In the swamp." Lu Meng said bluntly: "It comes from the ancient lost swamp laboratory... Of course, the 'first' person to discover it is me. The books you saw on the Beakbill Tower are just unexpected gains when searching for it, or, in other words, foils."

The bookshelf full of ancient science books... just foils?

If ordinary people said this, it would only be regarded as ignorant nonsense-however, the person who spoke up was holding the intelligent core in his hand.

Compared to it.

The whole bookshelf is really nothing.

This is just an objective description.

No wonder the other party put the ancient science books in the attic as decorations so openly... That's because the real treasure has not been revealed yet!

A complex expression appeared on the faces of all the technology hunters: if they had envied and jealousy when they saw that the other party could collect so many ancient science books with the power of the unified swamp, then at this moment, their hearts were numb.

The former is a benefit, like the reward for several years of hard work, or the bounty for a few dangerous missions... Although it is tempting, it is not enough to make people lose their minds, and it can be obtained with hard work.

The latter, however, may be unreachable for a lifetime... no, it is impossible for a lifetime!

Some people who think open-mindedly began to gloat over the misfortune: those of them who are not active in the swamp are fine, but if the technology hunter team who has been to or is about to go to the dense forest knows what an opportunity they have missed... I am afraid they will regret it.

Although even if they are asked to look for it, they may not be able to find it without any clues, like a headless fly, it is more realistic to expect to dig oil from their own backyard with a shovel.

"You... you found it." Wen Jin, who asked the question, also had a complicated expression. His mouth twitched, and finally he squeezed out a compliment: "This is a great achievement..."

He stopped talking.

"Back to the point-I took it out not to open the eyes of all my friends. If the cooperation is pleasant, it may be in your hands." Unlike the restlessness of the technology hunters, Lu Meng's tone was calm, but it exploded a thunder in the crowd: "This is my bargaining chip... Use a brand new artificial intelligence core in exchange for Black Scratches to set up a relay station in the flash land. In this process, the full support of technology hunters in the north and south is also needed... Including the depression leakage lake..."

"And the sad mining town."

He looked at the sad mining hunters headed by Deng Li. The hood covered the bright eyes that belonged to the son of the scorched earth, but the words in his mouth made them feel cold in their hearts.

"So that's it..." Liu Si understood Lu Beiyou's intention in an instant.

In his opinion, the value of a relay station, even a large relay station in the United City and the Kingdom of Shek, may not be comparable to the intelligent core.

The other party did not need to take it out.

At least it could have asked for a higher price.

- The premise is that there is no conflict between rebuilding the Sorrow Mine and setting up a station in the Flash Land.

Their needs for resources.

They just collided.

No matter which side you lean towards, the other side will inevitably be favored. Even if the projects are established at the same time, the progress of completion will be delayed indefinitely.

And the needs of both sides are equally urgent - not to mention the Red King, if the reconstruction of the Sorrow Mine Town is delayed for ten or twenty years... or even longer, the people who are still living in it, their relatives and friends who can't leave, and their family members and parents who are injured, sick, and old and can't walk... will they be trapped for life?

Even the walls of the Sorrowful Mine Town have begun to collapse. Maybe the next beast disaster, the South Bee attack, the bandits' looting, or any other messy monsters may directly break into the city, wander around, and kill people.

Taking this factor into consideration, Black Scratches may indeed put aside the request to set up a station in the Flash Land in order to take into account the interests of the Sorrowful Mine Hunters.

——But now it's different.

Romi on the other side thought.

Lu Beiyou took out the artificial intelligence core.

The value of this thing does not need to be elaborated... Just analogy with the Sword Saint, if the other party gave the intelligent core to the technology hunter, he could be promoted to the inner ring like Alke and get the watch number of Sequence 8 or even Sequence 7, instead of the current symbol of ordinary non-staff personnel.

Romi and Liu Si once lamented that the gold content of the other party's watch silver card was not high enough to be compared with the formal inner ring members.

Never thought that once the intelligent core was released, Lu Beiyou could even reach a level comparable to the original Sword Saint.

Leaping beyond most inner ring members.

This is just a discussion of status.

Thinking back to when they entered the Land of Light, even though their inherent cognition had been broken again and again... they finally realized that they had underestimated this nameless person.

Liu Si looked silently at the Mine Hunters standing on the opposite side. The joy of witnessing the announcement of the artificial intelligence core was suddenly dispersed as if by a bucket of cold water, and was replaced by an inexplicable sadness -

The problem of the Mine Town has not been solved.

But from the moment Lu Beiyou took out the intelligent core... the Land of Light had already won.

Of course, the hunters in the south who came from the Ai Mine will be dissatisfied and protest... In serious cases, there may even be riots that betray the organization. In short, everything they have worried about will happen.

But this cannot change the outcome.

Imagine: Lu Beiyou, who dug out the intelligent core and presented it, can obtain the authority equivalent to a member of the inner circle, and he is the one who really makes decisions.

Even in the future, other matters of the technology hunters may be dispatched by him... Not to mention setting up a relay station in the flash land.

Moreover, even if there are "aliens" who sympathize with the plight of Ai Mine Town in the Black Scratches headquarters... It is rumored that there are also members in the inner circle who come from that mining capital - as an industrial town, Ai Mine Town's education level was ahead of the entire continent before it declined. It is normal for someone to choose to join the technology hunters... But when it comes to the artificial intelligence core, this is not even something that can be decided by the Black Scratches.

Their nominal collaborators, their actual bosses... The mechanics from the end of the world will directly exert pressure.

Don't think that these scholars are usually peaceful - but they are limited to secular power. Once it comes to the lost technology of ancient times, the mechanics will become crazier than anyone else.

If it weren't for such a group of crazy people gathering together... they wouldn't have created a strange organization in the broken world.

In comparison, although the number of the Sorrow Mine Hunters is large... what does it count for?

Lu Beiyou was wearing a teaching robe, holding the intelligent core in his hand as if he was playing with it or reluctant to let it go... but he was standing there alone, standing in the center of the Black Stone Auditorium, standing surrounded... his weight had already overwhelmed nearly half of the total number of technology hunters in the south, and overwhelmed all the remaining residents of the abandoned mining city.

In the procedure of the previous day, their representatives won the issue of opposing the establishment of a station in Shandi and insisting on rebuilding the Sorrow Mine... relying on a slight advantage of one vote, and did not resolve the dispute.

But at this moment, the "one vote" in Lu Beiyou's hand was overwhelming.

There was no room for reversal.

They were once again beaten into aliens.

Liu Si sighed... Of course, Lu Beiyou did not pay a price, and it can even be said that the price was even more severe: from the perspective of benefits alone, this meant that he lost his chance to interpret the intelligent core - those mechanics would not let such an important thing fall into his hands, and there was another secret in between.

Monopolizing the intelligent core must be the premise of cooperation... You know, even Alke, who has made a name for himself in the war class, was unable to keep the one he found.

It can be said to be a lose-lose situation.

"I know your dreams..." Looking at the sad mine hunters whose faces were flushed and even blue-white, the young man sighed lightly, but his tone was as firm as iron: "But if I don't step on your dreams..."

"How can I realize my wish?"

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